Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 907 Norvin Vs Nightmare I

After almost beating the red dragon to death, Norvin turned his massive gaze toward Noah. The ape's towering form, almost 70 feet tall, made Noah seem insignificant on the ground. Yet, Norvin threw a reassuring smile at Noah before turning his attention back to the black dragon.

But the black dragon was not intimidated by Norvin's size or strength. It roared in a fury, unleashing a powerful strike that clawed deep into Norvin's chest. Blood spurted out from the wound, but Norvin stood his ground, unfazed by the attack.

The ape and dragon faced each other, their eyes locked in a deadly stare-down. They roared at each other with deafening force, their echoes resonating across the treacherous ocean. It was a fierce battle of strength and will, and neither of them could overpower the other.

As the battle raged on, Norvin began to beat his chest with increasing force, asserting his dominance over the black dragon. His roars grew louder and more powerful as if to challenge the dragon to try and take him down. The dragon lunged forward with a mighty roar, but Norvin stood firm, his massive arms raised in a show of strength and defiance.

The battle between the ape and the dragon was at a stalemate, each one determined to emerge victorious. Their roars continued to shake the earth as they clashed with relentless fury, a testament to the unbreakable will of two powerful creatures.

The sky rumbled with deafening thunder as a bolt of lightning came crashing down toward Norvin. Noah watched in horror, thinking that the lightning would strike the giant ape, but instead, the lightning bolt surrounded Norvin, enveloping him in a blinding light. The light grew brighter and brighter until it was almost impossible to look at.

Then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the light vanished, leaving Norvin standing there, more magnificent than ever before. His muscles bulged with even greater power, and his fur glimmered like gold in the sunlight. Norvin had been transformed by the lightning bolt, and his strength was beyond anything Noah had ever seen.

But the lightning strikes didn't stop there. One after another, bolts of lightning hit Norvin, each one boosting his power even further. The air crackled with electricity as the lightning strikes continued, each one turning Norvin into an unstoppable force.

As Noah stood back in awe, he watched as Norvin slowly ascended to the Half-Immortal stage, his power reaching unprecedented levels. It was a sight that left Noah speechless, and he knew that he was witnessing something truly remarkable.

It was evident that Norvin's heavenly tribulation was on a whole other level compared to Noah's. With each lightning bolt that struck him, Norvin's power surged, and he glowed with otherworldly energy. He looked like a true Half Immortal, radiating strength and power that shook the ground beneath him.

With his newfound strength, Norvin lunged at the black dragon with lightning-fast speed, his massive frame dwarfing the beast. He grabbed the dragon's snout with one hand and bit down hard on its neck with his ferocious teeth. The dragon let out a deafening roar of agony as Norvin's teeth were stained red with its blood. With each passing moment, Norvin's grip tightened, and the dragon's struggles grew weaker.

Noah watched in awe from a safe distance, his heart pounding with excitement and fear. He had never seen anything like this before, and he knew that Norvin was far beyond anything he had ever faced. The ground trembled underfoot as Norvin and the black dragon continued their fierce battle, their roars echoing throughout the island.

Noah stood frozen in awe as he watched the colossal beasts clash in an epic battle of strength and power. He had never witnessed such an intense fight before, and every passing moment seemed to escalate the tension to new heights.

As Norvin sank his teeth into the dragon's neck, the air filled with the deafening roar of the wounded beast. But even as the dragon thrashed and writhed in pain, Norvin showed no sign of relenting. Instead, he seemed to grow even stronger, his muscles bulging with newfound power.

But the dragon was not ready to admit defeat just yet. With a sudden burst of energy, it began to glow from within, its belly lighting up like a fiery beacon. Norvin's hands burned as he held the dragon's mouth shut, his grip tight and unyielding.

As the dragon prepared to unleash its deadly dragon breath, Norvin acted fast, grabbing the dragon's jaw with all his might and forcing its mouth shut. The two colossal creatures locked eyes in a fierce battle of wills, their muscles straining as they fought for dominance.

Norvin roared in frustration as he struggled to keep the dragon's mouth shut. His muscles bulged with the effort, and sweat glistened on his fur as he tried to overpower the beast. But suddenly, the black dragon used its massive wings and slammed them into Norvin with incredible force. Norvin was momentarily stunned, caught off guard by the sheer power of the attack.

Taking advantage of Norvin's momentary daze, the dragon opened its mouth and unleashed a stream of scorching dragon flame. Norvin roared in agony as the flames licked at his fur and burned his skin. But even in the midst of his pain, Norvin's roar contained more anger than anything else.

Gritting his teeth, Norvin leaped into the air and put his fists together, aiming straight for the dragon's head. With a thunderous impact, Norvin's fists connected with the dragon's skull, causing the ground beneath them to tremble and crack. The force of the blow was so immense that several of the dragon's scales cracked and flew off its body, revealing the soft flesh underneath.

The dragon roared in pain and fury, thrashing wildly in an attempt to shake Norvin off. But Norvin held on tight, his grip unyielding as he continued to pummel the dragon with powerful blows.

As Norvin wrapped his massive hands around the dragon's neck, the black beast thrashed and writhed, desperately trying to break free from Norvin's grip. Suddenly, Noah's body trembled with exhaustion as the barrier kept depleting Andreas's soul energy. As a result, sweat dripped down Noah's face, and his vision began to blur. He knew he couldn't hold the barrier for much longer.

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"I can't...hold this...much longer," Noah panted, turning to Andreas, whose ethereal figure was flickering and fading.

"We need to get out of this treacherous ocean," Andreas said weakly. "More dragons will come."

Noah nodded, gritting his teeth as he pushed himself to his feet. He knew he had to get Norvin's attention and bring him back to reality from his battle frenzy mode. With a burst of energy, Noah summoned a bright light that shot up into the sky. It caught Norvin's attention, and the giant ape turned his gaze toward Noah.

"Norvin, we need to leave this place. More dragons will come," Noah shouted, hoping to reach the giant ape.

With a fierce determination in his eyes, Norvin tightened his grip around the dragon's neck, his massive hands crushing the scaly skin beneath his fingers. The dragon writhed and struggled, its desperate attempts to break free only fueling Norvin's resolve.

But as Norvin continued to apply pressure, a sickening sound filled the air - the unmistakable sound of bones breaking. Norvin's eyes went wide with shock as he realized what had happened - he had accidentally snapped the dragon's neck in his quest to subdue it.

For a moment, the world seemed to go still as Norvin stared at the lifeless head of the black dragon, its body slowly collapsing to the ground beneath him. The weight of his actions hit Norvin like a ton of bricks, and he felt a sense of deep regret wash over him.

Just like Noah, Norvin had always lived by a strict code of honor that forbade him from taking a life. But in the heat of the moment, his newfound strength had betrayed him, and he had broken that sacred rule.

As he looked down at the dragon's lifeless body, Norvin couldn't help but wonder - had he gone too far in his quest for power?

Norvin's eyes widened with shock and horror as he realized what he had done. The black dragon's lifeless head slowly fell to the ground, the sickening sound of bones breaking still echoing in his ears. He had never intended to kill, and yet his immense strength had unintentionally taken the life of the creature before him.

"What have I done?" Norvin muttered, his voice laced with remorse and disbelief. He couldn't believe he had let his newfound strength get the best of him and break his own rule against killing.

But before he could fully comprehend the gravity of his actions, another deafening roar shook the ground beneath him. Norvin slowly turned his gaze toward the source of the sound and saw a majestic dragon with scales as red as fire. The treacherous ocean was engulfed in a storm, with raging waves and howling winds adding to the ominous atmosphere as the red dragon flew straight toward them. The red dragon's eyes gleamed with rage as it focused its attention on the barrier that was keeping Noah and Norvin safe. The dragon's massive claws dug into the barrier, sending sparks flying and causing the barrier to flicker and shake under immense force.

With a fierce determination, the dragon repeatedly headbutted the barrier, each impact creating deep cracks that grew wider and wider until the barrier finally shattered under the dragon's might.


Norvin's eyes widened with shock and recognition as he gazed at the dragon before him. It was none other than Nightmare, the infamous familiar of the Dark Lord himself. Despite being smaller in size than Norvin, the red dragon exuded a terrifying aura of power and strength.

Its scales were as red as the fires of hell, shimmering ominously in the stormy climate of the treacherous ocean. Its eyes gleamed with an intense rage that made Norvin crease his brows. Its razor-sharp claws dug deep into the ground, leaving deep trenches in its wake. And its wings were spread wide, making it seem as if it was ready to take flight at any moment.

Norvin knew that facing Nightmare would be no easy feat, and he steeled himself for what was to come. Even with his newfound strength, he knew that defeating the Dark Lord's familiar would be an uphill battle. A feeling of deep-seated hostility and rage boiled inside Norvin as he locked eyes with Nightmare. It was as if he had encountered a lifelong foe, and the intensity of his emotions caught him off guard. Prior to absorbing Edros's blood, Norvin had never felt such an overwhelming desire for revenge.

But at that moment, all he could think about was crushing the dragon before him. His muscular arms flexed as he balled his fists, his eyes blazing with an intensity that was almost primal. Norvin's fur bristled with anticipation as he let out a deafening roar, challenging Nightmare to come at him with all his might. The stormy ocean seemed to echo with his roar, amplifying the ferocity of the moment.

Nightmare's eyes glinted with fury as he surveyed the scene before him. The lifeless body of the black dragon lay crumpled on the ground, and the sight only served to fuel the dragon's already boiling rage. His scales glimmered in the stormy light, and his sharp claws dug deep into the rocky terrain beneath him as he readied himself for battle.

When Norvin roared, Nightmare's response was immediate. His own roar echoed through the tumultuous waters, its force shaking the very foundations of the treacherous ocean. As the two mighty creatures faced off against each other, their roars grew louder and more ferocious, each one trying to outdo the other in sheer power and intensity.

The wind howled around them as they circled each other, each one waiting for the other to make the first move. Norvin's eyes burned with a newfound determination, and he could feel his muscles tensing with anticipation. Meanwhile, Nightmare's eyes blazed with an all-consuming fury, and his entire body vibrated with the desire to destroy his opponent.

With a sudden lunge, the two creatures charged towards each other, their teeth bared and their claws extended. The clash of their bodies reverberated through the air, and the sound of their roars filled the entire ocean. The battle had begun, and it was clear that only one would emerge victorious.

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