Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 521 Poisoning the Guardians

Chapter 521 Poisoning the Guardians

Pulling up the latch, Michael opened the doorway to the lower decks. He climbed down the ladder and reached a narrow hallway lit with elegant small chandeliers. He stepped on a ruby red carpet that ran from the ladder to the other parts of the ship.

A few meters away from Michael, he noticed a soldier guarding a door, and when he noticed Michael, he turned his head,

"What are you doing down here?" the guardian asked,

"Man, I need to get something to eat. I'm starving," Michael quickly disabled his cloak and rubbed his belly,

"Damn it man, quickly eat something and return to your post," the guardian had a British accent which slightly surprised Michael and reminded him of the time Michael traveled to London to kill a billionaire in his own mansion.

"Will do," Michael slowly walked towards the soldier while looking around to see if he could find any clues to locate the kitchen.

Seeing Michael approaching him, the soldier raised his hand,

"Where are you going mate? The dining area is through that door," the soldier pointed at the door couple of doors away from the door Michael was at,

Michael expected the soldier to point out the way because only one of two things could have happened. One, the soldier would point out the right way. Else, he would suspect Michael and try to apprehend him, which would have resulted in Michael killing him and burning his body to ashes with Dark Flames. Luckily for the soldier, he chose the first option.

"My mind is boggled man. Thanks anyways. You want anything?"

"Yeah get me a pastry on your way out," the soldier said as Michael nodded,

"Sure thing,"

As he reached the door to the kitchen, he twisted the copper knob and was welcomed by an enormous, high-ceilinged room, large enough to contain at least seventy people, with mounds of glittering brass pots and pans heaped around the stone walls and a great brick fireplace at the other end.

In addition, there were seven rows of long oak tables and benches for the guardians to dine on. At that moment, the kitchen was rather empty, and only a few guardians sat on the benches, having their fill. All the oak tables had several pots and bowls filled with various dishes. When Michael reached one of the oak tables, he grabbed a pastry, lifting his helmet a bit,

"Not bad," the pastry melted in his mouth. He took a big bite and made his way to the brass pots.

"I thought only we have a break," seeing Michaek, a blonde-haired soldier who was having porridge said,

"I am starving. Can't be on an empty stomach when we catch the Dark Lord, can we?" Michael amused,

"Can't argue with that point?"

"Finish it quickly Mac. We can't be late to receive the Dark Lord,"

Michael was pleasantly surprised,

"Is that so? You guys are so lucky, you get to see the Dark Lord up close,"

The blonde soldier rolled his eyes,

"Lucky my ass. I'd rather guard Lady Tiriana's room than stay close to that creepy fucker,"

Still standing near a brass pot, Michael asked the soldiers,

"Speaking of Lady Tiriana, I have a message for her. From Alpha Guardian. I need to get that to her ASAP,"

"Then what are you doing here? Lady Tiriana's room is on the other side," Another red-haired guardian with a long cut across his tanned face spoke in a thick accent,

"I will go. After I taste this baby," Michael pretended to take a long whiff of the aroma from the brass pot before him.

"You guys tried this?" asked Michael ignoring the red-haired man,

"What's in there?" asked another soldier.

Meanwhile, Michael controlled the Spyder he used to distract the soldier to craw through the hallway. Fortunately, Michael found a map of the interior on the wall. It made sense to make a painting of the map and hang this on the wall for the soldiers to navigate through this giant ship.

"Chicken soup. What the hell? Let's have a taste shall we?" Michael grabbed five ceramic bowls from the table beside him and filled them with the chicken soup while showing his back to the guardians.

With fast and precise movements, Michael took out Blood tonic which was a muddy brown potion, poured it into the bowls, and turned around. The brown potion quickly became colorless and blended with the chicken soup.

"Here you go guys,"

Michael memorized the map as he put the bowls on the table,

"You should go now," the red-haired man coldly said after Michael took a sip of the soup,

"Okay okay, jeesh. You're aiming for employee of the month or something?" Michael's words made the others chuckle while Michael grabbed a bunch of pastries,

"This is for me to have on the way,"

Michael walked away from the guardians. On his way towards the door, he looked over his shoulder to see all of them take a long sip of chicken soup.

When he came out of the kitchen, he quickly took out another Blood Tonic potion and drenched them in the potion. For a moment, the pastries looked wet but soon, they regained their usual crispy texture after the pastries absorbed the nanites.

Then, Michael navigated through the hallway according to the map and on his way, he handed over pastries to the guardians patrolling the hallways. Only then did Michael realize how hungry these soldiers were. It didn't even take any effort to make them eat the pastries.

"Is everything ready?" As he was walking in the hallway, on his way to Tiriana's room, Michael saw Xanali escorted by three guardians walking towards him,

"Yes, Guardian Captain. Everything is in place,"

"Good. I don't want any surprises," suddenly Xanali turned her gaze away from the guardian beside her to Michael who was standing in the hallway with a pastry in his hand,

"What are you doing?"

Despite the situation, Michael remained calm. For an assassin, it was paramount to stay calm since panicking wouldn't solve anything.

"Hungry Guardian Captain," Michael sounded like an embarrassed more solid,

Seeing him scratch the back of his neck, Xanali rolled her eyes.


Surprisingly, she slapped his hand with enough force to make him drop the pastry in his hand,

"Return to your post before I make you have no post to return to," She growled,

"Yes yes, Guardian Captain" Michael turned his tone to sound apologetic, bowing his head. He remained, bending his back until Xanali walked away to a safe distance from him,

"What a colossal bitch," Michael looked at her figure disappearing before resuming his journey to Tiriana's room adjacent to Captain's cabin.

"All Guardians, be alert. The Target has reached the loading area and is on its way to the interrogation room" All of a sudden, Michael heard a rough female voice echoing through the hallways,

After navigating through the maze of a hallway, Michael finally reached a lavish wooden door flanked by two elites. The next door was also flanked by two elites so, in total, there were two doors and four elites in front of him.

It was kinda problematic since the two doors and guardian were standing next to each other. Luckily for Michael, no elites were inside the Captain's cabin and Tiriana's room. He could see Tiriana curling into a ball on her bed while the captain read the map on a table, thanks to his thermal vision enabled him to see through walls.

Fortunately, Michael had the distracting copper coins and countless Spyders in his storage. He put his hands behind his back, retrieving another Spyder and a coin.

The Spyder grabbed the coin and crawled through Michael's legs, avoiding their gazes. The spyder and the copper coin perfectly blended with the ruby red carpet they were standing on.

"You have a reason to be here?"

"I am making sure everything is in place. Alpha Guardian's orders,"

Michael was always prepared to kill them. It would only take him a couple of seconds to kill all of them, but he decided to deal with them stealthily instead of like a murdering maniac.

Anyone could kill, but only an assassin or a killer like Michael could kill with finesse.


This time, the coin made a loud noise attracting the four guardians' attention.

"Did you hear that?" one soldier at each door walked towards where the noise came from, leaving one behind as they should.

Looking at the two soldiers at the door at a three-meter distance and the two soldiers walking away, Michael cracked his neck.

The very next moment, Michael dashed at the first soldier, slashing his throat with his hidden blade. Then, before the blood splashed onto the floor, Michael activated the death range and fired a powerful bolt of lightning through the other guardian's head.

He didn't stop as he drew the sword on the guardian's sheath and threw the sword at the guardian, who turned back, hearing the thud sounds made by the two dead soldiers. The sword went straight through his head as soon as he turned around.

Then using the walls as his steps, Michael parkoured to the remaining guardian.

"Ignitia" in mid-air, Michael pointed his finger as the golden lightning bolt shot out of his finger and went through the guardian's throat, forming a hole in his neck.

From slashing the first guardian's throat with his hidden blade to killing the last one with the lightning bolt happened within five seconds. The elites couldn't even lift their fingers in front of his inhuman speed, technique, and strength boosted by the Death range.

Killing them was only half the battle, as Michael had to dispose of the bodies. Quickly Michael dragged the four bodies while spraying the potion he brewed to clean the bloodshed onto the walls and the floor through a sprayer attached to the center of his gloves.

(Chapter 477 mentions the upgrades done to the armor)

Michael looked around with his X-ray vision to see no one was coming his way. The Captain in the cabin didn't seem like he heard a thing as he was still reading a map.

Instead of going into the captain's cabin, Michael decided to greet Tiriana. But when he touched the doorknob, he felt an electric shock,

"System, unlock the door for me," after seeing the golden runes on the room, he realized Tanulia placed runes on the door to protect Tiriana,

[The system requires 6000 badass points to disable the runes]

"Do it,"

A bright light shot out of Michael's hand to the door. Then, the glowing runes dimmed out in a few blinks of an eye. With a grin, Michael twisted the knob as the door opened with a crackling sound.

He took a step inside the room and saw Tiriana curling into a ball on her white bed,

"Knock knock elf, your death is here,"

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