Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1001 Infiltrating The Skyhall II

In an instant, Michael found himself standing in a vast hall that made him feel incredibly small. The sheer size of the hall was awe-inspiring, with a towering ceiling that could easily accommodate a ten-story building. As he entered the Skyhall, Michael noticed that the potion he had consumed had caused his beard to grow thick and bushy, and his hair had lengthened into flowing black locks. Although venturing into the heart of the enemy without any prior knowledge was undeniably risky, Michael saw it as a golden opportunity to gather valuable information and, if he was fortunate, disrupt their operations from within.

Gathering his wits, Michael began to walk with purpose, attempting to blend in as if he belonged there. His destination was the sole door located at the far end of the expansive hall. To his surprise, there were no soldiers present in this immense space. However, his curiosity was swiftly satisfied when a group of soldiers materialized out of thin air, utilizing the power of teleportation.

This group consisted of five soldiers, burdened with an intriguing ancient coffin. The coffin itself had an unmistakable air of antiquity, adorned with intricate runes etched in an unknown language. Weathered cracks marred its surface, and a layer of mud clung to its exterior.

"Demon body," Michael whispered to himself, recalling the memories of Skyhall angels unearthing caskets containing demons' remains and transporting them to this very place. Now, he had confirmation that this was the destination for those eerie coffins.

As the group of soldiers carried the heavy coffin, Michael observed them closely. Their entire bodies were covered in gleaming silver armor, with only narrow eye openings in their helmets, preventing Michael from seeing their faces.

"Hey you," one of the soldiers suddenly called out, his gaze fixed on Michael.

"Come here," the soldier ordered, prompting Michael to swiftly comply.

"Give us a hand. This thing is ridiculously heavy," the soldier requested, and Michael inwardly sighed with relief.

Nodding in agreement, Michael positioned himself at the back of the coffin and grasped it firmly. To his surprise, the coffin proved to be exceptionally weighty, confirming why these Fusion stage soldiers required additional assistance. Unbeknownst to them, Michael intentionally concealed his true cultivation stage, disguising himself as a mere Soul Refining stage soldier. It was crucial to maintain his cover, as revealing his Half Celestial stage power would immediately expose his true identity.

Even though the coffin was light as a feather to Michael's immense strength, he purposely pretended to struggle, exerting effort as if it were a formidable task. He lifted the coffin alongside the others, maintaining the facade.

"Which outpost were you stationed at?" one of the armored soldiers inquired, curious about Michael's assignment.

"I was stationed at the outpost in Itonys," Michael replied, listening attentively as the armored soldiers let out sighs of envy.

"Damn lucky bastard. We were out there in demons' graves, tirelessly digging for these cursed things," another soldier grumbled, revealing their arduous duty.

"Not so lucky, I'm afraid. Before our rotation, someone mercilessly killed the soldiers who were stationed there. I was on my way to inform the elders," Michael lied convincingly, portraying a loyal soldier deeply affected by the shocking incident.

"What?! Why didn't you mention it earlier?" one of the armored soldiers exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the revelation.

"Alright, the toxic removal room is just over there. Once we place this coffin there, you can go and inform the elders," another soldier instructed, pointing towards their destination.

Internally, Michael despised this risky plan. He had no knowledge of the layout or security measures in this place, making it a leap of faith. He relied solely on his adaptability and the teleportation scroll safely stored in his system storage, serving as a potential means of escape if things took a turn for the worse. This was the first time Michael had ventured into such perilous territory, fully aware of the stakes involved.

Michael nodded in acknowledgment, observing the soldiers hasten their steps. As they reached the door, it automatically slid open, revealing a sprawling corridor lined with numerous rooms on both sides. Stepping out, Michael found himself amidst a bustling scene. Soldiers of various races, adorned in diverse armors, moved with purpose through the corridor, entering and exiting rooms with remarkable precision.

However, what truly caught Michael's attention was the archway positioned at the far end of the corridor, through which the soldiers were passing. Glowing runes adorned the arch, indicating some form of detection or defensive array. Michael's instincts told him that these runes might unveil his true identity, exposing his disguise. He swiftly assessed the situation, his mind working at its peak as he devised a new plan to navigate through the potential threat.

As the armored soldiers continued carrying the coffin, they approached a room labeled "Toxin Removal."

"Remember, don't mention that we kept you here, alright?" one of the soldiers cautioned.

"Of course not. We soldiers have to stick together, right?" Michael responded, skillfully manipulating their emotions. Although his words were calculated, they held a deeper purpose. Having observed the angels handling the coffins during the excavation, Michael deduced that these armored soldiers were likely under their command. If the angels had been directly involved, he would have witnessed their presence. 𝙗𝒆𝒅𝒏𝙤𝒗𝒆𝙡.𝙤𝒓𝙜

Dressed as a foot soldier himself, Michael sympathized with his companions, reinforcing a sense of camaraderie. Fortunately, his manipulation proved successful, and the soldiers opened the door. To Michael's astonishment, instead of a mere room, he beheld a vast warehouse stretching before him. Countless coffins were meticulously stacked within, numbering in the hundreds or even thousands. At the far end of the room, he noticed a tubular structure, from which an invisible force lifted the coffins, propelling them along the tube-like pathway.

"We'll place it here," one of the armored soldiers pointed to a vacant spot that perfectly matched the size of the coffin. With coordinated efforts, the group of six carefully positioned the coffin in its designated spot.

"Finished. Now, we'll return to the demons' grave, and you can inform your elder," stated one of the soldiers, to which Michael nodded in agreement.ραпdαs `n?ν?| сom

Walking alongside the soldiers, Michael seized the opportunity as they approached the door. Swiftly, he retrieved a small metal plate from his belongings and discreetly inserted it between the door and its frame, ensuring that it wouldn't close completely. The soldiers remained oblivious to his actions, and as they reached the corridor, they expressed their gratitude to Michael for his assistance before proceeding back towards the door they had initially come through.

Once they were out of sight, creating the impression that he would fulfill his supposed duty of informing the elder, Michael surveyed his surroundings cautiously. Confirming that he was alone, he reopened the door and reentered the coffin warehouse.

Closing the door behind him, Michael activated his X-ray vision, granting him the ability to see through the coffins. As expected, each coffin contained the skeletal remains of demons. Michael's face contorted with a mixture of surprise and concern.

"They must have some sinister plans involving these bodies. If only I had a means to teleport them elsewhere," Michael muttered to himself. However, he recognized that his current abilities did not grant him such power, at least until the System was restored.

Aware of the limited time he had before someone might stumble upon the room, Michael sprang into action. He swiftly retrieved a handful of Spyders and strategically launched them toward the upper walls and concealed corners of the room. These Spyders would function as his personal surveillance cameras, transmitting live footage to the dark castle and his tablet.

After deploying more Spyders to gather valuable information, Michael hastened toward the tubular structure that served as a pathway to another location. With swiftness, he affixed a Spyder onto one of the coffins, which was gradually lifted from the ground by an unseen force. As the coffin entered the tubular passage, Michael observed the Spyder's live feed in his mind.

Within the feed, he witnessed the coffin arriving in a room where several individuals dressed in white robes meticulously examined its contents. They scribbled notes, assigned numbers to the coffins, and then directed them to be transported elsewhere.

To read the uncut version, go to bed𝚗o𝚟𝚎𝚕.𝚌𝚘m.

"Number 422, in pristine condition," a bespectacled man remarked, thoroughly inspecting the coffin adorned with the tiny Spyder.

"Send it to the Rising Hall," commanded a young man, waving his hand to guide the coffin to a designated corner of the room.

"Fuck it,"

Frustration surged within Michael as he absorbed this information. His attention swiftly turned to the next coffin awaiting levitation and inspection.

Without hesitation, Michael swiftly slid open the top of the coffin, allowing ancient dust and trapped air to escape into the surroundings. Within, he discovered the skeleton of a demon. Realizing time was of the essence, Michael made a split-second decision. He leaped into the coffin and swiftly closed its lid, ensconcing himself within its confines.

After a few moments, Michael sensed the coffin being lifted from the ground, smoothly gliding through the tubular passage. So far, everything was proceeding without a hitch, and he silently prayed for this streak of good fortune to persist. As the coffin reached the subsequent room, the young man proceeded to examine its contents. From within the coffin, Michael could audibly hear and visually witness the unfolding events, thanks to the Spyder serving as his eyes and ears.

"Number 423, in mint condition," the young man remarked, jotting down meticulous notes and affixing a number to the coffin, just as he had done previously.

"Send this one to the Rising Hall," he directed, finalizing his assessment.

Inside the confines of the coffin, Michael regulated his breathing and slowed his heartbeat to ensure his survival in the cramped space. As an undisclosed amount of time passed, a sudden and deafening bell echoed throughout the hall. Through the eyes of the Spyder, Michael witnessed a burst of red light illuminating the room. The abrupt alarm sent the workers into a state of panic, their voices filled with confusion and concern.

"What's happening? Is it an emergency?"

"Something's wrong! We need to evacuate!"

"Quick, follow the protocol! Everyone out of the room!"

The room erupted into chaos as the workers hurriedly scrambled towards the exit, their movements hasty and disoriented. They hastily abandoned their tasks, leaving behind scattered notes and tools, as they adhered to their emergency procedures. The air filled with a sense of urgency and apprehension, with anxious voices overlapping and the sound of hurried footsteps reverberating throughout the room.

Michael found himself bewildered and amazed by his stroke of luck. Taking control of the Spyder outside the coffin, he deftly directed it to jump onto the back of a young man who was hastily making his way out of the room. Oblivious to the tiny Spyder clinging to his back, the young man continued his frantic rush.

As Michael observed the chaotic corridor outside, he witnessed a scene of turmoil and confusion. Soldiers were sprinting in every direction, the entire hall trembling under their hurried footsteps. Moreover, a sudden eruption of destruction caught Michael's attention. A brilliant beam of light demolished everything in its path, reducing carpets to ashes and reducing once-beautiful portraits to mere rubble. The archway, adorned with intricate runes, exploded in a haze of smoke. The young man and several other workers, guided by Skyhall soldiers, sprinted away from the crumbling arch, seeking safety.

Focused on capturing the unfolding chaos, Michael instructed the Spyder to leap from the young man's back to the nearby wall, diligently recording every detail. Amidst the billowing smoke, a figure gradually emerged, distinct even in the obscured atmosphere.

"Noah," Michael murmured, recognizing the familiar presence.

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