Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 944 Headmaster Of Mazeroth

(The following chapter took place before Michael learned about Nightmare's death and appeared at Nagaland)

As Michael emerged from the Sea Realm with Harry in tow, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. He knew that Lailah, Harry's mother, would be anxiously awaiting their arrival on the floating mountain. However, Michael was also aware that he had the grim task of informing Lailah that her own sister, Edith, had been the one responsible for Harry's abduction. He had no regrets about taking Edith's life. In fact, he only wished he had done so earlier. Michael knew that Lailah had loved Edith deeply, even if she had not always shown it, and he was prepared for the potential backlash from both Lailah and Harry. Nevertheless, Michael had acted in accordance with what he believed was right and just, and that was all that mattered to him.

Michael flew through the starry night sky, holding Harry tightly in his arms, feeling the weight of the child's peaceful slumber against his chest. Michael couldn't help but marvel at how much Harry had grown since he last saw him through the surveillance mirror. The once helpless baby was now a toddler with a full head of messy hair and a chubby yet remarkably resilient body. Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards the child and a desire to ensure that he could grow up in a world free of violence and chaos.

He down at Harry and couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt. He knew that his actions had caused pain and suffering for those he cared about, including Lailah and the innocent child in his arms. But as Michael felt Harry's soft skin and heard his gentle breathing, he also knew that he had made the right choice in killing Edith. No one should have the power to use innocent lives as pawns in a game of power, and Michael was willing to bear the burden of that responsibility.

While he soared above the tranquil ocean, Michael wondered what kind of future awaited Harry. Would he grow up to be a hero like his mother, or would he be forever haunted by the darkness that surrounded him? Regardless, Michael was determined to do everything in his power to ensure that Harry had a chance to live a long and fulfilling life. The fate of the world may hang in the balance, but for now, all that mattered was the peaceful slumber of a child in his arms.

Michael's thoughts drifted to Harry's future, and it weighed heavily on his mind, causing a dull ache to throb in his temples.

Before he had left for the Sea Realm, Michael had offered to take Lailah and Harry with him to the floating mountain, where they would be safe from the dangers of the outside world. But Lailah had rejected the offer, adamantly refusing to expose her son to Michael's dark army or to be involved in his war against the world. Michael couldn't blame her for her decision, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that Harry's future was uncertain and that the boy deserved a chance at a peaceful life. b𝚎dn𝚘v𝚎l.𝚌𝚘m

Despite Michael's offer to protect Lailah and Harry from the dangers of his dark army, Lailah had made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with him or his war. Michael couldn't shake off the worry for Harry's future and the nagging feeling that Lailah had a plan in place. He tried suggesting sending them to a separate pocket dimension, but Lailah refused. As Michael was deep in thought about their safety, a strong gust of wind brushed past him, causing him to stop in his tracks. A feeling of unease crept up on Michael as he sensed a powerful figure suddenly appears behind him.

When Michael turned around, he was met with the sight of a towering figure hovering in the air before him. The man appeared to be the embodiment of peace and wisdom, radiating a calming aura that put Michael at ease. He had long, flowing white hair and a matching beard that fluttered gently in the wind while his eyes twinkled with a sense of knowing. He wore long, flowing purple robes that seemed to billow around him as he moved, and half-moon shaped glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, giving him an air of intellect and sophistication.

"Who you might be?" Michael asked with an air of calmness. The old man took a moment to respond, his gaze slowly scanning over Michael from head to toe. The man exuded an aura of peaceful wisdom, as if he held knowledge of all things in the world.

Michael attempted to sense the old man's power, but to his surprise, he found himself unable to do so. It was as if a powerful magic had been placed around the old man to prevent Michael from gauging his strength.

The old man's voice was deep and resonant, filled with a sense of wisdom and authority that commanded Michael's attention. The man's eyes sparkled with intelligence behind his half-moon glasses, making it clear that he was not a person to be underestimated.

"Such a loss that you chose not to return to MAzeroth, Ghost," the old man repeated, his voice tinged with a hint of regret. "Professor Lane speaks of you often, and that is saying something, considering his usual reluctance to discuss former students." The old man's smile was warm, but there was a hint of something else in his expression that Michael couldn't quite identify.

Michael fixed his gaze on the old man before him, his eyes scrutinizing him as he asked, "You didn't answer my question," His tone was calm, but there was an underlying hint of curiosity and suspicion as he tried to discern the identity of the stranger who had appeared before him.

"The Headmaster of Mazeroth, Wulfric Wells the Third," replied the old man in a calm and collected voice.

As Wulfric revealed his identity, Michael's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. The headmaster of Mazeroth, one of the most renowned academies of magic, was standing before him. Michael had heard about Wulfric's reputation as an accomplished wizard, but he never expected to meet him in person. Despite his surprise, Michael couldn't help but wonder why Wulfric had come all the way to him. It was clear that the headmaster was not here to fight, but there had to be a reason for his unexpected appearance. Michael's mind raced as he tried to come up with possible explanations for the headmaster's visit.

While Michael was trying to decipher why the headmaster of Mazeroth had appeared before him, he suddenly sensed a new presence. He turned his gaze and saw Lailah, Harry's mother, standing beside Wulfric. Michael was taken aback by her sudden appearance, but he maintained his composure and assessed her expression for any signs of hostility or resentment towards him.

Lailah's sudden appearance took Michael aback, but he was even more taken aback when he saw the overwhelming joy on her face at the sight of Harry safe and sound in his arms. She cried tears of relief and delight as she rushed towards him. Lailah's eyes, which were always cold and calculated, were now filled with warmth and love as she took Harry from Michael's arms and held him tightly. She dashed towards Michael and took Harry into her arms, holding him tightly against her chest. The warmth of Harry's body made her feel alive again, as if a part of her had been missing and had just returned to her. She hugged him tightly, grateful for his safe return, and did not want to let him go. She embraced him with a passion that could only be compared to the fierce love of a mother who had lost her child and now had him back in her arms. In that moment, Lailah felt like she was coming back to life.

"What happened to him?" Lailah asked, her voice laced with concern as she saw her son sleeping in Michael's arms. She immediately feared that something might have happened to him in the Sea Realm.

"He's fine, just sleeping," Michael reassured her. He could sense the love and worry in Lailah's voice, and he knew that Harry meant everything to her. "It's best to let him rest for now. He's been through a lot."

Lailah nodded, relieved to know that Harry was safe and sound. She held him close and whispered soothing words, feeling grateful that Michael had saved her son.

As Lailah was showering Harry with kisses and hugs, Michael shifted his attention to Wulfric. He had knocked out Lailah and left her safely in his castle, so he was puzzled as to how Wulfric had managed to find her. But when Michael examined the energy fluctuations and power radiation surrounding Wulfric, he realized that the headmaster had somehow freed Lailah from his castle.

After a moment of silence, Michael turned his gaze towards Wulfirc Wells and spoke up, breaking the tension. "Why are you here, headmaster?" he inquired, his voice firm and steady. Despite his surprise at Wulfirc's sudden appearance, Michael maintained his composure and remained wary of the headmaster's motives. He knew that Wulfirc would not have come to him without a good reason, and Michael's instincts told him that it was something important.

"We are going to Mazeroth," Lailah spoke up, interrupting the silence between Michael and Wulfric. Michael couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern in his heart upon hearing her decision. While he had previously considered Mazeroth as a safe haven for Lailah and Harry, he knew all too well that Mazeroth was under the control of Skyhall - his sworn enemies. He couldn't bear the thought of Harry being used as a pawn against him in the future, as had happened with Noah. However, as Michael looked into Lailah's eyes, he saw a steely determination that he knew he would not be able to sway. Despite his reservations about Mazeroth, he could see that Lailah had made up her mind and would not be dissuaded easily. It was clear to Michael that Lailah was fiercely protective of her son and was willing to do whatever it took to keep him safe, even if it meant going against Michael's wishes. He knew it would be a difficult battle to try and convince her otherwise.

Wulfric could see the worry in Michael's eyes, and he spoke in a calm and reassuring tone.

"You can trust me, Michael. Mazeroth is not under Skyhall's control," Wulfric said, sensing Michael's concerns about Harry's safety.

Michael still had doubts about sending Harry to Mazeroth. He knew Skyhall had a firm grip on many realms, including Mazeroth, and he feared that they might use Harry as a weapon against him in the future.

"Who says they don't control it, Headmaster? They control almost everything, and imagine what they would do to him once they learn he's my blood," Michael countered, expressing his concerns to Wulfric.

"I made my decision, Ghost. We are going to Mazeroth, where my son will receive the education and safety he deserves," Lailah interrupted Michael before he could say a word. Michael was about to argue, but Lailah's eyes were determined and unwavering.

"You didn't listen to me when you rushed into absorbing the first energy. You didn't listen to me when I asked you to keep an eye on Harry. Your decisions have put either you or those around you in danger every time. And now, you are willing to risk his life-" Michael tried to reason with her, but Lailah cut him off once again.

"Stop," Lailah's voice was firm yet gentle.

"I made my decision, Ghost. You were the one who cut all ties with us. I asked you to leave everything behind and come with us, but you refused. You didn't want any part in our lives. I am sorry we dragged you into this, but it won't happen again once we reach Mazeroth. I trust Headmaster Wells, and this is my final decision," Lailah said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Michael tried to reason with Lailah, arguing that Mazeroth was not as safe as she thought and that Harry's safety could not be guaranteed. He reminded her of the dangers they faced in the past and the fact that their enemies would stop at nothing to get to him. But Lailah remained steadfast in her decision, and her trust in Wulfric was unshakable. Michael's frustration grew as he realized he could not change her mind, and he knew that arguing further would only cause more tension between them. Eventually, Michael relented, knowing that Lailah's decision was final. He silently hoped that he would not regret letting Harry go to Mazeroth and that he would find a way to keep him safe from afar.

Lailah let out a deep sigh, her voice laced with regret and sadness as she spoke, "It seems like the darkness has truly changed you, Ghost. Even now, you are reluctant to let us go to Mazeroth as if you value your own safety above our lives." Michael could feel her words piercing through him, but he could not deny that there was a grain of truth to them.

Michael knew there was no point in arguing with Lailah, so he approached Harry and gently placed his hand on the sleeping child. He bent over and placed a soft kiss on Harry's forehead, whispering, "Goodbye Harry. I wish things were really different."

He had hoped that his reluctance to let Harry go to Mazeroth would have made Lailah reconsider her decision, but it seemed that she had made up her mind. Despite the weight of the truth about Edith's death, Michael remained silent as he bid farewell to Harry and Lailah. He knew that revealing the truth would only cause more pain and heartache. Besides, Lailah didn't ask any questions about Harry's abduction, showing that all she cared about was her son's safe return.

"I will hold you accountable, Headmaster. If the Skyhall dares to play any games with them, I will show you why they call me the Dark Lord," Michael said with a deep, commanding voice. The sky darkened as his words echoed across the ocean, and bolts of lightning illuminated his face, highlighting the power emanating from him. The full moon blackened as if in deference to his might, and the wind picked up, blowing fiercely around him.

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