Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1000 Infiltrating The Skyhall I

After harnessing the empowering energy of the sliver, Michael turned his attention to the System Store. With his accumulated badass points, he swiftly purchased a special teleportation scroll and a potent rune to conceal Gaya's presence from the prying eyes of the fallen gods. The transaction depleted a significant portion of his hard-earned points, but he knew these items would be crucial for their upcoming missions.

Gaya, fully aware of the importance of her role, prepared to depart from the inner sanctum. She clasped the rune in her hand, feeling its ancient power resonate within her. With a nod of determination, she stepped onto the designated teleportation circle, activating the scroll. A brilliant surge of energy engulfed her, and in an instant, she vanished from the hall before giving Michael a tender kiss on his lips.

Stepping out of the hall, Michael found himself face to face with the black door he had melted earlier. To his surprise, the door opened on its own accord, allowing him to exit. As he emerged from the cave, his environmental scanning map alerted him to the presence of hostile entities in the vicinity.

Reacting swiftly, Michael utilized his Lightning Dash ability, moving with incredible speed towards the cave opening. Once he reached the mouth of the cave. The Skyhall soldiers who had been stationed at the outpost lay lifeless on the ground, their bodies riddled with bloody wounds. The devastating effects of the poison he had unleashed upon them were evident.

The sight of the fallen soldiers left the surviving Skyhall soldiers in a state of terror and shock. They gazed upon the grim scene, their faces etched with a mix of fear and disbelief. Michael's poison had taken its toll, and the soldiers lay motionless, their life forces drained away.

The air hung heavy with the stench of blood, and a haunting silence enveloped the area.

The skyhall soldiers stood frozen in shock and disbelief as they beheld the lifeless bodies of their fallen comrades. They gathered around, their faces filled with a mix of horror and confusion. One soldier exclaimed, "What happened here? How did they all die?"

Another soldier knelt down beside a fallen comrade, examining the gruesome wounds on his body. "Look at this," he said, his voice trembling with disbelief. "There are no signs of a fight. It's like they were struck down without even raising a sword."

A third soldier joined the examination, his eyes widening with realization. "Wait, these wounds... they look like the effects of poison," he said, his voice hushed. "But how? Who could have done this?"

The soldiers exchanged worried glances, their minds racing to piece together the puzzle before them. One soldier spoke up, his voice laced with urgency. "We need to alert the Skyhall elders immediately. Something sinister has happened here, and we must seek their counsel."

Nods of agreement rippled through the group as they realized the gravity of the situation. They had stumbled upon a deadly trap, their comrades falling victim to an unseen enemy. Fear and confusion gripped their hearts as they prepared to carry the news to the elders, hoping to unravel the mystery of their fallen brethren and discover the true nature of the threat that lurked in the shadows.

Michael concealed himself in the shadowy depths of the cave, his eyes fixed on the group of Skyhall soldiers. Curiosity gripped him as he wondered about how they came here and how they intended to return to their fortress in the sky.

A soldier's gaze scanned the area, briefly falling upon the mouth of the cave. Michael swiftly ducked behind a stack of crates, blending seamlessly with the darkness. The thought of effortlessly dispatching these soldiers crossed his mind, but he resisted the temptation. Instead, he desired to uncover their method of returning to the Skyhall. If they possessed a portal or means of transport, it could provide him with a valuable opportunity to infiltrate the heart of the enemy.

With caution and patience, Michael observed their movements, eagerly anticipating a glimpse of their plans. Hidden in the shadows, he remained vigilant, his mind focused on unraveling the secrets that lay before him.

Silently, Michael maneuvered through the outpost, utilizing the various objects scattered throughout to conceal himself from the vigilant Skyhall soldiers. He expertly slipped behind tents, carefully sidestepped boxes, and found refuge amidst the dummies, tables, and chairs. With each movement, he blended seamlessly into his surroundings, becoming one with the shadows.

Hidden behind a stack of crates, Michael listened intently to the soldiers as they continued to examine the lifeless bodies of their fallen comrades. The sight of purple veins, blood seeping from eyes, nose, and ears sent shivers down their spines.

?α?dαsηθνε| "What manner of death is this? It's gruesome and painful," one soldier growled, his voice filled with anger.

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"Indeed, this is no honorable death. It reeks of foul play," another soldier spat, voicing his disgust.

Amidst their murmurs and expressions of dismay, some soldiers raised their voices, urging their comrades to stay vigilant, aware that the killer may still be lurking in their midst.

"Keep your guard up! The perpetrator may be among us. Stay alert!" a soldier shouted, his tone laced with urgency.

Meanwhile, a group of soldiers was ordered to venture into the cave for further investigation. Their voices resonated through the air as they strategized their next move.

"Go, see what lies within the cave. We must uncover the truth," one soldier commanded, determination evident in his voice. "The rest of us will make our way back to the Skyhall and inform the elders of this atrocity."

Their footsteps echoed as they departed, leaving Michael with a valuable window of opportunity. He silently observed their departure, noting their destination and their purpose. With this newfound knowledge, he formulated his own plan, his mind focused on the ultimate goal of infiltrating the Skyhall and uncovering the mysteries that awaited him there.ραпdαs `n?ν?| сom

With unwavering determination, Michael fixated his gaze on the group of soldiers who were bound for the Skyhall. He knew that shadowing them would be his best chance to penetrate deeper into enemy territory. As they began their march, Michael melded into the darkness, becoming a mere specter among the shadows.

Moving with the grace of a predator, Michael skillfully navigated the outpost, his steps almost imperceptible as he avoided the gazes of the remaining soldiers. He hugged the walls, slipping behind tents and crates, always mindful of staying out of sight. His heart pounded in his chest, the adrenaline surging through his veins as he inched closer to his quarry.

Every so often, he caught a glimpse of the soldiers he was tailing. Their voices murmured among themselves, discussing their mission and the urgency to report the grim discovery they had made. Michael stayed just far enough behind to remain undetected, his stealth a testament to his honed skills.

The tension in the air was palpable as Michael maneuvered through the treacherous terrain, silently praying that the soldiers wouldn't glance back and catch a glimpse of his presence. He relied on his instincts, slipping into the darkest corners, blending seamlessly with the obscurity.

The outpost seemed to hold its breath as Michael shadowed his targets, his movements choreographed with precision and caution.

As Michael trailed the trio of Skyhall soldiers, they came across a small cabin in the distance. Coming to a stop, they glanced back, suspicious of any followers. Sensing their scrutiny, Michael swiftly maneuvered under a nearby table, inadvertently knocking a wooden cup. Acting with lightning reflexes, he managed to catch the cup before it hit the ground and made a noise. Meanwhile, the soldiers scanned their surroundings before resuming their path towards the cabin. Seizing the opportunity, Michael emerged from beneath the table and hastened forward.

Approaching the cabin's entrance, Michael positioned himself outside and discreetly eavesdropped on the soldiers' conversation.

"He won't be pleased with this," remarked one soldier from inside.

"I still think we should return after uncovering the source of these killings. Going back empty-handed could land us in serious trouble," complained another soldier. As he listened intently, Michael retrieved his trusty eight-legged Spyder, and discreetly sent it into the cabin through a narrow crack beneath the door. Observing the scene through the Spyder's camera feed, Michael caught sight of the three soldiers within the cabin.

"No way. We have to inform him immediately. Let's activate the portal," insisted the brown-haired Skyhall soldier.

With mere seconds, or at best a minute, to make a decision, Michael weighed his options carefully. Killing the three soldiers might sever his only chance of reaching the Skyhall. Until now, he had been clueless about the actual location of the Skyhall headquarters, and he lacked the necessary power. However, things had changed, and he now possessed the strength and perhaps an opportunity to enter the heart of the enemy.

Yet, if he wasted time without eliminating the soldiers, they could vanish from his sight, leaving him in the dark. Michael had only a few precious seconds to uncover their plan for reaching the Skyhall. Fortunately, luck was on his side as he witnessed one of the Skyhall soldiers retrieve a silver coin from his pocket. The copper coin bore a striking resemblance to the one he had taken from Jacobe's brother.

( Read Chapter 838 to refresh your memories about this copper coin)

Michael observed a rune on the wooden cabin wall, resembling a swirling vortex, before the soldier. Though he wasn't a runemaster, his experience with Elidyr had granted him some knowledge. It seemed that the coin needed to be placed on the rune to activate a portal, the probable means of teleportation.

However, the predicament lay in the fact that if the soldiers placed the coin on the rune, they would be whisked away, leaving Michael with no means of reaching the Skyhall. To prevent this, he swiftly cast the Silenes spell, causing time to slow down within a confined bubble encompassing him and the soldiers.

With the soldiers frozen in time, Michael sprang into action. He deftly unsheathed his dark sword from his back and swiftly severed the hand of the soldier holding the copper coin. The slowed time prevented blood from spraying or the soldier's scream from escaping his lips. Michael then swung his sword again, beheading the soldier, while simultaneously releasing a bolt of lightning from his outstretched finger, piercing the skull of the second soldier. With a swift motion, he cleaved the third soldier in half with his sword.

As the third soldier perished, time resumed its normal flow, revealing the brutal aftermath in real-time. Blood sprayed from the severed hand and neck of the first soldier while his decapitated head flew through the air. The second soldier fell lifeless, a small wisp of smoke rising from the center of his forehead, indicating where the lightning bolt had struck. The third soldier lay on the ground, bisected, blood staining the cabin red. However, not a single sound escaped, and no reinforcements rushed to their aid.

The coin soared through the air, effortlessly caught by Michael's outstretched hand. Without wasting a moment, he pressed the skull-shaped engraving at the center of his armor. In a mesmerizing display, the armor began to shrink, folding in on itself until it vanished completely, leaving behind only a small skull. This remarkable ability was a testament to Michael's exceptional forging skills and his unique Inventor trait.

Swiftly, Michael stowed the skull into his system storage, a hidden compartment capable of holding various items. He then knelt beside the fallen soldier, the one whose head had been pierced by the lethal lightning bolt. Purposefully, he chose not to employ his dark sword, as he had a different plan in mind. With practiced efficiency, Michael stripped the soldier of his garments and carefully donned the soldier's silver armor atop his own attire, meticulously blending into the guise of a Skyhall soldier. Then, he took out a pale brown potion from the system storage and drank it in one gulp.

"I'm coming for you, Skyhall," Michael muttered, a fierce determination burning in his eyes. With a hint of anger flickering, he confidently positioned the coin on the shimmering rune. In an instant, a brilliant light erupted from the rune as the coin made contact, whisking Michael away from the cabin in a flash of teleportation.


We have reached the mark of 1000 chapters and I couldn't be happier. Thank you all for keep supporting me and I pray and wish for your continuous support. ( Now, where are my super gifts and awesome other gifts? Wink wink shamelessly)

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