Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 936 Into The Kingdom Of Beasts

As Norvin and the gray-haired old man made their way through the forest, the sound of dried leaves crunching beneath their feet filled the air. The trees around them were tall and imposing, their branches reaching up to the sky. The air was cool and crisp, and the sun shone down on them, filtering through the leaves above.

Norvin's golden fur shone brilliantly in the sunlight, his massive six-feet tall towering body over the old man beside him. The old man was dressed in a traditional butler uniform, complete with a gray vest, white shirt, and black bow tie. His gray hair was neatly combed and slicked back, giving him a regal appearance.

As they continued on their journey, the old man suddenly stopped, his keen senses detecting something in the air. Despite the cloudy afternoon, he sensed an impending storm and urged Norvin to set up camp before it hit.

"Young master Norvin, we should camp here," the old man said urgently. "I sense a storm is coming, and we must take shelter before it's too late,"

Norvin nodded in agreement, knowing that his companion's instincts were always spot on. They quickly set up camp, securing their belongings and sheltering under a large tree. As the clouds grew darker and the wind picked up, Norvin couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. He had faced many challenges in his life, but there was something about this impending storm that made him feel on edge.

Norvin and Samuel had set up camp in a small clearing of the forest, the sun filtering through the canopy of tall trees. Norvin's golden fur glistened in the light, a stark contrast to the dried leaves covering the forest floor. But despite the calm atmosphere, Norvin's mind was troubled.

"Tell me, Samuel. Did I make the right choice in leaving Nagaland?" Norvin asked, his gaze distant.

Samuel, the gray-haired butler, sat down on the ground beside him. "Young master, I know you are hurting, but you made the right choice. You cannot be near the Dark Lord and his army."

Norvin's voice was filled with regret as he spoke. "But what if my absence brings doom upon them? The Dark Lord and his army are capable of terrible destruction. You know what he did to the island of Itholan in revenge. What if he does the same to Nagaland?"

Samuel shook his head, trying to reassure Norvin. "He wouldn't do that, young master. Nagaland is the Dark Queen Gaya's homeland. He wouldn't destroy his betrothed's homeland."

But Norvin couldn't shake off his feelings of guilt and responsibility. "I just hope they can hold their own against the Dark Lord's army. I wish I could be there to help."

Samuel placed a comforting hand on Norvin's shoulder. "I understand, young master. But we must have faith in Youg Miss Xanali and the other guardians. They will do everything in their power to protect Nagaland."

Norvin nodded slowly, still feeling the weight of his decision. But as the sun set and the storm clouds gathered overhead, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. He had a feeling that his absence would have greater consequences than he had initially anticipated.

"Rest now, young master. We'll arrive at the safehouse by sunrise tomorrow," Samuel suggested that Norvin get some rest, but Norvin was in no mindset for sleeping. His thoughts were consumed by the fact that he had left his best friend and brother, Noah, behind in Nagaland while he fled for safety. Now, Noah was in a coma and unconscious, vulnerable to the dangers of the Dark Lord's army. Norvin felt a deep sense of guilt and regret for not being there to protect him.

To make matters worse, Alicia, Noah's wife, had left for Awor to seek an alliance with the empress to fight against the Dark Lord. With both Norvin and Alicia absent from Noah's side, Norvin felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness. ๐—ฏ๐—ฒ๐๐—ป๐—ผ๐ฏ๐—ฒ๐—น๏ผŽ๐จ๐—ฟ๐—ด

He leaned his head back against the tree and closed his eyes, but his mind was racing. The thought of Noah's life hanging in the balance made it impossible for him to rest. The only thing he could do was to keep moving forward, to reach the safehouse and regroup with their allies.

Samuel watched over him with a sense of concern, knowing that the weight of the situation was heavy on Norvin's shoulders. He silently prayed for their safe passage to the safe house, hoping that they could reunite with their loved ones and face the challenges ahead as a united front.

While Samuel was sitting by the campfire, a sudden sharp pain ripped through Samuel's gut, causing him to let out a blood-curdling scream that echoed through the silent forest. Norvin's thoughts were jolted out of his mind by Samuel's agonizing cry, and he leapt to his side, desperation in his eyes.

"What's happening to you, Samuel?" Norvin asked urgently, but the old man could only writhe in pain and let out another anguished cry. Then, as suddenly as it began, Samuel fell silent and lost consciousness. Norvin's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the old man lying motionless on the ground.

Panicked, Norvin examined Samuel's body, and his eyes widened in horror as he sensed a disruption in Samuel's soul. It was as though a part of his soul had been violently ripped away, leaving behind an emptiness that chilled Norvin to the bone.

"What could have caused this?" Norvin muttered to himself, his mind racing. He knew that such an injury to the soul was not something that could be easily mended, and the implications of this attack weighed heavily on his mind. Who or what could have caused such a thing? And why had they targeted Samuel?

As Norvin tended to Samuel's unconscious body, his mind raced with questions and fears. The journey ahead suddenly seemed much more treacherous than before, and he knew that they would have to be even more vigilant if they were to survive the dangers that lay ahead.

Unknown to Norvin, the sharp pain that suddenly struck Samuel's body was no coincidence. It occurred precisely at the same moment Michael consumed Andreas's soul from Noah's body in Nagaland. Little did Norvin know that Andreas had left a small piece of his soul in Samuel's body, and when Michael destroyed that part of the soul, the remaining piece in Samuel's body was also destroyed. Fortunately, the second soul part of Andreas which was with Salesi, was not affected since the soul piece in Samuel's body was from the soul part of Andreas, which was with Noah.

Norvin examined Samuel's condition and concluded that the old man needed rest to recover from the sudden pain he had experienced. Satisfied that Samuel would be okay, Norvin covered him with a warm blanket and climbed up a nearby tree to keep watch. Despite Samuel's stable condition, Norvin couldn't help but be plagued by thoughts of what had caused the sudden disruption in his body.

Peering into the distant sky, he kept watch over the sleeping Samuel. The forest was eerily quiet except for the occasional rustling of leaves and twigs under the weight of nocturnal animals.

The thought of the Beast King's kingdom brought a sense of both relief and apprehension to Norvin. He had heard of the powerful beast men and their imposing ruler, but had never met them himself. The idea of seeking refuge in their kingdom was daunting, but with the Dark Lord's army on his trail, it seemed like the only viable option.

As Norvin sat in contemplation, his thoughts kept drifting to Noah's condition. He couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for leaving his friend and brother behind, vulnerable to the Dark Lord's wrath. Norvin knew he had made the right choice by leaving, but the weight of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Suddenly, a twig snapped in the distance, jolting Norvin out of his thoughts. His heart raced as he peered into the darkness, trying to make out any movement or shape. Was it the Dark Lord's army hot on his trail? Or was it just a stray animal?

Norvin's heart raced as he heard a rustling in the nearby bushes. He knew better than to let his guard down, especially in these treacherous times. Without hesitation, he leaped up into the nearest tree and climbed higher, scanning the area for any signs of danger. His golden fur glistened in the light, and his senses were on high alert as he listened intently for any sound that might give away an attacker's presence. His mind raced with thoughts of the Dark Lord's army and what they might be capable of. He couldn't afford to take any chances, not when so much was at stake. As he surveyed the area, his grip on the tree tightened, and he readied himself for any incoming threat.

Norvin's keen eyesight caught a glimpse of movement in the distance, and he narrowed his eyes to get a better look. As the beastmen drew closer, he saw that they resembled a pack of wolves. Their fur was sleek and dark, blending in with the shadows of the forest. They moved with a graceful, predatory gait that sent shivers down Norvin's spine.

Despite his fear, Norvin kept his guard up and watched the group's approach carefully. He didn't know their names or identities, but he could tell that they were skilled warriors. Each of them carried a weapon and wore a fierce expression of years of training and experience.

As the pack of wolf-like beastmen approached Norvin's campsite, Norvin tensed up, unsure of their intentions. The pack leader, a towering beast with thick grey fur and piercing yellow eyes, stood at a distance and bared his fangs, growling a warning. Norvin slowly raised his hands in a show of non-aggression, but kept a watchful eye on the pack.

The leader spoke in a low, guttural voice, asking Norvin why he was venturing into the territory of the Beast Kingdom. Norvin hesitated, unsure of how much he should reveal. He knew that the Beast Kingdom was a powerful and feared nation, and he didn't want to reveal too much about his own mission.

"I am seeking refuge," Norvin finally replied, keeping his tone neutral. "I am in need of a safe place to rest and regroup."

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The pack leader sniffed the air, as if testing Norvin's words for any signs of deceit. The other members of the pack circled around Norvin's campsite, their eyes glowing in the darkness. Norvin could feel his heart racing as he watched the pack warily.

"Do not lie," the pack leader growled.

Norvin could feel the tension in the air, and he knew that he needed to choose his words carefully. He could easily take down these wolves, but he didn't want to start a needless fight.

"I'm not lying," Norvin said, holding up his hands in a peaceful gesture. "We have permission from the Beast King to enter his kingdom. We're here to seek refuge and speak with him about the Dark Lord's invasion."

The wolves exchanged a look, but their leader remained unconvinced. He took a step forward, his eyes fixed on Norvin.

"Prove it," he snarled. "What kind of proof do you have that the Beast King has agreed to meet with you?"

Norvin hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to prove his words. But then he remembered the small medallion that the Beast King had given him as a sign of his invitation.

Reaching into his pocket, Norvin pulled out the medallion and held it up for the wolves to see.

"This is the proof you seek," he said. "The Beast King gave me this medallion as a sign of his invitation. We mean no harm, we just seek refuge from the Dark Lord's forces."

The leader of the pack eyed the medallion warily, but after a moment, he nodded his head in acceptance.

"Very well," he said. "You may pass. But be warned, monkey. We won't hesitate to strike you down if you try anything."

Norvin nodded, relieved that the tense standoff was over. Once the wolves believed him, Norvin pointed at the unconscious Samuel.

"He is taking a much-needed rest. Once he wakes up, we will be on our way to the safehouse," said Norvin, pointing to Samuel who was sleeping peacefully. The pack leader looked at Samuel, then turned his gaze back to Norvin with a fierce stare.

"Whatever you do, get to the safehouse before midnight," he growled. "The Beast Kingdom has its own problems, and the last thing I want is to clean up your corpses from the ground."

With that ominous warning, the pack of wolves quickly vanished into the darkness of the forest, leaving Norvin alone with his thoughts. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he considered the warning. What kind of problems did the Beast Kingdom have? And why did the pack leader seem so hesitant to trust him?

Unbeknownst to Norvin, the Beast Kingdom was not as safe from the Dark Lord's influence as he had hoped. The kingdom had its own share of internal issues, and the Dark Lord had his own spies planted within its borders, including a number of powerful vampires. These vampires, with their keen senses and exceptional tracking abilities, made it all too easy for the Dark Lord to keep tabs on the kingdom's movements and keep his finger on the pulse of its politics.

The Beast King knew that agreeing to help Norvin would make him a target of the Dark Lord's wrath. The Dark Lord believed that Norvin had killed Nightmare, and would stop at nothing to exact his revenge. In doing so, the Beast King had entered a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the Dark Lord, where one misstep could mean the end of his kingdom.

Meanwhile, Salesi and her shadow clans were also plotting against the Dark Lord. They were cunning and ruthless and would do anything to stop him. The two factions had their own separate plans and strategies, but both aimed to take down the Dark Lord and put an end to his reign of terror.

The stakes were high, and the outcome was uncertain. Only time would tell how the Dark Lord would face these plots against him, and whether the Beast King and Salesi's plans would come to fruition.

(Keep your gifts coming)...shameless author alert!!!

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