Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1141 Way to kill a god unlocked

Chapter 1141 Way to kill a god unlocked

Michael was not surprised by Seshat's familiarity with him. However, he was surprised that Seshat was able to guess Michael had made a copy of the book. Of course, even Seshat had no idea Michael used the system to make a copy of the book and store it in the system's store. The system was decoding this particular copy and was only a couple of days away from finding a way to kill a god.

"Sorry for the mess, Goddess," Michael calmly said with a gentle smile.

In response, the ethereal figure of Seshat jumped with a smile.

"We will talk somewhere else, my friend," Seshat said as she flicked her wrist. Then, Michael felt the space around him distort. The next moment, the scenery around Michael changed. From the eerie halls of the Black Guild Hall to a serene waterfall and verdant trees.

This time, Michael saw not an ethereal figure but a physical goddess, Seshat. She was in a lotus position, meditating. When Michael appeared, she slowly opened her eyes and smiled.

"Welcome to my domain, God of Darkness," Seshat said with such gentleness and serenity.

Michael looked around, trying to sense if there was someone else. But as far as his Environmental scanning could tell, he was alone with Seshat.

"I assume you have a reason for bringing me here, Goddess," Michael asked as Seshat nodded, smiling.

"Don't we all have a reason to do anything?

"I have no idea what that means. Yet, I assume being a Goddess of Wisdom comes with the territory of speaking cryptically," Michael said with an amused smile.

"Words can be deceiving, my friend. But actions do not. By embracing your destiny, you have entered into a great path that is set to bring balance to this realm. That book is just the beginning of your new journey," Seshat calmly spoke.

"So you know what's in the book?" Michael asked, even though he knew the answer to that question.

"Answers, balance, vengeance, retribution, destiny, and many more. It's all about perspectives and your intention," Seshat spoke.

"I'll take that as a yes. So tell me Goddess, aren't you afraid I'm going to kill the gods? I can see you are stronger than me, yet you didn't bring me here to stop me. If anything, you look like you want me to kill your fellow gods," Michael said. Unlike Seshat, Michael was direct.

"I am a goddess, yet you have no intention to kill me," Seshat said with no fear or anything but calmness in her voice.

"You could say I only kill those who deserve it, even the gods," Michael answered.

"That is why you have been chosen by the universe to bring balance to our realm," Seshat said, only to make Michael roll his eyes.

"Not this prophecy destiny crap again,"

"Destiny and prophecies are nothing but mere illusions, my friend. There is only one thing that decides your life, your choices," Seshat said with a smile.

"At least you and I agree on that. So Goddess, you still haven't told me why you brought me here," Michael exhaled heavily.

"I have played my part in your path, my friend. But I brought you here to give you a warning, one friend to another…" Seshat paused, letting the cool wind breeze pass Michael.

"Brace yourself for the journey you are about to start. Your calmness despite the odds has always been your strength; do not let that be taken away," For the first time, Michael heard a gravity in her tone instead of calmness.

Michael didn't take the ominous warning that came from Seshat lightly, especially after facing Rin.

"She will test you, hurt those who you care for, and push you to your limit," Seshat said as though she had read Michael's mind.

"I have faced worse, Goddess," Michael calmly answered, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice. Deep down, Michael's gut feeling told him Rin felt far more dangerous than anyone. Maybe only the soul piece of the Queen felt as powerful as Rin.

However, the Queen seemed at least sane, while Rin was a completely sadistic, insane monster.

"You have given the book, but you have made contact with her. That will result in many deaths, my friend. Please be ready for the storm you are about to face," Seshat said, with genuine concern for him.

"Is that all Goddess? Is that you brought me here to warn me about Rin?" Michael asked.

"Yes. A friendly warning. Make your choices wise, my friend. We shall meet again," said Seshat. Then, she just waved her hand before Michael could utter a word.

Once again, Michael found himself in the Blacksmith Guildhall. But the bodies and the bloodstains were nowhere to be found. The place looked pristine and clean.

"John….lad…my-" Rurik came running and mumbled, trying to figure out the right way to address Michael.

"You can call me lad or John, Rurik," Michael smiled, lightening up the mood.

As Michael was standing before Rurik, Vedora came sliding toward him. Michael picked up Vedora and placed them on his shoulder. 𝒇𝓻𝙚𝙚𝙬𝙚𝒃𝙣𝒐𝓿𝙚𝓵.𝒄𝒐𝒎

"What happened here?" Michael asked Vedora.

"Seshat's angels. They came here led by a woman and cleaned up the bodies and blood without uttering a word. Quite rude too. They completely ignored us," Sarba complained.

"At least they are efficient. One would barely believe a slaughter took place here," Ayag commented.

"What now, John?" Rurik asked. The dwarf's voice was filled with uncertainty as he looked to the god before him for guidance.

"Now we disappear," Michael calmly said. His words made sense to Rurik since they had just come into contact with Rin, the Princess of Murder.

Anyone with a drop of intelligence would opt for hiding after coming into contact with Rin. However, Rurik thought Michael was afraid of Rin and hiding from her. But in reality, Michael was going to prepare for his assassination, the assassination of Rainar.

"Do you have a safe house where you can lay low?" Michael asked Rurik. He wouldn't be able to take Rurik with him because the safest place for Rurik was in Seshat's domain.

"There are a few safe houses in Goldspire, some of which are only known to me," Rurik said.

"Then go there and wait for me," Michael said before giving Rurik a necklace with a spider pendant attached to it.

"Wear this. I will reach out to you when the time comes," Michael said as Rurik nodded. Then, the two of them looked at the forges.

"What about the artifacts we forged? What would happen to them now? We cannot let that traitorous bastard Arlan take them," Rurik growled with anger. However, Michael just smiled. He already had a plan in mind.

"Let Arlan take them. That way, Rainar will use them to keep Kranar busy while I'll work from the shadows to end them both," Michael coldly snickered, shocking Rurik.

"What did you mean by 'end them'?" Rurik asked in shock.

"You will see in time, my friend," Michael patted Rurik on the shoulder.

"We will meet again soon."

As Michael said this, he slowly walked out of the hall. Then, when he stepped outside the corridor, he noticed the traps were removed, as well as the bodies. With a smile on Michael's face, he activated his Runic teleportation, transporting himself to an abandoned building on the outskirts of Goldspire.

"Well, we are back," Ayag said as Michael appeared inside the abandoned building.

The hall inside the abandoned building was dark and gloomy, with a musky, damp air that hung heavily. In one corner, there was a wooden table with a few scattered plans, dimly illuminated by a shaft of pale light streaming in through a cracked window.

"Hey Ghost. Are you alright?" When Michael appeared in the hall, he heard Pink's voice in his head.


"I saw everything that happened. Rin huh, I heard about her. The orcs in Durran hadn't talked much about her or Xyloth. People rarely do. But I will do some digging and find everything about them," Pink said, her voice betraying the slight fear deep in her heart.

"Do that. We need information. I'll see what I can do about it," Michael said.

Then, he sat down on the chair and entered into a meditative state to pass the time.


Three days passed in the blink of an eye as Michael was still in a state of mediation. Then, finally, it happened. The system had finished decoding a part of the book.

[The system has successfully decoded Seshat's tome]

[Congratulations for unlocking the way to assassinate God Rainar…]

[The host can now kill God Rainar by completeing the needed requirments]

The system continuously rang inside Michael's head. After what felt like an ternity, Michael slowly opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he had a cold smile on his face.

[To kill God Rainar, the host must full fill the following requirements…]

Soon, several lets appeared before Michael's eyes, forming the requirements to kill a god.

[The target God Rainar must be away from his domain…]

[The target must be in a place where his godly powers are useless]

[Finaly, the target must be slayn with a weapon made of the collar bone of an ancient beast…]

[Full filling the three requirements will enable the host to kill God Rainar and abosb his grace completely]

Michael noticed the requirements and felt excitement of getting into the assassination game once again. However, it also looked challenging.

[No one said killing a god is easy, host] The system said almost sounding ike it was amused.

With this, Michael started his path to slay his first God…GOd Rainar…and change the fate of the realm forever.

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