Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1159 New System Stat - The Worship energy

Chapter 1159 New System Stat - The Worship energy

Fayeth, amidst her dire situation, closed her eyes and began to silently pray. Her lips moved in a soft whisper, her words directed to Michael, the God of Darkness.

At that moment, Michael, watching from a distance, felt an unexpected warmth spread throughout his body. It was a familiar sensation, reminiscent of the time when a young boy he had rescued touched his hand and expressed his gratitude. It was similar to the feeling he experienced when some of his worshippers prayed to him, but this time, the surge of energy was significantly stronger, and more potent.

Caught off guard by the intensity of the sensation, Michael realized that Fayeth's prayers were channeling an extraordinary amount of energy towards him. It was as if her faith and desperation were amplifying the power of her prayers.

Suddenly, the system he was connected to chimed in, announcing a significant development. [Host has unlocked a new stat in his status: Worship Energy] This notification confirmed that the prayers directed at him were more than just expressions of hope; they were a source of tangible power, a new element to his already formidable abilities.

As Michael processed the new development, the system continued to feed him notifications, each one revealing more about the newfound power he was harnessing. The messages flashed before his eyes:

[The host has gained 1000 Worship Energy from Fayeth]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving Worship Energy from an angel of another god]

The realization that he was receiving such a significant amount of energy from Fayeth, an angel of another goddess, no less, was astounding. It indicated a deep level of faith and connection, one that transcended the usual boundaries of divine influence.

Then came another crucial piece of information from the system. [With the Worship Energy, the host can diffuse the arrays and spells for a short amount of time]

Michael's smirk widened upon reading this. The ability to diffuse the temple's magical defenses, even if only temporarily, was exactly the advantage he needed. "That's what I want," he said to himself, a plan forming in his mind.

Armed with this new ability and bolstered by the faith bestowed upon him, Michael felt a renewed sense of confidence. Michael stood in the shadows, a new understanding dawning upon him. He once again realized why Rainar and other gods were so fixated on Worship Energy – it was more potent and powerful than the Celestial Energy they commonly used. The raw power he felt coursing through him was a testament to its strength.

As he focused, Michael felt an unusual connection to the arrays and spells surrounding the temple. It was as if he could sense their energy, their purpose, and their weaknesses. A sly smirk formed on his lips. "Showtime," he whispered, ready to make his move.

With a clench of his fist, dark tendrils, invisible to the temple guards, shot out from the ground, targeting the locations of the spells and arrays. They moved with precision, silently disrupting and shattering each magical defense without leaving any trace.

Feeling the barriers weakening, Michael quickly utilized his shadow teleportation ability. He scanned the temple's interior, looking for a suitable shadow to emerge from. Spotting a shadow cast by the orc behind him, he saw his opportunity.

In a blink of an eye, Michael teleported, using the orc's shadow as his gateway. He materialized behind the orc, his appearance sudden and silent. The dramatic entrance was like something out of a nightmare, with Michael emerging from the shadows, his figure cloaked in darkness, ready to confront the brutal tormentor.

The orc, sensing an unexpected presence, stiffened. His instincts warned him that someone was now standing ominously behind him.

Fayeth, her eyes opening at the sensation of a new presence, caught sight of Michael standing right behind the orc. Her expression shifted from despair to a flicker of hope upon seeing her rescuer.

Inside the temple, the guards were taken aback as the doors suddenly slammed shut. The force of Michael's wind blast had sealed them inside, creating a barrier between them and the outside world. The temple was thrown into a brief moment of chaos as the guards tried to comprehend what was happening.

"Someone's behind the Captain!" one of the guards shouted, pointing towards the orc and Michael. Their voices rose in alarm, a mix of confusion and fear permeating the air.

The orc, meanwhile, remained eerily calm. A slow, malicious grin spread across his face. Without turning around, he addressed Fayeth, his voice laced with a twisted sense of amusement. "Is he standing behind me?" he asked, almost as if taunting both Fayeth and his unseen adversary.

"NOW!" Suddenly, the orc shouted.

At the orc's sudden shout of "Now!", the ground beneath Michael abruptly lit up, revealing a massive chakra inscribed with various runes. In an instant, a golden energy cage materialized around him, trapping him within its confines.

The orc, turning around with a triumphant laugh, sneered at the captured figure. "Got you, sucker!" he gloated, reveling in what he believed was a successful ambush.

Fayeth's heart skipped a beat as she witnessed Michael seemingly getting captured. The hope that had sparked in her eyes moments earlier flickered with uncertainty and fear.

The orc, basking in his perceived victory, taunted Michael. "Thought you could just sneak up on me, huh? You're not as smart as they say," he jeered, his voice echoing mockingly in the temple.

The scene was tense, with the orc savoring his moment of triumph, believing he had captured the formidable God of Darkness. Fayeth, still chained, watched on helplessly, the situation appearing grim as the orc continued his taunts.

The orc, brimming with confidence, strutted around the energy cage, taking his time to taunt his perceived captive. "So, the rogue god falls into my trap," he mocked, his voice dripping with derision.

He continued his mockery, "Last time, I wasn't ready to take on a god, so you defeated a mere clone of mine. But look at you now, trapped by another clone." His laughter was loud and contemptuous. 𝒇𝒓𝓮𝓮𝔀𝓮𝒃𝙣𝒐𝓿𝓮𝓵.𝒄𝒐𝙢

"I'm just a clone, controlled by the real me somewhere safe. But how disappointing it must be for a god to fall victim to a mere replica," the orc taunted, his eyes gleaming with malicious pleasure.

The temple guards, emboldened by their leader's apparent victory, approached the cage, each eager to have their turn at mocking Michael. "Looks like the mighty have fallen," one guard sneered.

"Not so dark and scary now, are you?" Another guard chimed in.

Their voices, filled with scorn and mockery, added to the chorus of taunts directed at the figure inside the golden cage.

The orc, reveling in what he thought was his victory, leaned closer to the cage, his taunts growing more vicious. "When Rainar returns from the gala, he will be most pleased to find a rogue god as his new toy to play with," he sneered.

He paced around the cage, his voice laced with mockery. "I always knew the stories and legends about the God of Darkness were exaggerated. Just myths and tales to scare children."

The orc stopped and faced the cage, a smirk plastered on his face. "I didn't believe you existed five thousand years ago, and now you reappear out of nowhere?" he laughed scornfully. "Seems like the mighty God of Darkness is just another myth caught in a trap."

His words echoed in the temple, filled with a sense of false triumph. The orc's conviction that he had subdued a legendary figure was apparent in his demeanor, a mix of pride and derision in his belief that he had debunked a myth.

An excited temple guard, caught up in the fervor of the moment, hurried over to the door of the temple and locked it with a loud clang. The sound of the lock echoed through the chamber, adding to the ominous atmosphere.

"What are you doing?" The orc, momentarily taken aback by the guard's actions, asked sharply. The guard, turning towards Fayeth, licked his lips with a devilish grin. His intentions were clear and malevolent, his gaze fixed on her with a predatory look.

Realizing what the guard was implying, the orc's cruel nature surfaced even more. "I've never had an angel of Ava before," he said, his voice low and menacing as he moved towards Fayeth. His expression was one of twisted anticipation, seeing an opportunity to indulge his depravity.

As he approached her, the orc turned to point at the cage containing what he believed was the captured God of Darkness. "Looks like your protector is a bit tied up at the moment," he taunted Fayeth, his words dripping with malice.

Fayeth, her eyes blazing with defiance, growled at the orc, "Don't you dare touch me again." Her voice was firm, filled with a strength that defied her current vulnerable situation.

The orc, undeterred by her warning, snickered maliciously and raised his hand to slap her once more. But suddenly, the lights in the room flickered, and a thick, oppressive darkness began to spread around the room, engulfing everything in its shadow.

The orc, his hand still in the air, frowned and barked, "What's happening?" He quickly turned to see if the God of Darkness, whom he believed to be securely trapped in the cage, was responsible for this sudden change.

Panic set in among the guards as the darkness intensified, casting eerie shadows across the walls. They looked around frantically, unsure of how to react to this unexpected turn of events.

Meanwhile, Fayeth's gaze was fixed on the cage where 'Michael' was supposedly held. As she peered through the thickening darkness, she focused on the mask where his eyes should have been. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized there were no eyes behind the mask – it was just a hollow suit of armor inside the cage.

The realization dawned on her that the real Michael was still at large, his plan unfolding even now in the heart of the enemy's lair.

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