Earth’s Greatest Magus

Chapter 729: Elves

Chapter 729: Elves

At the moment, Emery and the others were all standing still, petrified as they saw another destroyer class spaceship descending towards the direction they were heading to. The location was just a little further than 50 miles, since he still couldn't sense anything notable in the 50 miles radius ahead of him, other than some ordinary creatures.

Emery could clearly see how everyone, in particular, the White Fang members, became increasingly anxious as they waited for his next [Spatial Gate].

As soon as the gate fully formed and opened, Chief Beowulf let out a loud howl.


A notification in front of Emery's eyes, startling him.

[You have received 20 battle power]

Chief Beowulf's howl turned out to be a powerful buff to increase the prowess of himself and all the members of White Fang Clan in the vicinity. Seeing the amount of battle power given, it was clear Chief Beowulf's skill was a higher level to the [Battle Howl] Emery had.

Magus Leon and the others also didn't remain still, as they used their skills and abilities. A burst of spirit force radiated from their bodies when their respective buffs took effect. Each of them was swiftly enveloped in a layer of light of various colors, making the area in front of the gate turn heavy.

"Let's go!" Chief Beowulf shouted, as he shot into the swirling portal. The others quickly followed suit, their expression serious while they prepared for what was about to come.

As soon as the group exited the portal, Emery was quickly able to sense something just 10 miles ahead, in what appeared to be a cluster of rocky hills. Even though extremely subtle, he could perceive dozens of energy signatures in that area. So, it had to be the hideout Chief Beowulf talked about earlier.

With the remaining distance the group had to cross, it was much faster to run there, than to wait until Emery could cast his spatial gate again. Thus, the group quickly made their move and dashed towards the hideout.

While everyone was speeding through the forest at high speed, Emery on the other hand was going at a rather slow pace. The three peak Full-Moon magus were already a mile away from him, while the saint level warriors were dozens of meters ahead of him.

Casting [Spatial Gate] many times in quick succession had drained Emery mentally and physically. So, it was no wonder he was slow compared to the others. In fact, Emery should be applauded he was able to keep up with the group to this point with his rank 8 cultivation.

A sudden loud scream rang out from the front and Emery quickly became alarmed when he heard it.

"Watch out!"

Things were currently happening and moving too fast. Emery looked around and tried to see what kind of danger they were about to face, he snapped his head to the air, because he sensed a strong fluctuation of energy coming from above.

What Emery saw next was a sight he would probably never forget.

It was as if the night had suddenly turned into daytime. The dark sky was suddenly filled with countless bright lights that rapidly became brighter with each second, as the spaceship hovering above their heads readied its weaponry.

Just like what they saw happening to Grand Magus Kadek earlier, the ship started its assault by launching numerous bombardments of energy beams toward the hills.

There was a moment of stillness as the group watched the energy beams struck the ground, before a huge explosion occurred and sent waves of shockwaves in all directions. 

A light so bright that it blinded everyone's vision for a moment appeared, as the shockwaves swept across the sea of the trees within its blast radius. It also forcibly made Emery retreat a few feet, even though there was still some distance between them.

It was at times like these Emery was secretly grateful he wasn't up front and taking the brunt of the aftermath. He really didn't dare imagine what his fate would be if he were closer to the explosion.

The byproduct of the blast didn't hurt anyone in the group as they were still quite a distance away. However, it certainly gave rise to panic in some of them as they quickened their already fast pace.

In a few seconds, Emery could finally get to see the cluster of stone hills he detected earlier, but what he saw shocked him. The area had completely changed its terrain, the hills were no more, as they had been flattened to the ground. But underneath the rubble, one could see a hidden construct made of metal.

Seeing how there was no damage to the surface of the construction that could be seen by the naked eye, it seemed those inside were still safe and unharmed by the bombardment.

Emery could faintly hear a relief sigh coming from people around him. The group was also moving at a much slower speed now, most of their attention was placed in the sky, as they hoped not to get directly blasted by the energy beams.

However, by the time they reached near the hideouts, the bombardment of energy beams they were waiting for did not descend. Instead, signs of movement could be detected on each of the three edges of the spaceship.

Everyone watched as parts of the spaceship were separating itself from the main body and headed down at high speed.

"Incoming! Prepare yourself!"

The constructs were shaped like tubes, each about half a mile in length and tens of meters wide. Besides, the things didn't land like a spaceship would.

Instead of hovering and slowly making their way towards the ground like spaceships usually did, they continued to descend at breakneck speed, falling with their pointed bottoms stabbing into the ground, producing strong tremors as all of them landed around the area.

Emery saw everyone started to take out their personal weapons. He was contemplating on whether he should stay or not, when Magus Leon shouted at him.

"You! Go to the hideout now!"

It was clear the man worried about Emery. Knowing he had no idea what was about to come, Emery nodded to show he understood. He then looked towards the hideout and saw something he assumed to be a large door.

Without further ado, Emery cast [Blink] and reappeared where he saw the door was. However, when he finally stood before the so-called door, he finally realized he had zero clue on how to open it.

He could only turn around and see the group of eleven people: 3 peak Full-Moon magus, 4 Half-Moon magus, and 4 saint-level half-blood warriors. They were all busy arming and preparing themselves. Despite the anxiety showing on their faces, it was clear they would not just give up without a fight.


A strange sound rang out in the air, causing Emery to turn his gaze to the source – the three tube-looking constructs. Then, he watched as what appeared to be a door slowly opened. Within it, Emery could see hundreds of figures lined up, before walking out.

From each of the constructs, Emery could clearly see half a dozen slender figures cladded in metallic armor. From the aura they exuded alone, he could feel these people were the same beings he saw during that incident in his first year, at that deep marsh of the Plant Institute.


Those elves, who were still walking out of the construct were at least magus level, but they were not alone. Behind them, Emery could see hundreds of large gray-skinned humanoid monsters; all of them were armed completely from head to toe. A being he had seen only in the Magus Game.


Half a dozen elven magus and hundreds of orc elites came out from each of the constructs, which meant there were almost 20 figures comparable to Magus Leon and the others, not counting the strong Uruks and those who were still inside the spaceship hovering in the air.

Emery saw the elves start shouting in their own language, before the grey orcs started to move in formations.

Three waves of creatures totalled more than a thousand started closing in from three directions towards the group in the middle. It was like a deluge of flood determined to crush them into smithereens, Emery's body once again trembled violently. 

Could he really survive this?

Despair surged through his entire being, overwhelming him. However, a burst of tenacity erupted from within, as he recalled the faces of the people he cared for and cared about.

No! He couldn't give up now!

Following that, the figure of a young woman appeared in his mind. Imagining how devastated she would be if he died here, the flame of resolve within Emery burned even more ferociously, threatening to erupt like a volcano.

'No! I promised her I would return! I will not die! I cannot die here!'

Emery quickly brought out his weapons from his spatial space, two swords were grasped tightly by his hands, as he brandished them towards the enemies. His body was taut, while his eyes were determined. He was ready to fight for his life!

But then, before he took his first step, another strange sound resounded through the air. This time, it didn't come from the spaceship or construct. Instead, it came from behind Emery – that large closed metal door.

It slowly opened. Emery saw a dozen White Fang wolves streaking from within it and rapidly charging towards the center, where Magus Leon and the others were.

To his surprise, it wasn't just the wolves that came out. Following behind them were around a hundred green scaly-skinned warriors. They were the hybrids – kobolds warriors.

They were all heavily armed and looked ready to join the fight at any moment. But what surprised Emery the most wasn't them, it was the one leading them.

It was a familiar figure. A young girl with pale skin and long white hair.

She looked towards him and said.

"It's been 3 years. I see you are still an idiot!"


Dear Reader,

At this moment I would like to say thank you that the novel has just reached 1 million words.

Once again I am grateful, as this would have never happened without all your support. 

For this month of January, i have successfully published 60 chapters. I really hope the contents were satisfactory and hope for your support again in February.

If you are enjoying the universe, I like to once again recommend the other three novels on the same universe: [Doomsday pillars], [Blood Elf Monarch], and the new one [Young Master in the Apocalypse] 

Also if you have any comments or suggestions about how to make better content for you please

feel free to reach out to me on the discord link on the website

BONUS: Characters design on comments, more on P.A.T.R.E.O.N

Thank you very much.

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