Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 960 The Dark Lord’s Herbal Garden

Once a bustling and vibrant place, the Sunrise sect now lay in eerie silence under the embrace of the night sky. The lust mountains, cloaked in darkness, loomed over the deserted sect with an air of mystery. The green forests that once flourished with life now appeared as dark shadows, their foliage rustling softly in the night breeze.

The paved streets, once bustling with activity, now glistened under the pale moonlight. The intricate patterns and designs etched into the stone seemed to come alive, casting intricate shadows that danced along the empty pathways. The silence was broken only by the faint rustling of leaves and the distant hoots of nocturnal creatures.

Where once disciples and cultivators filled the sect buildings, there were now only echoes of the past. The grandeur and opulence that once characterized the Sunrise sect had faded into the obscurity of the night. The buildings stood as solemn sentinels, their windows dark and their halls empty.

Amidst the night's stillness, the tranquility was shattered by the presence of silver armored soldiers from the Skyhall. Like phantoms, they patrolled the deserted streets with disciplined steps, their armor glimmering under the moonlight. Their watchful gazes scanned the surroundings, as if guarding the secrets of the abandoned sect.

The Skyhall's dismantling of sects had left its mark on the Sunrise sect, transforming it into a ghostly shell of its former self. The disciples who once called this place home were scattered, forced to either abandon their cultivation or surrender to the authority of the Skyhall's designated sects. The sect that was once a beacon of individuality and independence now lay under the watchful eyes of external control.

Within the heart of the Sunrise sect, hidden under the starry night sky, lay Michael's largest herbal garden. Enclosed by a glass dome, it shimmered like a precious gem in the darkness. Moonlight filtered through the transparent structure, casting a soft glow upon the diverse array of exotic plants and herbs that grew within.

The herbal garden, once tended to by devoted cultivators, now stood untouched and unappreciated. Its vibrant colors and fragrant scents lingered in the air, a testament to the lost potential of the sect. The glass dome, normally a symbol of protection and growth, now seemed like a cage, trapping the garden's beauty within its confines.

Under the enchanting glow of the moonlight, the herbal garden within the glass dome revealed its mesmerizing beauty. The plants and herbs that flourished within seemed to possess a magical allure, their forms vibrant and otherworldly.

Tall, slender vines draped from the ceiling, their leaves shimmering with an ethereal radiance. Each leaf, adorned with intricate patterns and delicate veins, seemed to capture the moon's essence, casting a soft luminescence in the darkness. The vines intertwined with one another, forming a tapestry of colors that ranged from vivid greens to deep purples and fiery reds.

Clusters of exotic flowers bloomed in every corner, their petals were delicate and translucent, as if fashioned from moonlight itself. Their fragrances wafted through the air, blending harmoniously to create an intoxicating aroma that awakened the senses. Some flowers emitted a soft, gentle glow, as if carrying the stars within their very essence.

Lush, emerald-green shrubs lined the pathways, their leaves glistening with dewdrops that sparkled like miniature stars. They seemed to whisper secrets of ancient knowledge, their presence exuding a sense of wisdom and tranquility. Mysterious herbs with shimmering, iridescent leaves sprouted from the ground, their glow illuminating the intricate patterns etched into the stone path.

In the center of the herbal garden, a tranquil pond mirrored the twinkling night sky above. Its surface, smooth as glass, reflected the beauty of the surrounding flora, creating a surreal spectacle of vibrant colors and celestial patterns. Magical creatures, unseen in the outside world, flitted about the pond, their iridescent wings casting iridescent reflections upon the water's surface.

Within this enchanting sanctuary, the plants thrived under the gentle guidance of nature's forces. Their growth was nurtured by the moon's gentle caress and the celestial energies that permeated the glass dome. It was as if the garden itself held a delicate balance between the earthly and the ethereal, a testament to the ancient wisdom that resided within the Sunrise sect.

As the group of Skyhall soldiers patrolled the area around the herbal garden, their silver armor gleaming under the moonlit night, a murmur of conversation filled the air. Their footsteps echoed softly against the paved pathway as they exchanged thoughts in hushed tones.

"Have you seen this garden? It's a marvel, a place of beauty unlike anything I've ever seen," remarked one soldier, his voice tinged with awe.

"I agree," another soldier chimed in, his gaze fixed upon the glass dome that encased the flourishing sanctuary. "It's a shame that such a precious creation will soon meet its end."

A third soldier, with a hardened expression, interjected, "But we cannot forget that this garden was brought forth by Ghost, the one who is now known as the Dark Lord. The Skyhall has deemed it a threat to our cause."

A somber silence fell upon the group as they pondered the impending destruction of the enchanting herbal garden. A soldier, whose eyes betrayed a flicker of sadness, voiced his thoughts with a touch of defiance.

"I understand our orders, but it still feels wrong. This place holds so much life and magic. It seems a waste to let it perish."

A murmuring agreement rippled through the soldiers, each one grappling with conflicting emotions. They glanced around, ensuring that their conversation remained discreet, their allegiance to the Skyhall overriding their personal opinions.

"Remember our duty," a stern voice resonated. "The Dark Lord must be eliminated, and everything associated with him must be erased."

"But this garden... It feels like a part of something greater," a soldier whispered, his voice filled with longing. "A symbol of the beauty that can be found even in the darkest of hearts."

Their steps grew slower, their eyes glancing back at the glass dome that sheltered the vibrant life within. They could sense the pulsating energy, the living essence that seemed to emanate from the herbal garden. It stirred emotions they thought they had long buried.

"Perhaps," one soldier murmured, his voice barely audible. "Perhaps there's more to this than we know. A potential for redemption, even within the Dark Lord himself."

The group fell into contemplative silence, their thoughts entwined with uncertainty and the unspoken desire for a different path. But duty bound them to their mission, and the orders of the Skyhall loomed above them, unyielding.

With a heavy sigh, one soldier reluctantly broke the silence. "We have a job to do. The garden will not survive the night. Let us fulfill our duty swiftly and leave this place to its fate."

And so, the group of Skyhall soldiers continued their patrol, their conflicted hearts weighed down by the knowledge that they would soon be the instruments of destruction, tasked with extinguishing the beauty that thrived within the glass dome. A sense of sorrow mingled with their unwavering loyalty, for they understood the cost of their allegiance and the sacrifice demanded by the path they had chosen.

As the soldiers continued their patrol, their eyes scanning the surroundings, a strange sensation rippled through the air. The once radiant moon, casting its gentle glow upon the land, began to dim. Shadows lengthened and darkness spread across the Sunrise mountain chain, shrouding everything in an eerie blackness.

A soldier's voice quivered with uncertainty. "What... what is happening? Why is it so dark?"

Another soldier glanced up at the sky, his voice laced with apprehension. "Look! The moon... it's gone! There's only darkness up there."

Whispers of fear and confusion spread among the soldiers, their gazes fixed upon the void where the moon should have been. The absence of its silvery light sent shivers down their spines, a haunting reminder of the Dark Lord who lurked in the shadows.

"Could it be... the Dark Lord?" one soldier murmured, his voice filled with trepidation. "Is this his doing?"

The darkness seemed to press in on them, filling their hearts with a sense of unease. The soldiers exchanged wary glances, their minds clouded with thoughts of the Dark Lord's power and influence.

Another soldier, his voice barely above a whisper, voiced the thoughts that plagued their minds. "We've heard stories, tales of the Dark Lord's ability to command darkness itself. Is this a sign of his imminent presence?"

As the soldiers stood in the enveloping darkness, a mixture of fear and awe washed over them. They could not deny the unsettling familiarity of this eerie blackness, a darkness that mirrored the depths of the Dark Lord's influence.

Their breaths quickened, their senses heightened as if anticipating an imminent confrontation with an overwhelming force. The soldiers tightened their grips on their weapons, readying themselves for whatever darkness would come.

Amidst the palpable tension, a soldier's voice trembled, laced with a mix of dread and determination. "We must stay vigilant, my comrades. The Dark Lord's reach knows no bounds. No matter the darkness that looms, we cannot falter in our mission. Our duty remains unchanged."

Nodding in unison, the soldiers took a collective breath, their resolve solidifying in the face of the encroaching darkness. They would not waver, even as fear coursed through their veins. They were soldiers of the Skyhall, standing as a barrier against the forces of darkness, no matter how overwhelming it may seem.

And so, with hearts brimming with both fear and determination, the soldiers forged ahead, their steps steady and resolute. The absence of the moon's light only served to strengthen their resolve, reminding them of the immense task that lay before them in their battle against the enigmatic Dark Lord.

As the darkness deepened, a chilling presence slithered through the shadows. Figures garbed in flowing dark robes emerged from the obscurity, their forms almost merging with the night. Only their gleaming fangs, exposed beneath their black hoods, betrayed their vampiric nature.

The soldiers, their hearts pounding, froze in their tracks as the hooded figures closed in. The soldiers could feel the weight of their gaze, an intense scrutiny that sent shivers down their spines. Fear gripped their chests, tightening like an iron vice.

Distant screams pierced the air, carried on the cold wind that swept through the mountain chain. The soldiers exchanged fearful glances, their expressions mirroring the horrors unfolding in the unseen depths of the darkness. The scent of blood, thick and metallic, tainted the air, assaulting their senses with its macabre presence.

The soldiers knew that they were facing a force beyond their comprehension. The Dark Lord's minions had arrived, heralded by the ominous darkness and the echoes of agony that now resonated through the once tranquil landscape.

Whispers of terror reverberated among the soldiers, each voice trembling with dread. "What... what is happening? How can this be?"

The realization sank in: they were no match for the encroaching darkness and the relentless army of the Dark Lord. Their well-honed training and unwavering dedication now seemed futile in the face of such overwhelming malevolence.

Yet, even in the midst of their terror, a flicker of defiance glimmered within some of the soldiers. They tightened their grips on their weapons, their resolve flaring like a solitary flame amidst the encroaching darkness.

"We must stand strong," one soldier spoke, his voice quivering with determination. "For the Skyhall, for our purpose, we cannot yield to the terrors of the Dark Lord. We fight for the light that still remains."

When the soldiers steeled themselves, their hearts entwined with fear and valor, they prepared to face the oncoming onslaught. The hushed whispers and eerie silence gave way to the clash of metal against fang, the screams of battle mingling with the cries of the forsaken.

As the vampires descended upon the Skyhall soldiers, their movements were a blur of inhuman speed and agility. With predatory grace, they pounced upon their unsuspecting targets, teeth bared and claws poised to strike.

The soldiers fought desperately, their swords slashing through the air in a valiant attempt to defend themselves. But they soon discovered that these creatures were unlike anything they had ever encountered. Each strike aimed at severing a vampire's head, as they had been instructed, was met with lightning-quick evasion. The vampires twisted and contorted their bodies, evading the fatal blow with uncanny agility. 𝚋𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟el.𝚌o𝚖

Frantic whispers passed between the soldiers as they exchanged glances of frustration and determination. "The head! We must sever their heads!" one soldier cried, his voice filled with urgency.

Their movements became more calculated as they adapted to the vampires' agility. The soldiers coordinated their attacks, attempting to corner the elusive creatures and strike with precise and decisive blows. Yet, despite their synchronized efforts, the vampires proved maddeningly elusive, slipping away from the edge of death each time.

With each failed strike, the soldiers' frustration grew, but they refused to yield to despair. They fought on, driven by a relentless determination to protect their comrades and uphold their duty to the Skyhall.

The vampires, sensing their advantage, became even more ruthless and relentless. Their attacks grew fiercer, their claws ripping through armor and flesh with terrifying ease. Wounds that would have incapacitated a mortal soldier were shrugged off as the vampires regenerated their injuries almost instantaneously.

The soldiers' faces contorted with a mix of astonishment and frustration as they witnessed this supernatural regeneration. The sight only fueled their determination to find a way to vanquish these seemingly invincible foes.

Amidst the chaos, one soldier's eyes flickered with a glimmer of insight. "Fire!" he shouted above the tumultuous battle. "We must use fire! It's their weakness!"

The soldiers quickly adjusted their tactics, seeking out torches and any means to ignite flames. With renewed vigor, they unleashed a barrage of fire upon the vampires, the scorching flames searing their undead flesh. The vampires howled in agony, momentarily driven back by the onslaught.

But even as the flames consumed them, the vampires refused to yield. Their bodies smoldered and charred, yet they emerged from the flames, their eyes burning with an unquenchable hunger for blood.

The soldiers watched in awe and horror as the vampires, now engulfed in an inferno, continued to fight, undeterred by the pain and destruction inflicted upon them. The realization settled heavily in their hearts - these creatures were not easily defeated.

As the battle between the soldiers and the vampires waged on, a few soldiers caught a glimpse of a figure shrouded in dark mist hovering above the herbal garden, surrounded by its protective glass dome. Their eyes widened in both awe and terror as they recognized the Dark Lord himself.

Time seemed to stand still as the soldiers momentarily diverted their attention from the relentless fight to witness this ominous sight. The Dark Lord's presence cast an overwhelming aura of malevolence, his dark silhouette contrasting sharply against the backdrop of chaos and carnage.

Suddenly, two beams of darkness shot forth from the Dark Lord's eyes, cutting through the air like deadly lasers. The ground beneath him trembled as he unleashed his power, his intent clear. With precise and calculated precision, he began to sever the earth around the herbal garden, creating a rift that encircled it.

The soldiers watched in astonishment and trepidation as the ground split open, a deep chasm forming around the herbal garden. The earth groaned and rumbled, its ancient connection to the mountain severed by the Dark Lord's dark powers.

Despite the chaos and destruction unfolding around them, the herbal garden remained untouched within its protective glass dome. The soldiers marveled at the Dark Lord's ability to isolate and lift the precious garden from the trembling ground without causing it harm.

As the ground beneath the herbal garden began to rise, it seemed as though the very fabric of the mountain chain was being reshaped under the Dark Lord's command. The soldiers exchanged glances of disbelief, recognizing the extent of the Dark Lord's power and the magnitude of the force he commanded.

The scene was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a testament to the unparalleled strength and dark magic possessed by the Dark Lord. It became clear to the soldiers that they were mere pawns in a grand design, caught in a battle where the outcome had already been predetermined.

With a surge of dark energy, the Dark Lord lifted the chunk of mountain containing the herbal garden onto his broad shoulders. The colossal weight seemed insignificant to him as he effortlessly bore the burden, the glass dome encasing the precious garden gleaming in the moonlight. It was a sight that defied all reason and comprehension.

Meanwhile, in Rivertown, a settlement nestled at the foot of the Sunrise mountain chain, the inhabitants paused in their daily activities as they beheld the astonishing spectacle unfolding in the distance. Gasps of disbelief and murmurs of confusion rippled through the crowd as their eyes fixated on the mountain that appeared to be tearing itself apart.

"There! Look at the mountain!" a young girl exclaimed, her finger pointing towards the extraordinary scene.

A hush fell over the townsfolk as they gazed at the sight before them. Whispers of awe and concern filled the air, blending with the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant rumbling of the earth.

"What in the world is happening?" a worried villager questioned, his voice filled with both fear and intrigue.

"There's no bloody way that's happening! It's a trick, I tell ya!" a grizzled villager exclaimed, his voice laced with disbelief.

"Gods above, is this the end of us all?" a woman cried out, tears streaming down her face.

"By the heavens, what foul sorcery is this?" a wide-eyed merchant muttered, crossing himself in a desperate attempt to ward off the impending doom.

The once-thriving marketplace fell into disarray as vendors abandoned their stalls, their wares forgotten in the face of this unnatural spectacle. Fear etched itself deeply upon the faces of the townsfolk, their eyes locked on the mountain as it trembled under the Dark Lord's power.

"Curse that accursed Dark Lord!" a man cursed through clenched teeth, his voice brimming with anger and terror.

A sense of unease pervaded the air, accompanied by the acrid scent of burning ozone. The collective gasp of the crowd echoed through the silent streets, mingling with hurried footsteps as families sought shelter, seeking solace within the confines of their homes.

"Pray for mercy, for we stand on the edge of damnation," a quivering voice whispered, the words carrying the weight of resignation.

The once-unshakable faith in the stability of their world crumbled beneath the weight of the Dark Lord's power. Cries for divine intervention mingled with the curses of those who felt abandoned by their gods. Fear took hold, casting its suffocating grip upon the hearts of the townsfolk.

"This can't be real. It's a nightmare, it must be!" a young woman exclaimed, her voice trembling with disbelief.

Whispers of desperation and anguish intertwined as uncertainty swirled through the crowd. Vulgarities slipped past the lips of some, their shock and fear shattering the veneer of civility in the face of such otherworldly events.

"I'll be damned! That bloody mountain is being torn apart like a rotting corpse!" a gruff farmer exclaimed, his face contorted with a mix of horror and fascination.

The townsfolk, normally bound by a sense of community, were now consumed by individual fears and doubts. The once-familiar landscape had been transformed into a nightmarish tableau, with the Dark Lord's power looming above them.

In the midst of the chaos, a resolute voice cut through the cacophony of panic. "Hold strong, my friends! We shall endure this darkness together!"

It was a rallying cry, a flickering flame of hope amidst the encroaching shadows. And though their hearts were heavy with fear, the people of Rivertown found solace in the strength they drew from one another, determined to weather the storm unleashed by the Dark Lord's malevolence.

The Skyhall, blinded by their arrogance, believed they could obliterate the herbal garden that Michael had painstakingly nurtured. They assumed he would passively allow their destructive flames to reduce his creation to ashes. Oh, how sorely mistaken they were. None among them could have fathomed the depths of his power and determination.

In a move that defied their expectations, Michael unleashed a display of raw might and cunning. With a surge of dark energy, he severed the garden from the very ground it had been rooted in, lifting the colossal chunk of mountain onto his broad shoulders. The audacity of his action sent shockwaves through the ranks of the Skyhall, their futile attempts at destruction rendered insignificant in the face of his command over the elements.

The awe-inspiring sight of the Dark Lord, his figure bathed in a sinister aura, shouldering the weight of the garden like a titan of old, struck fear into the hearts of those who dared to oppose him. The celestial powers that coursed through his veins allowed him to soar above their reach, defying gravity and expectations alike. With a purposeful stride, he embarked on a journey, carrying the precious cargo of his creation towards the dark abyss of the ocean.

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