Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 1163 Picking Up The Sniper Nest

Chapter 1163 Picking Up The Sniper Nest

As the evening wore on, the night finally descended, cloaking the landscape in a serene darkness. The dome, a centerpiece of the gala, began to glisten enchantingly under the night sky, lit by myriad lights that sparkled like stars. The ethereal glow of the dome stood out in the darkness, a beacon of divine presence.

Michael, observing the transition from day to night, noted,

"Tomorrow morning, the gala will officially begin." His voice carried a hint of anticipation for the events that were to unfold.

Above the dome, unique and mind-blowing fireworks began to burst in the sky, painting the night with vibrant colors and patterns. Each explosion was a masterpiece of light and sound, a celebration of celestial powers.

"I sure hope there isn't a god specifically for fireworks. They'd be having a blast tonight, " Ayag joked, watching the spectacle with amusement.

Michael, his eyes still fixed on the dome, responded,

"Let's use this darkness to our advantage. It's time to survey the dome closer." His plan was to utilize the cover of night to gather more information and strategically position himself for the next phase of his mission.

Under the cover of night, Michael began his detailed reconnaissance of the area surrounding the grand dome. Utilizing his shadow teleportation and blending seamlessly with the darkness, he moved like a ghost, undetectable to the casual observer. The dome, a magnificent structure, stood bathed in celestial light, surrounded by lush greenery and ornate sculptures that spoke of divine craftsmanship.

As he surveyed the area, Michael noticed Fortuna's angels patrolling the vicinity. They were clad in pink armor, their wings a soft shade of pink with feathers that shimmered under the moonlight. Their presence added an element of grace and beauty to the already surreal surroundings.

"Those angels in pink are quite a sight. They look... lucky." Ayag whispered, watching from Michael's shoulder.

Sarba, with his enhanced senses, focused on the movements of the angels.

"They seem to be everywhere, keeping a vigilant watch," he observed.

Michael nodded, recording every detail, every possible entry and exit point around the dome. His eyes were sharp, missing nothing.

As Michael watched, a guard patrolling near a cliff's edge stumbled, his foot slipping. Just as he was about to fall, one of Fortuna's angels swooped in, catching him at the last moment.

"Lady Fortuna's luck shines on me tonight." The guard let out a relieved sigh.

In another area, another guard, attempting to light a torch in a particularly dark area, found his flint failing. As frustration set in, a sudden gust of wind blew, miraculously igniting the torch.

"Fortuna's luck indeed." The guard looked up, chuckling.

Observing these events, Michael remarked to Pink over the earpiece,

"Fortuna's influence is evident. Her guards seem to be walking charm bracelets."

"Seems like they don't just guard the place; they bring their own luck with them." Pink's voice came through with a hint of amusement.

While Michael continued his recon, he identified several potential sniper nests and points of interest for his assassination plan. High vantage points, secluded areas, and spots with clear lines of sight to the dome were all marked in his Environmental map.

"There," Michael pointed out to a secluded area with a clear view of the dome's entrance.

"That spot offers a perfect vantage point. If Rainar shows up, I'll have a clear shot." said Michael.

Ayag looked at the spot. "Good choice. Hidden, yet with a clear line of sight. Classic sniper's nest."

As they moved on, Michael also noted areas where the shadows were deepest, perfect for his shadow teleportation.

"These spots will be crucial for quick movement and escape if things go south," he explained.

"The shadows are your allies. Use them well." Sarba said, nodding in agreement.

The night's survey provided Michael with crucial information. He had mapped out the terrain, identified key locations, and understood the movements of the guards and angels. Every piece of information brought him closer to his goal – the assassination of Rainar.

As the reconnaissance mission concluded, Michael looked once more at the dome, its beauty belying the danger and intrigue within.

"Tomorrow, everything changes," he murmured, a sense of resolve in his voice.

Shifting his focus, Michael initiated contact with Pink, updating her on the latest developments.

"Three potential sniper nests have been identified," he relayed, his tone methodical as he outlined the details.

"Behind a waterfall is the first location. It's advantageous due to the natural screen provided by the water, masking noise and movement. However, the view is somewhat restricted. Timing the shot without visual obstruction will be key," he detailed, analyzing the spot in his mind.

"That sounds like a solid position, but you'll need a clear moment to make your move," Pink responded thoughtfully over the earpiece.

Continuing, Michael described the second option.

"There's a rocky outcrop overlooking the dome. It's closer than the others, which means a better shot, but the risk of exposure is higher. Stealth is crucial there."

He then moved on to the final spot.

"The third is a tall tree with dense foliage, offering excellent cover and a clear line of sight. The major downside is its distance from the dome, making precision more challenging."

"Each spot has its own set of challenges. You'll have to choose based on Rainar's position and other factors at play." Pink said, mulling over the information.

"The decision will be made on-site, depending on how the situation unfolds. Patience is key for now." Michael said.

With the communication ended, Michael felt a sense of readiness. He had a clear understanding of his options and was prepared to adapt to the dynamic environment of the gala.

Under the cover of night, Michael and his companions, Sarba, Ayag, and Cain, gathered to discuss their strategy for the upcoming gala. The air was filled with anticipation as they deliberated on the best course of action for sniping Rainar using the crossbow crafted from the ancient centipede's collarbone.

Sarba, ever the observer, weighed in first. "We need to locate Rainar as soon as the gala starts. His position will determine our next move."

"Yeah, we gotta find that bastard quickly. We can't waste any damn time once the show starts," Ayag interjected with her usual flair.

Hearing them, Cain, the smartest head among the three hydra heads, nodded in agreement.

"Identifying Rainar early is crucial. We should also decide on the sniper nest. Each has its pros and cons."

Michael listened intently before sharing his preference.

"I'm opting for the tree with the dense foliage. It provides the best combination of cover and a clear line of sight. The distance is a challenge, but I trust in our weapon's capability and my marksmanship."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. "It's secluded enough to reduce the risk of being spotted and gives us a broad view of the gala. We'll have the advantage of height and concealment."

The group nodded, understanding Michael's reasoning. The tree offered a strategic position, balancing the need for stealth with the requirement for an unobstructed view. As the night deepened, they fine-tuned their plan, each member contributing their thoughts and expertise.

As the night wore on, the conversation among Michael and his companions took a speculative turn. The notion of killing a god, something unheard of before, hung heavily in the air.

"Killing a god... It's uncharted territory. There might be consequences we can't even imagine. Could it disrupt the balance of the divine realms?" Sarba voiced his thoughts first.

"Hell, who knows what'll happen? Maybe there'll be some crazy explosion of power, or it could create a void. Killing a god's gotta fuck things up." said Ayag with a dark chuckle.

Cain, the intellectual head, chimed in with a more analytical approach.

"The death of a god could have ramifications on their followers and the domains they control. It could lead to a power vacuum, or even worse, a war among the remaining gods for dominance."

"We're stepping into the unknown," Michael acknowledged.

"But whatever happens, we'll be ready to face it. Our focus now is on the task at hand."

After a few moments, they all became silent, watching the night sky. Then,Michael's voice broke the silence as he pondered the broader implications of their mission.

"I wonder what will become of Nimbosia, Rainar's kingdom, if he falls. What happens when the God of Rain dies? Will another deity take his place, or will a new god of rain be born?"

His questions hung in the air, reflecting the depth and complexity of the consequences their actions might have on the divine and mortal realms.

But on the other hand, Ayag, ever imaginative and unfiltered, launched into a series of speculations about the immediate aftermath of a god's death.

"Imagine if there's a huge explosion, or maybe a shockwave of divine energy," she mused aloud. "Or what if killing a god tears a hole in the fabric of reality? Or releases some ancient, locked-away power?"

She continued, her ideas growing more outlandish. "Maybe it'll cause a cascade of events, like dominoes falling. Gods losing their powers, chaos in the realms, who knows?"

Michael listened to Ayag's theories, a faint smile on his lips at her wild imaginings. While her speculations were fanciful, they underscored the uncertainty and potential gravity of their undertaking.

As Michael gazed at the dome, illuminated under the starry sky with figures of gods moving within, he contemplated the profound implications of their plan. The weight of their actions, the potential upheaval in the realm of gods, and the unknown consequences of killing a god were all factors playing in his mind.

"We will find out tomorrow," he said quietly, his voice a mix of resolve and a bit of excitement.

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