Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 522 Mysterious Guardian Of Tanulia

Chapter 522 Mysterious Guardian Of Tanulia

Tiriana, who heard these words weakly, opened her eyes. After Michael demonstrated his skills to Atian and Alred three days ago, he went to one of Michael's restaurant competitors: The Ruby Cuisine.

Michael poisoned her food with Blood tonic without her knowledge or anyone. Ever since that day, Michael has been controlling the nanites and causing her pain.

(Chapter 495 mentions Tiriana's arrival at Idrisal)

Tanulia found the Spyders because of Noah. They thought they found all the Spyders in the warship except the one Michael left in Peyton's body.

Michael knew they had found the Spyders and tried to manipulate him by feeding him false information. But Peyton's dedication to catching him really surprised Michael.

She really went all in, and if it wasn't for the Spyder in her body, Michael would have been in the interrogation room right now instead of in Tiriana's room.

"Who…who…are…" She was so weak and barely uttered these words. Looking at Michael dragging the dead bodies, she tried to rise up from the bed but only to fail again and again,

After dragging their bodies inside, Michael closed the door.

"Aww, you want to get up?" Seeing Tiriana struggling and trying to reach for the dagger on a table beside the bed, Michael stepped toward the bed,


With a single punch to the side of her face, Michael knocked out Tiriana,

"Now it's time to clear their bodies," Michael turned around, controlling the air in the room to lift the bodies into the sky,

However, he couldn't lift the body in the air because of his weak wind manipulation rate. If he tried to use the Dark Flames to burn them without creating a wind cocoon around the bodies, the entire room would be on fire and soon the whole ship.

"Damn it," Michael yet again raised his hand as a small whirlwind appeared in the room, but he soon lost control over the whirlwind. Several sweat beads appeared on his forehead, but he still couldn't lift one body.

"Plan B then. Wind blast,"

Since he couldn't burn the bodies, Michael raised his hand, sending a powerful blast of wind. The wind blast hurled the bodies under Tiriana's bed. Although it wasn't the perfect hiding spot, no one would find the bodies unless one looked under the bed. Besides, Michael didn't need to keep the bodies hidden for long.

"Come here, sweetie pie," Michael lifted Tiriana from the bed in his arms. His next destination was closer; The Captain's cabin. While walking out of the room, he looked around with his X-ray vision; fortunately, no one was approaching.

"Blood bags and retractable dagger," Tanulia appeared in the corner of his vision. He saw her through the Spycam in the undead's eyes,

"Bravo," Michael chuckled as he arrived in front of the captain's cabin's door,

Standing before the door, he put down Tiriana on her feet.


Michael kicked open the door, startling the plump bald man on the other side of the oak table.

"Move an inch, and I will break her neck," His face might be covered by the helmet, but it couldn't hide the killing intent in his voice,

"Who are you?" the captain asked,

"Raise your arms in the sky," Michael calmly asked, but the captain seemed reluctant,

With a flick of his wrist, Michael took out a dagger and placed it against Tiriana's neck,

"Okay okay okay," seeing the knife against her neck, the captain immediately raised his arms over his head,

"Now, if you do everything I say when I say, you and she will live,"

Using his legs, Michael closed the door without taking his eyes off the man.

"You have no idea who you're messing with," the captain growled,

"Funny. I was about to say the same," Michel moved the dagger pointing at the captain,

"Lightning dash" instantly, a lightning bolt shot out of his hand.

The Captain's body went rigid as the lightning bolt hit the wall behind him, just avoiding his head by a couple of inches,

"You…you…" The captain stuttered in fear.

Only one could use spells inside the void line, and it was the Dark Lord. Realizing the man before him might be the dark lord sent shivers running down his spine. He immediately began to tremble as he drenched his white robes with sweat.

A rectangular box vaguely resembled a flight dashboard with several levers and colorful buttons a couple of meters behind the captain. Michael could see the endless Crystal ocean outside through the windows above the console.

"Set a course to your headquarters in Dradel. Or the next one goes through your head,"

Seeing the tiny lightning bolts dancing around his arm, the captain shivered. At that moment, the only thought the captain had was getting out of here alive. Unlike the rest of the ship, he wasn't an elite guardian. Tanulia hired him as the ship captain just a week ago, and if he knew he would be in the same room with the Dark Lord, he wouldn't have taken the damn job despite the handsome wage.

He regretted leaving the guardian guild in Idrisal.

"Just don't kill me," the captain slowly walked backward, keeping his arms in the air,

"Don't give me a reason to," Michael calmly said.

After reaching the dashboard, the captain pulsed the red liver and pressed some buttons on the dashboard.

"Its done," the captain turned around,


Michael nodded and stayed silent for a few moments. Meanwhile, in the interrogation room, Tanulia just unmasked the undead.

"It's showtime," Michael paid the system another 100 badass points. Soon, his silver armor faded into thin air, revealing his Lucifer armor. Instantly, the room lost all the light and grew darker,

"Now tell me, captain. Have you ever taken an innocent life?"

The captain was startled by his question. But, of course, he had taken innocent lives. During his visit to a village in Idrisal, he slapped a slave he bought from the Southern continent to death because she refused to pleasure him. It was quite usual among the nobles. But he didn't dare to say anything to the Dark Lord.


"Fair enough,"

The captain sighed in relief. Though his relief only lasted a second as Michael cast the wind blast but manipulated the wind element to change the shape of the blast. He created a wind blade. It was his first time manipulating the wind element to transform the wind blast into a wind blade.

His wind blade was surprisingly good enough to cleave the captain's head off his shoulder. The captain's headless body staggered around the room, spraying blood all over the room while his head hit the table with a sickening thud.

"He was lying," Michael told Tiriana as though she was awake. He moved on to put Tiriana on the oak table and took out a Spyder to record his message to Tanulia.

After recording everything he wanted, he planned to send the feed to the mini projector he left in the undead's mouth. Tanulia would think it was a live feed. Still, in reality, it was a pre-recorded feed made by Michael to distract everyone.

A few minutes later, Michael left the room, disguising himself as an elite guardian. The room was painted red with the Captain and Tiriana's blood.

To this moment, Tanulia had no idea her friend had exploded to death.

"Again, I wonder what your future Supreme Guardian has to say about your plan. Particularly the part where you endangered his little sister's life,"

Michael watched Azazel talk through the voice modulator attached to the undead's throat while going to the interrogation room. Michael was curious to see Tanulia's expression, and he was surprised when he saw the calm look on her face,

"They knew the vampires were going to kidnap her and force her to retrieve that key," Michael said to himself,

"If I am right, they are planning to kill the vampires after she retrieves the key. Then they will take the key from her,"

Michael was more curious about the key now. The vampires were desperate to find it, and the guardians also seemed interested in the key. What surprised Michael was that Tanulia hid the fact she was using Sabrina from Noah. Ofcousr, Michael knew if Noah knew Tanulia put his sister in danger, he would put Tanulia through hell.

But in case Michael knew Sabrina was his little sister, he would have massacred every single guardian on the ship and gone straight for Tanulia's head.

Wondering what might the key unlock, Michael navigated through the corridors to the interrogation room,


When he arrived in front of the mirror, a fellow elite guardian greeted him with a nod.

None of them had an idea that the real Dark Lord was watching the interrogation with them. He stood with four other guardians while Xanali stood closer to the mirror a couple of feet in front of them.

Gaya made him promise that he wouldn't kill Xanali. Otherwise, he would have killed her by now.

"And who are you Cat?" To others, only Peyton, Tanulia, and the undead were in the room. However, there was another figure who remained invisible. Even the elites failed to see him as his invisibility cloak was much more powerful and better than the elite guardians'

Michael saw his seven feet figures via thermal vision. His figure vaguely resembled the tiger hybrid Jacobe he killed when Gaya returned from the Fire realm.

If his memory served him right, he might be the Black Panther beastmen he saw while watching Tanulia's warship feed.

(Chapter 469 mentioned the Black Panther Beastman)

Michael had a feeling that he was here to protect Tanulia if this went south. Michael also noticed a medallion on her neck, radiating immense power.

"System scan that medallion,"

As usual, the system asked for 2000 badass points. In a couple of moments, he heard back from the system,

[The system has finished the scan…]

[The medallion contains a sophisticated rune that will teleport Tanulia to an unknown location in case her life is threatened…]

"Why am I not surprised?"

It made sense to Michael. She was way high in the Guardian hierarchy, and they wouldn't let her come to the Southern continent without any contingencies to save her life. Killing her would take much more time and preparation.

All these medallions, runes, and guardians could only protect her for a short amount of time. As soon as Michael reaches the Fusion stage, he would end her life regardless of whom or what she has to protect herself.

The moment she destroyed the Silent Reaper, she sealed her fate.

"Set a course to Dradel. Elders will meet us there," Michael saw Tanulia turning her head and looking at Xanali,

"Hmm," Xanali nodded at Tanulia before leaving for the Captain's room, where Michael left some nice surprises for her.

After Xanali left, Tanulia smacked her forehead,

"What am I thinking?"

"Remove his mask. I want to see who is behind that mask," Tanulia ordered Peyton as the elites outside the room took a step forward. One of those elites was Michael.

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