Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 520 The World’s Finest Assassin

Chapter 520 The World’s Finest Assassin

(Several hours ago)

Michael was floating above the clouds and looking at Tanulia on the sandy beach. She looked the size of a bullet ant from where he was. Michael wore his suit of armor and was shrouded in dark clouds. In simple words, he was in his complete Lucifer form.

"My Lord," Azazel appeared beside Michael above the clouds,

"He is ready," Michael turned his head to see an undead wearing the same suit of armor as him. It cost Michael 6000 badass points to buy the suit of armor and make the Alpha undead wear it. Additionally, Michael attached a voice modulator he invented to the undead's throat.

"The feeds are online," Azazel pointed at the alpha undead's eyes.

"Go to the dark forest and monitor everything,"

"What will you do about the warship approaching, my Lord?" Michael looked over his shoulder and activated his thermal vision. The moment the vision went blurry blue, he noticed a bright orange blob of a heat signature approaching their location.

"Cloaking technology, cool" Michael smiled, feeling his excitement bubbling inside. If the Alpha guardian's ship could have the cloaking ability, Michael could equip his warships and vehicles with the same technology but only better.

"Hijack or destroy," Michael calmly said,

"Now go,"

"Have good hunting my lord," Azazel bowed deeply before his ghostly figure vanished into thin air, leaving Michael and the alpha undead behind.

After Azazel left, it was time to implement his plan. With a flick of his wrist, he manipulated the wind around the undead. Thanks to his 10% wind manipulation, he was able to levitate the undead slowly to the beach from the sky.

"My Lord," As Michael was flying the undead to the beach, he heard Azazel's voice in his head,

"I have established a connection with his voice modulator. I can now speak on your behalf,"

"Good. I'll be listening. Keep them think he's the Dark Lord"

"Yes my lord,"

Azazel went silent as Michael finally landed the undead on the beach. Then, Michael flew higher into the air while controlling the undead telepathically. After merging his soul pieces together, his multitasking ability soared through the roof. Controlling the undead and flying had become as easy as breathing to him.

"Lightning Dash," Michael flew at the invisible warship leaving a dark trail in the sky. His speed had reached the point that when he flew away, he left after images of himself in the sky that lasted for a couple of seconds.

In a few breaths of time, Michael arrived above the warship. He activated the thermal vision to see several guardians guarding the upper deck. They all wore metal plate armor from head to toe. However, when Michael disabled the thermal vision, the guards disappeared from his sight.

"So they also have the ability to use cloak. Hmm, I need to get my hands on one of those armors," He already planned to disguise himself as a guard, but looking at the armor's ability to turn invisible, he decided to take it for himself.

At that moment, there were four guardians patrolling the upper deck. Since the ship was Tanulia's headquarters, only the best of the best resided on the ship.

"Elidyr" Looking at the invisible ship floating through the clouds, Michael established a connection with Elidyr,

"Can you the warship?" Michael broadcasted what he saw to Elidyr's mirror through the interlinked Spyders and mirrors.

"I am not familiar with this vision. Can you place the rune I put in the space ring onto the ship's hull?"

It made sense that thermal vision was new to Elidyr. Therefore, Michael nodded and waited for the soldier patrolling the ship's quarterdeck to turn around. Then the moment the soldier turned around, Michael dived down until he reached the ship's back, but he didn't touch the ship

"You cannot make contact. Put this blue rune on your hands. It will temporarily prevent the ship from activating its defense arrays,"

The ring in Michael's middle finger let out a dim glow, indicating that Elidyr, who had the interlinked space ring, added something into the space ring.

Michael sent a sliver of his arch energy to access the ring and retrieved a golden parchment. When he opened the parchment while still floating behind the ship, he noticed a blue rune that resembled an eye glowing on the parchment.

"Touch the rune" as soon as Michael touched the rune, the rune turned into glowing blue dust and settled on his palm, forming the rune on his dark gloves.

With the glowing rune in his hand, Michael touched the hull. Immediately Michael had a cold chill all over his body,

"Now place this rune on the ship," Once again, Michael retrieved another parchment from his space ring. This time, there was a rune in the shame of a fire symbol burning in the parchment. Like before, when he touched the rune, it turned into glowing crimson red dust, floated to his right hand, and formed the rune on his palm.


Michael heard a muffled creaking sound coming from the ship when he placed the rune on the ship's hull,

"Hmm, they did an acceptable job I think. But my runes are better. The eye of shalia will give you five minutes of time which is more than enough for you to deal with the guards. Wear one of their armors, and you're good to go," Elidyr instructed him. Although Elidyr heard that Michael was a hitman on earth, he had no idea how skilled Michael was.

"Way ahead of you," Michael already planned to wear one of their armor. Now with the glowing blue rune, which was apparently called the eye of shalia, Michael climbed the ship carefully.

Even when he was wearing heavy armor, Michael was extremely nimble. He climbed the distance of twenty meters in a minute. Then when he reached the deck, he looked up to see the guard leaning on the edge, watching the night sky. Michael was just a few inches beneath the guard and if the guard looked down, he might see him.

But before the guard could do so, Michael performed a ledge assassination by pulling the guard down by his neck and snapping his neck in a blink of an eye.

Thanks to the system, he only had to pay 100 badass points, and the armor would appear around him. Otherwise, he had to remove the armor from the soldier and wear it piece by piece, which would take time, and in that time, other guards might notice their colleague missing.

Michael dropped the naked soldier down and climbed up the ledge as one of the guardians. After he had equipped the armor, he felt a vague connection with the armor. He closed his eyes for a moment as his silver armor flickered a few times before turning invisible. But, of course, it wasn't a perfect cloak. One could see the distortion in the air due to light refraction.

He was confident enough to perfect the cloak with the help of Elidyr, the system, and his inventor skills. The only thing Michael lacked was a blacksmith skilled enough to forge worthy armor.

Michael killed one of the four guardians, leaving three guardians on the deck. One guardian was standing near the main sail post while the other two guarded the ship's front.

Despite the cloak, the other soldiers seemed they could see through the cloak. Otherwise, the soldier wouldn't have nodded at Michael, who was invisible.

Michael nodded back while looking at the soldier closely. The armor protected the whole body by covering head to toe. However, a gap between the chest plate and helmet exposed the neck by several inches. The gap was not wide enough for a sword to cut through, but Michael's hidden blades could. Michael adjusted his armor sleeves to form a gap so the hidden blades could come out without damaging the silver armor.

Looking at the soldier, Michael moved his hand behind and took out a copper coin from his system storage. The coin was made of junk metal and enhanced by Elidyr's runes, just like his Spyders. Hence, when Michael sent a Spyder carrying the coin to the ledge near the soldier, they triggered no arrays.

When the Spyder dropped the coin a few meters away from the soldier, Michael activated the copper coin. For a moment, it flickered, and then, it produced a low-pitched whistling sound.

"What the?" The soldier signaled Michael to keep his eyes on him before turning and walking towards the coin. The soldiers on the front were still looking at the other side. The two of them seemed to be having an interesting conversation in Michael's eyes.

Instead of following the soldier's order, Michael floated toward him, without making a sword. As a result, the soldier had no idea Michael was behind him when he bent down to pick up the coin.


Michael grabbed his neck from behind and immediately sent his hidden blade through the armor gap.

"GRR," the soldier made a sickening growl as Michael cut his vocal cords and threw him off the ledge.

"Two down, two to go"

Even though the soldiers were elites, they were inside the void, making them powerless in front of Michael. While walking toward the two soldiers, the atmosphere grew darker as Michael cast the Death Range spell to enhance his powers to a terrifying level.

"We are really going to capture the Dark Lord,"

"Those amateurs in the guild just overhyped him. In truth, they are just incompetent,"

"No shit. That's why they are still guardians, and we are hunters,"

The two soldiers gossiped, having no idea death was nearing them.

"I'm excited to receive a huge bonus from Alpha Guardian. How much do you think it is?"

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure I can afford a mansion and a huge piece of land with it,"

Considering it was nighttime, the soldiers failed to notice the darkness formed by the death range. Besides, Michael floated towards them, so they heard no footsteps.

"Hello boys,"

They heard a sudden cold voice and tried to turn around. However, Michael grabbed both of them by their necks and tightened his grasp, crushing their helmets. Their armor flickered, revealing the caved in heads. The next moment, Michael tossed them down from the ship.

Finally, Michael cleared all the guards on the upper deck,

"My Lord, Miss Peyton has arrived," Azazel's voice sounded in his head,

"Stall her. I'm on my way to the dining area. It's time the soldiers tasted my Blood tonic" Michael looked around the empty deck,

"I still got it," Michael felt proud of his handiwork. In a matter of a couple of minutes, he assassinated four elites like they were nothing. It had been so long since he used his assassin skills in this world.

With a proud grin under the helmet, Michael made his way to the ship's center, where he saw a latch.

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