Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 728: Invasion

Chapter 728: Invasion

At the moment, Emery was at the company of what could actually be considered one of the strongest teams in the universe. A group consisting of magus enforcer elite personnels led by a magister dispatched by the Magus Alliance and members of one of the strongest Wolf Bloodline clans in the universe, the White Fang.

One grand magus level figure, three peak Full-Moon stage magus, and four Half-Moon stage magus. There were also four saint-level wolf warriors, whose prowess certainly couldn't be underestimated among their peers.

However, this impressive power-studded lineup quickly fell into panic like a flock of headless chickens when they saw the oncoming construct that slowly descended from the sky.

Grand Magus Kadek completely set her sight on the descending spaceship, her tone extremely grave as she said, "This is an invasion! The fact they deployed a destroyer-class spaceship means they are committed to leveling the entire planet!"

Hearing this, a deep frown appeared on Chief Beowulf's face. He didn't expect the elves to launch an invasion on this planet and send such a level of firepower. 

"Are they coming because of us?"

A complex look was visible on her face, as Grand Magus Kadek contemplated the possibility. In the end, she helplessly nodded her head. "I believe so. I don't think there was anything else worth of value on this planet for them to sneakily make their way so far from the warzone."

Chief Beowulf immediately turned to Anna the red hair wolf magus, who was still treating Magus Michela.

"Anna!? How much longer?!"

"I am almost done, chief!" came the response from the Mesmer Wolf.

In the meantime, the three magus enforcers were looking at Grand Magus Kadek.

"What should we do now, Magister?" asked Magus Leon, his gestures showed he was waiting for any order from the latter.

The grand magus didn't seem to have heard his words. She was still standing there, her face raised to the air, still staring at the huge spaceship that was slowly, but surely, making its way towards the ground. 

Looking at the serious yet contemplative expression on her face, it was apparent she was analyzing the situation and how they should move from this point.

As it got closer and closer to the ground, Emery could see more clearly what kind of ship it was.

The ship was at least 4 miles long. However, it was only considered as a destroyer class, medium-level spaceship. It was still counted as small when compared to the one Emery saw attacking the Magus Alliance's headquarters. Still, this kind of spaceship was enough to decimate their group.

Emery had heard about this particular spaceship in one of the classes in the academy. He was taught that such a ship should have several, if not dozens magus level figures on it. There were even rare cases where a grand magus was sighted on this kind of spaceship.

Everyone was standing still in their place, as they waited for Grand Magus Kadek's decision. After all, she was the strongest and the most authoritative figure besides Chief Beowulf in the group.

A few moments later, she turned towards Chief Beowulf and said, "We cannot win this, do you have another escape plan?"

It was clear what she asked was something other than the portals and the chief nodded.

"Help my enforcers escape, they could testify about what happened here"

The chief doesn't need a second to agree with the plan.

Magister Kadek then looked at Magus Leon and the others while saying, 

"You all go and follow Chief Beowulf to escape. At least one of you has to make it out to report to the headquarters!" 

The serious expression Grand Magus Kadek had on her face made the magus enforcers unconsciously nod their heads.

The grand magus turned to Chief Beowulf again and said, "Go! I will hold them here! Now!"

It was the Demon wolf Heorgar who took action first. He swiftly turned and shouted at Emery, telling him which way they need to go.

Emery instantly created a spatial gate in the direction Heorgar told him.

Seeing the swirling portal taking its full shape, Chief Beowulf turned to the Mesmer Wolf again.


"Yes Chief! I am done!"

Magus Leon immediately pick Magus Michela up and prepared to enter the portal. The others quickly followed suit by lining up neatly in front of the portal.

Emery couldn't help but glance at the white-haired middle-age woman. At the moment, Grand Magus Kadek was floating in the air. Her body emitted a dazzling light that enveloped the surrounding trees. An immense amount of power could be felt from her, and it still continued to grow even more powerful with every second.

Finally, she glanced at Emery and gave him a nod.


The cue was fired. Everyone quickly entered the portal like a river flowing back to the ocean. As they entered, everyone knew the matter had blown out of proportion and they could only hope for the best.

A distortion of space formed 50 miles away and the figures of Emery and the others quickly came out of it. 

When all of them had stepped the ground again, they all could see hundreds of energy-like beams were fired from the spaceship towards the location where they were before. The only thing they could see next was the sight of several large explosions taking place on the horizon.

An extremely strong gust of wind swept toward them, as they watched the trees bend and be uprooted from the ground by the shockwave.

Realizing they were still not safe yet, Emery quickly created another spatial gate for everyone to enter. Even after exiting the second gate that placed them 100 miles away from their starting position, the group could still feel the aftermath of the explosive symphony.

The group quickly continued on their way towards the direction Heorgar pointed, but when Emery created the third spatial gate, he noticed no one was immediately moving into it like before.

He turned around and saw everyone was standing still. A stunned expression was seen on their faces as they looked above somewhere in the distant night sky. 

Therefore, Emery quickly followed and looked for what everyone was seeing.

There, a small, yet extremely bright light could be seen flickering across the dark canvas, as it swiftly shot towards the hovering metal construct. The spaceship still continued to launch multiple shots at the flying figure, making it look like a moth headed straight for the blazing flames.

Multiple explosions were seen in the air, meaning a successful hit against the flying figure. However, of the shots were able to stop the little moth. It kept charging and eventually it hit the so-called blazing flames, creating a massive explosion on the ship. A moment later, everyone saw the dazzling moth coming out from the other side of the spaceship.

Emery was amazed when he saw this. He was enthralled.

Grand Magus Kadek's figure was now seen flying on top of the ship. She cast and threw a few flaming javelins all around the ships creating chaos and once again, she moved quickly and crashed into the spaceship, creating another explosion. At the rate she was going, she might even be able to destroy the entire ship by herself. 

Seeing such an extraordinary sight, Emery couldn't help but cheer for her.

The destroyer-class spaceship shook violently, looking heavily damaged by the attacks Grand Magus Kadek had dealt on it. However, just as the grand magus was about to strike for the third time, Emery and the others saw hundreds of figures flying out of the spaceship, heading towards the lone figure.

The vast expanse of black quickly became the battlefield of an extremely fierce battle. 

Numerous flashes of light of various colors colored the gloomy sky, as powerful spells were unleashed one after another, creating shockwaves that shot through the sky and the surrounding land for several miles. 

"Everyone! Lets go!" The demon wolf shouted, releasing him and the others from their reverie. 

The group swiftly went through a dozen more portals. Emery could see how Magus Leon desperately wished he could join the battle, as the latter kept looking back on every chance he got.

"Where exactly are we going?" Magus Leon asked, after averting his gaze.

Heorgar glanced at the man and said, "To the hideout! We have a ship ready there!"

However, after passing through another dozen gates, the demon wolf suddenly shouted, "Stop!"

Emery thought they had arrived at the hideout. Alas, he was sorely mistaken in his guess.

This time everyone in the group felt it, as Emery and the others lifted their heads and saw a familiar sight that swept another wave of shock over them.

It was a second ship descending from the night sky. 

"No!! It's heading towards the hideout!"


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, 

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