Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 919 Massacre In Pentown

(Present Day)

The tempestuous storm that had raged around the floating mountain had finally abated, and the dark ocean lay calm once more. Gaya had emerged victorious from her heavenly tribulation, ascending to the Immortal stage with newfound power pulsing through her veins. She rose to her feet, her movements graceful and confident. Without a moment's hesitation, she ascended into the air and soared towards the Kingdom of Kethen.

Through the Spyder on Nightmare, Gaya had caught a glimpse of Norvin before the feed abruptly cut off. With Norvin being Noah's familiar, Gaya knew that she had to make her way to Pentown, where Noah's manor was located. It took her only a few hours to arrive, using a series of teleportation scrolls to hasten her journey. As she descended upon the glistening city, she bellowed out a deafening call for Noah, her voice echoing through the streets like thunder.


Gaya's shout echoed like thunder, shaking the entire town. As if they were waiting for her, soldiers and guardians rose from the ground and surrounded her. However, when they saw Gaya's cultivation stage, their eyes glistened with fear. Nevertheless, they were ordered to prevent anyone from the Dark Lord's army from reaching Noah.

Though they were afraid of her newfound power, they were tasked with ensuring that no one from the Dark Lord's army would be able to harm Noah. As the guardians closed in around her, a towering figure stepped forward to confront her. It was the alpha guardian of the beast guardians, Leonian, a creature that was half-man, half-lion. 𝚋𝚎𝚍𝚗o𝚟𝚎𝚕.org

Leonian's body was rippling with muscle, his golden fur shimmering in the moonlight. His wavy mane flowed in the wind as he fixed Gaya with a steely gaze, his fierce eyes betraying no fear. He had been ordered to guard Noah at all costs, and he was determined to fulfill his duty.

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With a furious expression on her face, Gaya snarled, "Hand over that monkey, and no one will get hurt." Her eyes blazed with an intensity that made even the bravest soldiers quiver.

As the seconds ticked by, Gaya could sense the tension building around her. More and more soldiers and guardians appeared, their armor glistening under the night sky. She could feel their eyes boring into her, sizing her up and weighing their options.

"By the power invested in me by the guardian guild, I hereby order you to stand down," Leonian announced in a voice that commanded attention.

Gaya gritted her teeth, feeling her frustration mounting. She had come too far to be stopped now, and she was not going to let anyone get in her way. "Atleast i tried," she spat, her eyes blazing with fury.

Without warning, Gaya raised her hand and summoned a giant snake made of green poisonous mist. The cobra hissed at everyone and spit jade poison, causing the weaker soldiers to melt and the others to squirm in pain. Leonian sprang into action, his instincts kicking in as he cast a defensive spell.

A translucent golden shield formed around him, shimmering like the surface of the sun. In the midst of the chaos, more and more soldiers and guardians arrived, their weapons at the ready. The air crackled with tension, and the night sky seemed to darken as the two sides faced off.

Leonian stood tall, his eyes locked onto Gaya's, his stance unyielding. He knew what he had to do, and he would not falter. "You're not getting past me," he declared, his voice ringing out across the battlefield.

Gaya's eyes narrowed as she snapped her fingers, creating a shower of sparks that crackled through the air like lightning. The green mist that surrounded her hissed and churned as if in response to the sudden burst of energy. And then, with a deafening roar, the mist exploded, sending shockwaves through the air that knocked everyone around Gaya off their feet.

Soldiers and guardians alike were thrown through the sky like ragdolls, tumbling and spinning as they struggled to regain their bearings. Some managed to right themselves in midair, but others were not so lucky. They fell like dead flies, their bodies slamming into the ground with sickening thuds.

As the smoke cleared, Gaya remained suspended in the air, her eyes blazing with power. She surveyed the chaos around her, showing no emotions on her face.

The moment Leonian's shield shattered, he was left exposed and vulnerable to a follow-up attack. Gaya had a clear shot, but the other guardians and soldiers blocked her path and gave him time to cast his spell. Meanwhile, back on the ground, chaos erupted as the guardians and Winston Manor soldiers began evacuating the city. They guided the panicked citizens toward the teleportation portal in the center of the city, urging them to move quickly and stay together.

The scene in the sky was a nightmare. The clouds rumbled, and the sky crackled with energy as Gaya unleashed her fury on the guardians and soldiers. She was at the Immortal stage now, and there was no one in the city who could stop her. Her power was beyond comprehension as she ripped through the soldiers with her bare hands, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. The sound of metal clashing against metal echoed throughout the city as her victims tried to defend themselves but to no avail.

The city was in a state of complete chaos, with people screaming and running for their lives. The ground shook with every move Gaya made, and the air was thick with the stench of blood and fear. As she continued her rampage, more and more soldiers and guardians fell to her overwhelming power.

Despite the chaos and destruction around them, the guardians and soldiers remained determined to protect the citizens and get them to safety. They worked together to create a path through the chaos, guiding the people toward the teleportation portal and ensuring that no one was left behind.

As the battle raged on, it was clear that Gaya was determined to leave nothing standing in her path. Her eyes burned with a fierce intensity, and her movements were fluid and precise. The guardians and soldiers fought valiantly, but it seemed as though nothing could stop her. The fate of the city hung in the balance, and everyone waited with bated breath to see how it would all end.

The sky turned a sickly shade of jade green as Gaya summoned a cobra made of thick, poisonous mist. The creature hissed and spewed its venomous breath, causing anyone who inhaled the toxic fumes to writhe in agony. Even those who were below the Soul Refining stage immediately coughed up dark blood and fell to their deaths, their bodies plummeting from the sky like lifeless dolls.

Amidst the chaos, Leonian sprang into action, summoning his trusty longsword that gleamed in the dim light. He was a formidable fighter, swift and agile despite being only a Fusion stage cultivator. With his sword in hand, he charged at Gaya, hoping to take her down. But his luck ran out when he decided to go up against an Immortal.

Gaya met his attack head-on, her movements were fluid and graceful. With one hand, she effortlessly caught the blade of Leonian's sword and crushed it with a single squeeze, the sound of shattering metal echoing through the air. Despite his years of training and experience, Leonian stood no chance against Gaya's godlike power.

As the battle raged in the sky, people below began to panic, fear etched on their faces. They had never seen such a display of power before, and they had no idea what was happening.

"Mommy, what's happening?" a little girl asked, tugging on her mother's dress.

"I don't know, sweetie," her mother replied, her voice shaking. "But we need to get out of here."

"Is the world ending?" a man shouted, running through the streets.

"I don't know, but we need to get to safety!" another replied, pulling his family along.

People were running in every direction, screaming and crying as they tried to find a way out of the city. Some collapsed from the sheer panic of it all, their bodies trembling with fear. Others stumbled and fell, trampled by the stampede of frightened people.

"Please, someone tell us what's happening!" a woman pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

But there was no one to answer her, no one who knew what was happening. The only thing they could do was run, run as fast as they could, and hope that they would make it out alive.

A cruel smirk spread across Gaya's face as she observed Leonian, now unarmed and defenseless, standing before her. She snickered at him, taunting him with her words. "Pathetic," she hissed, her voice dripping with contempt.

With lightning-fast movements, Gaya picked up a broken piece of Leonian's sword and charged at him. The air around her seemed to shimmer as she moved, leaving afterimages of herself behind. In a matter of seconds, she inflicted hundreds of deep cuts on Leonian's body, showing off her speed and agility.

Leonian's lion-like face twisted in agony as he struggled to defend himself from Gaya's onslaught, but he stood no chance against her. She was too fast, too powerful, and too merciless. Each cut sent a wave of excruciating pain through his body, and he could feel his strength ebbing away.

Gaya was determined to make the other guardians and Winston manor soldiers feel weak and helpless. With each slash of her blade, she wanted to show them just how vulnerable they were. And with each passing moment, her power grew stronger, fueled by the death of Nightmare.

Meanwhile, on the ground, the people watched in horror as the battle unfolded in the sky. Fear and panic gripped their hearts as they saw the raw power of an Immortal cultivator. "We have to get out of here!" one woman screamed, grabbing her children and running towards the teleportation portal. "What's happening? Who's fighting up there?" a man asked, his voice trembling with fear.

Others stood frozen in place, unable to comprehend the scale of the battle unfolding before them. They watched in horror as Gaya relentlessly attacked Leonian, cutting him to pieces without mercy. The sound of metal against flesh echoed through the air, sending shivers down their spines.

In that moment, the people of Pentown realized that they were no match for the power of the Immortals. They were just mortals, caught in the crossfire of a battle that was beyond their understanding. And all they could do was watch in terror as the sky burned with the flames of magic and the sound of clashing swords.

As Gaya halted her merciless assault on Leonian, the alpha guardian's robes were drenched in blood and his once-golden mane was now matted and messy. Gaya approached him with a calm and calculated expression, her eyes burning with newfound power. She slowly wrapped her hand around Leonian's neck, tightening her grip until he began to choke and wheeze. The air around them felt heavy and charged with tension.

Gaya's other hand rested on Leonian's shoulder, and as the seconds ticked by, she began to exert more pressure, causing him to cry out in pain. His screams echoed through the night sky, a haunting reminder of the brutal battle that had unfolded before them. The other guardians and soldiers looked on in horror, their fear palpable.

Finally, Gaya's grip tightened to the point where Leonian's screams turned into a gurgling gasp. With a swift and brutal motion, she ripped his shoulder and body in two, a sickening sound accompanying the gruesome sight. Blood and gore spilled out from the torn flesh, coating Gaya's hand and arm.

The other guardians and soldiers, now realizing the extent of Gaya's power, backed away in fear. They could feel the raw energy emanating from her, and it was clear that she was not someone to be trifled with. The atmosphere was charged with fear and panic, and the once-peaceful night now felt like a battlefield.

Gaya stood amidst the carnage, her body drenched in Leonian's blood. She had just slaughtered the alpha guardian of the beast guardians with terrifying ease. As she surveyed the destruction around her, a couple of airships suddenly appeared on the horizon, carrying hundreds of guardians.

In truth, the guardians were merely buying time to convince the Council of Immortals to take action against Gaya. With Noah having cleansed the Guardian Guild of corruption, there were few Half Immortals and Immortals left to challenge her power. The guardians knew they were outmatched, but they hoped to delay Gaya long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

However, as the airships approached, Gaya merely snorted in disdain. She had no fear of the guardians, and their feeble attempts to stop her were little more than an annoyance. The sky rumbled with the power of her aura as she prepared to face the next wave of opponents.

As the airships approached in the distance, Gaya's eyes narrowed, and her attention shifted back to the guardians and Winston manor soldiers surrounding her. She could sense the fear in their eyes, but it did nothing to quell the anger burning inside her. Without casting a spell, Gaya clenched her fist and dashed towards them, moving with a frightening speed.

The guardians and soldiers hesitated for a moment before they tried to stop her. However, Gaya was in a rage, and nothing could stand in her way. She punched and kicked, and her movements were fluid, as if she had trained for this moment her entire life. Her strikes landed with bone-shattering force, and the guardians and soldiers dropped like flies.

It was a brutal sight to behold, and the people watching from the ground couldn't help but feel a sense of horror at the violence unfolding before them. Gaya's hands were now coated in blood, and her eyes burned with an intensity that was terrifying to witness.

As she continued her assault, Gaya's mind was filled with images of Nightmare, and her heart ached with grief. She wanted to take her anger out on the ones who had caused her familiar's death. It was the only way she could find solace.

Despite the overwhelming odds against them, the guardians and soldiers fought back with everything they had. But it was no use. Gaya's power was too great, and she was in a league of her own. One by one, they fell before her, and soon, the sky was silent except for Gaya's breaths filled with fury.

Some of the guardians lost their courage to face Gaya when they saw her blood-drenched appearance. However, the moment they attempted to flee, Gaya's rage surged within her, and she charged after them. Like a ferocious beast, she caught up to them in an instant, snatched them by their heads, and violently slammed them together, their skulls shattering like brittle glass.

Their screams of agony filled the air as their lifeless bodies fell from the sky. Gaya's eyes burned with a ruthless fury as she continued her brutal assault on the guardians and soldiers who had dared to stand against her. Her rage consumed her, and she showed no mercy, killing anyone who crossed her path with her bare hands. The once peaceful sky was now a scene of carnage as Gaya unleashed her wrath upon all who dared to oppose her.

Gaya's body was drenched in the blood of her fallen foes, and her once-white robes were now stained a deep shade of red. Drops of blood dripped from her hair and face, giving her a sinister appearance. Her eyes burned with a fierce intensity as she scanned the sky, waiting for the airships to approach.

As the airships drew closer, Gaya's hands clenched into fists. She was ready to face whatever came her way, even if it meant more bloodshed. Her aura was thick with a dangerous energy, and her hair whipped around her face in the wind.

Despite the bloody scene before her, Gaya showed no signs of remorse or hesitation. She had unleashed her fury upon her enemies and had come out victorious. The only thing left was to face whatever came next, and Gaya was more than ready for it.

When Gaya was about to launch herself towards the Winston manor, a voice boomed through the sky, echoing like thunder. "STOP!"

Gaya's body tensed with rage as she abruptly halted her movement mid-charge. Even without turning around, she immediately recognized the voice that echoed through the sky. It was Xanali, her step-sister, or so she had thought until the revelation that Castien was not her real father.

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