Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 538 Michael, Draven and the multiverse

Chapter 538 Michael, Draven and the multiverse

After everything was said and done, Draven grabbed Fergus by his hand and closed his eyes for a second. At that time, Michael noticed a golden light around Draven.

[Does the host wish to follow Draven?]

The system asked Michael and to be honest, Michael was slightly surprised by the system's sudden question.

Instead of answering quickly, Michael looked around the place for a few moments.

"Why not?"

Michael firmly believed he was in Etheria for a reason. Something told him Draven held the answer to his question. Besides, Michael couldn't help feeling a strong connection with Draven. It was a sense of familiarity that he had never experienced before.

When Draven opened his eyes, Michael saw a golden scroll in his hand,

"Teleportation scroll," Michael mumbled, recognizing the parchment.

[The system requires 5000 points to lock onto Draven]

"Do it," Michael ordered the system,

As soon as the system consumed his 5000 badass points, he was pulled towards Draven. As he looked around the command center one last time, Michael sighed before his vision became blurry.

"You're back," Michael's vision cleared as he saw a charming brunette wearing glasses welcoming Draven. She was sitting behind a set of mirrors, tapping on them left and right.

Michael looked around to get a sense of where he was. The large hall he was floating in the air looked neat, clean, and tidy. A door leading to somewhere else was located at the end of the hall. That door seemed to be the only way in and out of the hall except through the windows.

He could see the mountains and lush green forests through the windows. Yet, surprisingly, they were slowly moving at a steady pace, and the buildings on the ground looked tiny.

"An airship," Michael was in airships before so he immediately recognized that he was currently in an airship turned into Draven's flying fortress.

Other than the tiny workstation in the center of the hall, Michael noticed the swords, bows, arrows, and various weapons hanging on the wall.

"How many people have you killed?" the girl sighed,

"No one died. At least not yet," Draven looked at Fergus who was shivering from head to toe. Draven dragged the six-armed man to the wall near where the weapons were hanging.

Michael curiously followed Draven behind and saw Draven hanging Fergus on the wall by attaching shackles around each wrist and leg. Fergus was nailed to the wall in a few moments like a gecko.

The bloody shackles around Fergus and the blades with dried blood on the tables told Michael the obvious. The girl looked a little flustered and uncomfortable looking at Fergus on the wall. However, it seemed to Michael that the girl knew what was about to happen.

"His soul is drenched in evil," Michael was taken aback by the demonic voice he heard. He jerked his head right to see a ghostly figure of an alien creature appearing over Draven's shoulder. The ghostly figure looked like Venom and Cobra had a baby.

It was black, ghostly, and had white eyes with red pupils and a terrifying line of fang like teeth. The creature licked his lips, looking at Fergus.

"What…what..is this…" Fergus wriggled violently against the shackles after seeing the alien creature. But no matter how hard he wriggled, he couldn't escape from the shackles that tied his wrists and legs.

"You will have your fill Margoth," Draven took a bloody arrow from the table beside him,

"After he tells us everything we need to know," Draven slowly ran the arrowhead along Fergus's face,

"Wait" Suddenly the creature Draven called Margoth turned around. Michael was stunned as the creature was looking directly at him,

"System, what the heck is this creature, and can it see me?"

[The system's level is too low to find the creature's origin. However, the system can reassure the host that the creature cannot see the host]

Michael heaved a sigh of relief even though he was disappointed that he couldn't find the creature's origin.

"What?" Draven asked,

"I sensed something familiar in the room. Something powerful,"

As soon as the girl heard Margoth, she stopped working and turned around,

"What is it? Are you sensing it right now?"

"Draven, take out the healing potion" Margoth asked Draven. He looked a bit skeptical but did as Margoth asked him to.

Then, Draven put his hand inside his long coat pocket to take out a glistening blue vial of healing potion.

"Is that my healing potion?" Michael was stunned. There was no doubt in his mind. The healing potion in Draven's hands was the same healing potion he brewed. What surprised him more was that the healing potion was 90% pure.

"How can my healing potion come to another universe?" Michael's mind went blank. He had no idea that Draven possessed a system of his own; The Legendary system.

(To those who don't know, Draven is the MC of Anti Hero with a Legendary System)

"I sensed the same energy radiation coming from the healing potion just a moment ago,"

"Are you still sensing it?" Draven asked, looking around the hall.

"No. But I swear I sensed it," Margoth said gravely,

"Might be because of him. He worked on the black project after all. Maybe he came across something with the same energy radiation,"

The girl adjusted her glasses and said. Hearing her words, both Margoth and Draven pondered the possibilities in their minds,

"Make sense," Margoth finally said as Michael sighed,

"What is this black project?" Michael asked himself as his gaze swept across the room. Then, he locked his eyes on the wall portion where he saw several drawings, posters, and paper clippings nailed to the wall.

Michael floated to the wall and was surprised by the sight before him. Some of the drawings of people had red cross marks on them and the rest, including Fergus's drawing didn't have the red cross. The paper clippings were mostly about murders, battles between a hero and a villain, feats of UFH, and collateral damages of a battle between gifted ones.

Every incident and portrait were connected by a red thread. The entire portion of the wall reminded Michael of his killboard back on earth. If he wanted to assassinate multiple targets, he would form a board exactly like the one before him.

The more he spent time with Draven, the more he realized how similar they both are.

"ARGH!" The ear-piercing scream of Fergus abruptly halted Michael's train of thoughts. He quickly turned around to see Draven slowly penetrating Fergus's palm with the arrow in his hand.

"The black project. Tell us about it," Draven coldly asked as Michael saw the girl turning her focus back to the mirrors. It was evident that she didn't like to watch Draven torture Fergus.

"I…I don't…know…ARGGHHHH!" Draven twisted the arrow, inflicting as much pain as he could to Fergus,

"Listen maggot, we are gonna kill you and no one is coming to save you. So tell us what we want to know and I'll tell him to give you a quick death," Margoth snarled while Fergus wriggled frantically in pain,

"You saw what I did to Lenora right? Hold back what you know and I'll make you think what I did to Lenora was child's play," Draven left the arrow in his palm and took a rusty knife from the table,

"Just tell him Fergus," The girl said without turning back,

"Listen to her, Fergus. He gets really creative when he wants to know something. Since you're one of the scumbags who killed his family, he will re-define torture," Margoth moved closer to Fergus,

"So tell us about the black project and seize this golden opportunity, quick death,"

"He won't talk until he loses something he loves," Draven snickered, fiddling with the rusty cleaver in his hand,

"What..what…you're going…to do?" Fergus stuttered as Draven ran the rusty meat cleaver along one of his four rubbery arms.


"Shhhh" The girl closed her eyes tight as Michael saw Draven cut Fergus's wrist with the rusty meat cleaver. His severed wrist hit the ground with a sickening thud,


Fergus frantically wriggled during his hand-sprayed blood all over Draven. But the latter didn't mind the blood at all.

"I have eight more pieces of you to cut. So make yourself home," Draven wiped off the blood covering his eyes and coldly said,

"Please…please… I'll tell you…" Fergus cried,

"The black project…argghhh…we…created….argghhh," Fergus cried and shrieked in pain,

"Give him a pain killer," Margoth nodded.

Michael once again focused on Draven's hand until he saw a milky white vial materializing in his hand. This time however, the potion in Draven's hand wasn't brewed by Michael. Instead, it radiated a different type of energy Michael wasn't familiar with.

Draven forced the white liquid down Fergus's throat. After a few seconds, Fergus stopped screaming and the blood stopped spraying out of his severed wrist.

"The black project. Spill out everything you know before I cut another one,"

"The black project is all about opening portals to other universes" Michael immediately dashed at Fergus when he heard the words,

"Opening portals to other universes?" The girl couldn't stay still so she left her workstation and came to Fergus despite all the blood and gore.

"I thought other universes are just a myth,"

"Where do you think we met Sarah?" Margoth asked the girl,

"Isn't void just a pocket dimension?"

"I thought so too. But no, the void is the place between universes,"

Michael heard Draven,

"Did I tell you to stop?" Margoth growled at Fergus as he continued to spill everything he knew about the black project,

"The demon's touch device doesn't just take your powers. It sends your powers to the void. Those who built the device didn't know that until…" Fergus's voice trailed off,

"Until?" Sarah asked, looking at Fergus swallowing a mouth full of saliva nervously,

"Until what happened to you. Something interfered with the device that day. Whatever that was, it caused the device to open a portal to the void temporarily,"

"So that's why the sinisters attacked UFH and tried to steal the device. They want to open a portal to the void," After a few minutes of silence, Sarah opened her mouth,

"Hmm" Fergus nodded,

"Apparently not only the sinisters," Margoth exclaimed as Sarah creased her brows,

"What do you know about the Supreme ones working on the black project?"

"I don't know…I just heard some rumors" Fergus was terrified to say that he didn't know. Thus, he quickly decided to tell them about the rumor he heard when he was with the sinisters before Draven cut his another hand,

"They want to find another Krypton in another universe,"

Michael didn't know what happened, but Draven immediately grabbed Fergus's neck,

"What do you mean another Krypton in another universe?"

"They…they believe…there's another universe similar to Etheria where the Krypton is still alive,"

Michael may not possess the ability to read minds. Still, when he heard Fergus's words and saw how Draven reacted, he knew Draven's mind thought about finding his deceased family members in another universe.

[The host doesn't have to panic. There is no other universe similar to yours and there is no other you]

Michael heaved a long breath of sigh and even smiled,

"But what about Etheria?"

[The system requires 10,000 badass points to answer the host]

"Now you're asking for payment to answer my questions? Jeesh, okay take it,"

Michael waited a couple of seconds for the system to finally answer his question,

[There is another universe similar to Etheria]

(This doesn't mean there is another Draven or another Legendary System)

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