Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1012 Noah’s Return

Neela's gaze swept over the vampire minions that encircled her, assessing their formidable presence. Amongst the group, she noticed the distinctive features of the Soul Refining stage vampires, their gaunt faces contorted into wicked grins. Their elongated tongues flicked out, hissing with anticipation as they floated effortlessly in the air, their dark eyes fixated on their prey.

But her attention was abruptly drawn to the two towering figures amidst the throng. These Fusion stage vampires stood head and shoulders above the rest, their bulging muscles and intimidating stature showcasing their enhanced power. Neela's heart quickened as she recognized the palpable threat they posed.

With resolve etched across her face, Neela gripped her silver sword tightly, feeling its reassuring weight in her hand. She channeled her magic, preparing to cast a defensive spell to shield herself against the impending assault. The words of incantation formed on her lips, ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a groan escaped Alvaro's lips. Against all odds, he struggled to his feet, his face etched with pain and determination. It was a testament to his resilience and an unwavering spirit.

As the tension reached its peak, one of the Fusion stage vampires stepped forward, his voice dripping with cruel amusement. "The Dark Queen sends her regards," he taunted, his words laced with a sinister undertone. A wicked smile curled upon his lips, baring his elongated fangs, and his crimson eyes bore into Neela's.

As Alvaro gritted his teeth, he summoned every ounce of strength to pull out the arrow lodged in his chest. A sharp wave of pain rippled through his body, and blood gushed from the wound, staining his clothes and the ground beneath him. With a trembling hand, he reached for a healing potion tucked within his cloak, intending to mend his grievous injury.

But before he could bring the vial to his lips, a blur of movement descended upon them. One of the vampires, propelled by unnatural speed, dashed from the sky, his claws poised to strike. With a fierce growl, Neela reacted swiftly, her hand sweeping through the air with swift precision.

In an instant, a burning golden chakra materialized before her, swirling with an intense radiant energy. It formed a formidable shield, blocking the vampire's frenzied assault. The impact reverberated through the chakra, sparks of golden light scattering in all directions.

With her other hand, Neela tightened her grip on the silver sword and unleashed a swift counterattack. The blade sliced through the air with an almost ethereal grace, its shimmering edge meeting the vampire's resistance. The clash of metal and fangs filled the night air, a symphony of danger and determination.

With a fierce roar, Neela's voice thundered through the chaos. "I will dispatch you unholy creatures! Your reign of terror ends here!" Her words echoed with unwavering resolve, her eyes ablaze with righteous fury.

The vampires, undeterred by Neela's defiance, taunted her with mocking laughter. "Your futile attempts won't save you, guardian! The Dark Lord and the Dark Queen will revel in the sight of your severed heads!"

A deadly dance ensued, as Neela fought against the onslaught of the vampires, her movements infused with a deadly grace. She parried their attacks with the burning chakra shield, its golden light pulsating with each impact. 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝒏𝒐𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝙣𝒆𝙩

As the Fusion stage vampires hovered in the air, their imposing figures exuding an aura of dark power, flames sparked and danced along the edges of the golden chakra swirling before Neela. The intense heat radiating from the shield formed a protective barrier, its radiant energy crackling with every movement.

The remaining vampires, moving with blinding speed, launched themselves at Neela and Alvaro with a ferocity that matched their bloodlust. Their attacks were swift and relentless, claws slashing through the air in a deadly frenzy. Neela's senses sharpened, her focus honed to a razor's edge as she parried their strikes, her silver sword a blur of steel.

Yet, amidst the chaos, Neela's eyes widened in realization. The vampires were not merely engaging her in combat; they were deliberately targeting Alvaro with lethal intent. Their frenzied attacks held no trace of restraint or mercy. Doubt began to creep into Neela's mind as she questioned her suspicions about Alvaro's loyalty.

With each passing moment, her doubts grew stronger. The vampires clawed at Alvaro, tearing at his robes, leaving deep gashes across his flesh. He winced in pain, his body a canvas of injuries. But despite the agony, Alvaro summoned a fierce determination.

In a desperate bid for survival, Alvaro retaliated. With a guttural cry, he launched himself at one of the vampires, delivering a powerful headbutt that stunned his assailant. In one fluid motion, he followed up with a swift swing of his sword, severing the vampire's hand from its shoulder.

Time seemed to slow as the severed hand flew through the air, crimson droplets spraying in its wake. The vampire let out a howl of pain, dark ichor spilling from the wound, as the severed appendage landed with a sickening thud on the ground.

Neela's mind raced as she witnessed Alvaro's unwavering resolve and the visceral battle playing out before her. A nagging voice inside her wondered if she had been wrong all along, suspecting Alvaro without concrete evidence. She couldn't deny the sight before her eyes—the brutal assault on Alvaro and his valiant defense against the vampires.

With a sudden burst of determination, Neela leaped back from the vampires, landing gracefully on the ground. As she plunged her sword into the earth, a wave of golden flames erupted around her, engulfing the area in a blazing inferno. The intense heat licked at the vampires' bodies, searing their flesh with its divine fury.

However, before the flames could consume them completely, the vampires swiftly retrieved a silver vial from their space rings, pouring its contents over their burning forms. The liquid extinguished the fire in an instant, leaving Neela shocked at the effectiveness of the silver potion.

Her mind raced, connecting the dots. She knew the Dark Lord possessed formidable alchemical talents, and it seemed he had bestowed his vampiric minions with a means to counteract her fiery onslaught. The vampires' wounds healed before her eyes, their burned flesh regenerating with visible speed. Even the vampire who had lost his arm witnessed the appendage regrowing, seamlessly reattaching itself to his shoulder.

The Fusion stage vampires, their dark eyes gleaming with malice, taunted Neela and Alvaro amidst their renewed strength. One of them sneered, "Is that all you have? You'll need to do better than that to stand a chance against us!" The other vampires joined in, their mocking laughter echoing through the night. "You should have perished when the Dark Lord destroyed your guild! Pathetic guardians, powerless against the might of our master!"

Neela gritted her teeth, the weight of their words fueling her determination. She refused to let their taunts break her spirit. Rising to her feet, she met their gazes with unwavering resolve. "We may have been wounded, but our will remains unyielding. We fight for justice, for the Supreme Guardian Noah Winston! You vampires may have the Dark Lord's aid, but we will find a way to overcome!"

They erupted into laughter, their taunting voices echoing through the night. "Oh, look! The Guardians think they're actors in some grand play! Do they rehearse these silly dialogues in their spare time? How amusing!"

The vampires, their voices dripping with mockery, repeated Neela's words in exaggerated tones. "Oh, look at us, we fight for justice and loyalty! How noble and righteous!" They chuckled among themselves, unable to contain their amusement. "Do you guardians have any brain at all? Or are you just created to spout these cliché dialogues?"

One of the vampires sneered, "Resolve? Loyalty? That won't save you from overwhelming power, my dear guardians. Your words mean nothing in the face of our might." The others joined in, their laughter filling the air. "Oh, look at them, thinking their resolve will magically make us tremble. How adorable!"

The vampires continued their mocking spree, targeting Neela directly. "Did you really think your words would scare us? We've seen guardians like you before. Full of empty promises and weak attempts at heroics. You're nothing but a bunch of fools."

Neela's eyes narrowed, her determination unyielding. She shot back, "You underestimate the strength of our unity and our determination to protect the innocent. Our resolve will prevail!"

But the vampires only laughed harder, finding her words even more amusing. "Oh, listen to her! The guardians still believe in hope and justice. How precious!" One of them playfully clutched their chest and pretended to be wounded by Neela's words, eliciting laughter from the rest. "Oh, we've missed these cringy, cliché dialogues from the guardians. It's been too long!"

Neela's grip tightened on her sword, frustration and anger burning within her. "You may mock our words, but we will prove you wrong. Our actions speak louder than your empty taunts."

The vampires exchanged knowing glances before one of them leaned in closer, their voice laced with derision. "How touching. Do you hope to kill us with your noble speeches? Save it for your bedtime stories, guardian. The Dark Lord defeated your entire guild without breaking a sweat. What makes you think you stand a chance?"

Neela's resolve flickered, but she quickly regained her composure. "We will find a way to defeat the Dark Lord and his minions. We will protect the innocent, no matter the cost!"

The vampires erupted into laughter once more, their jeering tones echoing through the night. "Oh, listen to her! The brave guardian, thinking her words will save the day. How pathetic!" They continued to mock her, their words like venomous daggers aimed at her spirit.

Undeterred, Neela stood tall, her voice firm. "Mock us all you want, but we will never surrender to the darkness. We will fight until our last breath, for justice and for our Supreme Guardian!"

The vampires responded to Neela's defiance with sneers and taunts. "Maybe we should kill you now, before you bore us to death with your stupid dialogues," one of them snarled, his fangs glistening in the moonlight.

Neela's fists clenched, her determination unwavering despite the mocking gazes fixed upon her. She refused to let their words break her spirit. These vampires would not see her falter. Not today, not ever.

The laughter died down abruptly as the vampires, sensing the seriousness in Neela's stance, dashed at her and Alvaro from all directions. Their movements were swift, their attacks aimed to end the fight swiftly and mercilessly.

As the battle intensified, Neela channeled her energy into casting spells, her hands weaving intricate patterns in the air. Golden sparks erupted from her fingertips, forming ethereal symbols that glowed with a radiant light. With each incantation, the spells took shape, their manifestations reflecting the pure power coursing through her veins.

One spell created a swirling vortex of wind, gusting and howling around the mountain top. It uprooted trees and sent debris flying, creating a barrier of chaos that hindered the vampires' movements. Another spell summoned cascading waves of water, crashing upon the ground and dousing the immediate vicinity, making the terrain treacherous for their foes.

Meanwhile, Alvaro wielded his sword with skilled precision, parrying and countering the vampires' relentless attacks. His movements were swift and calculated, each swing of his blade a testament to his prowess as a warrior. He fought with unwavering determination, his eyes locked on his adversaries, seeking any opportunity to strike back.

The vampires, however, were not to be underestimated. With blood coursing through their veins, they tapped into their unholy powers, casting spells of their own. Dark crimson energy crackled around their fingertips, twisting and coiling like serpents. They chanted ancient incantations, invoking blood-related magic that seemed to draw power from their very essence.

Their spells took on a gruesome appearance. Shadows infused with crimson hues slithered across the ground, leaving trails of dark residue in their wake. The air thickened with a metallic scent, a testament to the potent blood magic that fueled their attacks. The vampires unleashed bolts of crimson energy, leaving trails of devastation in their path.

The clash of spells was a sight to behold. Golden light clashed with dark crimson energy, the opposing forces intertwining and battling for dominance. But gradually, the vampires gained the upper hand. Their blood magic surged with malevolent power, overpowering Neela's defensive spells with its sheer intensity.

As the vampires closed in, their attacks grew more ferocious. They unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, each blow infused with their unholy strength. Blood sprayed from Neela and Alvaro's wounds, staining the ground beneath them. The vampires seemed to revel in their cruelty, their sadistic pleasure evident as they toyed with their weakened adversaries.

In a brutal display, one vampire landed a powerful blow on Alvaro, breaking his legs with a sickening snap. Pain seared through his body, but his resolve remained unyielding. Neela, too, endured the onslaught, her body battered and bruised but her spirit unbroken.

With their limbs broken and bloodied, Neela and Alvaro fought on, their determination undimmed. Though battered and on the brink of defeat, they refused to surrender.

"Cut off their heads and end this pathetic fight,"

As the fusion stage vampires issued their cruel command, a chilling silence enveloped the battlefield. The other vampires, obedient to their superiors, slowly advanced toward Neela and Alvaro, their eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger.

The atmosphere grew heavy with impending doom as the vampires closed in, their steps deliberate and unhurried. Neela's heart pounded in her chest, her instincts screaming at her to fight, to resist until the very end. But as she tried to grip her sword, her trembling fingers betrayed her, refusing to respond to her desperate command.

Alvaro's eyes welled up with tears as he locked gazes with Neela, his voice choked with sorrow. "I'm sorry, Neela," he whispered, a mixture of regret and resignation lacing his words. He understood the gravity of their situation, the overwhelming odds stacked against them.

Neela fought against the overwhelming despair threatening to consume her. With sheer determination, she attempted to find strength in her battered body, to summon the willpower to defy their imminent demise. But her body, battered and exhausted, betrayed her resolve. Her limbs trembled, her movements sluggish and unresponsive.

And then, just as all hope seemed lost, a blinding light erupted from the sky. It bathed the battlefield in a radiant brilliance, its intensity searing the eyes of all who beheld it. The vampires recoiled in agony, their flesh sizzling and burning as the divine light consumed them.

The fusion stage vampires let out bloodcurdling screams, their voices filled with anguish and despair. "No! This cannot be!" they howled, their arrogant demeanor crumbling in the face of the unstoppable force that sought to obliterate them. Their bodies began to disintegrate, turning to ash that scattered on the wind.

Neela and Alvaro, their eyes squeezed shut against the blinding radiance, felt a profound sense of relief wash over them. The intense light acted as a shield, sparing them from the vampires' cruel fate. They huddled close together, finding solace in each other's presence as the world around them was consumed by the divine blaze.

As Neela slowly peeked through her hands, she saw a familiar figure standing amidst the bright light.

"Noah," mumbled Neela.

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