Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 935 Salesi’s Plan

Amidst the chaos of the war between the Dark Lord's army and the Nagaland soldiers, Salesi and Andreas's second soul piece floated far away, watching the battle unfold from a safe distance. As the Dark Lord consumed Andreas's soul from within Noah's body, a twisted grin spread across the face of Andreas's second soul piece. Despite the destruction and carnage happening below, he was elated to see the Dark Lord destroy the soul piece that had been with Noah for so long.

As soon as the Dark Lord had consumed Andreas's soul, a strange darkness began to surround Andreas's second soul piece, causing it to glow with an eerie light. The ethereal form grew stronger and more substantial, becoming less transparent as it absorbed the darkness. The once-weak soul piece had been revitalized by the energy released from the destruction of Andreas's soul, and it was now more powerful than ever before.

Salesi's emotions were not those of sadness or regret over the destruction of Nagaland. Instead, an almost manic excitement shone in her eyes as she watched the battle between the Dark Lord and Nagaland's soldiers unfold. To her, this war was just the beginning of a chain of events that would ultimately lead to the fall of the great eight clans.

Salesi had long known that the revelation of the Dark Lord being Noah's brother would trigger a shift in power, and she was prepared to seize the opportunity. Her goal was simple: to see her shadow clan rise from the ashes of the great eight clans and emerge as the dominant force in the world. Salesi understood that the current system of eight divided clans made it impossible to fight against the Dark Lord and his growing army effectively. To truly defeat him, the world needed a united front led by a single, powerful clan.

With this in mind, Salesi watched the battle unfold with a twisted sense of excitement, knowing that the chaos it brought would ultimately play into her hands. The destruction of Nagaland was just the first step in a grander plan to reshape the world in her image.

"How does it feel to see the Dark Lord consume your soul piece?" Salesi asked Andreas's second soul piece, her eyes glowing with a devilish glint.

A wicked grin spread across Andreas's second soul piece as he replied, "Good, very good. I've been waiting for his destruction for so long."

Salesi couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement at the prospect of the Dark Lord's downfall. She had been waiting for this moment for years, and now it was finally within reach. But there was one thing she still didn't understand.

"I still don't get how you grow stronger with the destruction of your other soul pieces," she mused, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

Andreas's second soul piece chuckled darkly, his eyes glowing with eerie darkness. "It's simple, my dear Salesi. With each destruction, the darkness within me grows stronger. And as the darkness within me grows, so does my power."

Salesi felt a chill run down her spine as she listened to his words. She knew that Andreas's second soul piece was not to be underestimated, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the thought of what he was capable of. But she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the upcoming battle that would determine the fate of the world.

Andreas's second soul piece grinned devilishly. "The Dark Lord may be the god of darkness in this universe, but the darkness I serve is universal," he replied. "It powers me and gives me strength beyond what Andreas could have ever imagined. He was a fool to ignore such power when he could have easily embraced it and finished the Dark Lord himself."

Salesi listened intently, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew that with Andreas's second soul piece by her side, she could become the most powerful force in the universe. Together, they could conquer all of the eight clans and establish the Shadow Clan as the dominant force in the world.

Looking at Andreas's second soul piece, Salesi felt a sense of excitement coursing through her veins. She knew that with his power and her cunning, they could achieve anything they set their minds to. And she was determined to make it happen.

As Andreas surveyed the wreckage of Nagaland, his eyes fell upon the lifeless body of Castien and the broken form of Xanali. Turning to Salesi, he asked with a mix of anger and disdain, "How do you plan to avenge Castien's death and heal Xanali? Are you not moved by the loss of your own husband and daughter?"

Salesi's response was cold and callous, without a hint of remorse. She waved her hand dismissively, as if the lives lost were of little consequence. "I don't plan to," she replied flatly. "Noah will take care of it once he wakes from his coma. The death of his love Edith and the state of Xanali will fuel his anger towards the Dark Lord, overshadowing any familial bond he might form,"

Andreas couldn't help but feel smile at Salesi's lack of compassion. He knew the path Noah was headed down, and it was one of destruction and chaos.

"The world is changing, Salesi," Andreas said calmly. "Don't forget that you can't just sit back and let the pieces fall where they may. The consequences will be dire for everyone, including your clan."

But Salesi merely chuckled, her eyes gleaming with ambition. "The world has always been changing, Andreas. The strong will always rise to the top, and I plan on being on the winning side. Noah will take care of the Dark Lord, and my clan will reap the rewards. It's as simple as that,"

Andreas looked at Salesi with a sense of cold detachment, realizing that they were both cut from the same cloth. They were both cunning, calculative, and merciless, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, even if it meant sacrificing others in the process.

In a way, they deserved each other. They were both driven by their desire for power and control, and they would stop at nothing to achieve it. Andreas couldn't help but feel a sense of grim satisfaction at the thought of teaming up with Salesi to take down the Dark Lord, knowing that they both shared the same ruthless mindset.

Salesi turned to Andreas, her eyes cold and calculating. "Once the Dark Lord leaves Nagaland, I want you to take out Noah's team of elites," she instructed. "We need to eliminate any potential threats to our plan, and those elites are at the top of the list."

Andreas nodded` his expression just as cold and calculating as Salesi's. "Understood," he replied. "And what about Hammond?"

"Bring him to our place," Salesi said, a hint of greed in her voice. "We need his genius to help us dismantle the Dark Lord's army piece by piece. He'll be a valuable asset to our cause."

"And what about Noah?" Andreas asked, knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from Salesi herself.

"Leave him be," Salesi said dismissively. "He's of no use to us now. But make sure to make it look like the Dark Lord killed his elites. We want Noah to focus every bit of anger toward the Dark Lord. Otherwise, he might become softer,"

Andreas nodded again, feeling no compassion or mercy for anyone in this situation. He and Salesi were both ruthless and cunning, willing to do whatever it took to achieve their goals, no matter the cost.

A month ago, when the Dark Lord arrived at Noah's house to help his father, the news reporters caught wind of it and stirred up a political storm. They questioned Noah's competency as the Supreme Guardian, claiming that he should have been the one to fight the Dark Lord, not seek his help.

Salesi couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement at the chaos that ensued. She knew that the media would never be satisfied, always searching for the next big story to exploit. And this story was too good to pass up - the Supreme Guardian, the one tasked with protecting the world, seeking the help of the very enemy he was supposed to defeat.

But Salesi saw through the surface-level drama. She knew that Noah had his reasons for seeking the Dark Lord's help, and she respected his decision to do so. After all, they were both fighting for the same cause - to rid the world of darkness and bring about a new era of light.

But the media didn't care about the bigger picture. They only cared about sensational headlines and pushing their own agendas. And so, they pounced on the opportunity to question Noah's abilities and authority.

Despite the negative attention, Salesi remained unfazed. She knew that Noah was more than capable of leading the fight against the Dark Lord, and she had faith that he would emerge victorious in the end. As for the media, they were merely an annoyance that she would have to endure as they continued to sensationalize every little detail of the ongoing battle.

Salesi had always held a low opinion of the media, believing them to be nothing more than a group of sensationalist troublemakers. But even she couldn't deny the power they held, especially in times of political unrest. So, despite her disdain for them, she decided to use the media to her advantage. She knew that stirring up controversy and chaos would only serve to invalidate the great eight clans and further strengthen her own clan's position.

With a cold and calculating demeanor, she plotted out her strategy, carefully crafting each move to maximize the chaos and destruction. She instructed her followers to plant false information and sow seeds of dissent, creating a climate of fear and mistrust. The media ate it up, eager for any juicy scandal to report on. And as the chaos grew, Salesi watched with a sense of grim satisfaction, knowing that she was manipulating the situation to her own advantage.

Her ruthless cunning was unmatched, and she knew that she could use the media's obsession with drama to further her own goals. And so, she continued to pull the strings from behind the scenes, reveling in the chaos and destruction that she had created.

Salesi couldn't contain her excitement at the revelation that the Dark Lord and Noah were brothers. She knew that this information would send shockwaves throughout the world and create chaos beyond measure. The media would have a field day, and Salesi planned to use it to her advantage.

Andreas's eyes gleamed with a cunning intensity as he spoke, "Are you sure we should leave Lailah and the spirit child alone? I am certain I could turn the spirit child into a perfect weapon against the Dark Lord."

Salesi, however, shook her head with calm resolve. "I've heard from my contacts in Mazeroth that Lailah and the spirit child are in the Akilan realm. The Dark Lord sent them there to keep them safe."

Andreas raised an eyebrow in surprise. "But why would the Dark Lord do that? It doesn't make sense."

Salesi's lips curled into a small smile. "It's good news for us. Let the spirit child be trained by the best teachers in the world. If we trained him ourselves, he would become a one-trick pony who solely depends on his cultivation power. And that power alone will not be enough to defeat the Dark Lord."

Andreas seemed unconvinced. "But we could mold him to be the ultimate weapon against the Dark Lord."

Salesi's expression hardened. "To defeat the Dark Lord, we need to use our brains more than our brawn. Let the spirit child be for now, and I'll tell you when the time is right to use him against the Dark Lord."

Andreas nodded, reluctantly conceding to Salesi's wisdom. He knew he would have to bide his time and wait for the right moment to strike.

Salesi's eyes shifted towards Gaya, the Dark Queen, as she spoke with a cunning glint in her eyes. "The spirit child is not our concern at the moment, it's Gaya. As long as she stands by the Dark Lord's side, he is nearly invincible. She is his most powerful weapon, and we need to find a way to neutralize her."

Andreas raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Salesi's suggestion. "And how do you propose we do that?" b𝚎dn𝚘v𝚎𝚕.𝚘𝚛𝚐

Salesi smirked, her mind already working on a plan. "We need to exploit her weakness. Gaya may be powerful, but she is not invincible. There must be a way to take her down. We just need to find it."

Andreas nodded in agreement, the two of them lost in thought as they plotted their next move. They knew that taking down Gaya would not be an easy feat, but they were willing to do whatever it took to defeat the Dark Lord and take their place as rulers of the new world.

The sky grew darker, and a storm raged on in the distance, a fitting backdrop to the chaos that lay ahead. The fate of the world hung in the balance, and Salesi and Andreas were determined to come out on top, no matter the cost.

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