Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 962 No Backup For The Guardian Guild

Following the Dark Lord's chilling warning of the impending destruction of their guardian guild, Elara retreated to the sanctuary of her meticulously arranged room. The space exuded an air of tranquility, with neatly stacked books lining the shelves and a captivating board game that challenged and sharpened her strategic thinking. Taking a purposeful stride, Elara approached her table and deftly retrieved a silver bead from one of the carefully organized drawers. Inhaling deeply, she summoned her resolve and crushed the bead, unleashing a radiant burst of light that swiftly consumed her form, whisking her away from the room in an instant.

In an instant, Elara materialized within a grand and brilliantly illuminated hall. The space exuded a sense of majestic splendor, adorned with a colossal chandelier that bathed the room in a warm, ethereal glow. At its center stood a large stone table, flanked by sturdy stone chairs that beckoned to be occupied. Casting an imposing presence, a towering statue of a lady, entwined with a sinuous snake, commanded attention from one corner of the room.

As Elara, an elegant elf with golden hair and piercing blue eyes, entered the hall, she found herself confronted by several figures seated around the round table. Among them were Alicia, Salesi, Evan Clarke, and a enigmatic beastman who concealed his features beneath a cloak of dark robes.

"He is back," Elara's voice resounded with a mix of urgency and determination, as she shared the news of the Dark Lord's return with her comrades. The revelation triggered a tumultuous wave of emotions within each individual, blending fear, anger, and an unwavering thirst for retribution against the Dark Lord. Yet, amidst the charged atmosphere, the enigmatic beastman and Salesi exuded an eerie calmness, almost as if they had anticipated the Dark Lord's resurgence. A serene smile graced Salesi's face, as if she held secrets and plans beyond the reach of others.

Salesi's calm demeanor persisted as she responded to Elara's plea. "Then it's time to expedite our plans," she stated in a composed tone, her words carrying an air of determination.

But Elara refused to yield, her fist tightening as she confronted Salesi. "No. We must devise a plan to save the Guardian Guild. Azazel, the Dark Lord's minion, has delivered a message, giving us a mere two days to abandon the guild before the Dark Lord himself arrives to obliterate it along with everyone inside," she implored, her voice filled with urgency and a desperate need for support.

Salesi's nonchalant response, laced with indifference, provoked a frown from Elara. "Why bother, honey?" Salesi retorted, her words dripping with an unsettling lack of concern.

Salesi's voice remained steady as she expressed her viewpoint, her words carrying an air of finality. "The Guardian Guild, my dear, is akin to a dying animal. Attempts to salvage it would only prolong its suffering, prolong the inevitable. We must face the harsh truth that there is no conceivable plan in existence that can protect the guild from the Dark Lord's wrath. With his formidable power at the Half Celestial stage, we lack any semblance of strength or support to pose even a remote challenge against him," Salesi explained, her serene countenance, seemingly undisturbed by the gravity of the situation, accentuated the weight of her words.

Alicia's frustration and anguish ignited, her voice echoing with a mix of anger and desperation as she forcefully slammed her hand on the table.

"So what do you expect us to do? Stand idly by and watch that bastard destroy everything my husband worked tirelessly to build?"

Her concern for Noah, lost after the Dark Lord's brutal attack on his mentor, Andreas, intensified her emotions. With Noah still unconscious and his whereabouts unknown, Alicia's anxiety grew, fueling her desire to protect his family. The Skyhall's ruthless execution team had apprehended Ethan Winston and the elders, dismantling the entire Winston family. Fortunately, Noah's aunties found refuge in Bredia, seeking asylum under the protection of King Bredia, given their familial ties.

Salesi's calm demeanor remained unwavering, her gaze steady as she countered Alicia's outburst. "Why waste our efforts mending a dying creature when we have the opportunity to create a formidable force capable of toppling the Dark Lord? Remember, the Guardian Guild is more than just a physical structure; it resides within its members. Have you ever stopped to consider why the Dark Lord granted a two-day ultimatum? He wants the guardians to abandon the guild, sacrificing their loyalty to save their own lives. Tell me, Elara, how many guardians have already handed in their resignations and fled?" Salesi's piercing gaze fixed upon Elara, demanding her attention.

"Too many," Elara sighed wearily, her steps carrying the weight of exhaustion as she approached the table and took her seat. Weariness permeated her being, overshadowed by the daunting task at hand.

Salesi leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with determination as she presented her plan. "The best course of action is to identify the most talented individuals within the guild who still hold unwavering loyalty to Noah. We must recruit them into our ranks, forming a united front against the Dark Lord." While Michael and Gaya were occupied in the depths of hell, Salesi took it upon herself to tirelessly seek out those with the values of honor and courage, individuals who would join the impending battle against the Dark Lord. In essence, she was constructing a clandestine army in the shadows, hidden from the prying eyes of their enemy.

Among the first recruits were Evan Clark, accompanied by his fiancee Victoria, Elara Valren, and Alicia Winston. Salesi's efforts also extended to the talented dwarves of the Han Torum clan, whom she enlisted under the leadership of Hammond. Their expertise in crafting formidable weapons would prove invaluable in the forthcoming struggle against the Dark Lord. With assistance from the Skyhall, Salesi successfully rescued Hammond from the clutches of the Dark Lord's vampires, recognizing the immense value of preserving such a brilliant mind. Little did Salesi know, however, that the Dark Lord himself had already set in motion his own sinister plans for weapon development.

The room fell silent as the weight of their mission settled upon them. Each individual carried their own hopes, fears, and determination to confront the looming threat. The clock was ticking, and the stage was set for an epic clash between light and darkness, with the future of their world hanging in the balance.

Evan's words carried a sense of urgency as he addressed Salesi, his tone laced with concern. "Lady Salesi, we must understand that the Dark Lord's ambitions extend far beyond the Guardian Guild. He is not going to halt his actions here."

Elara, nodding in agreement, added her insights to the conversation. As an alpha guardian, she had dedicated herself to studying the Dark Lord extensively. Her voice held a mixture of determination and apprehension. "He is on the offensive now. The Dark Lord's intentions are clear. He seeks to obliterate his enemies while they are at their most vulnerable."

Silent and watchful, the wolf-like figure listened intently without uttering a single word. Emotions ran high in the room as the gravity of the situation became increasingly apparent. The Dark Lord's relentless pursuit of power and destruction cast a shadow of fear and uncertainty over their future. They knew that in order to stand a chance against him, they would need to unite their strengths and devise a plan that countered his every move. Time was of the essence, and the battle against the Dark Lord had become a race against his impending onslaught.

Salesi glanced around the room, her gaze lingering on each face before she spoke. "Hammond has been diligently working to create something that could potentially turn the tide against the Dark Lord," she said cryptically, her voice low and enigmatic. ๐š‹๐šŽ๏ฝ„๏ฝŽ๏ฝ๏ฝ–๐šŽ๐š•๏ผŽ๐šŒ๏ฝ๏ฝ

Evan, Elara, and the wolf-like figure leaned in, their curiosity piqued by Salesi's mysterious statement. They knew that Salesi possessed hidden depths of knowledge and strategies that often remained veiled from the rest.

"Hammond, under my guidance, has been collaborating with a group of skilled dwarves," Salesi continued, her voice carrying a tinge of secrecy. "Together, they are forging a weaponโ€”a device that has the potential to harness the very essence of the fallen, turning them into an undying army."

Her words hung in the air, eliciting a mix of intrigue and uncertainty among her companions. Salesi had chosen not to reveal the full extent of her plans, keeping them shrouded in mystery. She understood that unveiling her every move could jeopardize the delicate balance they sought to achieve.

"Trust in our ally's ingenuity," Salesi added, her eyes gleaming with a glimmer of determination. "Hammond's invention may hold the key to countering the Dark Lord's forces and granting us an unexpected advantage."

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Evan and Elara exchanged a knowing glance, sensing that Salesi held back more than she had revealed. They understood that Salesi was a master strategist, carefully orchestrating their actions to outmaneuver their formidable adversary. It was a testament to her foresight and cunning that she kept certain cards hidden, reserving them for the most opportune moments.

The wolf-like figure remained silent, their eyes reflecting a blend of curiosity and caution. They had chosen to trust in Salesi's leadership, knowing that her every decision held a purpose that would unfold in due time.

When the weight of their impending battle settled upon them, the room fell into a contemplative silence. Each individual contemplated their role in the grand scheme of things, aware that the fate of their world rested on their shoulders. Salesi's mysterious plans and Hammond's secret project cast an air of hope amidst the encroaching darkness, reminding them that the path to victory often lay hidden within the shadows.

As Salesi's words about turning fallen comrades into an undying army echoed in the room, a wave of discomfort washed over Alicia. Her face contorted with a mix of confusion and disgust, her brows furrowing deeply. The idea of creating an army of the undead, akin to the Dark Lord's forces, repulsed her.

Alicia couldn't help but voice her concerns, her voice laced with skepticism. "Are you planning to create an undead army, Salesi? Are we not just becoming as twisted and vile as the Dark Lord himself if we resort to such methods?"

Salesi, her gaze steady and unyielding, met Alicia's eyes. A knowing smile played upon her lips as she responded. "No, Alicia. This is not an undead army in the conventional sense. It is something much more."

Her words hung in the air, leaving Alicia yearning for more answers. The unease within her gnawed at her, questioning the morality and integrity of their cause. She understood the necessity of fighting back against the Dark Lord, but she didn't want their actions to mirror his malevolence.

"I cannot reveal all my plans just yet," Salesi continued, her voice filled with conviction. "But trust me when I say that what we are creating is not an army of mindless undead. It is something different, something that can tip the scales in our favor without sacrificing our humanity."

Alicia bit her lip, still grappling with her doubts. She looked around the room, searching for reassurance in the eyes of her companions. Evan and Elara, though intrigued by Salesi's enigmatic words, appeared to trust her judgment. The wolf-like figure remained silent, their unreadable expression suggesting a willingness to follow Salesi's lead.

Salesi's calm demeanor and air of confidence began to alleviate Alicia's initial concerns, replacing them with a flicker of hope. Perhaps there was more to Salesi's plan than she initially thought.

As the conversation progressed, Evan interjected, his voice laced with urgency. "Salesi, we shouldn't forget about Noah's spies within the Dark Lord's army. They hold valuable information and could be crucial assets in our fight. We should consider pulling them out, ensuring their safety and utilizing their knowledge against the Dark Lord."

Salesi's gaze shifted to Evan, considering his words carefully. She understood the importance of the spies and the insights they could provide. However, her thoughts were focused on a different strategyโ€”one that required subtlety and gathering intelligence from within the enemy's ranks.

"I appreciate your concern, Evan," Salesi replied, her tone measured. "But at this stage, it is best to keep the spies embedded within the Dark Lord's army. They are our eyes and ears, gathering vital information about the Dark Lord's plans and movements."

Alicia's brow furrowed as she tried to comprehend Salesi's reasoning. "But won't they be in grave danger? The Dark Lord could discover their true identities and execute them."

Salesi's gaze hardened, her resolve unwavering. "I understand the risks involved, Alicia, but we must tread carefully. Pulling them out now could raise suspicions and jeopardize their lives. By keeping them within the Dark Lord's army, they can continue to gather valuable intelligence, ensuring we stay one step ahead."

Evan nodded reluctantly, acknowledging the rationale behind Salesi's decision. He knew they needed as much information as possible to counter the Dark Lord's plans effectively. However, he couldn't help but worry for the safety of the spies and the potential consequences they might face.

"Remember, our spies are skilled and resilient," Salesi continued, her voice filled with determination. "We will provide them with the support they need and monitor their situation closely. If the risks become too great, we will reassess and act accordingly. But for now, their presence within the Dark Lord's army is our best chance to gather crucial intel and gain an advantage."

Alicia sighed, reluctantly accepting Salesi's perspective. She knew that Salesi had a knack for playing the long game, strategizing with meticulous care. While uneasy about the spies' precarious situation, she understood the importance of information in this battle against the Dark Lord.

With their discussion concluded, the group settled into a determined silence, each member contemplating their role in this dangerous undertaking. The path ahead was treacherous, and sacrifices would be inevitable. Salesi's enigmatic plans, the spies lurking in the shadows, and the weight of their mission loomed over them, shaping their resolve to challenge the Dark Lord and reclaim their world from his clutches.

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