Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 906 The Mighty Norvin

Noah faced the two dragons, their scaly bodies towering over him as they let out thunderous roars. The fiery light from their breath illuminated the darkened sky, casting an eerie glow on the barren land around them. Noah's white-hilted swords glimmered in the light, their blades sharp and deadly.

The wind howled around them, carrying the scent of burnt earth and the sound of the dragons' roars. Noah's heart raced as he charged toward the dragons, his swords raised high. He could feel the power of the dragons pulsating through the air, their strength palpable.

The red dragon breathed a jet of flames at him, but Noah deftly dodged the attack, his swords flashing as he struck the dragon's scaly hide. The black dragon swooped down from the sky, its sharp claws aimed at him, but Noah rolled out of the way just in time.

As the two dragons continued to attack, Noah fought with all his might, his swords flashing in the air as he struck them with deadly precision. The blades hummed with power as they clashed against the dragons' scales, sending sparks flying in all directions.

The fight was intense, and Noah could feel his strength waning as the dragons continued to attack. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his breaths coming in short gasps. But he refused to give up. With a fierce battle cry, he charged toward the dragons once more, his swords raised high, determined to protect Norvin and complete their mission.

As Noah fought the two dragons with all his might, Andreas sensed more and more dragons approaching. The sound of their wings flapping grew louder and louder, drowning out the thunderous roars of the dragons he was fighting.

"Noah!" Andreas called out urgently, his voice echoing through the stormy sky.

Noah's heart raced as he heard his teacher's voice. He knew that the situation was getting worse by the minute.

Suddenly, the two dragons that he was fighting soared toward the sky, their bellies glowing brighter and brighter. Noah knew what was coming next - the dragons were going to use their deadly dragon breath.

Despite the stormy weather and heavy rain, the temperature around them rose significantly due to the sheer heat radiating from the dragons' bodies. Noah could feel the intense heat on his skin as he prepared to face the deadly attack.

As the dragons unleashed their fiery breath, Noah leaped out of the way just in time. His swords flashed as he dodged the deadly attack, the rain pouring down heavily, the drops stinging his skin. Meanwhile, the sound of wings flapping grew louder, signaling the approach of more dragons. With each passing moment, the situation became more dangerous, and Noah knew he had to act fast to protect Norvin and their mission.

Andreas floated towards Noah, his white robes billowing around him. "I can't keep the dragons out, but I can enclose these two within a barrier. You have to defeat them," he said, his voice urgent.

Noah's heart raced as he faced the dragons once more. He knew that this was their only chance to protect Norvin and complete their mission. "Don't worry about me. Just form the barrier and keep Norvin safe!" he shouted back to Andreas.

Andreas nodded, his ethereal form shimmering as he concentrated on the spell. Noah fought with all his might, his swords flashing in the air as he struck the dragons with deadly precision.

Noah watched in awe when the golden energy shot out of Andreas and formed the dome around them. He knew Andreas was powerful, but he had never seen him use such incredible energy. The two dragons, now trapped within the barrier, turned their attention towards Noah and Andreas, their eyes burning with fury. They flew straight toward Noah with their claws outstretched, ready to strike. Noah raised his swords, ready to defend himself, but the sheer force of the dragons' attack sent him flying backward.

The flames shot out like a torrent, and Noah leaped out of the way, narrowly avoiding the blast. But when the stream of fire hit the ground, it exploded like a bomb, sending shockwaves through the air. Noah felt the impact as he was flung into the barrier, his body crashing into the dome with a sickening thud. Noah struggled to get back up as he clutched his chest, his robes soaked with rain and blood. His hair was matted to his forehead, and his face was twisted in pain and determination. He refused to give up despite the pain and the odds stacked against him. His eyes shone with fierce determination, ready to face the dragons once more.

The dragons took advantage of his weakened state and charged toward him with their claws and teeth bared.

Noah swung his swords, but the dragons were too quick. One of them clawed at him, leaving deep gashes on his chest. Another tried to bite him, but Noah managed to dodge at the last second, narrowly avoiding certain death. The rain pounded down harder, the thunder and lightning adding to the chaos of the battle. As Noah continued to fight, he could hear the sounds of other dragons trying to break through the barrier that Andreas had formed around them. Noah gritted his teeth as he fought with all his might, his swords flashing as he struck the dragons with deadly precision. But the dragons were relentless, their attacks coming at him from all sides.

One dragon breathed a stream of fire at him, but Noah managed to roll out of the way just in time. Another swooped down from the sky, its claws aimed at his head, but Noah managed to block the attack with his swords. Despite his best efforts, Noah was at a disadvantage. His wounds were taking a toll on him, and he could feel his strength waning. But he refused to give up, knowing that he had to protect Norvin and their mission at all costs.

As the dragons continued to attack, Noah fought back with all his might, his swords glowing with an otherworldly light. The sound of metal clashing against scales echoed through the air as the battle raged on.

Despite being at the same cultivation stage as the dragons, Noah knew that their superior size, dragon breath, and impenetrable scales gave them the upper hand in the fight. As he dodged their relentless attacks, Noah realized that he needed to use his most powerful weapon: the Heavenly flames.

Noah took a deep breath, centering himself as he focused his energy on summoning the Heavenly flames. He felt the intense heat building within him, coursing through his veins and igniting his palms with a bright blue light. As the rain continued to pour down, the flames danced and flickered, casting shadows across the battlefield. The temperature around them began to rise, causing the raindrops to evaporate into steam. Noah's body trembled as he struggled to control the powerful flames, but he knew he couldn't afford to back down now.

Meanwhile, the dragons outside the barrier continued their relentless assault, their massive bodies slamming into the dome as they unleashed their fiery breath. But despite their strength, Andreas' barrier held strong, keeping them at bay for the moment.

The two dragons, startled by the sudden appearance of the Heavenly flames in Noah's hands, quickly took to the air and distanced themselves from him. They shared a glance, seemingly reconsidering their strategy in the face of such power.

Noah, meanwhile, concentrated on channeling the blue flames along his sword blades, the intense heat causing the rain around him to evaporate. As the flames coiled around his swords, he knew that this was his only chance to turn the tide of the battle.

With his flaming swords in hand, Noah charged toward the dragons, his heart pounding with adrenaline. The dragons roared and breathed fire, but Noah deftly dodged their attacks, his swords striking with deadly precision. Each swing of his swords sent out a burst of Heavenly flames, scorching the dragons' scales and weakening their defenses.

Outside the barrier, the other dragons continued to claw and breathe fire, desperate to break through Andreas' dome. But the barrier was strong, and they could only watch as their comrades battled against Noah's fierce onslaught. The battle was intense, with each side unleashing their most powerful attacks. But Noah refused to back down, his determination fueling his every move. With a fierce battle cry, he charged toward the dragons once more, his flaming swords raised high.

The dragons towered over Noah, their massive bodies a stark contrast to his smaller frame. But despite their size, Noah moved with a speed and agility that the dragons couldn't match. He closed in on them, his flaming sword in hand, determined to prevent them from using their deadly dragon breath.

With a fierce battle cry, Noah swung his sword at the dragons, the Heavenly flames engulfing the blade as it sliced through their claws. The dragons roared in anger and frustration, their massive bodies thrashing about as they tried to crush Noah underfoot. Each time they stomped, the ground trembled and cracked, but Noah continued to dodge and weave around their attacks.

The dragons were relentless, their attacks coming fast and furious, but Noah remained determined. He continued to strike at them with his flaming sword, each blow weakening them just a little more. The dragons roared in agony as they felt the power of the Heavenly flames burning through their scales.

The dragons' rage clouded their judgment as they continued to stomp and claw at Noah, ignoring the damage they inflicted on each other. But Noah was quick, his movements almost too fast for the eye to follow. He evaded their attacks with ease, his sword still burning with the Heavenly flames.

Suddenly, Noah raised his sword to the sky and began to chant a spell. The Heavenly flames intensified, their blue glow illuminating the darkened sky. The dragons' heads snapped toward Noah, but it was too late. A beam of light shot out from Noah's sword, striking the red dragon in the head before ricocheting toward the black dragon.

The dragons roared in agony as the beam hit them, their scales cracking under the intense heat of the Heavenly flames. Noah continued to channel the spell, the beam of light growing brighter and brighter until it engulfed the two dragons completely.

Despite Noah's powerful attack, he knew that his victory was only temporary as he watched the dragons writhe in pain. Suddenly, the bright light surrounding them shattered like it was made of glass, and the two dragons stepped out of the light, bleeding from multiple wounds. Their eyes glowed with anger, and they let out a deafening roar that sent powerful sonic waves shooting out from their mouths. 𝚋𝚎𝚍n𝚘v𝚎𝚕.𝚗𝚎𝚝

Noah was disoriented by the force of the roar, and before he could react, the red dragon opened its mouth and unleashed a straight beam of powerful flames. A white shield appeared before Noah to block the flame, but the shield was not strong enough to withstand the dragon's attack. It shattered into pieces, and the aftershock sent Noah flying backward, his body slamming hard into the ground.

As the dragons emerged from the shattered light, Noah could see the true extent of the damage he had inflicted upon them. Their once-impenetrable scales were now cracked and chipped, oozing blood from deep wounds. The dragons roared in anger, their eyes fixated on Noah as they prepared to launch another attack.

But before Noah could even take a step forward, the black dragon dashed towards him with incredible speed, its massive frame blocking out the sky above. The dragon stood over Noah, pinning his hands to the ground with its weight and preventing him from reaching his swords. Noah and the dragon locked eyes, a silent battle of wills playing out between them.

Noah knew he had to unleash his full power if he wanted to defeat the dragon. He had held back until now, conserving his energy for the final blow. But the situation demanded he go all out. The dragon raised its head, and its belly began to glow with an ominous light. Noah's eyes widened as he watched the glow grow brighter, realizing the dragon was about to unleash its deadly breath attack.

Just as the dragon was about to release its fiery assault, a sudden roar echoed through the air. The dragon quickly shut its mouth and looked up, distracted by the source of the noise. In a blink of an eye, a massive boulder flew out of nowhere and slammed into the dragon's head with incredible force. The dragon was sent flying through the air, crashing into the ground with a deafening thud.

Noah's eyes widened in shock as he raised his head, taking in the sight before him. His gaze was met by the towering figure of Norvin, the mighty giant ape, whose immense frame loomed over him, reaching almost 70 feet tall. The fur on Norvin's body was a striking blend of brown and golden hues, reflecting the sunlight in a dazzling display of shimmering colors. It was a fur that was both soft to the touch and strong enough to withstand the toughest of challenges.

Norvin's massive arms were longer than most trees, and each muscle rippled with incredible power and grace. With each step he took, the ground shook beneath his feet, and Noah could feel the sheer force of Norvin's presence radiating like a wave around him. It was as if Norvin was an unstoppable force of nature, an embodiment of raw strength and authority.

As Noah's gaze locked with Norvin's, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. Norvin's piercing gaze was intelligent and wise, showing a level of understanding that went beyond the mere instinct of a wild animal. Every movement he made was calculated and deliberate, as if he was always thinking ahead and strategizing his next move.

With a mighty roar, Norvin sprang into action. In a blur of movement, he closed the distance between himself and the red dragon, his powerful muscles propelling him forward with astonishing speed. Before the dragon could react, Norvin had already grabbed hold of its wings, his massive hands closing around the dragon's scaly skin with a vice-like grip.

With a guttural growl, Norvin lifted the dragon off the ground and hurled it through the air, the beast's body hurtling towards the earth like a falling star. The red dragon crashed into the ground with a deafening thud, sending a shockwave rippling through the earth. For a moment, the dragon lay there, stunned and motionless.

But Norvin was not finished yet. With a savage roar, he charged towards the fallen beast, his powerful arms swinging like a pair of wrecking balls. As he reached the dragon, Norvin grabbed hold of its wings once more, and with a tremendous burst of strength, lifted the beast up high into the air. With a grunt of effort, Norvin slammed the dragon down onto the ground again and again, each impact sending tremors through the earth.

Finally, Norvin released the dragon, letting it fall to the ground with a final crash. The red dragon lay there, battered and broken, unable to stand or fight. Norvin stood over the fallen beast, his chest heaving with exertion, his golden fur gleaming in the sunlight. Then, Norvin let out a deafening roar that echoed throughout the jungle. He beat his chest with both fists, each thump resonating through the air like a thunderclap. As he stood towering over the fallen dragon, his chest heaving with exertion, he radiated an aura of unbridled power and dominance. It was a primal display, a show of strength and ferocity that left no doubt in anyone's mind who was in charge.

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