Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 920 Kingdom Of Nagaland

The storm raged on as Gaya and Xanali faced off, the howling wind and pouring rain creating a chaotic backdrop for their confrontation. The sky was a tumultuous mixture of dark clouds and flashes of lightning, casting an ominous glow over the battlefield.

Gaya's eyes blazed with fury as she faced Xanali, her hands still slick with the blood of her fallen foes. Xanali felt a chill run down her spine as she stared into Gaya's murderous gaze.

"Stop this unnecessary killing, Gaya. Norvin and Noah are not here," Xanali pleaded, hoping to reason with her estranged sister.

But Gaya's rage burned hot, and she was not about to be swayed by Xanali's words. "So you know where they are?" she snarled, tilting her face to the side in a menacing gesture.

"I won't tell you," Xanali said firmly, her jaw set.

Gaya's eyes narrowed, scanning the battlefield for any sign of her targets. But her attention was soon drawn to the portal on the ground, where a group of people were running toward them. Xanali saw the flicker of recognition in Gaya's eyes and knew that she had to act fast.

Before Xanali could react, Gaya swooped down to the ground and snatched a little boy from his mother. The child's screams filled the air as Gaya flew back up into the sky, holding the boy by the throat.

"What are you doing?" Xanali shouted in shock, her heart pounding in her chest.

Gaya's grip on the child tightened, and Xanali could see the fear in his eyes as he struggled to breathe. The boy's mother screamed from the ground, but her cries were drowned out by the storm.

"Tell me where they are, or you can scrape this little boy off the ground," Gaya hissed, her voice filled with malice.

Xanali felt a surge of fear wash over her as she gazed up at Gaya, the rain lashing at her face. She knew that Gaya was capable of anything in her current state of mind. But Xanali also knew that she couldn't let her sister win.

Taking a deep breath, Xanali gathered her courage and met Gaya's gaze head-on. "I won't give in to your threats, Gaya," she said firmly. "But you should know that the guardians and immortals are on their way here. You will pay for what you have done."

Gaya's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the guardians and immortals, and Xanali could see a flicker of doubt in her expression. But the moment was fleeting, and Gaya's rage soon returned full force.

"Then I have nothing to lose," Gaya snarled, tightening her grip on the little boy's throat.

Xanali felt her heart race as she watched the scene unfold, the storm raging on around them. She knew that she had to act fast, or else the consequences would be dire. But how could she stop her own sister, who seemed hell-bent on destruction?

The sound of thunder echoed through the sky as the two sisters faced off, the fate of the little boy hanging in the balance.

The stormy weather seemed to mirror the turbulent emotions of the scene. Lightning cracked across the sky, illuminating the grim determination etched on Gaya's face as she held the innocent boy hostage. Xanali's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to find the words to appease Gaya's rage.

"Stop this madness, Gaya," Xanali pleaded. "There's no need for more bloodshed."

But Gaya was beyond reason. Her eyes blazed with fury as she demanded to know the whereabouts of Norvin and Noah. Xanali knew that any answer she gave would be met with violence, and yet she couldn't bear to see an innocent life taken before her eyes.

As the little boy dangled helplessly in Gaya's grasp, Xanali felt a wave of nausea wash over her. She had to do something to save him, even if it meant sacrificing her own safety.

Gaya's grip tightened, and Xanali's heart skipped a beat. The moment hung in the air, charged with a sense of impending doom.

Then, suddenly, Gaya released the boy, sending him tumbling towards the ground. Xanali's heart leaped into her throat as she reached out to catch him, but Gaya caught him first.

"Do I look like I'm playing?" Gaya snarled, her eyes glinting with menace.

Xanali knew that Gaya was serious. She couldn't afford to hesitate any longer. Gathering her courage, she told Gaya what she wanted to know: the guardians and Noah were in Nagaland.

"They are in Nagaland,"

As Xanali revealed the location of Norvin and Noah, Gaya's eyes widened in shock for a brief moment. Nagaland was her home kingdom, and the news that her enemies were hiding there caught her off guard. But she quickly regained her composure, and her face twisted into a sinister smile.

"Nagaland, huh?" Gaya said, her voice dripping with malice. "Looks like I'll be going back home sooner than I thought."

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The stormy sky seemed to grow darker as Gaya's words echoed through the air. The wind howled around them, and lightning flashed in the distance as though the very elements were reacting to the evil that Gaya represented. Xanali couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine as she looked at her former sister. Gaya had always been dangerous, but now, with her thirst for revenge fuelling her actions, she was downright terrifying.

As Gaya turned her gaze in the direction of Nagaland, Xanali felt a sense of dread settle over her. She knew that Gaya was capable of terrible things, and she couldn't imagine what she would do when she reached her home kingdom. But Xanali also knew that she couldn't let Gaya continue on her path of destruction. She had to find a way to stop her, no matter the cost.

Gaya's eyes blazed with an intense fury as she turned and flew towards her home kingdom, leaving Xanali to catch the falling boy. Xanali's heart sank as she held the trembling child, watching as his mother rushed to him, embracing him tightly. The stormy sky was a perfect reflection of the turmoil in Xanali's mind. The thought of facing Gaya and her ruthless army, let alone the possibility of the Dark Lord joining them, sent a shiver down her spine.

Xanali could only hope that the Council of Immortals would make a quick decision and gather their forces to confront Gaya and her army. But as she looked up at the sky, her heart grew heavy with the realization that the battle to come would be nothing short of catastrophic. The fate of countless lives hung in the balance, and Xanali knew that the only way to end this was to put an end to Gaya's thirst for revenge once and for all.

As she took to the air, Xanali couldn't shake off the sickening feeling in her gut. She knew that Gaya's rage would not be easily quenched, and the thought of the Dark Lord joining the fray made her feel even more uneasy. For the first time in a long time, Xanali felt a sense of dread wash over her, and she couldn't help but wonder if they were truly ready to face the darkness that was about to descend upon them.


Xanali struggled to keep up with Gaya's swift teleportation, feeling the strain in her muscles with every step she took. Her lungs burned with each breath, but she could not afford to stop. She knew where Gaya was heading and had to reach there before it was too late. The kingdom was a marvel to behold, with towering structures and winding alleys that snaked through the city. The buildings were adorned with intricate carvings of snakes, and the streets were bustling with activity. However, at that moment, the kingdom looked void of people, as Xanali had ordered the evacuation as a precaution.

Flying above the kingdom of Nagaland was a sight to behold. The island had a distinct shape, resembling a giant serpent winding through the ocean waves. The buildings were built in such a way that they appeared like scales on the serpent's body. They were mostly made of smooth stones and were curved in shape, giving them a unique, organic feel. The structures were also adorned with intricate carvings of serpents, adding to the overall theme of the kingdom.

The island was surrounded by crystal clear waters, and as Xanali flew over it, she could see schools of brightly colored fish darting through the coral reefs below. The island was also home to dense forests, with trees so tall that their tops seemed to brush against the sky. Mountain ranges dotted the landscape, their peaks covered in snow even during the warmest of seasons.

Despite the natural beauty of the island, it was eerily silent. The absence of any signs of life was noticeable, and it was clear that Xanali had made the right choice to evacuate the kingdom as a precaution.

Finally, after three years, Gaya returned to her home kingdom, soaring high above the island. She took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger that boiled within her, threatening to spill out like molten lava. As she gazed upon the land that was once her sanctuary, she felt no sense of peace or calm. Instead, her heart was heavy with a thirst for revenge.

At last, Gaya's gaze fell upon the castle, her home and the heart of her kingdom. She could see it from miles away, standing proud and tall amidst the greenery and shimmering blue waters of the island. It was the grandest and most elegant castle in the whole world, with its towering turrets, gleaming spires, and intricately designed architecture.

Looking at the castle, she could not help but marvel at its grandeur. It stood tall, a magnificent structure made of white stone that shimmered in the sunlight. The castle was built in a style that was unique to Nagaland, with intricate carvings of serpents adorning its walls and pillars. The gates of the castle were made of pure gold and the doors were decorated with precious gems. The castle seemed to be alive with magic, emanating an aura of enchantment and wonder that was impossible to ignore.

As Gaya flew closer, she could see the castle's many towers and spires, each one adorned with a different serpent statue. The main tower, which rose high above the others, was made entirely of crystal, and the sunlight that filtered through its walls created a beautiful rainbow of colors. Gaya felt a sense of awe as she realized that this castle was a true masterpiece of Naga architecture.

When she got closer to the castle, a jade-green dome suddenly materialized around the entire structure, preventing her from entering. She felt a sharp sting in her hand when she touched the energy dome, indicating that the countermeasures were working effectively. Gaya gritted her teeth in frustration, feeling her anger and thirst for revenge intensify with each passing moment.

Soon after, a group of elite soldiers emerged from the castle and surrounded her in the sky. These soldiers were the best of the best, each dressed in the finest armor and weapons that Nagaland had to offer. They were each at the Fusion stage, and Gaya sensed that there were a few Half Immortals guarding the castle as well.

The sight of the soldiers only fueled Gaya's anger further. It was clear to her that Xanali was not taking any chances in order to prevent her from entering the castle. But Gaya was determined to make her way inside, no matter what it took.

"You cannot get inside, Gaya," Gaya heard Xanali's voice and turned around. Xanali floated in the air with the royal guards of Nagaland by her side. The guards wore shining armor made of rare metals with intricate designs etched into them. Each guard had a spear in their hand, the tips of which glinted menacingly in the sunlight. They had stern expressions etched into their faces, and their eyes glowed with otherworldly power. Gaya knew that these Half Immortal guards were the best of the best and could take on an army single-handedly.

Despite standing by Xanali's side, there was a hint of reverence in the guards' eyes when they looked at Gaya. It was impossible to forget that she was once the elder princess of the kingdom, and some still saw her as a symbol of power and authority. However, their respect did not outweigh their fear, as they knew the extent of Gaya's ruthlessness too well. The mere thought of facing her sent shivers down their spines and made their hearts race with fear. Gaya could feel their fear emanating, and it only fueled her anger. 𝒃𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡.𝙘𝙤𝙢

"Since when does the mighty Super Guardian need his bitch protecting him? It's usually the other way around. What has changed?" Gaya said with a cold, hard edge to her voice.

Gaya's eyes flickered with rage as she turned her attention to the royal guards and soldiers surrounding her. Her voice dripped with venom as she spoke, "I won't sully your sense of honor by asking you to step aside. I know you would rather die than let me pass through to the castle to get what I want." Gaya took a step forward, her eyes blazing with fury. "But make no mistake, I will get what I came for, no matter what the cost." The soldiers tensed at her words, their hands hovering over their weapons as they waited for her next move.

"All this death and destruction for what, Gaya? For a dragon? When did you become so fond of a dragon?" asked Xanali with a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Since you became a bitch to Noah," Gaya snickered, her eyes glinting with anger.

"It's unfortunate that history tends to repeat itself," Gaya said with a cold, bitter laugh, her mind flashing back to the memory of burning down an entire prison filled with prisoners three years ago. The flames had been so bright and consuming, and the screams of the prisoners had echoed in her mind for months afterward.

As Gaya's words echoed in the air, her eyes gleamed with a dangerous glint as she conjured a long bow and a jade arrow. The soldiers tensed and prepared themselves for an imminent battle. Each one of them was several times stronger and more powerful than the guardians, so Gaya did not take them lightly.

The royal guardian quickly floated before Xanali, shielding her with their bodies. They were well aware of the danger that lurked around them, and their eyes flickered with a fierce determination. Xanali stood behind them, her eyes darting back and forth between Gaya and the soldiers.

As Gaya pulled the bowstring taut, her eyes locked onto the soldiers, sizing them up with a steely gaze. The tension in the air was palpable, and every breath felt like a weighty burden. With a sudden movement, Gaya released the arrow, and it shot through the air with deadly precision.

The soldiers moved quickly, dodging the arrow with an ease that spoke volumes about their skill. They were fast, their movements fluid and precise, and they closed in on Gaya with fierce determination.

When the soldiers tried to attack Gaya with their spells, she dodged them with lightning speed. Some soldiers attempted to strike her with their swords and axes, but Gaya parried them with her bow and arrows. Her movements were too quick for the soldiers to keep up, and soon Gaya had taken down several soldiers with her precise shots.

The soldiers were relentless, however, and they continued to press forward with their attacks. Gaya was moving with enough speed to leave after images as she aimed and fired with deadly accuracy. The clanging of metal on metal echoed throughout the sky as Gaya's arrows clashed against the soldiers' weapons. Gaya's movements were fluid and precise as she took down the first soldier with a single shot from her jade arrow. The soldier screamed in agony as the arrow pierced his chest, and his body fell to the ground. The remaining soldiers immediately attacked Gaya, casting spells that missed her by a hair's breadth due to her speed and agility. Gaya responded with a rain of arrows that tore through the soldiers' armor, and their blood splattered in all directions.

The air was thick with the smell of burning flesh and blood as the soldiers fought fiercely to protect their home. However, Gaya was a formidable opponent, and her accuracy with the bow was unparalleled. She targeted their weak spots, and each shot found its mark, dropping the soldiers one by one. The sound of bones cracking and bodies falling filled the air, and Xanali watched in horror as the soldiers she had trained and fought alongside were mercilessly slaughtered.

Xanali watched in horror as Gaya ruthlessly took down each soldier one by one. Despite being outnumbered, Gaya moved with an almost inhuman grace and speed, dodging every attack with ease and unleashing a flurry of deadly arrows. Xanali had never seen Gaya fight with such ferocity and brutality before, and it sent shivers down her spine. She knew that Gaya was fueled by anger and hatred, and there was no stopping her. Xanali felt helpless, and for the first time in a long time, she felt fear creeping into her heart.

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