Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 961 Guardian Guild’s Last Chance

High above the Ozer continent, the resplendent headquarters of the Guardian Guild stood as a testament to its grandeur and prestige. Adorned in pure white, its majestic architecture reached toward the heavens, reflecting the guild's noble purpose of safeguarding the realm.

Within the hallowed halls of the guild, Alpha Guardian Elara Valren presided over an emergency meeting. Aware of the imminent danger threatening to tear the guild apart from within, she gathered the leaders of various factions to devise a plan to restore order and unity. The atmosphere was heavy with tension, each member keenly aware of the precarious state the guild had fallen into.

Since the Skyhall execution team had ruthlessly stripped Noah of his revered title as the leader of the Guardian Guild and imprisoned Ethan Winston, Noah's esteemed father, the guild had been left rudderless and vulnerable. In the absence of strong leadership, factions within the guild had emerged, vying for power and influence, threatening to fracture the once unbreakable unity of the guild.

As the sole remaining Alpha Guardian appointed by Noah, Elara Valren bore the weight of the fallen. Her fellow Alpha Guardians, once pillars of strength and wisdom, had met their untimely demise during the harrowing Nagaland war, leaving a void that threatened the stability of the Guardian Guild.

To preserve the guild's integrity, Elara had no choice but to select new Alpha Guardians from the ranks of the talented and promising. These successors, though brimming with potential, lacked the seasoned experience and honed skill of their predecessors. Elara knew that with time, they would grow into their roles and shine brightly, but the pressing challenge was the absence of a unifying leader.

Within the guild's hallowed halls, ambitious and influential guardians had formed their own factions, eagerly awaiting the opportune moment to seize the coveted position of guild leader. Once noble and devoted, these individuals had succumbed to the corrupting influences of greed and power, their allegiance to the guild tarnished by their personal ambitions.

Noah had diligently cleansed the guild of corruption, but it seemed that the seeds of darkness had taken root once more. Elara recognized the urgent need for strong leadership to combat the insidious forces that threatened to tear the guild apart from within.

The task before her was daunting, as she grappled with the delicate balance of ensuring the guild's stability while navigating the treacherous waters of factionalism. She knew that the lack of a unifying leader could lead to chaos and the dissolution of everything the Guardian Guild stood for.

With each passing day, Elara tirelessly worked to nurture and guide the new Alpha Guardians, providing them with the wisdom and mentorship they needed to grow into their roles. She instilled in them the values of honor, selflessness, and dedication, hoping to inspire them to rise above the temptation of personal gain and restore the guild's reputation.

"Silence!" Elara's voice reverberated through the grand hall, commanding the attention of the assembled Alpha Guardians and Guardian Captains. The sheer force of her command compelled everyone to cease their conversations and turn their focus towards her.

As the authoritative figurehead of the Guardian Guild, Elara stood tall and composed, her eyes scanning the room. Alongside her, three newly appointed Alpha Guardians took their places, each embodying the essence of their respective divisions. 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝐧𝗼𝐯𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Alpha Roshan, the formidable Alpha Guardian of the Beast Guardians, possessed a commanding presence akin to a majestic lion. His golden mane cascaded down his broad shoulders, radiating strength and wisdom. With a deep, rumbling voice, he spoke, his tone resonating with authority.

"We face a critical challenge within our division," Alpha Roshan began, his gaze sweeping across the attentive audience. "The rise of factionalism has led to a deterioration of trust and unity among the Beast Guardians. We must address this swiftly and restore the bond that once bound us together."

Alpha Vivienne, the fiery-haired Alpha Guardian of the Sorcerer Guardians, exuded an air of mystic power. Her vibrant red locks shimmered under the light, mirroring the intensity of her magical prowess. She stepped forward, her voice carrying an undercurrent of determination.

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"In the realm of the arcane, we encounter a different set of trials," Alpha Vivienne continued, her emerald eyes sparkling with unwavering resolve. "The misuse and abuse of magic have tarnished our reputation. We must instill stricter regulations and education to foster responsibility and discipline among our ranks."

Alpha Garrick, the seasoned warrior and Alpha Guardian of the Warrior Guardians, emanated an aura of battle-hardened valor. His scars and weathered armor spoke of countless victories and sacrifices. With a deep voice etched with experience, he addressed the gathering.

"Our division grapples with a crisis of discipline," Alpha Garrick declared, his gaze penetrating through the room. "Some of our warriors have strayed from their honorable path, yielding to personal desires and forsaking their duty. We must reestablish a code of conduct and reinforce our core values to restore the integrity of the Warrior Guardians."

As each Alpha Guardian presented their concerns and proposed solutions, Elara listened attentively, her expression a mask of thoughtful consideration. She understood that the problems within the guild ran deep, infecting every division. Yet, she also recognized the strength and potential of her newly appointed Alpha Guardians.

With a sense of purpose and determination, Elara addressed the room once more, her voice filled with a blend of authority and compassion. "We stand at a crossroads, where the fate of the Guardian Guild hangs in the balance. But I have faith in each and every one of you, my fellow Alpha Guardians and Guardian Captains. Together, we will rise above the challenges that beset us, united in our purpose to protect and serve."

The hall reverberated with a renewed sense of purpose and determination as Elara's words echoed through the minds of those present. The challenges were great, but the Guardian Guild's potential for redemption was equally immense. With their unwavering resolve and unified efforts, they would pave the way for a brighter future, restoring the guild to its former glory.

As the meeting unfolded within the grand hall, a group of guardians clad in pristine white armor stood silently at the corner, their presence unnoticed by most. Led by Neela, a formidable figure with an aura of power that emanated from her Soul Refining stage level 7 cultivation, they observed the proceedings with a mix of concern and determination.

Neela's piercing gaze remained fixed on Elara and the other Alpha Guardians, her expression one of quiet intensity. As Alpha Roshan concluded his statement, a low growl rumbled deep in Neela's throat, her frustration evident.

"We cannot allow Noah's name to be tarnished any longer," Neela declared, her voice laced with determination. "He dedicated his life to the Guardian Guild and deserves justice. It is our duty to uncover the truth and clear his name."

Alvaro, a member of Neela's group and the second strongest with his Soul Refining stage level 4 cultivation, stood beside her. Unbeknownst to his comrades, he had been working as a spy for the Dark Lord, betraying his fellow guardians. Alvaro's mind buzzed with thoughts of the secrets he had uncovered, the information he had fed to the Dark Lord's army.

As Neela voiced her intentions, Alvaro's eyes darted around the room, a calculated glint in his gaze. He knew that the unraveling of the Guardian Guild's internal strife would only serve to further his own agenda. The Dark Lord's promises of immortality and increased power tantalized him, clouding his judgment and fueling his ambition.

While outwardly appearing to support Neela's determination to clear Noah's name, Alvaro silently calculated his next move. He pondered the secrets he had yet to uncover within the guild, knowledge that could prove invaluable to the Dark Lord's cause. The thought of presenting this information to his mysterious benefactors filled him with a sense of anticipation and the promise of greater rewards.

Alvaro knew he danced a treacherous dance, walking a tightrope between loyalty to the Guardian Guild and his clandestine allegiance to the Dark Lord. His mind buzzed with possibilities, weighing the potential outcomes of his dual existence.

As the meeting continued, the air thick with tension and the weight of responsibility, Neela and her fellow guardians exchanged their differing viewpoints. Neela's determination to have Alicia, Noah's wife, take charge of the Guardians in his absence, clashed with the objections voiced by Alvaro and others within the group.

Neela's eyes flashed with conviction as she spoke, her voice carrying a resolute tone.

"Alicia has suffered greatly at the hands of the Dark Lord. Her resilience and strength make her the ideal candidate to lead us in these troubled times. We must rally behind her and restore the honor of the Guardians."

"Neela, I understand your intentions, but we must consider the implications of Alicia's deep-seated hatred for the Dark Lord. It has clouded her judgment, making her vulnerable to rash decisions that could endanger us all." Alvaro, his gaze hidden behind a mask of calculated neutrality, spoke up with a measured tone.

Others within the group nodded in agreement, their expressions etched with concern. They understood the pain Alicia had endured, but they also recognized the potential pitfalls of entrusting their fate to a leader driven by personal vendetta.

Neela's brows furrowed, her determination unyielding. "I believe in Alicia's strength and resilience. She has the power to unite us and guide us towards victory. We cannot let fear and doubt hold us back."

Alvaro's eyes narrowed, a flicker of subtle intent passing through his gaze. "Perhaps it would be wise to consider all options before rushing into such a decision. The Dark Lord's reach is vast, and we must prioritize the safety and well-being of our fellow guardians."

Neela's jaw tightened, her stance unwavering. "We will not falter in our pursuit of justice. Alicia has the spirit to confront the Dark Lord, to avenge her family and protect our guild. We must support her."

As the debate raged on, the rift within the group widened. The weight of conflicting loyalties and hidden agendas bore heavily upon the Guardians, threatening to fracture their unity and weaken their resolve. Unbeknownst to them, Alvaro's duplicitous actions loomed in the shadows as he played a dangerous game of manipulation, ready to exploit any opportunity that would further his allegiance to the Dark Lord.

As the tense atmosphere gripped the meeting hall, a sudden commotion erupted at the entrance. A guardian, trembling and drenched in sweat, stumbled into the room, his face contorted with fear. He stuttered and stammered, struggling to find his voice amidst the overwhelming terror that gripped him.

Elara, her brows furrowing with concern, quickly moved forward, her eyes fixed on the shaken guardian. "What has happened? Why are you so frightened?" she asked, her voice laced with urgency.

The guardian's words tumbled out in a jumble, his voice quivering with fear. "Th-th-the Demon B-b-butler... he's here! He waits outside... to deliver a message from the Dark Lord himself!"

A collective gasp swept through the room, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Elara's heart quickened, her mind racing with the implications of this unexpected arrival. Without hesitation, she led the way as the guardians rushed out of the hall, their gazes fixated on the figure awaiting them.

As they stepped into the open air, their eyes fell upon Azazel, the Demon Butler of the Dark Lord. He stood alone, his neat butler uniform exuding an eerie sense of calm. His jet-black hair was impeccably combed to the side, framing a youthful face that belied the power that lay within. Crimson red eyes bore into the guardians, an intensity in their gaze that sent shivers down their spines.

The guardians, their hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and curiosity, couldn't help but shudder at the sight of Azazel, the Demon Butler of the Dark Lord. His presence alone seemed to cast a chilling aura that sent shivers down their spines. They couldn't deny the immense power emanating from him, knowing that he stood at the Immortal stage level 9.

Azazel's crimson eyes calmly scanned the assembled guardians, his gaze unyielding and devoid of fear, despite being deep within enemy territory. The sneer that tugged at the corners of his lips only heightened the unease that settled over the weaker guardians, who mumbled among themselves, their voices trembling with trepidation.

"He's so powerful... What chance do we have against him?" one whispered, the words laced with a mixture of awe and fear.

"We mustn't let his presence deter us. We are the guardians, defenders of justice!" another whispered, trying to instill a sense of courage amidst the rising anxiety.

As the guardians converged in the sky, their eyes fixed upon Azazel, their determination wavered in the face of his imposing figure. The weight of their duty pressed upon them, the magnitude of the situation becoming increasingly clear.

Elara, her eyes narrowing with determination, stepped forward to confront Azazel. Her voice cut through the tense air, filled with authority and defiance. "Why have you come here, Azazel? This is our territory, and I have every right to strike you down where you stand."

Azazel's lips curled into a contemptuous smirk, his crimson eyes locked onto Elara. "Oh, dear Elara," he sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. "If the Guardian Guild were still strong, perhaps you would have had the chance. But without Noah, you are nothing. Just a collection of weaklings clinging to the remnants of a fading legacy."

The guardians bristled at Azazel's words, their collective anger and determination simmering beneath the surface. They exchanged glances, their resolve solidifying as they prepared to defend their honor and their home.

Elara's voice rang out, strong and unwavering. "We may have lost our leader, but our spirit remains unbroken. We are guardians, bound by duty and united in purpose. We will not yield to the likes of you."

Azazel's eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and malice. "Ah, the bravado of the desperate," he retorted, his tone laced with disdain. "But I am not here to engage in meaningless battles. I bring a message from the Dark Lord himself."

The tension in the air grew thicker as the guardians leaned in, their gazes fixed on Azazel, anticipation and dread intertwining within them.

"What is this message?" Elara demanded, her voice laced with a mix of defiance and curiosity.

Azazel's smile widened, his crimson eyes flashing with a dark glimmer. "You have two days," he proclaimed, his words like venomous whispers. "Two days to abandon this guild, to scatter and hide like the rats you are. After that, the Dark Lord will personally come to this guild and burn it to the ground. And anyone who dares to stand in his way will meet their demise."

The guardians exchanged stunned glances, the weight of Azazel's words pressing upon them. Fear mingled with determination as they grappled with the reality of their impending fate.

Elara's voice trembled with suppressed anger and defiance. "We will not bow before the Dark Lord. We will stand our ground and defend what is ours."

Azazel's laughter echoed through the air, a chilling sound that sent a shiver down the spines of the guardians. "So be it," he sneered. "But remember, the darkness is relentless, and your feeble resistance will only lead to your destruction."

As Azazel turned to depart, his dark wings unfurling behind him, the guardians were left in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. They understood the gravity of the situation, the immense power they faced, but within the depths of their hearts, a glimmer of hope still burned. They would not surrender without a fight, for they were guardians, defenders of justice, and they would face the darkness head-on, no matter the cost.

When the shock settled among the guardians, whispers of disbelief rippled through their ranks. "But... the Dark Lord disappeared... Where did he go?" one guardian murmured, his voice filled with confusion.

"We thought he had vanished for good," another whispered, his eyes wide with realization. "But now, he's back, and more dangerous than ever."

The news of the Dark Lord's return sent shockwaves through the guardian guild, filling them with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. They had hoped for respite in his absence, but now, they were faced with the undeniable truth that the Dark Lord's power still loomed over them.

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