Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1139 A Godly Intervention I

Chapter 1139 A Godly Intervention I

As Michael continued his relentless assault on Kranar and Rainar's assassins, their numbers dwindled one by one. Each strike he delivered was swift and precise, leaving his enemies no room to react.

"Is he even human?"

"Someone stop him!"

The assassins desperately shouted, but Michael seemed unstoppable. His blades danced through the smoke-filled air, severing heads and limbs, as blood sprayed across the hall.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing a Kranar's Assassin. The reward is 10,000 Experience points and 400 Badass points]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully being a badass. The reward is 5000 Badass points]

Michael paid no heed to the continuous notifications from the system; his focus was solely on the battle at hand.

Suddenly, one of Kranar's assassins produced a glowing crystal, a pulsating source of lightning energy. His shout echoed through the hall as he pointed the crystal at Michael.

"You pushed me to it, you bastard!"

Michael momentarily halted his steps, his gaze locked on the crystal. It looked strikingly similar to the artifact he had used while testing the weapon he was forging. Rurik, witnessing the danger, hurled the last artifact they had crafted toward Michael through the smoke.

With quick reflexes, Michael caught the artifact and activated it. He braced himself as the assassin unleashed a torrent of blue lightning towards him.


The lightning bolt struck the artifact in Michael's hand, propelling him several steps backward. The assassin had expected to witness Michael's gruesome demise, but to his shock, the blacksmith stood firm, holding the pulsating artifact that crackled with absorbed lightning energy.

"Let's see how this works in a real situation," Michael mused, his eyes fixed on the artifact's glow. Rainar's assassins, who had been ordered to eliminate the blacksmiths to prevent the use of the artifact, were equally stunned and captivated. This was a significant victory for their god, Rainar, as Kranar's angels would no longer be able to wield their potent lightning bolts against their fellow worshippers.

Conversely, Kranar's assassins, who had been tasked with killing the blacksmiths and stealing the artifacts, stood in horror. They had just witnessed the true reason behind their mission, and it was something they had not anticipated.

"It can't be..."

"Did it just absorb the lightning bolt..."

Under their masks, the assassins whispered in disbelief as they grappled with the shocking revelation of their gods' secret plans.

Across the hall, Rin's assassins who had been silently observing the unfolding chaos couldn't believe their eyes. They exchanged bewildered glances, their hidden faces reflecting shock and surprise.

"Did you see that?"

"Is that even possible?"

Their whispers were barely audible amidst the lingering smoke and the distant sounds of battle. The unexpected turn of events had caught them off guard. These blacksmiths weren't just ordinary craftsmen; there was something extraordinary about them, and the artifacts they had created.

Rin's assassins had expected a straightforward mission to retrieve the Book, but now they found themselves entangled in a web of intrigue and supernatural power that far exceeded their expectations.

"Payback's a bitch," said Michael. Then, with a determined glint in his eyes, Michael pressed the button on the surface of the cubic artifact he held. As he did, the artifact emitted a low, ominous hum, and its surface crackled with energy. It was payback time.

In an instant, several bolts of crackling lightning shot forth from the artifact, lancing through the air with deadly precision. Michael aimed the artifact with skillful precision, directing the lightning bolts towards the stunned assassins.

The bolts struck their targets with a blinding intensity, sending shockwaves through the room. The assassins who had once been poised to strike now found themselves at the mercy of the unleashed power. Bright arcs of electricity enveloped them, searing through their black robes and sending them convulsing and writhing in agony.

With a raise of his hand, Michael conjured a powerful gust of wind that swept through the hall, dispersing the lingering smoke and revealing the aftermath of the devastating attack. The scene was gruesome and chaotic.

Several assassins lay lifeless on the ground, their heads severed from their bodies. Others had gaping holes in their chests, and their life force had been extinguished. A few of them writhed in agonizing pain, their charred and smoldering bodies testament to the lightning's unforgiving wrath.

In the midst of the carnage, a few of the surviving assassins mustered what strength they had left and shouted defiantly at Michael, their voices filled with anger and desperation.

"You'll pay for this, blacksmith!"

"Rainar will have his revenge!"

Michael's expression remained stoic, unmoved by their threats. He knew that the tide of battle had turned in his favor, and these assassins were now at his mercy.

"Are you sure about that?" Michael asked with an amused tone as he ended the life of a squirming assassin with a stomp.

"Ladโ€ฆyou did all of thisโ€ฆhow did youโ€ฆ" Rurik came to Michael's side, his face filled with stunned disbelief.

The dwarven blacksmith was taken aback, witnessing how the young human had slaughtered the assassins without breaking a sweat or a sword.

Michael calmly wiped the blood from his dark swords onto his elbows and then turned his gaze to the three remaining assassins who were still standing.

"Kranar will make you pay for this, human scum!" one of Kranar's assassins threatened. The assassins all wore identical black robes, making it impossible to distinguish between those loyal to Kranar and those to Rainar until they spoke.

"Tell Kranar to stay away from the Blacksmith Guild," Michael calmly warned.

"On second thoughtsโ€ฆ"

But then, he changed his mind in an instant. With lightning speed, he dashed at the three remaining assassins and cleaved their heads clean off their shoulders, ending their threats once and for all.

The hall was a gruesome sight, marred with bloodstains, lifeless bodies scattered around, and an unsettling odor of burning flesh and blood that hung heavily in the air. The walls bore the marks of combat, with scorch marks from lightning bolts and the remnants of molten metal from the earlier traps. It was a scene of carnage, a stark reminder of the violence that had unfolded within those walls.

Rin's assassins, hidden in the shadows, watched in astonishment as Michael displayed his combat skills, cutting down their fellow assassins with ease. Murmurs of disbelief and uncertainty spread among them. ๐—ณ๐—ฟ๐ž๐ž๐ฐ๐ž๐›๐—ป๐—ผ๐ฏ๐ž๐ฅ.๐œ๐—ผ๐—บ

"He doesn't look like any blacksmith I've ever seen."

"Yeah, he's a killer, just like us."

"But something about him... it feels off."

They couldn't quite put their fingers on it, but there was an undeniable sense that Michael was not what he appeared to be. As they observed the aftermath of the brutal battle, doubts and questions filled their minds about the mysterious blacksmith in their midst.

As Rin's assassins whispered among themselves, it became clear that their original plan to let the other group of assassins deal with the blacksmiths had failed miserably.

"Our plan to rely on the others was a disaster. We have to take care of these two ourselves," one of the assassins declared.

"Yeah, Kranar and Rainar are the most useless gods. Their assassins couldn't even handle two humans," another chimed in.

"And can we all agree that the human was not a normal human?" someone added, voicing the growing suspicion that Michael was far more than he appeared to be.

Rurik's anxiety was palpable as he paced around the blood-stained hall, his words laden with fear and regret.

"We're in deep trouble this time, lad... We're going to have to answer to Sheshat's guards," he gasped, the weight of the situation sinking in.

As he continued to mutter about the dangers of meddling with the gods and the impending consequences, Rurik couldn't bring himself to make direct eye contact with Michael. He was deeply troubled by the implications of their actions.

"You're in trouble, lad. They're going to question you about how you could have killed these assassins unless you're a killer too," Rurik stated, his voice trembling with worry.

However, Michael remained eerily calm. He slowly turned his attention towards the door on the other side of the hall, sending shivers down Rurik's spine.

"When are you going to come out?" Michael's question hung in the air, and Rurik, feeling the tension, rushed to Michael's side to examine the locked door with him.

Rurik's grip on his battle axe tightened as he asked Michael,

"Who is there, lad?" His voice was filled with apprehension, his senses on high alert.

"We have a third group of guests." With a mix of coldness and amusement, Michael responded.

As the door creaked open, a new group of assassins entered the hall. Unlike the entirely black-robed assassins they had faced before, this group donned black robes with crimson red lines, giving them an ominous presence.

"You have some good perception and skills, human," the leader of the group remarked with a chilling tone.

Curiosity mixed with fear, Rurik demanded, "Who are you?" But beneath his question, there was a palpable sense of dread. There was something about this group that sent a shiver down his spine.

In contrast, Michael remained eerily calm as he observed the newcomers.

"We are Rin, the Murder Princess's assassins," the leader declared. The name sent a shiver down Rurik's spine, causing his battle axe to slip from his grip, crashing loudly to the ground.

Michael could sense the fear coursing through Rurik's veins.

"Your dwarf friend seems to know who we are," the leader remarked, addressing Michael with an air of cold authority. "Hand over the book, and we might grant you a painless death."

Just as Michael was preparing to take action, he sensed another presence, a powerful one โ€“ akin to that of a god.

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