Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1140 A Godly Intervention II

Chapter 1140 A Godly Intervention II

Michael found himself in a tense standoff with Rin's assassins. He had observed Rurik's reaction to the mention of Rin's name, which surprised him. The dwarf's visible fear made Michael realize the sheer terror associated with Rin's reputation.

As this tension hung in the air, Michael sensed a powerful presence, an entity with an aura that seemed to manipulate the very environment around them.

"She is here," the assassins quivered. Even with Michael's heightened senses, the overwhelming smell of blood in the air was unsettling. He had witnessed his share of bloodshed, but this scent was different, more potent.

The room's lighting began to fluctuate, transforming the golden flames of the forges into a haunting crimson hue. The room took on an eerie, red ambiance.

"She is here..."

"Oh, my god..."

Even Rin's assassins trembled uncontrollably, their fear palpable. Suddenly, an eerie, crimson smoke materialized before Michael.

The swirling crimson smoke gradually coalesced into the form of a woman. Her silver hair cascaded down her back, and her eyes were an unsettling shade of white. She wore an eerie armor, forged from what appeared to be solidified blood, and her lips bore a dark crimson hue that formed a wicked smile. In her hand, she held a dagger stained with the same ominous color.

Around her neck, she wore a gruesome necklace crafted from severed fingers, and atop her head rested a crown fashioned from an assortment of skulls. Her very presence exuded an aura of malevolence.

The assassins, overwhelmed by fear, muttered among themselves, their bodies trembling uncontrollably in the presence of this menacing figure.

"You…a handsome specimen," the woman spoke, her words dripping with a macabre fascination. Yet, Michael sensed that she was not physically present but rather a manifestation.

Remaining composed, Michael watched as the woman, who must be Rin, circled him. Her laughter, filled with malevolence, sent shivers down Rurik's spine.

"Do you know who I am?" she inquired, halting her unnerving stroll and standing before him.

"You must be Rin," Michael responded calmly, unfazed by her overwhelming presence. His Eyes of Darkness revealed a vivid red aura surrounding her, signifying her immense strength. Despite her power, Michael remained steadfast, confident in his own potential for growth.

Rin burst into a fit of bloodthirsty laughter, her menacing mirth reverberating through the hall.

"You are not a mortal, are you?" Rin's question startled not only the assassins but also Rurik.

Rin continued to circle Michael, scrutinizing him closely from head to toe.

"A god…a rogue god…how interesting," she mused, her tone fraught with insatiable bloodlust and amusement.

Rurik's eyes widened, realizing that Michael had not been joking about his divine status.

"But that doesn't excuse my minions for failing to acquire what I want," Rin declared, redirecting her gaze to her assassins.

"My lady…Rin…we were going to—"


"I will deal with you later," Rin interrupted, her voice filled with ominous delight. Suddenly, one of the assassins swiftly drew his dagger. Michael thought he might attempt to strike Rin to save himself, but to his astonishment, the assassin slit his own throat and crumpled to the ground, blood pooling around him.

Rin, upon witnessing this, let out a sigh.

"What a pity. I could have had so much fun with him," she lamented, her murderous giggles persisting.

Rin expressed disappointment at the lost opportunity to torment the assassin further. Her chilling laughter filled the room, sending a wave of fear through those who witnessed it. Michael, usually composed, could not help but feel a tinge of shock and fear. Rin was an agent chosen by Xyloth, the God of Murder, making her one of the most ruthless and sadistic beings in existence.

Michael realized that he paled in comparison to the level of brutality Rin could inflict. While he killed swiftly and efficiently, Rin reveled in torment, ensuring her victims experienced every moment of their suffering. Her reputation as a Murder Princess was well-deserved.

"Now, my dear rogue god," Rin began, her demeanor shifting as she addressed Michael,

"As much as I'd love to explore the depths of your brain with my dagger, I find myself in a hurry. So, hand over the book you possess."

Michael's response, filled with calm resolve, seemed to amuse Rin even more. Her laughter, tainted with a cruel edge, echoed through the room.

"Oh, my dear rogue god," Rin taunted, her voice dripping with sadistic glee.

"I don't like killing outright. It will be you who begs for death while I savor every moment of your torment."

The stench of blood in the air grew stronger, causing Rurik to retch uncontrollably. Even Michael couldn't entirely escape the nauseating odor that Rin exuded.

"Who the fuck is she?"

Hidden in a corner, Ayag and Sarba whispered among themselves, trying to comprehend the terrifying presence of Rin.

"Shh, we mustn't draw her attention," Sarba urged in hushed tones, her fear evident.

Despite the overwhelming threat posed by Rin, Michael remained calm. He had already initiated a contingency plan, alerting the system to activate a portable portal that would whisk him away should Rin make any aggressive moves.

On the other hand, Rurik continued to vomit until there was nothing left in his stomach, his body weakened by both fear and disgust.

Rin couldn't resist indulging in her sadistic tendencies as she taunted Rurik for his uncontrollable vomiting. Her laughter rang through the hall, an unsettling and cruel sound that seemed to feed off Rurik's distress.

"Aww, look at the little dwarf," Rin jeered, her voice dripping with malicious glee. "Is our brave warrior feeling a bit queasy? Maybe I should have given you more time to prepare for my grand entrance."

Rurik, already overwhelmed by fear and nausea, could do little more than glare weakly at the menacing figure before him. He had never encountered anything as horrifying as this murderous entity, and he struggled to maintain even a semblance of composure.

Ayag and Sarba, watching from their hiding spot, exchanged worried glances. They knew they had to remain unnoticed, but the fear of Rin's presence was palpable, and it took all their discipline to stifle their emotions and stay silent.

Meanwhile, Michael remained focused and alert, ready to react if Rin's sadistic whims turned toward him. His calm facade concealed his true feelings, for he understood that facing Rin was unlike anything he had encountered before. 𝒇𝒓𝓮𝓮𝔀𝓮𝒃𝙣𝒐𝓿𝓮𝓵.𝒄𝒐𝙢

Rin continued her sadistic game, her crimson lips curled into a malevolent smile as she addressed Michael with chilling threats.

"My dear rogue god," she purred, "I can be quite creative in my torments. You see, it's not just about the book anymore. If you don't hand it over and beg for your pitiful existence, I'll take great pleasure in tracking down every person you've ever known, spoken to, or cared for."

As she spoke, her eyes glinted with unholy delight, and her voice took on a sickeningly sweet tone.

"I'll find your friends, your family, and anyone who ever crossed your path. I'll make them scream, beg, and plead for mercy. And I'll be there, reveling in their suffering, every step of the way."

Rurik, unable to bear the thought of the torment Rin described, pleaded with Michael, his voice filled with desperation.

"Give her the book, lad. We can't challenge this... monster."

But Michael, though a chill ran down his spine, remained remarkably calm. He knew he couldn't let Rin get her hands on the book, not after all he'd been through to get it.

Rin's eyes glinted with sadistic glee as she continued her cruel descriptions.

"Ah, the dwarf first," she hissed with delight.

"I'll start by breaking every bone in his body, one by one, while he begs for death. Then, I'll move on to more creative tortures. Perhaps I'll introduce him to the pleasures of slow, agonizing dismemberment."

The gruesome details of her sadistic plans hung in the air like a poisonous cloud, causing Rurik's face to pale even further, his eyes filled with terror.

Suddenly, a blinding, ethereal light erupted in the hall, washing away the eerie redness and the oppressive stench of blood. It was as if a serene garden of jasmines had replaced the gruesome scene.

Rin's sadistic laughter faltered as she squinted against the brilliance of the light. Her expression contorted into a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.

"So, the bitch decided to show up," Rin snickered, her mocking tone revealing her disdain for the entity behind the radiant light.

The blinding light gradually took on the ethereal form of a silvery-haired woman, draped in pristine white robes that billowed gracefully around her. Her expression was one of serene calmness, in stark contrast to the malevolent presence of Rin and her assassins.

"Seshat." Rin sneered and mocked,

Rurik, no longer able to bear the terror of Rin's threats, stumbled to his feet and rushed behind the ethereal figure of Seshat, the Goddess of Wisdom, seeking refuge and protection from the malevolence that had filled the hall.

"You will do no such thing, Rin, the chosen angel of Xyloth," Seshat's voice had a soothing effect. Even Michael felt calm and serene hearing Seshat's voice.

"Well, I might not be able to kill that dwarf…but can you be certain I won't leave a trail of bodies in your precious domain, Seshat?" Rin chuckled and licked her dagger.

Michael noticed nothing but calmness on Seshat's face despite the threat of Rin. On the other hand, Michael was stunned by how beautiful and angelic this goddess looked.

"Give her the book, my friend," Seshat calmly said, looking at Michael.

"Do what she tells you, my dear rogue god. Listen to the Goddess of Wisdom," Rurik chuckled maniacally.

For a moment, Michael and Seshat looked at each other, a silent understanding passing between them.

With a heavy sigh, Michael flicked his wrist, and the thick ancient tome appeared in his hand.

"Get that," Rin ordered one of her assassins. The assassin slowly took the Book from Michael.

"That wasn't so hard, was it? We will meet again, rogue god," Rin evilly giggled before fading away.

Once Rin left, Rurik was able to breathe normally. Even Michael felt like a pressure had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Copying a book within a few days, an impressive feat, Ghost," Seshat calmly spoke, surprising Michael. He was surprised to see Seshat had seen through his actions.

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