Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1142 Vengeance of Rainar

Chapter 1142 Vengeance of Rainar

Thunderdale loomed majestically, its towers piercing the sky. Dark, swirling storm clouds perpetually hovered above, casting an ominous yet awe-inspiring ambiance. Bolts of lightning sporadically danced within the clouds, illuminating the city in brief, intense flashes.

The architecture was grand, with high, tapering buildings adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to tell ancient tales. The streets, paved with smooth cobblestones, snaked through the city, leading to the center where the Temple of Kranar stood.

This temple, shaped like a massive lightning bolt, was crafted from shimmering blue stone that reflected the tempestuous sky. It radiated a powerful energy, palpable even from a distance, and its spires reached towards the heavens, as if in communion with the god it was dedicated to.

Outside the temple, a fierce battle raged. Silver-armored soldiers, angels of Kranar, clashed with warriors in emerald green armor, angels of Rainar, God of Rain. The silver warriors bore the insignia of a lightning bolt on their chests and were equipped with metallic wings that glinted in the sporadic lightning.

The air crackled with energy as the silver warriors unleashed streams of lightning from their hands, their attacks as swift and unpredictable as the storm above. Their movements were agile, their faces set in determination under the divine command of Kranar.

In response, the emerald green-armored angels, with wings resembling sheets of cascading water, conjured shields made of smoke and water. These shields absorbed and diffused the lightning strikes, creating sizzling clouds of steam wherever they were hit.

In the midst of this celestial battle, two warriors, one from each side, faced each other. The silver warrior's voice boomed, clear and commanding amidst the chaos.

"You cannot withstand the might of Kranar's storm, Rainar's follower! Surrender now and be spared!"

The green-armored warrior responded, his voice resonant and unwavering, "Rainar's mercy is vast, but our resolve is unyielding. We will not falter under your lightning!"

As they spoke, their comrades clashed around them, the battle a maelstrom of divine power. Lightning scorched the earth and water doused the flames, creating an otherworldly spectacle. Buildings crumbled under the sheer force of their confrontation, and the skies above roared with thunder, as if the gods themselves were witnessing and partaking in the conflict.

The city of Thunderdale stood as a testament to the godly struggle, a place where the forces of lightning and rain collided in a display of power and majesty.

As the battle raged above, the people of Thunderdale were caught in a storm of terror and destruction. The once bustling streets were now chaotic, filled with the sounds of panic and fear. Residents ran frantically, trying to find shelter from the celestial war that unfolded above them.

Buildings that had stood for centuries were now crumbling under the relentless assault. Ancient stones cracked and fell, crushing anything in their path. Homes that once echoed with laughter and life were now reduced to rubble, their memories buried under debris.

A woman clutching her child cried out as she navigated the wreckage,

"This way, quickly! We need to find safety!" Her voice trembled with fear, but she pushed forward, determined to protect her young.

An old man, leaning heavily on a makeshift crutch, gazed up at the sky with despair in his eyes.

"Never have I seen such destruction... The gods have forsaken us," he murmured to a group huddled around him.

The air was thick with dust and the sharp scent of burning. Screams echoed through the streets as people stumbled upon the wounded and the fallen. A young man, kneeling beside a motionless figure, called out in anguish,

"Help! Please, someone help! My brother... he's not moving!"

Amidst the pandemonium, a group of local healers worked tirelessly, their faces etched with exhaustion and sorrow. "Bring the injured this way!" one healer shouted, directing a group carrying a wounded child.

"We need more bandages here!" cried another, attending to a bleeding woman.

Everywhere, the ground was littered with remnants of what once was – fragments of homes, personal belongings, and the shattered dreams of the city's inhabitants. The once mighty city of Thunderdale was now a scene of despair, a testament to the devastating consequences of a battle between gods.

As the lightning cracked and the water surged, the people of Thunderdale faced a night of fear and loss, their cries a poignant reminder of the human cost in a war of divine powers.

In the tumultuous skies above Thunderdale, a colossal face formed amidst the storm clouds on Rainar's side. It was massive, stretching across the horizon, with eyes that seemed to pierce through the chaos directly to the battlefield below. Its features were stern and majestic, crafted from swirling clouds and mist.

The people of Thunderdale, already reeling from the chaos, froze at the sight. Their eyes, wide with a mix of awe and fear, were fixated on the immense visage above. Whispers rippled through the crowd, many uttering a single name in hushed tones: "Rainar... It's Rainar..."

The presence of a god, the enemy of their patron deity Kranar, instilled a deep-rooted fear in their hearts. They looked up, helpless and terrified, as the divine face loomed over them, a symbol of the immense power they faced.

Meanwhile, Rainar's angels, bolstered by the appearance of their god, erupted in cheers. "Rainar watches over us! Victory is ours!" shouted one, his voice filled with fervor. "The mighty Rainar has come to lead us to triumph!" exclaimed another, her eyes shining with unshakable faith.

The colossal face of Rainar then spoke, its voice thundering across the battlefield and resonating in the hearts of all who heard it.

"Warriors of Kranar, lay down your arms. Surrender now, or face utter destruction under the might of Rainar."

Despite their shivers of fear, Kranar's angels remained resolute. Their leader, a tall figure clad in radiant silver armor that reflected the stormy sky, his wings like arcs of lightning, stepped forward. His face, though marked by the trials of battle, was set in a defiant expression.

"We will never bow to the invading god!" he proclaimed, his voice steady and unwavering. "We stand with Kranar, and we will fight till our last breath!"

His words reverberated through the ranks of Kranar's angels, reigniting their determination. They prepared themselves for the next phase of the battle, ready to defend their allegiance to their god, even in the face of the overwhelming presence of Rainar.

As the leader of Kranar's angels defied Rainar's command, the colossal face in the clouds twisted into an expression of utter anger. The already tumultuous sky above Thunderdale darkened further, the storm clouds condensing into an ominous mass.

Suddenly, a deluge of rain, like none ever witnessed before, poured down upon the city. It was as if the heavens themselves had opened, unleashing the full wrath of the God of Rain. The raindrops were heavy and relentless, pounding against the already damaged structures with an unforgiving force.

People screamed and shouted, their voices almost drowned out by the roaring downpour. "The gods have abandoned us!" cried a man, struggling to keep his footing against the surging waters.

"Find higher ground!" a mother yelled, clutching her children tightly as the water level rapidly rose, turning streets into rivers and sweeping away anything not anchored down.

The flood was merciless, swamping homes, engulfing the lower levels of buildings, and turning the once-proud city into a scene of watery chaos. People clung to whatever they could, desperation etched on their faces.

"We've lost everything... our home, our belongings!" a woman sobbed, holding onto a floating piece of wood, her voice barely audible over the relentless rain.

"Help us, someone! Please!" a group of people stranded on a rooftop shouted, waving frantically towards any potential rescuers.

The destruction was catastrophic, the once-vibrant Thunderdale now a testament to the terrifying power of the gods. The wrath of Rainar was not just a spectacle in the sky but a calamity that brought untold suffering and loss to the people below. 𝙛𝒓𝒆𝒆𝙬𝒆𝒃𝓷𝙀𝙫𝒆𝓡.π’„π™€π’Ž

Rainar's immense face looked down upon his emerald-armored angels with a commanding presence.

"Use the artifacts," his voice boomed across the battlefield, resonant and authoritative.

Kranar's angels, witnessing the destruction wrought upon their kingdom, stood with blood-red eyes, a testament to their rage and despair. They watched helplessly as the angels of Rainar flicked their wrists, and cubical silver artifacts materialized in their hands, shimmering with a power unknown.

Rainar's voice, ominous and foreboding, echoed through the storm, "The destruction of Thunderdale is just the beginning. Soon, I will defeat and imprison Kranar himself."

As his visage slowly faded from the clouds, the leader of Kranar's angels let out a defiant battle cry, "For Kranar and Thunderdale, we shall never yield!" His voice was a rallying call, full of determination and courage.

With a clenching of fists, the Kranar's angels summoned balls of lightning in their hands, the energy crackling and dancing with raw power. They unleashed a furious barrage of lightning bolts towards the angels of Rainar, turning the sky into a spectacle of electric fury.

Below, the people of Thunderdale reacted with a mix of awe and horror. "The gods battle for our souls!" yelled a man, his face illuminated by the flashes of lightning.

"Look at the sky! It's like the end of the world!" screamed a woman, holding her child close, their faces lit intermittently by the bright flashes.

Buildings, already weakened by the rain, were further assaulted by the power of the lightning. Some structures, hit directly, were lit up as if aflame, their outlines eerily glowing in the storm-tossed night.

The lightning bolts hurled by Kranar's angels streaked across the stormy sky towards the angels of Rainar. However, the scene that unfolded next shocked Kranar's warriors to their core. As the lightning approached, it was effortlessly absorbed by the silver cubic artifacts held by Rainar's angels. Instead of wreaking havoc, the powerful lightning seemed to simply vanish into the artifacts, leaving no impact.

Rainar's angels burst into mocking laughter, taunting their foes.

"Is this the best the mighty lightning warriors can do?" one of them jeered, his voice laced with contempt.

"Your feeble lightning is nothing but energy for us!" another angel of Rainar shouted, a cruel smirk on his face.

The angels of Kranar, witnessing this unexpected turn of events, muttered in disbelief and shock.

"Our lightning... it's useless," one of them whispered, his voice a mix of fear and confusion.

Rainar's angels sneered, a deadly threat in their voices. "Now witness the true power of Rainar!" one declared. With that, they activated the artifacts, the cubes pulsing with a sinister energy.

Suddenly, the stored lightning energy was unleashed, redirected back at Kranar's angels with overwhelming force. Bolts of lightning, magnified and twisted by the artifacts' power, struck Kranar's warriors with merciless precision.

Many of Kranar's angels screamed in agony as the redirected lightning ravaged them. One by one, they began to fall from the sky, their wings scorched and their armor charred by the intense energy.

Below, the scene of destruction was compounded by the despair and terror of Thunderdale's people. As Kranar's angels fell, Rainar's warriors turned their attention to the city below, shouting threateningly.

"Behold, people of Thunderdale! Your defenders fall from the sky!" one of Rainar's angels bellowed, his voice booming across the city. "The end is near for you and your city. The reign of the God of Lightning is over!"

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