Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1158 Saving Fayeth II

Chapter 1158 Saving Fayeth II

Michael submerged himself back into the murky waters, swiftly swimming towards the temple. His movements were precise and calculated, designed to avoid detection.

As he neared the temple, he cautiously peeked over the water's surface. The sight that greeted him was daunting – the temple was heavily guarded, surrounded by defense arrays and spells that glowed ominously in the dim light. The guards patrolled with vigilance, their eyes scanning for any sign of intrusion.

Using his Eyes of Darkness, Michael studied each spell and defense array, his gaze penetrating the magical defenses to understand their mechanisms and potential effects. He quietly relayed his observations to Ayag, Sarba, and Cain, who were intently listening from within the armor.

"These arrays are complex," Michael explained in a hushed tone. "The glow on the walls suggests they're not just for detection but could also be offensive. The energy radiation I'm seeing indicates they might trigger alarms or launch attacks if breached."

Ayag, Sarba, and Cain absorbed the information, understanding the gravity of the situation. Michael's ability to discern the workings of the defense systems was crucial in planning their next move.

"We'll need to be careful and precise in our approach," Michael concluded. "One wrong move, and we could be facing a barrage of magical defenses."

The trio nodded in agreement, ready to follow Michael's lead as they prepared to navigate the heavily fortified temple to rescue Fayeth.

Michael assessed the situation with a tactical eye, his mind working through the various possibilities. "I can survive the arrays and spells, but if I trigger them, they might kill Fayeth or worse inside," he said, his voice low and urgent.

He continued, laying out the strategy. "We need to be stealthy and quick. It's crucial that we avoid triggering any of these arrays and spells. A direct assault is out of the question."

Michael scanned the surrounding area, his eyes analyzing every detail of the temple's defenses. After a moment, he began to formulate a plan, speaking in a hushed tone to Ayag, Sarba, and Cain.

"I'll use the shadows to move around the perimeter. We'll find a less guarded entry point, ideally one where I can use my abilities to bypass the magical barriers without setting them off."

His plan was meticulous, considering every potential obstacle and the need to protect Fayeth's safety. "Once inside, we move quickly to locate Fayeth, free her, and get out before anyone realizes what's happened." said Michael.

Michael's confidence and clear-headedness in devising the plan instilled a sense of assurance in the trio. They understood the risks involved but trusted in Michael's judgment and abilities.

With the plan set, Michael prepared to make his move, ready to navigate the treacherous terrain that lay ahead in their mission to rescue Fayeth.

Michael tapped into his ability to utilize the shadows, harnessing his shadow teleportation skill to move undetected around the temple's perimeter. He slipped from one shadow to another, his movements almost imperceptible in the dim light.

Despite his stealth, a couple of guards felt a disturbance. "Did you see that?" one guard whispered to his comrade, his eyes scanning the area.

"No, what did you see?" the other guard responded, looking around nervously.

"I thought I saw something move over there, in the shadows," the first guard said, pointing to a dark corner.

But Michael had already moved on, his ability to blend completely with the darkness saving him from detection. He continued to navigate the area, staying in the dark corners and out of sight.

Soon, the orc clone that had been whipping the people arrived at the temple. Michael watched him from a hidden dark corner, remaining perfectly still. The orc roared out orders, his voice echoing through the temple grounds. "Be on guard, everyone! The rogue god will come for the bitch inside. And when he does, trap him in the cage!"

Michael's frown deepened as he listened.

"They have a cage for gods?" He muttered to himself with a hint of amusement.

The situation was growing more complex by the moment, but Michael was already formulating a plan to deal with this new development.

Ayag, perched on Michael's shoulder, suggested a tactical move. "Why don't you send a drone inside through an open hall or a Spyder to scout the situation?" she asked, her tone indicating the urgency of getting a clearer picture of what was happening inside.

Michael, however, explained the limitations they faced. "While the drones and Spyders are made of junk metal and emit zero energy radiation, making them undetectable in the mortal realm, it's a different story here in the realm of gods. The arrays and spells here are far more advanced. Sending them in might trigger an alert, putting Fayeth in immediate danger."

He continued, his voice firm with resolve. "We need to improvise and work with what we have. Our primary goal is to keep these arrays from being triggered. Any wrong move and Fayeth's life could be at stake."

His decision reflected his understanding of the heightened risks in this realm and the importance of maintaining stealth.

Michael, determined to get a better understanding of the situation inside, activated his X-ray vision. Through the walls of the temple, he could see the silhouettes of several figures. One, a woman, appeared to be chained to poles, her posture indicating captivity. Around her stood other figures, likely guards, positioned in a defensive stance.

As he focused his vision, Michael noticed the orc's silhouette entering the temple. The orc's large, imposing figure was unmistakable, even through the X-ray vision. Michael watched as the orc approached the woman chained to the poles, whom he surmised to be Fayeth.

The orc's voice, though muffled by the temple walls, carried a crude and taunting tone. Michael could vaguely hear him roaring at the woman. "Call for your rogue god you're in bed with, why don't you?" the orc sneered vulgarly.

The orc's behavior and the guards' presence confirmed that they were on high alert, likely anticipating an attempt to rescue her.

Inside the temple, the orc's brutality escalated. He slapped Fayeth across the face, his actions accompanied by a malicious taunt. "I've razed Ava's temple to the ground," he gloated, taking pleasure in her pain and the destruction he had caused.

Fayeth, despite the physical assault, remained composed. Her voice was calm but carried a weight of certainty. "The retribution for your actions will be dire," she warned, her eyes locking with the orc's.

The orc laughed mockingly, dismissing her warning. He raised his hand and slapped her again, his cruelty evident. "Your rogue god lover will be caught and flayed alive by Rainar," he sneered, enjoying the torment he was inflicting.

Fayeth, undeterred by his threats, slowly curved her lips into a smirk. With a look of defiance, she said, "You have no idea who is coming for you."

Her statement, filled with confidence and a hint of knowledge unknown to her captor, suggested that she was aware of Michael's presence or at least confident in the arrival of a powerful ally. Her demeanor, even in the face of such cruelty, hinted at an underlying belief in the inevitable downfall of her tormentors.

As Michael watched through his X-ray vision, the orc's actions grew more despicable. He slowly ran his hand over Fayeth's sleeve, then with a sudden, violent motion, ripped the fabric, exposing her arm and collarbone. The brutality of the act was evident, even through the obscured view.

Michael, observing from a distance, felt a growl escape his throat. "He's escalating," he muttered, killing intent boiling within him at the sight of the orc's cruelty.

Inside the temple, a shock of anger flared in Fayeth's eyes, a reaction to the orc's vile behavior. Despite the fear and vulnerability of her situation, there was a burning defiance in her gaze.

The orc, oblivious or indifferent to her inner strength, smirked sadistically. "Every female I've come across keeps their demeanor composed until I start tearing their dress," he said, his voice dripping with malice. He reveled in the torture and humiliation of others, finding pleasure in their pain and fear.

His taunting continued, each word designed to break her spirit. "What will it take to shatter that composure of yours, I wonder?" he jeered, his smirk widening.

Fayeth remained silent, but her eyes spoke volumes of the hatred and disgust she felt towards her captor.

Despite the orc's escalating brutality, she maintained her defiant stance. She hyped up the impending arrival of her rescuer, her voice steady and confident. "The god who is about to come through that door is anything but merciful. He's here to kill Rainar and show the world that even gods can be killed."

The orc, unfazed by her words, snickered cruelly and struck her across the face again. His laughter was scornful, a clear sign he underestimated the threat Fayeth described.

Unbroken by his assault, Fayeth continued, her gaze piercing through the orc's arrogance. πŸπ—Ώπžπžπ˜„πžπ—―π§π—Όπ˜ƒπžπ—Ή.𝗰𝗼𝐦

"You'll soon be begging me to heal you when the God of Darkness snuffs the light out of your eyes," she retorted.

Her mention of the God of Darkness seemed to carry a weight of certainty and fearlessness. Fayeth's belief in Michael's mission and his capabilities was evident in her words, a stark contrast to the orc's mocking disbelief.

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