Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 980 Aria, The Assassin’s Apprentice

In the sprawling expanse of the Ozer continent, Aria soared high above the midnight sky, her silhouette a dark blur against the starlit canvas. With an agile twist, she descended through the billowing clouds, the moist mist enveloping her figure as she zeroed in on her destination. Her destination? A private island, veiled in secrecy and opulence, nestled amidst the vast expanse of the ocean.

As Aria breached the cloud cover, the private island came into view, a paradise of exclusivity bathed in moonlight. The manor, an architectural marvel, stood proudly at the heart of the island, its grandeur an embodiment of the wealth and power held within its walls. The sprawling gardens were meticulously manicured, vibrant blooms and exotic flora dotting the landscape, while the scent of jasmine and sea breeze intertwined in the air.

Discover the complete story on 𝙗𝒆𝒅𝙣𝙤𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝒄𝒐𝙢.

But it wasn't just the stunning scenery that guarded the island. On the ground, vigilant guards patrolled with unwavering dedication, their steps measured and purposeful. Their presence was a clear reminder that trespassers were unwelcome, their duty to protect the island's secrets unyielding. Meanwhile, airborne guards soared through the sky, their wings beating with rhythmic grace. They acted as vigilant sentinels, their keen eyes scanning the horizon, ensuring that no intruder would breach the island's defenses from above.

The island's security extended to the shimmering sea that embraced its shores. Patrol boats, adorned with the mark of Isaiah Markham, cut through the midnight waves with unwavering determination. They sailed with a synchronized elegance, vigilant in their duty to safeguard the island from any threats that may emerge from the vast expanse of the ocean.

As Aria approached the island, she observed these security measures, her gaze sharp and calculating. When Aria neared the private island, her mind became a canvas upon which memories of the Dark Lord's teachings painted vivid strokes. In her mind's eye, she heard Michael's voice, resonating with calculated wisdom.

"Listen closely, Aria," Michael's voice echoed in her thoughts. "To evade the guards and patrols, you must become one with the shadows. Use the darkness and your dark robes as your shield. Move silently, like a wraith in the night, and let the veil of obscurity be your ally."

With the teachings ingrained in her mind, Aria expertly maneuvered through the night sky, a spectral presence amidst the darkness. She deftly navigated between patches of inky blackness, merging seamlessly with the shadows that danced across the moonlit canvas.

Below, the guards patrolled with a sense of heightened vigilance, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of intrusion. Their gaze followed a set route, their attention focused on the ground, unaware of the threat looming above. Aria observed their pattern, her sharp eyes discerning a weakness in their patrol route.

As the patrol passed beneath her, Aria seized the opportunity. With a calculated descent, she lowered herself closer to the ground, her body becoming one with the nocturnal shroud. She skimmed the edge of the guards' vision, a whisper in the night that eluded their scrutiny.

From the vantage point of the sky, she heard snippets of conversation between the perplexed guards, their voices tinged with confusion and curiosity. "What's happening, Johnson? Why the sudden increase in security? Is Lord Isiah expecting trouble from the mainland?" Their questions hung in the air, unanswered whispers in the night.

Aria, like a predator relishing the hunt, capitalized on their distraction. She continued to trail the patrol, exploiting the weakness she had discerned in their route. With each calculated movement, she remained hidden in plain sight, her dark form merging seamlessly with the night sky.

Her heart raced with exhilaration as she embraced the role of the shadow, ever watchful, ever silent.

As Aria carefully observed the patrol from above, her sharp eyes caught a fleeting moment—an opening in the sky patrol's formation. Without hesitation, she seized the opportunity. Like an arrow released from a taut bowstring, she descended with unparalleled speed, hurtling towards the ocean below.

With a graceful arc, she plunged into the water, breaking the surface with a splash. The island's defenses were not limited to the sky and the land; hidden beneath the waves, an intricate web of traps and arrays awaited the unwary intruder. Aria knew she had to proceed with caution.

In her mind, she recalled another lesson imparted by Michael, emphasizing the importance of meticulous preparation before embarking on an assassination mission. "Know the target location like the back of your hand," he had said. "Study the blueprints, understand the layout, and anticipate any potential traps or obstacles."

Aria's training had honed her instincts, and she swam deeper into the ocean, relying on her knowledge of the island's infrastructure. Soon, she found what she sought—a sewage pipe, discreetly hidden beneath a bed of undulating corals. It would serve as her conduit into the heart of the island.

As she swam further, the sound of a patrol boat reverberated above her. Patrol boats cruised the water's surface, casting a sweeping spotlight that danced across the waves, searching for any signs of intrusion. Aria, undeterred, utilized the natural camouflage provided by the underwater corals and plants. Their vibrant hues and intricate formations shielded her from the prying gaze of the boat patrol, allowing her to remain hidden in plain sight.

With each passing moment, Aria's resolve deepened. She knew the risks involved, the dangers that lay in wait. But she had been trained to be meticulous, to adapt and overcome. The island, with its treacherous defenses and heightened security, was a formidable adversary. Yet, she remained unyielding, driven by her mission and her unwavering determination to succeed.

And so, she continued her underwater journey, navigating the dark depths, her breath steady, her mind focused. The island held its secrets close, but Aria, the Queen of Shadows, was relentless in her pursuit.

With the patrol boat finally leaving the immediate area, Aria seized the moment and swam closer to the island's perimeter. The ominous silhouette of the manor loomed in the distance, a bastion of wealth and secrecy. The time for subtlety had passed; it was time to breach the island's defenses.

Taking out a compact blow torch from her utility belt, Aria's gloved hand ignited the flame. The steady hum of the torch accompanied her movements as she positioned the searing heat against the metal gates securing the sewage pipe entrance. The island's security was formidable, designed to detect any spellcasting and trigger an immediate lockdown. Aria's mission demanded precision and stealth.

As the blow torch cut through the reinforced metal, the scent of burning metal filled the air, mingling with the nauseating stench emanating from the open pipe. Aria's determination prevailed over the discomfort, her focus unwavering. The intense heat glowed in the darkness, illuminating her determined expression.

With each precise incision, the gates slowly yielded to the force of the blow torch. As the final section of metal fell away, Aria wasted no time. She swiftly swam into the pipe, the grimy water engulfing her, leaving behind the oppressive atmosphere of the island's surface.

The putrid smell assaulted her senses, but Aria pushed through, relying on her training to endure the discomfort. The narrow passageway became her conduit, leading her closer to her target. In the darkness, she propelled herself forward, the sound of water rushing in her ears, as she embarked on a treacherous journey through the hidden underbelly of the island.

Aria's mission demanded her utmost resilience. With every stroke of her limbs, she drew closer to the heart of the island, her resolve unyielding. The arrays and runes, lurking in the shadows, awaited any sign of magic. But Aria, the Queen of Shadows, knew the art of silent infiltration, the dance of shadows.

As Aria swam through the intricate sewage pipe system, her mind raced with the blueprint of the manor etched in her memory. Sadie, her resourceful contact within the underworld, had provided her with invaluable information. Finally, she reached a junction where the pipe split into multiple paths. Aria selected the one that led to an opening positioned at a safe distance from the manor's watchful eyes.

Emerging from the pipe, she found herself in a secluded area, hidden amidst a thicket of dense foliage. The air was heavy with the scent of damp earth and the faint fragrance of blooming flowers. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves, masking the sound of her arrival.

The manor, a sprawling structure of opulence, stood proudly before her. Its stone walls were adorned with intricate carvings, bearing witness to its rich history. Towering trees cast elongated shadows upon the grounds, providing pockets of darkness that beckoned to Aria's stealthy nature.

Soldiers, clad in dark uniforms, patrolled the perimeter of the manor. Their movements were disciplined and methodical, their eyes keenly scanning the surroundings. Aria observed their path, studying the weaknesses within their patrol routine.

The patrol path encircled the manor in a predictable pattern, their steps in synchrony with the ticking of time. Aria noticed a blind spot where the soldiers' gaze momentarily faltered, distracted by the distant flickering torches. It was her opportunity, a moment when their vigilance wavered, providing her with a chance to slip through undetected.

The surroundings of the manor were adorned with meticulously manicured gardens, vibrant flowers dancing in the moonlight. Dense shrubbery and strategically placed sculptures created hiding spots for the vigilant assassin. Aria crouched low, blending into the natural camouflage of the foliage, her dark robes providing an additional layer of concealment.

With bated breath, she waited for the patrol to reach the critical juncture of their routine. As their attention was diverted, she darted forward, her movements fluid and noiseless. Utilizing the cover of darkness and the intricate labyrinth of the garden, she maneuvered through the concealed spaces, inching closer to her target.

As Aria navigated the treacherous grounds, her mind delved into the depths of her training and the knowledge imparted by Michael, her mentor. Memories of his voice echoed in her thoughts, offering guidance in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

"No security system in the world is impenetrable," Michael had once said, his voice resonating with quiet authority. "With enough time and study, one can find the weakness, the chink in the armor. Stay vigilant, Aria, and adapt to overcome any obstacle."

Aria's eyes gleamed with determination as she recalled his words. The island's security mechanisms were formidable, designed to suppress cultivation and detect unauthorized spell casting. The Fusion Stage soldiers patrolling the grounds and the intricate arrays posed a formidable barrier. But Aria was not one to be deterred.

She glanced at her wrist, where her trusted companion, the Olympus, rested. The black wrist clock-like device housed a pure arch energy crystal that, when activated, boosted her cultivation to the Fusion Stage. It was a rare and precious artifact, a secret weapon against the island's suppressive measures.

As she continued her ascent, she noticed additional security measures in place. Motion detectors, hidden pressure plates, and intricate arrays further fortified the manor's defenses. But Aria was no stranger to deception and outwitting her adversaries.

She remembered studying the blueprints of the manor, learning about a specific weakness in the security system. By skillfully bypassing the motion detectors using her agile movements and exploiting blind spots created by the arrays, she found a path that led her closer to her goal.

Scaling the walls with feline grace, Aria reached a balcony overlooking Isiah's concubine's room. The moonlight bathed her in an ethereal glow as she surveyed her surroundings, her eyes settling on the shimmering teleportation portal, a feature present in every room, including this one. It served as Isiah's ultimate escape route should the need arise.

With calculated precision, Aria leaped from the balcony, her body cutting through the air with fluidity. As she landed soundlessly in the room, her eyes darted around, taking in every detail. The opulent furnishings and delicate decor betrayed the lavish lifestyle of Isiah's chosen companion. 𝘣𝘦𝑑𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘦𝑙.𝑐𝑜𝘮

Swiftly, Aria concealed herself beneath the closet, her dark robes blending with the shadows. She had meticulously studied the schedule of the maids, learning their routines and timing. It was part of her thorough preparation, understanding that disguise and adopting another identity were essential elements in getting close to her target.

A voice echoed in her memory, Michael's words ringing true in her mind. "To truly understand your target, Aria, you must become someone else, someone they least expect. Disguises are powerful tools in the arsenal of an assassin."

As she waited in the hidden recesses of the room, Aria's senses remained sharp, attuned to the subtlest of sounds. She anticipated the arrival of a maid, knowing that her disguise would grant her access to areas that would otherwise be off-limits. Aria was patient, her focus unyielding, ready to seize the opportune moment and move one step closer to her ultimate objective.

As the door creaked open, a young maid stepped into the room, her presence announced by the soft swish of her uniform. Her attire consisted of a pristine white blouse adorned with delicate lace, accompanied by a knee-length black skirt that swayed with her every movement. Aria observed her closely, taking note of her slender figure and the floral apron neatly tied around her waist.

Time seemed to slow as Aria remained hidden beneath the closet, her breathing steady and controlled. She waited for the perfect moment, allowing the maid to approach the closet with unsuspecting steps. As the maid drew near, her curiosity piqued by a sense of disarray within the closet, Aria struck.

With lightning speed and precision, Aria's hand shot out, covering the maid's mouth to stifle any potential outcry. The maid's eyes widened in shock and fear, but before she could react, Aria applied pressure, rendering her unconscious. Carefully, Aria eased the limp form to the ground, ensuring a silent fall.

Aria swiftly shed her dark robes and discarded her assassin's attire. She then meticulously donned the maid's uniform, buttoning it up with practiced ease. The fit was snug but comfortable, the familiar fabric embracing her form as if she belonged. In this disguise, she would move through the manor undetected, blending seamlessly with the other servants.

Her transformation complete, Aria glanced at her reflection in the mirror. The face staring back at her held the visage of an innocent maid, concealing the lethal skills and determination that lay beneath the facade.

Aria knew that even the most convincing disguise had its limitations. If someone scrutinized her face too closely, suspicions might arise. And those who were closest to the maid, those who interacted with her regularly, might recognize any inconsistencies in her behavior or demeanor. She needed to act swiftly, minimize contact, and remain on the move to avoid arousing suspicion.

Echoing in her mind, Michael's words served as a constant reminder. "When in disguise, speed is your ally," he had once told her, his voice laced with wisdom. "Avoid unnecessary interaction, and always keep moving. The longer you stay in one place, the higher the chances of being discovered."

Silently, she glided through the hallways, her steps light and purposeful. As she made her way to the rooftop garden, a soldier, stationed nearby, called out to her using the maid's name. Aria maintained her composure, her eyes darting toward him briefly, her expression portraying a mixture of surprise and feigned bashfulness.

The soldier, stationed near the hallway, called out to Aria, using the maid's name. "Hey there, Maria," he said, his voice carrying a hint of mischief. "Looking as beautiful as ever, I see."

Aria halted her steps and turned slightly, her body angled away from him. She allowed a small smile to grace her lips, keeping her eyes cast downward, avoiding any direct eye contact. "Oh, thank you," she replied, her voice soft and demure. "I must continue with my duties now. There's much to be done."

The soldier's gaze lingered on her, his eyes tracing the contours of her figure. "Ah, don't rush off too quickly," he urged, his tone suggestive. "I'd love to get to know you better, Maria. A woman as lovely as you deserves a moment of respite. Perhaps we can find some time to enjoy each other's company?"

Aria maintained her composed facade, her heart pounding with each passing second. She carefully avoided turning her face towards him, ensuring he wouldn't catch a glimpse of her true identity. "I'm sorry, but I must attend to my tasks," she responded, her voice carrying a tinge of regret. "Perhaps another time, when we both have more leisure."

The soldier seemed momentarily disappointed, but he nodded understandingly. "Fair enough," he conceded. "Until then, Maria."

With a polite nod, Aria resumed her movement, keeping her back to the soldier as she continued on her path. She knew that any prolonged interaction could increase the risk of her true identity being exposed. Thus, she focused on maintaining her disguise, ensuring that her face remained hidden from prying eyes.

As she disappeared from the soldier's sight, her heart began to steady, and a sense of relief washed over her. Each encounter had to be handled with caution, every word chosen carefully to avoid arousing suspicion. Aria knew that her success depended on her ability to blend seamlessly into the background, remaining elusive and unseen.

With renewed determination, she pushed forward, her steps purposeful and silent. The rooftop garden awaited her, a sanctuary amidst the turmoil of her mission. There, she would bide her time, hidden among the foliage, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to strike and fulfill her deadly purpose.

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