Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 539 Demon King and The Key

Chapter 539 Demon King and The Key

"Another Etheria?" Michael mumbled under his breath. Deep down Michael was glad there was no universe similar to his. He liked to be unique.

However, that didn't seem to be the case for Etheria. Still, the system said similar, not exactly the same. His gut feeling told him there was no other Draven. It felt like Draven was the main character of Etheria just like he was to his universe.

"Another Krypton?" Draven frowned.

Since Michael was new to Etheria he had no idea about the war that happened between Etheria and the Demon King's army. Krypton was the most powerful hero in the whole Etheria. Granted, Draven rivaled Krypton when he was at his peak but unfortunately, Draven lost all his powers.

"Why do they need another Krypton?" Sarah asked Fergus,

"I don't-"


Fergus was about to say I don't know when Draven flicked the rusty cleaver,

"No…no…no" Fergus stuttered,

"Raadan," Michael noticed the dark frown on Draven's face. The trio became silent and Sarah looked terrified.

"What about him?" Draven coldly asked Fergus,

"Raadan…Raadan was just a low-level general of the Demon King,"

"Demon King? That's cringe" Michael rolled his eyes,

"Low-level general?!" Sarah shrieked. She still had nightmares about the invasion and how many people had lost their lives.

"What do you mean a low-level general? That guy destroyed half of Etheria and killed countless gifted ones like they were nothing," Margoth's already serious demonic voice sounded more serious,

Michael wondered who the hell is this Demon King. Also, in the corner of his mind, he recalled the mysterious figure on the engraving. Until now, he thought the person was him but after hearing about the Demon King, he had a feeling it might not be the case.

"I don't know if it's true…Lenora told me…I don't know where she heard it,"

"It makes sense," Draven deeply exhaled,

For a few moments, no one said anything. As a result, an eerie silence haunted the hall until Draven spoke,

"If what he said is true, the Supreme Ones can't win against another invasion without Krypton,"

"Invasion, another universe, Demon King. Man, this guy is in serious trouble," Michael felt pity for Draven without realizing Draven was his son.

Michael didn't even try to communicate with Draven and the group.

The future Dark Lord sent Draven to Etheria so he could live without being hunted by the Queen and his enemies. Unfortunately, although at that time Etheria was safe from the Queen, the citizens of Etheria managed to mess up and become vulnerable to the Queen.

The only thing the Queen failed to grasp was the future Dark Lord planned everything. As a result, he never lost control of the situation. Even when Nightmare died, the future Dark Lord didn't lose control of himself because he was in control all the time.

"We need to capture a Supreme One Draven. We can get more information on the black project from them," said Margoth.

"They have the device and the resources to recreate what happened to me. So what's stopping them from opening a portal back to the void?" Draven asked, looking at Margoth and Sarah but to Michael, it seemed like he was questioning himself.

"They managed to modify the device to make it usable once a year from once every hundred years,"

"Hmm," Draven and Margoth nodded at Sarah. But Michael saw Draven thinking deeply. Indeed Draven was thinking about something. He recalled everything Lenora said before he killed her.

"Before I killed her, Lenora said something about a key,"

As soon as Draven said these words, Michael was stunned. He immediately turned his full focus to Draven. It couldn't be just a coincidence Michael was searching for the key and Draven was also talking about a key.

It wouldn't take a genius to figure out that both keys are the same.

"A key?" Sarah tilted her head,

"I scoured through all UFH servers but didn't find anything about a key,"

"Do you need anything more?" Margoth turned his head towards Fergus,

"Please just kill me quick," At this point, Fergus lost all the will to live and was exhausted both mentally and physically. He just wanted a quick death. After seeing what Draven did to his fellow sinisters, quick death from him would be a blessing.

"Did you give my sister a quick death?"

"Ask him about the key!" Michael shouted but they didn't hear him.

"Where is the key?!" Yet again Michael shouted at Fergus while Draven pressed the rusty meat cleaver against Fergus's shoulder.

"I am going to my room for a moment," Sarah quickly took her gaze away from Fergus and stepped away from the scene,

"You're still such a soft girl. I told you Draven, we have to take her outside and let her fight for a change,"

"Damn you ugly!" Sarah showed Margoth the middle finger,

"ARRGGHHHH!" Fergus began to scream again as Michael saw blood drizzling down from Fergus's shoulder and onto the rusty meat cleaver,


Just when Sarah was about to take another step, the entire ship trembled.

Michael looked outside and saw the sky getting darker and darker as though they were flying into a storm. The day sky turned darker in a few blinks of an eye. Additionally, Michael could hear the thunderclaps and the howling sound of the wind.

"What the heck?" Sarah staggered towards her workstation,

All of a sudden, the glass windows shattered as a figure clouded in bolts of lightning landed in the hall's center.

"Stormbringer!" Fergus screamed as the cloud of lightning slowly disappeared, revealing the Stormbringer.

The Stormbringer wore sleeveless silver metal armor with archaic engravings and a dark blue cape that fluttered in the wind. Her striking blonde hair danced around her shoulder with the wind while the golden helmet covered her delicate face.

Her muscular arms and the heavy sword on her back radiated a warrior vibe. Although she wasn't the prettiest woman Michael had seen, she was the toughest looking one.

Sarah's face lost all color as she looked pale. On the other hand, Fergus who was about to greet death became so excited. He yet again began to wriggle against the chains in joy.

"Do you know who I am?" Stormbringer's hard as steel voice echoed through the hall,

"Would you believe me if I said no?" Despite facing one of the strongest members of the Supremes, Draven didn't lose his calmness. It was expected of Draven. After all, Michael was his father.

"Release him and surrender yourself," Stormbringer said,

"I heard that so many times today. I assume you know what happened to those who said that," Stormbringer gritted her teeth as the sky outside turned darker and Michael saw more and more flashes of lightning followed by loud thunderclaps.

"Today you will answer for your crimes, Reaper" she slowly unsheathed her heavy sword. The sword was thrice the size of a normal sword. It was almost five feet tall and a foot wide. She could easily rush a child with that sword. She held the sword using both arms as bolts of lightning coiled around the sword.

"You are dead fucker! Hahahahaha" Fergus began to laugh like a maniac. After seeing Stormbringer, Fergus regained his hope to live again. The sinisters had connections within the super prisons. So it was only a matter of time before he breaks out of there again and continues his life of crime.

This was why the supervillains and the sinisters were terrified of Draven more than UFH or the Supreme Ones. If the latter caught them, they would just throw them in prison. It wasn't the case for Draven. If they got caught by Draven, there was no prison, only hell awaited them.

"Funny," Draven's snicker abrupt put a stop to Fergus's maniacal laughter,

"Don't," the Stormbringer growled when Draven was about to move his hand but after seeing him just lift his hand without reaching for his weapon, the Stormbringer didn't dash at him.


Draven just snapped,


It wasn't even a second passed after his snap when Fergus began to growl. Michael saw Fergus desperately gasping for air. If Michael's guess was right, the white liquid they gave Fergus wasn't just a pain killer but poison.

Draven planned everything, just like Michael.


The Stormbringer let out a battle cry before dashing at Draven with the heavy sword in her hand. She wanted to save Fergus. They were about to clash when Michael felt an invisible force pulling him back.

She tried to fight back but the force was too powerful. The sight of Draven and the Stormbringer grew smaller and smaller until everything around him became pitch black.

He traveled in darkness for a while and then, he saw a light at the end. Little by little, he got close to the light and saw his body. It took Michael a few more seconds to settle in his body and become whole again.


Michael gasped for air, feeling an excruciating headache for a few moments. His face turned green as Michael felt an urge to throw up and he did. For a few moments, he coughed up blood. As a result, his face became pale. Quickly the APD injected him with a healing potion to make him feel good.

Michael looked into the crack seeing nothing but darkness. He then slowly turned around to see Sabrina peacefully sleeping on the mattress and still holding the book under her head.

"So the key opens up portals to other universes," Michael finally solved the long mystery of what the key opens. Now he needed to find the key and get to it before the Guardians. The last thing Michael wanted was the Guardians to get stronger by conquering other universes.

"Where is the key?" Michael asked himself.

Although Michael gained nothing tangible through his visit to Etheria, he gained an idea to build a shield device similar to Draven's. The Dark Lord did not need a shield since he could unleash his full power to destroy his enemies. However, Ghost needed a shield.

Since Sabrina was still sleeping and he felt exhausted, Michael took a parchment and a quill from the system storage before sitting beside Sabrina. He recalled Draven's shield for a moment and began to sketch a device similar to his on the parchment. With his Inventor skill and Elidyr, he was confident he could make a device that would make Draven's shield look like a cheap toy.

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