Everything Will Be My Way!

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

Kyon was doing the massage, engaging all his skills. Recently, he had gained access to 100% of his Synergy instead of 10% as before, and it was now bachelor’s degree! Consequently, the effect of the massage was going to be mind-blowing.

Triana sighed convulsively. What kind of magic was he doing? When did hands become so wonderful? And he hadn’t even started yet! The tigress couldn’t believe in this miracle… Her throat started purring a sweet song…

After about an hour of hard work, Kyon held his breath and touched the back of her head, infusing it with Synergy. He did the same thing with Juno before subjugating her: sending her to an abnormally deep sleep phase. As Triana was an imperial phaser, the effect of his influence on her mind was reduced a thousandfold. However, the higher degree of Synergy and her feline weakness should do the job.

Ten minutes later, Lovr concluded from her heartbeat and breathing that Triana had entered the state of deep, nearly hypnotic sleep. In fact, even the sound of the gong wouldn’t wake her now.

{Please… I’m tired of failing… I just want to live! Am I asking too much?} – Kyon begged in his mind this cruel world. Then he quietly opened the window, jumped on the ground and disappeared into the night.

Leaving Triana’s scanning zone, Kyon could relax a bit, but it was too soon to let his guard down. He had lost all the keys after the unsuccessful teleportation, and there was no way he would get any anytime soon. All he could do was to run away.

Walking another kilometer away, Kyon started to believe that he had succeeded. The hope of survival was inspiring! When suddenly, his soul seemed to have been plunged into an ice-hole. The familiar goosebumps ran down his spine, meaning that someone powerful had focused their attention on him.

Lovr fell to his knees and hit the ground with all his might. He knew about the theory of probability well, but he was running out of patience to fail again and again! Was there a pattern behind his failure? Could he benefit from it?

Kyon turned around and shouted furiously: «How did you wake up?»

Triana bared her fangs: «Silly boy! I have ordered my unique body not to lose sight of you. It pulled me out of slumber as soon as you left the area of my spiritual feeling.»

«I see…» – Kyon replied grimly. When Triana learned to lie, she mastered all possible cunning tricks as well.

The tigress let out her nephrite claws, cutting the air with them: «You have tried to escape twice, violating my orders. It would be foolish of me to keep delaying the inevitable. I was planning to kill you tomorrow morning, but it seems that the time has come…»

«Triana…» – Lovr began, rising to his feet.

«By the way! My promise still stands. If you show me your second personality, I will give you a goodbye kiss and think of you sometimes.» – She threatened him playfully with her golden claw. – «But this time, don’t even think that I will drag you to bed. It won’t work.»

«My power is back.»

Triana raised her eyebrows for a moment, but then she shook her head: «I don’t believe you.»

Lovr waved his hands and sent a fiery and icy stream at the tigress. They perfectly demonstrated the full power of a superior phaser in the middle stage.

«Wow! You’re not lying!» – Triana exclaimed happily and added: – «In this case, I want to see you beat one of your classmates to a pulp in five minutes!»

«Are you out of your mind? It’s three o’clock in the morning! Everyone is asleep! Will it be a fair victory if I drag someone out of bed? Fighting a sleepy fly! That’s not how it works!» – Kyon protested, wanting to buy time.

Triana shifted impatiently from foot to foot, pondering what he had said and had to agree: «Alright! You will fight in the morning… So be it.»

Kyon nodded and headed in the direction of Boston.

«The wrong direction, silly monkey!» – The tigress grabbed Lovr by the ear and dragged him to the dorm.

It was already noon.

Triana yawned, looked at her watch, and jumped out of bed: «Wake up, soldier! Time to fight!»

Kyon sleepily rubbed his eyes: «All soldiers fight at the exam…»

«So what?» – She exclaimed impatiently.

«The legendary battle without witnesses is nothing but a farce!» – Kyon said through his gritted teeth.

Triana frowned thoughtfully. Lovr’s resonated in her heart. Indeed, she would like every student to see Dick Baker’s new position in the school hierarchy. She had to agree: «Alright, let’s wait.»

«Great.» – Kyon muttered and crawled over to Triana’s side of bed.

As soon as the cheeky boy tried to hug the tigress, she kicked him to the nearest wall and roared: «Do not even think about it! What happened yesterday was just an uncontrollable outburst of emotions that will never happen again!»

«Damn it! I just want to hug you. Is it forbidden or what?» – Kyon retorted.

«Yes, it is!» – Triana snorted and went to take a shower when she noticed that Lovr was following her there. She got really angry. – «Do you have a death wish?»

«I just want to have a shower with you! Is it forbidden too?» – Kyon grunted grimly.

Triana didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: «Go to hell, shameless wretch!» – She locked the bathroom door. What a nerve! Did he think that he could do anything since he had become so handsome? What a fool! WHy on earth would he do that when his time was running out?

Taking a shower, the tigress could not understand why she was feeling so bad. Something was missing. Soon, the former owner would get his real rank in the school. According to her rough estimates, it must be somewhere in the middle of the hierarchy. Shouldn’t she be happy? Moreover, she blew off some steam yesterday, but everything was getting even worse!

Kyon gritted his teeth and returned to the bed. All his attempts to seduce the tigress had failed. Of course, he would keep trying, but the chances of success were close to zero. The only way to raise them was to show absolute dominance in the combat with students, but this plan seemed hopeless even so.

Over the rest of the night, Lovr had been thinking over all possible options to escape and had come up with the most promising one. All he needed was one goddess and some keys for teleportation, just in case! The latter should arrive late in the evening.

In the evening, after the exam, Triana said impatiently: «It’s time to fight! Come on!»

Kyon cleared his throat nervously: «Actually, a large part of the students have gone to the shopping district to celebrate their exam success. It would be foolish to lose a huge part of the audience, don’t you think? Let’s start in two hours…»

«You’re playing for time!»

«Maybe, but count the number of students in the dorm.»

Triana focused on the number of souls in the building and felt that many were missing. She growled, stamping her foot: «Alright! You will fight in two hours! I am not going to wait for you until the heat death of the Universe!!»

Kyon didn’t answer, secretly rejoicing at the time he had gained: {Come on! I need these damned keys! Are you a king or a greedy miser, Vladimir? Quick!}

Two hours later, the exhausted Triana pointed to the arena: «Stand and fight! Another attempt to stall for time will be considered as desertion punishable by immediate death!»

«Alright, alright! Give me five minutes to change my appearance…» – Lovr replied sadly.

Triana nodded, and Lovr transformed into Dick Baker with a heavy sigh. He did not want to show his real power to Cernos as they might recognize the goddess’s messenger in him, but he had no choice. Anyway, it was the lesser of his troubles.

When Lovr reached the ground floor, he imperceptibly received a package with keys from Boston and gave a nephrite with visual formation to the person in charge of the tournament screen. Finally, he went down to the arena. It must work!

The two students had just finished fighting and stared dumbfounded at the notorious fat freak. When was the last time Dick Baker had been out without his beautiful servant? What was he up to?

The fat freak stood in the center of the arena, proudly raising his chin and solemnly announced to the whole dormitory: «Today, you envious people have a legendary opportunity to fight with great me! You have been challenging me for nine months, hoping to get an invaluable lesson from Dick Baker, but it’s too great an honor that’s why you have been ignored! Today, I’ve decided to take pity on you and accept several challenges. Let those lucky ones who want to know my heroic strength stand in line. I’ll give you five minutes to decide who will be the first to fight with me. The clock’s ticking!»

The students rushed to the windows, almost falling out: «What?» … «Did you hear that? I can’t believe my ears!» … «Dick Baker has accepted my challenge? The goddess must have heard my prayers! It’s a miracle!»

In an instant, the dormitory was filled with deafening noise. The hype had reached incredible levels, surpassing the day when an unknown fat freak challenged Princess Kara. The tenants of the underground floor rushed to the neighbors above as soon as they learned the cause of the commotion in the hall. Among them was Alex Grand, the young man whom Kyon had saved from suicide, revealing his identity. He was more eager than anyone to find out what the goddess’s messenger was up to.

Prince Charles peeked out of the fifth-floor window, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

«I will be the first!» – A student who wanted to be popular yelled.

«I want to punch him out. In fact, I’ve been dreaming of this for a while!» – Cait Brown cried out.

«If you stand in my way, you will greatly regret it! It’s a personal matter!» – One of Kara’s former fan club members yelled. Now he was an avid Triana fan.

Every student wanted to beat Dick to death, each of them was fed up with his tricks and stunts. The mere presence of this jerk got on their nerves and caused a severe butthurt. After meeting him, they could go to the world war with a grin.

In half a minute, a hundred students had gathered around the arena, trying to convince each other why they were worthy of crippling Dick Baker. Everyone considered the fat freak a pathetic weakling who anyone could easily beat up one way or another. There were two reasons for this: judging by the spiritual feeling, he was only at the 9th stage of the advanced phase; he had never accepted a single challenge for the entire academic year, which meant that he couldn’t really fight! He had gone through the forest tournament with the help of attacking formations and his parents’ money.

«You! Come here!» – Kyon announced, pointing at a young student at the peak stage of the advanced phase. – «You’ve been calling me trash every day for half a year, so prove your words!»

«Me?» – The blond boy looked sincerely bewildered.

«Yes, you! Get yourself over here, booger-eater!» – Dick confirmed.

The young student climbed to the platform under the angry and envious gaze of the crowd. He couldn’t believe his luck! If he beat the most hated person in school, he would become the most popular student, if not the legend of Cernos!

The judge activated the barrier and announced the start of the fight with a wave of his hand.

More than a thousand spectators held their breath. Their eyes lit up, their hearts were beating furiously in anticipation of the sweetest sight they could only dream of – the thrashing of Dick Baker. Unlike the battle when a bodyguard represented Dick, no one was going to come out and fight for him because beautiful Triana was watching the arena from the window.

The blond student clenched his fists and roared, releasing the pressure of the advanced phase: «Get ready for a serious fight, Dick Baker! Today is the day when justice will prevail! You will pay for my fellow students’ suffering!»

«Hold on!» – Kyon stuck out his hand, stopping his attack. – «There are hundreds of battles every day in this arena, each of them is more monotonous and boring than another. How about making this battle more entertaining? Let’s have an unarmed strike exchange duel. Whoever surrenders first or fails to continue will obey any winner’s order. You will be the first to strike. What do you say?»

«I agree!» – The blond student agreed without hesitation and grinned viciously. He couldn’t believe his luck! How could anyone give up such a wonderful opportunity?

Someone in the audience said in shock: «Wait… That is, theoretically… hypothetically, the winner can order Dick Baker to give him Triana to his service?»

«What?» … «Is it true?» … «You’re kidding me!» … «I MUST BE IN HIS PLACE!» – The students went ballistic. They could tear the blond student apart for the chance that happened once in a million lives! The mere thought that he could get Triana made them choke on their saliva.

The young student was anxious as never before, his legs started to shake. What if Dick Baker kept his word? If only!

«Get started already.» – Kyon impatiently teased his opponent, crossing his arms behind his back like an honorable master and bowing his head slightly, ready to take a blow.

«With great pleasure!» – The young student exclaimed, covering his fist with a thick layer of rock and infusing it with pure energy. He pressed a furious attack, aiming at the opponent’s temple.

The audience stood rooted to the spot in shock when an evil smile appeared on the attacker’s face. Judging by the absence of pure energy vibrations, Dick Baker wasn’t going to defend himself at all! The fatass was asking to get killed!

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