Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1162 Michael is at the gala

Chapter 1162 Michael is at the gala

Injecting a sliver of his energy into the invitation, Michael activated its teleportation function. A golden light rapidly enveloped him, signaling the beginning of his journey to Fortuna's gala. As the light intensified, he found himself whisked away, leaving the physical realm behind.

In mid-transit, Michael instructed the system to manipulate the portal's destination, intending to land at a discreet location away from the gala's epicenter. Moments later, he emerged on a hilltop, offering a commanding view of the grand dome where the gala was set to take place. The sight was breathtaking, with the dome shimmering under the starlit sky, surrounded by the serene beauty of the landscape.

Sarba, observing the scene, couldn't help but comment on its beauty.

"This place is incredible," Sarba noted, his voice filled with awe.

Just then, Michael heard Pink's voice through his earpiece.

"Have you reached the gala yet?" she inquired, her tone laced with anticipation.

Michael, his eyes fixed on the dome and the figures of gods milling within responded.

"I'm here." The sight of the gods, powerful beings in their own right, did not deter him; rather, it reinforced his resolve.

Pink's voice came through again, tinged with excitement, "This is it, huh?"

Michael nodded, even though she couldn't see him.

"Now, we just wait for the gala to start, and then it's time to take down Rainar," he said, his voice calm yet resolute, outlining the final stage of his plan.

Pink's voice came through the earpiece with a note of strategy.

"Should we do our usual drill, or try something different this time? Our target is a god, after all." asked Pink.

Michael, surveying the gala dome with a critical eye, replied,

"We'll stick to the usual for now. But first, I need to assess the dome's sturdiness and monitor the gods' movements."

"I can't see Rainar among the gods gathered there," said Sarba, utilizing his enhanced senses.

Pink's voice came through again, tinged with disbelief and nostalgia.

"It feels like just yesterday we were taking down Earth's scum, and now here we are, surveying gods," Pink exclaimed.

Michael let out a chuckle.

"My life has been quite a ride," he mused, reflecting on the extraordinary path his journey had taken.

"Quite a ride is an understatement," Pink retorted playfully.

Michael nodded, his gaze still fixed on the dome.

"I'll contact you once I find Rainar and finalize my plans," he assured her.

"What's your escape plan?" Pink's voice turned serious again.

Michael glanced at the invitation in his hand.

"This invitation doesn't have any energy left for teleportation, but I can use my portable divine portal to make a quick exit if needed," he explained, already thinking ahead to ensure a safe retreat after completing his mission.

Michael's eyes lingered on the dome, which glistened magnificently under the sunlight. The surrounding vegetation added to the ethereal beauty of the location, making it seem like a scene from a fantasy.

Sarba, taking in the view, couldn't help but describe it.

"Look at those crystal-clear streams winding around the dome, and the flowers... they're like nothing I've ever seen," he said, his voice filled with wonder.

As Michael scanned the area, he spotted several herbs and ingredients that could be useful in his potion-making. He walked towards a particularly striking flower. It had petals that shimmered with a spectrum of colors, each movement reflecting light like tiny prisms. The flower seemed to pulse with a magical energy, an aura of enchantment surrounding it.

He plucked the flower carefully, then turned to Sarba and Ayag.

"We'll wait until darkness falls," he explained.

"That's when I can make the best use of my shadow teleportation and blend with the darkness. It'll be easier to find weak spots, points of interest, and a suitable sniper nest under the cover of night."

His plan was clear – to utilize the advantages provided by the night to navigate the gala with stealth and precision, positioning himself for the critical moment of his mission.

Vedora, agile and curious, climbed atop Michael's head, positioning themselves for a better view of the gala. Sarba, with his enhanced vision, focused intently on the dome, scanning the gathering of deities.

"There's a god with mismatched eyes, one green and one blue," Sarba began, describing Lathander.

"He has black hair and a crown shaped like a fox," said Sarba.

"Over there is Kranar," he continued, pointing to a god with blue-gray hair and lightning bolt tattoos on his forehead.

"He looks powerful, and there's a stormy aura around him."

"Seshat is there too," Sarba noted. "She's got that calm, knowledgeable look, and she looks calm as a serene lake,"

He then described three more gods.

"See that one with golden wings? He must be a god of light or sun. And there's a dark figure, cloaked in shadows – could be a god of the night or something like that but its unlikely since you are the god of darkness. Lastly, there's a goddess with flowers in her hair, radiating life and nature."

Michael nodded, absorbing the information.

"Since Kranar and Rainar are at war, they'll be keeping their distance from each other," he deduced. His statement indicated a careful strategy to use the enmity between the gods to his advantage.

Michael activated his Eyes of Darkness, enhancing his vision to get a better look at the gods gathered at the gala. His gaze settled on the god draped in dark robes, exuding an aura of mystery and shadows.

"Who is that one, wearing dark robes and looking so... dark?" Michael mused aloud, intrigued by the figure that seemed to mirror aspects of his own nature.

Ayag, ever ready with a quip, chuckled lightly.

"Isn't it funny? You, the God of Darkness, and there's someone else looking like they could be the god of darkness too, all draped in dark robes," she joked, her tone light and playful.

Michael nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips.

"Seems like we might meet some interesting gods here," he said, his interest piqued by the diverse array of deities present.

Ayag then turned to Sarba and Michael, curiosity in her voice.

"Can either of you see Rainar?" she asked, aware of their primary target.

Michael scanned the area once more, his eyes piercing through the crowd of divine beings, but shook his head.

"No, I don't see him yet," he replied, his expression turning thoughtful. Rainar's absence was a puzzle, one that Michael knew he needed to solve quickly.

Michael casually sat on the edge of the mountain hill, his legs swinging over the edge as he surveyed the scene below. His attention was suddenly caught by an unexpected interaction. Seshat, the goddess among the gathered deities, turned her gaze in his direction and smiled, as if sensing his presence from afar.

The surprise was evident on his face.

"Did Seshat just look this way and smile?" he wondered aloud, slightly taken aback by her perceptiveness.

Sarba's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Did she just look at us?" he asked, astonished at the notion that a god could detect them from such a distance.

"It's got to be a coincidence, right? Or does she have some crazy kind of eyesight?" Ayag, ever the skeptic, chimed in.

Sarba, quick with a retort, jabbed at his sister.

"She's a god, Ayag. They're not exactly known for being ordinary," he said, his tone playfully mocking.

Inside the grand dome of Fortuna's gala, the atmosphere was alive with divine energies and the chatter of gods. Lathander, the God of Mischief, known for his playful nature, was at his element, charming and flirting with various goddesses.

He approached a tall goddess with flowing silver hair, her aura radiating moonlight.

"Ah, Lady Selene, your beauty tonight rivals the very moon you govern," he said with a roguish grin.

Selene, the Goddess of the Moon, laughed softly, her eyes twinkling.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Lathander. But it's always amusing to hear," she replied, playing along with his flirtatious demeanor.

Next, Lathander moved to another goddess, one surrounded by a soft breeze and the scent of fresh flowers.

"Goddess Zephyra, I must confess, your presence is like a refreshing wind on a warm summer day," he flirted.

Zephyra, the Goddess of the Wind, rolled her eyes playfully.

"Lathander, always the charmer. But remember, winds can change quickly," she warned, her voice light but carrying a hint of her capricious nature.

As the day progressed, Lathander continued his light-hearted interactions. However, his attention soon shifted to Seshat, who was observing the festivities with a serene expression.

Approaching her, Lathander leaned in slightly.

"Seshat, do you ever get the feeling that we're being watched? Because I certainly do," he said, half-joking, half-serious.

Seshat looked at Lathander, her smile enigmatic.

"Perhaps you've had a bit too much wine, Lathander," she suggested playfully, a rare joke from the usually stoic goddess.

Lathander laughed, genuinely surprised by her humor. "Seshat, making a joke? Now, that's a rare sight!" he exclaimed, his laughter echoing around them.

After Lathander departed with a chuckle, leaving Seshat to her contemplative solitude, she turned her gaze subtly towards the direction where Michael was observing from afar. Her eyes, sharp and perceptive, seemed to pierce through the distance and the enchantments surrounding the gala.

In a quiet, almost inaudible murmur, Seshat spoke into the air, her words carrying a weight of awareness and insight.

"Welcome to the gala, God of Darkness," she said, her voice a soft whisper, barely louder than a breath.

There was a knowing quality to her words, as if she was fully aware of Michael's presence, despite the physical distance and his efforts at remaining concealed. It was a testament to her prowess as a goddess of wisdom and knowledge, hinting at her ability to perceive more than what meets the eye.

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