Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 542 Michael meets Hunter

Chapter 542 Michael meets Hunter

The city of Ravenfort was built at the base of a rugged mountain called Raven mountain and was truly a contemporary wonder. Its charm was matched by the backdrop of lush fields of grass, and endless forests which had helped shape the city into what it is today.

The trade resources these fields and forests brought were of great importance. Still, they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have been built with an abundance of large windows to mimic the openness of fields.

The skyline was riddled with peculiar buildings and their beauty was only matched by each other. Parks and gardens were flourishing in Ravenfort attracting a lot of attention. So many dukes and noble families had left their mark on Ravenfort. But only one man changed the city into a buzzing neon city of Kingdom Dawnguard.

"Where the heck am I now?" Unlike in Etheria, Michael was thrown into an open street as he floated above the middle of the street.

He looked around and was truly astonished by sight. For a few moments, he was baffled by the sight. The place in his sight looked like something directly pulled out from an anime and sprinkled with neon lights to make it look like a fantasy medieval-ish vegas.

The street was buzzing with people in fancy clothes. The neon signs and the decoration each building had coupled with the starry sky gave off a quiet charm. Anyone would want to lose themselves in the city without a second thought. Michael could count several casinos, restaurants, theaters, and surprisingly, strip clubs.

"It's definitely his work," Michael shook his head, chuckling.

Michael continued to float above the crowd, aimlessly watching the streets.

While roaming the streets, Michael noticed how clean the streets were. Then, he looked at the raven-shaped mountain looking down at the city.

"Damn it. I lost a hundred thousand today,"

"Dude, you know what they say. The house always wins,"

Michael turned his gaze towards a couple of elves walking out of a casino. The building resembled a miniature pyramid, and their shout was loud enough for many pedestrians to turn their gazes at them.

"I am sick of losing my astral coins in this place," the elf leading the group, who had blonde hair and pointy ears, stomped on the street. The elves looked exactly the same as the elves from Michael's universe. Except these elves had pointier ears and were taller than the humans in the streets. They also looked more dominant.

"Then why do you keep going to this place? There are countless casinos in Ravenfort," the elf following the angry elf said,

"Sigh" the elf sighed,

"Because they have sick services. Especially the girls, dang!" The elf licked his lips before mingling with the crowd.

Michael followed the crowd of streets towards the castle in the distance right beneath the mountain.

"Get your daily dose of news here!"


"The Dark mage has decimated grass grave, the school of astral magic!"

"The Royal Mages are scouring the kingdom for the Dark Mage!"

Michael turned his head immediately towards a couple of street urchins shouting at the crowd standing on a stack of crates,

"The Dark Mage strikes again!"

"Want to know about the Dark Mage? Get your daily dose of news from the number one news provider, Newsflash,"

Michael saw several people, including elves, dwarves, and humans rushing toward the street urchins to get a copy of the newspaper in their hands.

"The Dark Mage?" Michael felt curious about the Dark Mage. He wondered whether the Dark mage and the man who crushed the Queen under his boots were the same people or not.

"Dear God, it says The Dark Mage has killed every single disciple in the school," a human lady wearing a feather hat read the newspaper and gasped in shock,

"Why is he hunting the mages?"

"Not mages. The mage schools allied with the Church of Goddess Aditi,"

"This is the fifth school he had wiped out of existence,"

"What the fuck is the Royal Mages and the ministry of warriors doing?"

The crowd murmured among themselves. Michael noticed every single one who talked about The Dark Mage looked pale and flustered.


Suddenly many of the crowd pointed at the sky as Michael looked up to see a man of war ship flying towards the castle in the sky. Even from a distance, the ship looked massive and threatening.

Michael quickly shot into the sky as he had a feeling the ship was the place he should be right now instead of listening to gossip. Only when he came closer to the ship, did he realize the actual size of this beast. If the ship was put beside a cargo airplane, the latter would look smaller, let alone Michael.

Since he was not in his physical form, Michael was able to pass through all the defense arrays placed on the hull and went straight through the hull.

Michael followed his instincts and the Environmental scanning map to reach a spacious room where Michael saw several black armored soldiers standing around a marble table.

All the soldiers wore what seemed to be shiny metal black armor that perfectly fit their bodies. They were armored from toe to neck and had their black helmets and cloak on the table.

They were too focused on the blueprint on the table and didn't even sense Michael looking over their shoulder. What surprised Michael was the soldiers contained all the races. He could see an elf, dwarf, half-elf, human girl, and an orc who looked seven feet tall and had green skin.

"Where is Hunter?" the elf asked the others,

A few seconds later, the door to the room opened as a handsomely devilish man with striking raven black hair entered the room with two black swords in his hand. He was taller than an average human and had a physique that rivals Ghost himself. His shoulder-length black hair fluttered in the wind while his swords sparked fire every time he brushed them together.

"Is everyone ready?" Hunter asked with a smirk,

"Yes Captain," Despite their different races, all the soldiers bowed their heads toward Hunter, who was a human.

"You better be. I had enough of that vile creature. I am planning to wake up on his bed with his women beside me," Hunter devilishly grinned. His perfect jaw structure and an alluring row of perfectly set teeth made even his devilish grin look dashing.

"Remember guys. We are not sneaking up on him. That's his style. We are doing this in my style, loud and sexy. He has to know we are coming for him," Hunter cracked his neck, sheathing his swords into the sheathes on his back.

"Arlen, walk us through the plan again," Hunter said to the elf,

"Alright listen," The elf put his finger on the highest point of the castle,

"Our inside man has already disabled the defenses around the castle and opened the roof way. So we are diving through that roof which will lead us straight to the throne hall," the elf took a break and continued,

"After we reach the throne hall, we will meet his personal guard, a group of highly trained orcs. We have information that this group contains five mages and seven warriors, all at the Sentinel stage," Michael listened to the elf with his arms crossed,

"Ogrul, that's where you come in," the elf looked at the orc,

"The moment we enter the hall, use the void crystal," the orc took unzipped the pouch hanging on his waist and took out a dark crystal,


The roc put the crystal on the table and nodded as Michael saw a puff of steam coming out of the orc's nostrils,

"The crystal will suppress everyone's cultivation stage to Sage level except us. As long as we are wearing this," Arlen tapped his chest,

"We are immune to the void crystal,"

"Six Paladins versus a bunch of Sages. I like that odds,"

"Lol we can massacre them in a couple of minutes," the half-elf giggled, playing with her golden hair,

"What about him, our target?" Michael looked down to see a dwarf chugging a large bottle of wine down his throat,

"Dude, how many times do we have to tell you? Don't drink before a mission," the half-elf shook her head disappointedly,

"Especially that poison made by our target," Arlen creased his brows as the dwarf wiped the red wine off of his long bushy beard,

"Dinna judge me. After we chop aff his head, who's gonna make this gods' drink? ye have ta give it ta him, he may be a vile evil one son o' a bitch but he knows how ta brew this heavenly wine," The dwarf kissed the glass bottle in his hand,

"Just give itta taste. Hunter, here take a sip," the dwarf extended the bottle to Hunter but he just shook his head,

"I prefer not to drink poisons Habrot,"

"So killing, thieving, an' humping like a dog be okay but nae drinking?" Habrot rolled his eyes,

"Just ignore that short bastard and continue Arlen," the half elf said to the elf,

"Where was I? Ah at the throne hall. So after Ogrul activates the void crystal and suppresses everyone's cultivation. We'll just kill them and teleport the target to our base,"

"What tha fuck? why kinna we just chop his head aff right on his very throne?" Habrot asked,

"First, I kinda hate his decorations. Second, we need the king and his people to witness his death. They are waiting for us in the grand arena and I don't plan to disappoint them," Hunter grinned, and looking at his devilish grin, Michael knew he was planning something else too,

"But we can make them wait a bit until we clean his treasury. I heard there are some dope shits in his castle. We can auction them for millions of astral coins," Hunter licked his lips as Michael could see his eyes sparkling,

Michael couldn't help feeling pity for their target. Although Michael couldn't see their cultivation level, he could sense the overwhelming power radiating from each of them. Especially from Hunter. If Michale had to compare Hunter with a cultivator from his universe, he would say Hunter was at Fusion Stage.

Wherever they were going, Michael was excited to see them in action.

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