Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 541 The most dangerous man on earth

Chapter 541 The most dangerous man on earth

Michael looked around the headless creatures, giving Sabrina a nod of approval. Then, finally, Sabrina began to come out of the trauma instead of whining and living in the past.

"Keep the sword with you until our journey ends," When Sabrina held out the sword, Michael closed her fist around the sword hilt. He wanted Sabrina to have a sword not only to protect herself but to mend the warrior spirit broken by the vampires.

"You'll need it,"

"Thank you Ghost," She surprised him with a tight hug,

"Can you do me a favor Sabrina?" asked Michael when gently brushing her head,


"Don't tell anyone you met me here,"

Sabrina let him go and took a step back. She then looked in him the yes with a bewildered face,


"Just don't tell anyone. Me and the guardians are not on friendly terms. The last thing I want is meddling with their business,"

For a few moments, Sabrina pondered before sighing heavily,

"I understand,"

"I think you and our family have some connection Ghost. You have been saving a Winston always," Sabrina let out a miserable chuckle,

"Well, you Winstons have the tendency to get into trouble,"

Michael smiled and walked the path before him with Sabrina.

"Can I ask you something?" after a few minutes of walking down the gloomy path, Sabrina asked Ghost.

"Go ahead,"

"How do you feel after taking a life? I mean not these creatures but actual human beings,"


Michael's answer completely caught her off guard. She was stunned,

"Glad? why? " she asked, tilting her head.

"I don't go around killing people unnecessarily. If I kill someone, that means I have no choice. I'll feel glad because after taking the life, I have one less enemy who wanted to take my life,"

"Don't you feel any remorse?" Sabrina asked him another question,

"How many people have you killed Sabrina?"

Michael asked her, instead of answering her question,

"A few. But they deserved it,"

"Then why do you want to know how I feel? I told you Sabrina, live for yourself. End of the day, if you're happy, that's all it matters,"

She sped her steps, came in front of him, and walked backward looking at Michael.

"My brother said every time you take a life, you lose a bit of yourself,"

"Yeah, some people say that. I am not one of them. Either I kill and lose a bit of myself or not kill and lose the whole of me. I didn't work my ass off to this point to get myself killed," Michael massaged the back of his neck while talking to her,

"What's your ambition? What do you want to be in your life?" She looked curious to know Michael's answer. For some reason, Sabrina felt good talking to Ghost.

When she talked to Rowena or Noah, she always felt some kind of pressure from them. They both expected Sabrina to be what they wanted. However, Ghost encouraged her to be herself rather than trying to satisfy someone else. Of course, Sabrina had no idea Ghost was her big brother at this moment in time. Otherwise, she would have felt a hundred times more pressure because Ghost was at the stage where Noah seemed pale in comparison to him.

If Michael knew Sabrina was his little sister, he wouldn't have messed her mind with stupid warrior codes. Instead, Michael would have taught her how the real world works.

"What everyone wants, immortality. I am gonna sit back and enjoy everything this world has to offer,"

"Congratulations on your engagement by the way,"

Michael was kinda surprised by her words,

"How did you know?"

As far as Michael could remember, only Claire and the elders knew about his engagement to Gaya. He wanted to share the news with everyone at Hades. But before he could do that, they were attacked by the ninjas.

"The ring," Sabrina pointed at the engagement ring on his finger,

"It didn't look like a space ring. So you were either wearing it for fashion or you're engaged to someone, most probably to Aelia,"

"Took a guess huh?"

"Yep," Sabrina nodded. It was astonishing to see how quickly she changed. A few hours ago, she was a broken, cowardly girl and now she had turned into a cheery joyful girl.

All she needed was a bit of tough love and a few skinless creatures.

"I heard a rumor you're not going to marry anyone else. Any truth to that?"

"You heard right,"

"Really?" Sabrina raised her brows because she was amazed,

"You don't have anyone else in your life other than Aelia. I know I am asking about your personal life but I am really surprised. This is the first time I heard a prodigy like you have only one girl in his life,"

"What's wrong with that?" Michael couldn't help chuckling after looking at her reaction,

"nothing. It's just too surprising. Take my brother for example. He has a few girls in his life,"

"A few?" Michael raised his brows,

"Yea a few," Sabrina giggled, recalling the number of girls in Noah's harem.

Although Michael met only three girls in Noah's harem, he knew there were several more. To his knowledge, there was Alicia, Xanali, and Edith. In addition, Olivia would have joined his harem if Michael didn't pull her out of the pit.

"In my view, the more girls you have in your harem, the less you know about each of them. I don't say harem is wrong. It's just I can't love anyone other than Aelia,"

"She is really a lucky girl,"

"It's me who's really lucky to have her," Michael gently smiled, thinking about Gaya. He couldn't even imagine a life without her. He was deeply in love with her.

When he was with her, even the catastrophic problems seemed minuscule.

He would rather have Gaya by his side than hundreds of heaven-defying beauties like Lailah.

While they were walking further and further into the gloomy path before them, Michael noticed symbols and shapes creating something he could make sense of. Sabrina saw Michael suddenly turn his gaze towards the wall and walk towards it.

"You see something?" Sabrina asked. She looked closer at the wall but saw nothing but indistinguishable shapes and symbols.

Michael on the other hand saw the woman with thousands of arms in the wall yet again. But this time, she was under someone's feet. The man with a long cape fluttering in the wind brushed her neck with his boot while raising his arm to the sky. Michael followed his hand and saw what looked like a meteor down on her.

Looking at the drawing, Michael creased his brows. He thought the thousand-arms woman might be the queen. He wondered who might be the man crushing the all-mighty queen under his feet like she was a bug.

Besides the man, he also noticed a dog. He looked closer as the dog resembled a german shepherd but with wings. Both the dog and the man seemed to be laughing. Michael slowly walked along the wall to see more and more engravings and all of them had the man and the dog.

"I still can't see anything," Sabrina said,

"Look over there. Maybe you might see something that I can't," Michael sent away Sabrina and focused on the engravings on the wall before him.

On one particular portion of the wall, Michael saw engravings of thousands of soldiers running toward the man and the dog. In the next portion following the soldiers, Michael saw all the soldiers on the ground, obviously dead.

He saw the dog ripping off the soldiers' armor.

"Who is he?" Michael touched the man and asked himself. Previously, Michael saw the engravings of Draven. Surprisingly, he was pulled into Etheria and Michael had actually met Draven.

Now Michael saw the man in a long coat and a thieving pet dog. He wondered if he was going to pull into another universe.


Suddenly, the entire maze trembled as a shrieking voice echoed through the dark hallways.

"What was that?" Sabrina held onto the wall beside her, balancing herself. The maze continued to tremble as there was a powerful earthquake.

"Did you hear that?" Sabrina asked Michael. It was surprising to him that Sabrina heard the shout. Michael had never heard a shout filled with such anger and outrage.

"Every man has a past…" Michael heard another calm voice reverberate in the hallways following the angry shout. The voice was calm, clear, and dominant.

Sabrina frantically looked around to locate the source but failed. After hearing the voice, Michael felt he had heard the voice somewhere before yet he couldn't remember exactly where.

"I have a history,"

The tremor slowly lost its power as Sabria steadied herself,

"It's no wrong if you kill thousands of enemies. But letting one traitor live is"

Michael heard the same voice again after a few seconds,

"I am sure I'm the villain in everyone's stories. I AM THE FUCKING HERO IN MINE!"

As soon as the voice shouted, Michael and Sabrina were thrown into the air by a powerful gust of wind. They were sent flying several meters backward before they could steady themselves.


Michael heard the demonic scream yet again. This time, the shout was louder, but the maze didn't tremble like earlier.

"I am certainly not good. I am not bad either. I am just evil,"

Michael was absolutely positive he heard the voice again. In fact, he heard the exact same sentence back on earth.

As soon as he recognized the voice's owner, Michael saw the wall beside him cracking. Then, he felt the wall pulling him in.

"Oh shit here we go again," the force was several times stronger than before. He just closed his eyes and prepared himself to jump into another universe. Deep down, he was excited. Because when he met Draven, he learned more about the key and got an idea of a new device. So he wondered what he might get in the universe he was going to.

Michael was the number one hitman in the world, and if Michael was right, he was about to meet the most powerful and dangerous man to ever live on earth…

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