Everything Will Be My Way!

Chapter 362

Chapter 362


Stone crumbs chips flew in all directions from the rock-covered fist. A knockout punch at the temple! Pure victory…

The smile disappeared abruptly from the blond student’s face. He looked at Dick Baker, who had moved half a step, then at his fingers twisted at a grotesque angle, and cried out from the surging shooting pain: «А-а-а-а-а-а-а-аh! My hand! My fingers! А-а-а-а-а-аh!»

More than a thousand spectators stood rooted to the spot: «What’s going on?» – They did not understand how it was even possible. The student had struck, but he was the only one to be injured! Judging by Dick Baker’s appearance, he did not feel anything at all!

«Hey! I haven’t even hit you yet, and you’re yelling like a virgin on her wedding night! Fucking faker, let’s cut the preludes!» – Kyon grunted, glancing at Triana. He didn’t mind impressing the girl, but it wasn’t related to his main plan.

The tigress slightly raised an eyebrow, not that much surprised. Her former owner had always had an incredibly tough, durable body.

The crowd jeered. They wanted the blond student to fail because it would give them a chance to fight with Dick Baker and make him give away Triana! A majority of the male audience was obsessed with the idea of getting the gorgeous, powerful servant! Even some pretty girls like Cait Brown, converted by the demoness, licked their lips.

«What’s your skull made of? Oh dear…» – The blond student moaned in pain, setting one finger after another. A fearful foreboding of possible defeat squeezed his heart. His hit was 80% of his maximum strength, but the fat freak didn’t seem to feel a thing!

«Didn’t I say that my head is as hard as the legendary thousand-year-old buns?»

The blond student was relieved to hear that. If Dick’s head was so hard, he would hit him elsewhere! The student took a defensive stance and yelled: «Alright then. Hit me with all you might! I can take any blow from a scumbag like you!»

Kyon rolled his eyes. He stood two meters away from his opponent, stomping his foot as if figuring out where to strike first. At the same time, his Synergy streamed in the ground and reached the blond student through his shoes, raising his leg.

In fact, Synergy is absolutely imperceptible until it interacts with the target’s body. Only Triana, an imperial phaser, could feel something surging underground to the student’s feet. She narrowed her eyes, doing the passive scanning of the area.

«Come on! Let’s get on with it! Hit me!» – The young student repeated with his arms wide apart.

«You asked for it!» – Kyon casually waved his right hand. It didn’t have a bit of elemental energy. His low speed caused uncontrollable spasms of laughter in the audience.


An inexplicably loud clap resounded throughout the dorm.

The blond student tumbled into the protective barrier like a fly hit with a firecracker and slid limply down.

The audience opened their mouths in shock, the disbelieving look in their eyes. No advanced phaser could hit so hard without pure energy! It was known!

Kyon walked over to the unconscious boy and stepped on his chest: «Who is scumbag here? Your words mean nothing, little piece of shit.»

Triana could not help smiling. She rested her chin on her hand, admiring her former owner. The tigress liked this manifestation of dominance even more than the best films from Lovr’s world!

«How is it even possible? I saw that his blow was slow without a trace of energy!» – Someone cried out a question that was on everyone’s lips.

«I saw Dick Baker jump before hitting the poor boy!» … «I saw it too! He did it on purpose!» … «It’s a setup! The boy pretended to be defeated! He was paid to play along! Corrupt, dirty bastard!» – The audience went ballistic. This spontaneous idea sounded so reasonable that no one doubted it.

As soon as the judge announced the winner and removed the barrier, the unconscious blond student was dragged by the legs and beaten up for bribery. Corrupt swine! Taking Dick’s side was a more terrible crime than treason against motherland! He was eternally unforgiven.

In fact, the student’s leg muscles had contracted because Kyon had performed the same trick on him as he once did with doctor Martha, stimulating her wrist with Synergy to convince her of his talent. It was easier to do such tricks with Synergy of the Bachelor’s degree. No advance phaser could feel Synergy of the third degree and react in time. Noble phasers might, though.

Among hundreds of furious comments, Lovr drew attention to the following one:

«Haven’t you bribed him, moneybags? We know your tricks! I dare you to fight with me! Of course, you will never accept my challenge because you are afraid of me! I don’t care a damn about your money!» – The screamer turned out to be Sam Grand, Alex Grand’s friend.

Dick Baker flashed a dazzling smile and pointed his finger to the upstart: «What a fervent speech! So, you aren’t going to take a dive, are you? Great, get over here and prove it!»

Sam said proudly: «I am a pure-blood Grand! I can’t be bribed, unlike that corrupt pig! Not with your dirty money! I don’t give a damn about your position in the Baker family!»

The audience nodded in agreement. The elder’s son couldn’t be bribed! That’s for sure. His words were worth a lot! Even if he dared to take Dick’s money, it would ruin not only his honor but also his father’s!

Kyon beckoned Sam with his finger: «Get down then! What are you waiting for?»

With one jump, Sam was down in the arena ten steps away from the fat freak: «Are we fighting on the same conditions? Can the winner give any order to the loser?»

«Yes, of course!» – Dick nodded. – «But this time, I will be the first to strike!»

«Okay, okay! I will even let you hit me three times in a row! Ha-ha!»

«There’s no need.» – Kyon waved him off. – «You’d better carry yourself with dignity as befits the royal family! Take at least one blow.»

«I will, your fatness! A pure-blood Grand won’t let his family down!» – Sam couldn’t help grinning. He would be the happiest man in the kingdom if Triana was given to him as a servant. He had recently reached the noble phase, so the fat freak could beat him all he wanted, he would not leave a scratch.

The judge activated the protective barrier and signaled the start of the fight.

Just like the last time, Kyon stood two meters away from the opponent, stomping his foot, pretending to choose where to deliver a blow while wagging his fat ass. Then he ridiculously swung his hand to slap Sam.

The latter couldn’t feel any elemental energy in Dick’s hand, and its speed was slower than a light breeze. He flashed a wide grin but used 100% of pure energy to protect his face, just in case!

The audience held their breath.


A loud clap resounded all over the arena.

Sam went flying to the nearest protective barrier, still smiling but missing a few teeth. Soon, he slid down the barrier, just like the previous Dick Baker’s opponent did.

Kyon came up unconscious Sam and wiped his shoe on his face with a contemptuous grimace: «The elder Grand’s son… It sounds like my mother’s dog’s son! You are nothing but trash just like the previous scumbag!» – He kicked Sam on the head, looking eloquently at Triana as if telling her that she was totally wrong about him.

The tigress opened the eyes in amazement. A pleasant feeling was growing in the heart as if she had drunk mead with a pinch of catmint. She was really impressed by her former owner’s stunning success! How did he manage to defeat a fully protected noble phaser? She had never felt how strong he was during sparring because all his blows seemed equally weak to her.

Prince Charles, who was watching the battle from the window of his room, narrowed his eyes. Was he seeing things, or did Dick Baker’s hand accelerate a hundred times at the very last moment? But why did Sam jump before taking the blow? Something didn’t add up.

Alex Grand felt a chill down his spine. He still could not understand how the ingenious monster had disguised himself as Dick Baker. The goddess’s messenger was incredible, but what was the purpose of his staying for a whole year in pathetic Cernos?

The audience exploded with rage as they had clearly seen Sam bend and unbend his legs at the moment of the blow: «This one jumped, too! What the heck?» … «So many arrogant words for a corrupt swine! What a windbag!» … «Is he the great elder Kirov’s grandson? I am so disappointed!» … «Shame on Sam! Boo!»

«You have bribed him, too. You are nothing without your money, fat freak! Try and play this trick on me, and you will see it’s true!» – Another «avenger» yelled.

«Hell no! If you volunteer, it means you’ve been bribed» … «We must choose Dick Baker’s opponent, otherwise how can we be sure of their integrity?» … «I agree! Let’s vote for the next fighter!» – The students didn’t trust anyone anymore. They cast distrustful looks at each other, seeing only spies and traitors among themselves.

A moment later, the students voted for the best candidate to fight Dick Baker.

A long-haired student in white uniform jumped onto the arena: «I am Timur Grand, a former member of Kara’s fan club. I will turn your face in a bloody mess even if you offer me a billion spheres! I am ready for the fight on the same conditions!»

Kyon shook his head: «Look, all those weaklings have ruined my mood. I just want to punch someone who can take at least one blow of mine! But you seem to be too weak for this. Give me another one.»

«What did you say, fat bastard?» – Timur barked, red with anger. – «I am a noble phaser in the seventh stage! I will turn you into mincemeat with a single blow! Who do you think you are, son of a bitch? You’re a nobody! You…»

While Timur Grand was spewing his angry vitriol, Triana thoughtfully looked at her former owner, curling a snow-white lock of hair on her finger: {What are you up to, Lovr? He is thirteen stages stronger than you! You are no match for him even with your pure keys, your monkey dexterity and inimitable technique of movements!} – She was really curious at last. Lovr had challenged someone almost at the top of the school hierarchy. She had no doubt that this fight was going to be on the verge of life and death. Lovr would have to make incredible efforts to win, putting his life at risk a hundred, even a thousand times, giving it all he had and even more! But then, the tigress would be delighted if he was victorious!

«Shut up!» – Kyon interrupted Timur. – «If you really consider yourself worthy of fighting with me, you will probably be able to hold my weapon in your hands.»

«What weapon are you talking about?» – Timur tilted his head to the side.

Thousands of spectators exchanged confused glances.

Kyon took out his Scourge that looked different from the one he had used at the families’ tournament and threw it to Timur Grand with such ease as if it were a wooden stick. The formation that had sealed 95% of the sword’s weight was about to stop to have effect…

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