Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1013 Noah Will Fight The Dark Lord

As the radiant light began to fade, revealing the figure of Noah hovering in the air, a hushed stillness settled over the battlefield. His long, black hair fluttered in the ethereal breeze, contrasting against his once immaculate white robes. What caught the attention of Neela and Alvaro the most was the beard that adorned Noah's usually clean-shaven face, a testament to the hardships he had endured.

Noah's piercing eyes, usually filled with warmth and wisdom, now burned with a fiery mixture of rage and pain. The weight of his responsibilities and the losses suffered weighed heavily upon him, fueling the power that radiated from his very being. The vampires, sensitive to the aura of authority and strength emanating from Noah, shuddered involuntarily, their instincts recognizing a force greater than their own.

Noah's gaze swept over the fallen vampires and the broken bodies of Neela and Alvaro. It was a gaze that carried a multitude of emotionsβ€”grief for the fallen, determination to protect those he cared for, and a simmering anger directed at the forces that sought to extinguish hope and justice.

The vampire minions, once full of arrogance and malice, now quivered under the weight of Noah's presence. They realized the grave mistake they had made in crossing paths with the Supreme Guardian. The balance of power had shifted, and their newfound bravado wilted in the face of Noah's righteous fury.

As the vampires laid eyes upon Noah, their hearts skipped a beat. The sheer power emanating from him sent tremors through their undead bodies. However, a glimmer of confidence flickered within them as they remembered Noah's unwavering commitment to his no-kill rule.

"Impressive display of light, Noah. But fear not, for we are not afraid of you," one vampire sneered, attempting to mask their unease with bravado.

"What can you possibly do? Bore us to death? It's unfortunate for you, Noah, that vampires possess regenerative abilities. And even if you were to suppress our powers, the Dark Lord would simply restore them," another vampire taunted, reveling in their perceived invincibility.

Little did they know, they had gravely underestimated the magnitude of the situation. Neela, standing beside Noah, couldn't help but mumble under her breath, "You fools have no idea whom you're trifling with."

Noah, consumed by a righteous rage, remained silent. He closed his eyes, allowing his fury to intensify. The air around him crackled with anticipation as his body began to glow, an ethereal light radiating from within. The humming sound of his power filled the air, a testament to the immense energy brewing within him.

Unfazed by Noah's impending surge, the vampires jeered and lunged forward, intent on attacking him. Oblivious to the imminent danger, they dismissed the radiant aura enveloping Noah. However, their arrogance proved to be their undoing.

In a breathtaking display, the intensity of Noah's light reached a crescendo, surpassing the vampires' supposed immunity granted by the Dark Lord's protections. The blazing radiance disregarded their defenses and unleashed a scorching heat upon them.

Anguished screams erupted from the vampires as they writhed in excruciating pain. Their once formidable forms crumbled into ash, reduced to mere remnants of their former selves. Even the two powerful Fusion stage vampires met their demise, unable to withstand the searing brilliance emanating from Noah.

Neela and Alvaro, witnessing the cataclysmic event unfold before them, felt the heat wash over them even with their eyes tightly shut. A mixture of awe and trepidation coursed through their beings as they realized the sheer magnitude of Noah's power

With Noah's mortal body merging with his divine essence, he had ascended to the realm of gods. Furthermore, during his unconscious state in the Skyhall, the elders exposed him to pure celestial energy, propelling him to the Half-Celestial stage. Now both Noah and Michael stood at the Half-Celestial stage, their first step towards godhood, known as the fledgling god rank.

Upon attaining godhood, each subsequent advancement within the divine ranks granted a god exponentially greater strength and power. However, despite Noah and Michael's newfound might as fledgling gods, they paled in comparison to the fallen gods, who had already reached the second stage of their godhoodβ€”the Demi-God stage. The disparity of just one rank meant that Noah and Michael stood little chance against the overwhelming might of the fallen gods.

Fortunately for Noah, as the God of Light, most of the fallen gods were in pursuit of his twin brother, Michael, who bore the mantle of the God of Darkness.

As the vampires turned to ashes, the radiant light emanating from Noah gradually faded. Noah turned his gaze towards Neela and Alvaro, a flicker of relief washing over him at the sight of his loyal companions. Amidst the overwhelming sadness and burning rage stemming from the loss of his wife Alicia and his family, he found solace in the presence of familiar faces. However, before Noah could descend to the ground, Alvaro collapsed, his body giving way.

"Alvaro!" Neela's voice rang out, filled with concern as she hurried to his side. As Neela turned her attention to the arrow's entry point in Alvaro's chest, she noticed the eerie purple veins spreading across his wounded flesh. Alvaro began to cough up purple-tinged blood, a clear sign of poisoning.

"Supreme Guardian!" Neela called out, her plea reaching Noah's ears as he descended to the ground. Kneeling beside Alvaro, Noah gently placed his hand upon the injured man's chest. A shiver ran down Neela's spine as she observed Noah's palm radiating a warm and comforting light. She tightly grasped Alvaro's hand, her heart heavy with worry and hope, silently praying for his recovery. In this dire moment, Neela realized the folly of her suspicions towards Alvaro. If he were truly a spy, driven solely by greed and lacking loyalty to the Guardian Guild and their friendship, he would never have risked his life by intercepting the arrow meant for her.

"He has been struck by a poisoned arrow," Noah spoke calmly, his voice carrying a tinge of concern.

Neela's desperation trembled in her voice as she asked, "Can you save him, Supreme Guardian?"

Without uttering a single word, Noah firmly grasped Neela's hand with his other hand and closed his eyes. In an instant, a brilliant flash of light illuminated the mountaintop, and the trio vanished from sight, carried away by the mysterious radiance.

The trio found themselves instantly transported into a cozy cabin, its inviting atmosphere providing a stark contrast to the chaotic battleground they had just left behind. Neela's eyes took in the surroundings, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her. The cabin exuded warmth and comfort, with wooden walls adorned by paintings of serene landscapes and a crackling fireplace casting a gentle glow.

Noah swiftly placed Alvaro onto a nearby table, his expression focused and determined. He turned to Neela and instructed her to retrieve a crimson red flower from one of the nearby racks. Neela's eyes scanned the room until they settled upon a small vase containing the vibrant blossom. She carefully plucked a single petal, its deep red hue reminding her of life's resilience.

Handing the petal to Noah, he crushed it delicately between his fingers, releasing the crimson juices. With a precise motion, Noah allowed the red liquid to trickle into Alvaro's wounded chest, the essence of the flower's healing properties mingling with the poison coursing through his veins.

Noah then placed his hand upon Alvaro's chest, his palm emanating a gentle heat and a radiant, luminous glow. The power of the God of Light surged through him as he tapped into his divine abilities. The room seemed to be filled with a soft, ethereal light as Noah directed the healing energy toward Alvaro's body, targeting the poison that threatened his life.

The gentle heat from Noah's palm seeped into Alvaro's chest, and a brilliant radiance began to envelop the injured man. The light grew in intensity, illuminating the room as it penetrated deep into Alvaro's being, dispelling the toxic effects of the poison. With each passing moment, Noah's healing powers worked tirelessly, burning away the malevolent substance with the purifying force of light.

Neela watched with bated breath, her heart filled with hope. She could sense the immense power flowing through Noah, the determination etched on his face as he fought to save their companion's life. The room was suffused with a gentle warmth, a testament to Noah's unwavering commitment to healing and protection.

After burning away the poison in Alvaro's body, Noah left the cabin, his heart heavy with memories and emotions. As he stepped outside, his gaze fixated on the vast expanse of the distant sky, reminiscent of the nights he had spent stargazing with his beloved wife Alicia, their bodies entwined in a tender embrace. Tears welled up in Noah's eyes, silently tracing the contours of his anguished face. The image of the Dark Lord ruthlessly snuffing out Alicia's life played over and over in his mind, igniting a surge of fury that coursed through his veins, turning his eyes a fiery red.

Trembling with a myriad of emotions, Noah found solace in the open air, hoping to find answers within the vastness of the heavens. As he stood there, a figure emerged from the cabin. It was Neela, her presence a gentle reminder of the loyalty and strength that still resided within their shattered world.

Addressing Noah with reverence, Neela's voice trembled slightly as she spoke, "Supreme Guardian..."

Cutting her off, Noah's voice quivered with a mix of pain, anger, and regret, "I am not the Supreme Guardian anymore. The Guardian Guild no longer exists."

In that moment, the weight of his words hung heavy in the air, underscoring the magnitude of their loss. The shattered remnants of the once-great Guardian Guild loomed before them, a painful reminder of the bond that had been severed by treachery and betrayal.

Seeking solace in Neela's presence, Noah shared his inner turmoil, his voice filled with a potent blend of anguish and desperation, "Tell me, Neela. How does one fight against their own flesh and blood? Ghost, the one who took Alicia's life, is my brother. How can I avenge her when the one responsible happens to share my blood?"

In his voice, Neela sensed the torment that consumed Noah's every thought, his conflicting loyalties tearing at the very fabric of his being. The weight of his question hung heavy in the air, as they both grappled with the painful reality that their fight against the darkness was not just an external battle but an internal struggle against their own kin.

Neela understood that in that moment, Noah needed more than a subordinate; he needed a friend. Summoning her strength, she took a deep breath and approached him.

"Noah," Neela began, her voice gentle yet resolute. She realized the weight of his struggle, torn between the bonds of blood and the loss of his beloved Alicia.

"The Dark Lord is not your brother. Blood does not define family. Lady Alicia was your family, and it was his hands that took her from you," Neela stepped closer, standing beside Noah, offering her unwavering support.

Noah stood there, caught in the turmoil of his emotions. The desire for vengeance burned within him, seeking retribution for the life stolen from him. But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel the weight of conflicting emotions tugging at his heart. Neela, sensing his inner struggle, stepped closer, her eyes filled with compassion and determination.

"Noah," she said, her voice steady yet filled with empathy. "I understand the pain and guilt that consumes you. But defeating the Dark Lord is not just about avenging Alicia's death. It is about ensuring that no one else suffers the way you have."

Noah's gaze met Neela's, his eyes reflecting the battle raging within his soul. "I blame myself, Neela," he confessed, his voice heavy with regret. "I should have seen the signs. Ghost... my own brother. If only I had realized it sooner, two years ago, perhaps I could have turned him away from this path of darkness. I failed him, and I failed my family."

Neela placed a comforting hand on Noah's shoulder. "Noah, you cannot shoulder the blame for the choices Ghost has made. He had countless opportunities to choose a different path, to turn away from causing harm. Yet, he embraced the darkness willingly." π˜£π˜¦π‘‘π‘›π˜°π‘£π˜¦π˜­.π˜°π˜³π‘”

Tears welled up in Noah's eyes, his voice trembling with emotion. "But he's my brother, Neela. Flesh and blood. I should have protected him, guided him away from this fate."

Neela's grip tightened, her voice unwavering. "Noah, listen to me. Ghost made his own choices. He chose to become the Dark Lord, to sow chaos and destruction. It is your destiny, whether he is your brother or not, to stand against him. To protect the innocent, just as Alicia would have wanted."

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Noah's heart ached, torn between his love for his lost wife and his sense of responsibility towards his family, both past and present. He closed his eyes, allowing Neela's words to sink in, the weight of his decision pressing upon him. His mind replayed memories of Alicia's laughter, her warmth, and the dreams they once shared. The pain of her loss intensified, intertwining with his guilt and self-blame.

"I should have been there for her, Neela," Noah's voice quivered with sorrow. "I should have protected Alicia, my family. It should have been me who was abandoned, not Ghost. If only I had been stronger, wiser, maybe things would have turned out differently."

Neela's presence offered him solace, her unwavering support providing a guiding light in the darkness. She understood the complexity of his emotions, the struggle between seeking justice and grappling with the bonds of blood.

"Noah," Neela's voice resonated with empathy. "It is natural to feel torn, trapped between loyalty, guilt, and the need for retribution. But you must remember, Ghost had his own choices to make. You cannot blame yourself for the path he chose. You did not abandon Alicia or your family. You loved them, protected them. It was Ghost who strayed."

Noah's fists clenched, his conflicting emotions warring within him. "I never wanted to fight my own brother," he admitted, his voice heavy with anguish. "But I cannot let his darkness go unchallenged. I must avenge Alicia, ensure that her death was not in vain. It tears me apart, Neela, to stand against my own blood. But I cannot allow the Dark Lord's tyranny to continue."

Neela's gaze remained steady, filled with unwavering resolve. "Noah, you carry the burden of your guild, your family, and Alicia's memory. It is a heavy weight to bear, but you are not alone. We will face this together, united against the darkness. Ghost made his choices, and now it is your destiny to confront him."

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