Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 943 Unleashing The Power

Michael continued to fight the three creatures with fierce determination. He swung his dark sword with precision, slicing through their thick hides and dealing massive damage. The creatures were relentless, however, and continued to attack with their sharp claws and teeth.

Blood sprayed across the room as Michael dodged and weaved through their attacks. His black skin was stained with the creatures' blood, but he showed no signs of slowing down. With each strike of his sword, he channeled the darkness within him, unleashing waves of dark energy that sent the creatures reeling.

One of the creatures managed to sink its teeth into Michael's shoulder, causing him to grunt in pain. He retaliated by plunging his sword into the creature's neck, causing it to roar in agony. As it fell to the ground, Michael ripped the sword out and turned to face the other two creatures.

The creatures circled him, growling and snarling with bloodlust. Michael's eyes glowed crimson as he prepared for their next attack. Suddenly, one of the creatures lunged forward, claws extended. Michael sidestepped the attack and countered with a swift kick to the creature's stomach, sending it flying across the room.

The third creature charged forward, its massive horns aimed straight for Michael's chest. Michael ducked and rolled under the attack, coming up behind the creature. With one swift motion, he sliced off one of its legs, causing it to stumble and fall to the ground.

The creatures continued to attack, their wounds oozing blood onto the stone floor. Michael was bleeding from several cuts and gashes, but he refused to back down. He knew that he had to keep fighting until the creatures were defeated.

With a fierce roar, Michael charged forward, ready to deliver the final blow. The creatures braced themselves for impact, but Michael surprised them by unleashing a massive blast of dark energy. The energy engulfed the creatures, causing them to scream in agony as they were consumed by the darkness.

As Michael fought the three creatures with his dark sword, Gaya provided air support with her bow and arrows. She flew above the battlefield and scanned the area for any threats. With each pass, she fired a special arrow at the creatures, hitting them with deadly precision. The first arrow she fired was an explosive arrow, which detonated on impact and sent the creatures flying. The second arrow she fired was a freeze arrow, which enveloped the creatures in ice and slowed their movements. The third arrow she fired was a poison arrow, which injected a deadly toxin into the creatures' bloodstream and weakened them.

Gaya's aim was true, and each arrow hit its mark with devastating effect. The creatures howled in pain and rage as they tried to swat her out of the air, but Gaya was too quick and agile for them. She dodged their attacks with ease and continued to rain down arrows on them, never missing a shot. Her air support was invaluable to Michael, as it gave him the time and space he needed to deal with the creatures one by one.

The fight was intense and bloody, with Michael and Gaya fighting for their lives against the formidable creatures. But they were determined to succeed, and with each passing moment, they got closer to victory. The creatures were relentless, but so were Michael and Gaya. They fought with all their might, using every skill and ability they had, until finally, they had the creatures on the ropes.

As Michael and Gaya continued to fight the creatures, they noticed that despite the severe damage they inflicted, the creatures quickly regenerated their limbs and healed their wounds. Michael was not surprised by this as he had encountered similar creatures in the past, but Gaya was taken aback by their ability.

With each blow Michael dealt, the creatures' limbs would be sliced off or burned by Michael's dark flames, but within moments, new limbs would sprout from their stumps, and their burns would heal. Even Gaya's special arrows couldn't stop their regeneration. It was like they were fighting a vampire, no matter how many times they cut off a limb, it only grew back stronger.

Despite their seemingly infinite regeneration, Michael and Gaya refused to give up. They knew that they had to find a way to defeat the creatures before they overpowered them.

As the battle raged on, Michael's fury and frustration began to boil over. The memories of his mother's betrayal and the loss of his dear Nightmare weighed heavily on his mind, driving him to lash out with even greater force. With each strike of his dark sword, he poured all his anger and pain into the attack, hacking and slashing at the creatures with a ferocity that was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Gaya watched in amazement as Michael unleashed his pent-up emotions on the creatures. She could see the intensity of his attacks and the raw power that he wielded. It was clear that he was using the battle as an outlet for his anger and sorrow, and that he was not ready to let it end until he had fully expressed his emotions.

The creatures' regeneration abilities proved to be no match for Michael's relentless onslaught. With each attack, he sliced off limbs and tore apart their bodies, leaving them writhing in agony. And yet, despite the punishment they received, the creatures continued to heal themselves, their bodies slowly knitting back together even as Michael hacked them apart. 𝑏𝘦𝑑𝘯𝑜𝑣𝘦𝑙.𝘤𝘰𝘮

As the battle continued, Michael's attacks became even more savage, fueled by his unrelenting anger and despair. He seemed almost possessed, a whirlwind of darkness and fury that tore through the creatures with unmatched ferocity. And through it all, Gaya stood by his side, providing support with her arrows and marveling at the sheer power and intensity of the God of Darkness.

"AHHHHH!" Michael's roar echoed through the battlefield, sending shockwaves through the air. His eyes glowed with otherworldly energy as he unleashed his fury upon the creatures. Each strike of his sword was accompanied by a deafening sound, as if the very fabric of reality was tearing apart. It was a roar of pure rage and anguish, a primal cry that spoke of untold suffering and loss.

Michael's eyes burned with a fierce intensity as he unleashed his fury on the creatures. With every swing of his dark sword, he let out a primal roar that echoed through the halls of the castle. His muscles bulged with raw power, fueled by his rage and grief.

He attacked the creatures with savage ferocity, his sword slicing through flesh and bone with ease. He didn't care about strategy or finesse. He only wanted to unleash his pent-up anger and frustration. Gaya watched from the sidelines, stunned by the display of raw power and emotion.

It was a gruesome and bloody battle, with Michael covered in the blood of his enemies. But he didn't stop, even as his arms grew tired and his breathing became ragged. He was determined to let out all of his suppressed emotions, to unleash his full power, and become the darkness that he was born to be.

Gradually, Michael's eyes turned blood-red with fury as he finally decided to end the fight. He lifted his dark sword and called upon the power of the darkness. Suddenly, waves of dark flames erupted from his body, enveloping the entire battlefield in a shroud of darkness. The creatures roared and snarled, but their voices were drowned out by Michael's furious howls.

As Michael unleashed the full force of his dark power, the sky above the battlefield turned black as dark lightning bolts crackled and swirled around him. With each swing of his sword, the ground trembled, and the creatures were blasted back by the sheer force of his attacks.

The battlefield was plunged into a darkness so deep that it seemed like the end of the world. But through the darkness, Michael could see the glowing eyes of the creatures as they slowly backed away, their bodies charred and burned by the intense flames.

Michael continued to roar and unleash waves of dark flames, his anger and frustration fueling his attacks. He knew he couldn't hold back anymore and needed to finish the fight. The dark lightning bolts surrounding him grew stronger and more intense, and suddenly, with one final swing of his sword, a massive explosion of dark energy erupted from his body.

The creatures were engulfed in the explosion, their bodies disintegrating into ash as they were consumed by Michael's dark flames. The battlefield was finally still, and the darkness slowly lifted, revealing Michael standing alone amidst the smoldering ruins of the once terrifying creatures.

As Gaya watched Michael unleash his power, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe mixed with fear. She had seen Michael use his dark flames and lightning bolts before, but this time it was different. It felt like Michael had truly embraced the darkness within him, letting it consume him and fuel his power.

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The waves of dark flames that Michael unleashed were unlike anything she had ever seen before. They were so dark and powerful that they seemed to suck the light out of everything around them. The bolts of dark lightning that crackled around him added to the ominous atmosphere, making the battlefield feel like a place of pure darkness and malevolence.

Despite her fear, Gaya couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for Michael. She knew that he was fighting with all his might, not just to defeat the creatures but also to vent his suppressed emotions. The sight of Michael unleashing his full power was both beautiful and terrifying, and it left Gaya feeling a mix of emotions that she couldn't quite put into words.

When the three creatures were put out of existence, Michael stood up with a fierce expression on his face. Suddenly, the ground started to crack and break apart as hundreds of hell walkers emerged from the depths of hell. They were all different shapes and sizes, but each one was just as terrifying as the last.

Gaya's eyes widened in shock and horror as she saw the massive horde of hell walkers. She knew they were in for a tough battle. Each hell walker was easily powerful enough to kill a Fusion stage cultivator with ease. Their blackened skin was tough as steel, and their glowing red eyes were filled with an insatiable hunger for blood.

The horde of hell walkers was massive, stretching as far as the eye could see. Their growls were deep and guttural, reverberating through the ground like an earthquake. Their eyes glowed with an eerie red light, and their movements were slow and deliberate, like that of zombies. They appeared almost mindless in their determination to attack and destroy anything in their path. Despite their undead appearance, their physical strength and power were undeniable. Each one of them was strong enough to take on a Fusion stage cultivator with ease, and their numbers were overwhelming. As they emerged from the cracks in the ground, the battlefield was plunged into darkness, and the air was thick with the stench of death and decay.

Michael stood calm and collected, unfazed by the horde of hell walkers emerging from the ground. His eyes remained fixed on the approaching army, and he raised his hand towards the sky with a serene sense of purpose. The winds around him began to pick up, the air crackling with energy as he prepared to unleash his power. Despite the overwhelming numbers of the hell walkers, Michael remained stoic, his gaze unflinching as he called forth the darkness.

As Michael raised his hand, the sky seemed to ripple and warp as if it were a mere veil waiting to be pulled back. Suddenly, three massive meteors, each one ablaze with a crimson-red flame, appeared in the sky above. They hung there for a moment, suspended in time, before hurtling down toward the horde of hell walkers below.

The ground shook as the meteors struck the earth, creating massive craters that swallowed up the hell walkers. The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, shattering nearby structures and kicking up clouds of dust and debris. The sound was deafening, a roar that drowned out all other noise.

After discovering the truth about his family, Michael's emotions had been a maelstrom of anger, betrayal, and grief. However, he had used this storm of emotions to fuel his power, and he had truly embraced the darkness within him. This allowed his power to grow beyond any limits he had previously known. With each passing moment, Michael felt his power surge through him like an unstoppable force. The darkness within him had become a part of him, and he had learned to wield it like a weapon.

As the smoke cleared, Michael descended from the sky and surveyed the destruction he had wrought. The hoard of hell walkers lay decimated, reduced to nothing but ash and rubble. The air was thick with the smell of burnt flesh and sulfur, and the ground was scorched black from the heat of the impact.

Gaya stared in awe at the sight before her, barely able to comprehend the sheer power that Michael had just unleashed. For a moment, she felt a flicker of fear, wondering if Michael's power was too great for him to control. But then she saw the determination in his eyes, the way his jaw was set, and she knew that he was in control. He had unleashed his true power and brought destruction to their enemies, and there was no stopping him now.

When the dust settled from the impact of the meteors, the battlefield was unrecognizable. The ground was scorched and cracked, and the air was thick with smoke and the stench of burnt flesh. The bodies of the hell walkers were charred and twisted, their once formidable figures reduced to nothing but ash and bone.

In the midst of this destruction stood Michael, the God of Darkness. His body was wreathed in black flames, and his eyes glowed with an unearthly light. The power he had unleashed upon the battlefield was beyond comprehension, and it was clear that he had truly embraced the darkness within him.

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