Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 981 Hail The Shadow Clan


The rooftop garden, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, was a tranquil oasis nestled high above the island. Lush foliage adorned the surroundings, with vibrant flowers blooming in an array of colors. The fragrance of jasmine and roses perfumed the air, adding an ethereal touch to the scene. The garden offered a breathtaking panoramic view of the vast ocean stretching out into the distance, its waves crashing against the shore in a mesmerizing rhythm.

Aria, concealed behind the veil of her disguise, positioned herself near a water fountain at the center of the garden. The fountain's crystal-clear water cascaded down sculpted tiers, creating a soothing melody that harmonized with the tranquil atmosphere. She knew that Isiah, drawn to the garden's serene beauty, would seek solace here and momentarily let his guard down.

With her senses honed, Aria remembered the teachings of her mentor, Michael, echoing in her mind. "Physical training is key," he had emphasized. "Adaptability is crucial in an assassination. You must become one with your surroundings, capable of blending in and maneuvering in any given situation." 𝑏𝑒π˜₯π‘›π‘œπ˜·π‘’π‘™.π˜°π‘Ÿπ‘”

Taking a deep breath, Aria submerged herself in the water fountain, her body concealed beneath the shimmering liquid. With precise control, she regulated her breathing, silently becoming one with the aquatic haven. She waited, her senses attuned, for the approach of her target.

In her mind, she replayed Michael's words. "An assassin must adapt swiftly to unforeseen circumstances. No situation should catch you off guard. Your ability to think on your feet and utilize your environment is paramount."

Suddenly, footsteps echoed on the rooftop, drawing closer with each passing second. Aria's heart quickened, but she maintained her composure, her trained instincts guiding her every move. Isiah Markham, the man whose life hung in the balance, emerged into view.

Isiah stood tall, his dark complexion contrasting against the moonlit backdrop. His physique bore the marks of wealth and indulgence, with a slight paunch accentuating his muscular frame. His eyes, filled with a sense of self-assuredness, swept across the garden, taking in the tranquil scenery.

The stage was set, the players in position. Aria watched Isiah approach, her eyes hidden beneath the surface of the water. She remained poised, her presence undetected, waiting for the opportune moment to fulfill her deadly task. The air was charged with anticipation, as the moon continued to cast its ethereal glow over the clandestine scene in the rooftop garden.

From her hidden vantage point beneath the water's surface, Aria's gaze remained fixed on Isiah, her senses attuned to his every movement. However, to her surprise, another figure emerged into the rooftop garden, disrupting the tranquility she had meticulously planned for. It wasn't one of Isiah's wives, as she had anticipated, but a formidable Orc.

The Orc stood tall, his red skin a stark contrast against the moonlit backdrop. His muscular physique bore the scars of battles fought, and his face adorned with intricate face paints and tribal tattoos that spoke of his fierce nature. A primal aura surrounded him, emanating strength and intimidation.

As the Orc approached Isiah, a shiver ran down the lord's spine, his previous composure faltering in the face of this formidable presence. Isiah's gaze met the Orc's eyes, filled with a mixture of trepidation and uncertainty. The weight of the Orc's presence seemed to hang heavy in the air, suffocating the once peaceful atmosphere of the rooftop garden.

Aria watched intently, her mind racing to adapt to this unforeseen development. She could feel the tension building, her training reminding her to remain patient and alert. Every moment was crucial, every action calculated. But for now, she observed silently, biding her time until the opportune moment presented itself.

The scene unfolded with a sense of unease, as Isiah and the imposing Orc shared the bench, their presence a stark juxtaposition against the tranquil surroundings of the garden. Aria, hidden beneath the water's surface, became acutely aware of the stakes rising. She steeled herself, ready to seize the moment when the balance of power would tip in her favor. But for now, she remained submerged, her senses keen, awaiting the right moment to strike.

As Aria observed the unsettling interaction between Isiah and the intimidating Orc, her mind drew upon another of Michael's invaluable lessons. She recalled his words, echoing in her thoughts with unwavering clarity.

"An assassin must always be prepared for their plan to fail," Michael's voice resounded in her mind. "The difference between a good assassin and the best assassin lies in their ability to adapt and turn each obstacle into an opportunity. No situation is without its hidden advantages if you know where to look."

Aria embraced this wisdom, letting it fuel her determination. She recognized that even in this unforeseen turn of events, there was potential for her mission to succeed. Every challenge presented an opening, a chance to exploit weaknesses and achieve her goal.

The rough voice of the Orc cut through the tense silence of the rooftop garden, devoid of any sympathy. "We're cleaning house, tying loose ends," he gruffly stated, his words laced with a sense of impending finality. Isiah's terrified expression betrayed his desperation as he pleaded for his life.

"Please, spare me!" Isiah's voice trembled, desperation dripping from every word. "I can give you anything you want. Money, power, whatever you desire. Just let me live!"

The Orc's response was cold and unforgiving. "We've already begun the next phase," he declared, his tone devoid of mercy. "But before we move forward, we must close the previous chapter."

Aria's heart quickened with anticipation, recognizing the significance of the Orc's words. The mention of closing the previous chapter indicated a potential vulnerability that she could exploit. It was a window of opportunity, a chance to strike when their attention was divided.

As Isiah's pleas fell on deaf ears, the scene became a delicate dance between life and death. Aria's resolve hardened, her focus honed on the unfolding situation.

Aria's eyes widened in astonishment as the unexpected events unfolded before her. To her surprise, the Orc's grip tightened around Isiah's neck, despite the latter's desperate struggle. In one swift motion, the Orc snapped Isiah's neck, granting him a painless death. The sight sent a chill down Aria's spine, witnessing such brutality executed with chilling efficiency.

However, Aria's shock intensified as the Orc rose to his feet and uttered the words that reverberated through the air, "Hail the Shadow Clan." The mention of this mysterious clan struck a chord of curiosity within Aria's mind. She had never heard of them before, their name shrouded in secrecy and unknown to her.

But the scene took an even more perplexing turn as the Orc retrieved a glowing dark crystal from within his pocket. A sinister aura emanated from the crystal, captivating Aria's attention. With a firm grip, the Orc crushed the crystal, releasing a plume of swirling smoke that rose into the air.

As Aria watched in awe, the smoke merged with the Orc's body, seeping into his very being. It was an unsettling sight, as if the essence of life itself was being transferred. And then, just as abruptly as it began, the light of life left the Orc's body. He collapsed to the ground, lifeless and devoid of the mysterious force that had animated him moments ago.

Aria's mind raced with questions and confusion. The significance of the Shadow Clan and the nature of the dark crystal remained a mystery to her. Yet, she understood that this unexpected turn of events had opened a new chapter in her mission. She would need to uncover the truth behind the Shadow Clan, their motives, and their connection to Isiah.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Aria made a silent vow to unravel this enigma, even if it meant delving into the darkest depths of intrigue and danger. The mission had taken an unforeseen turn, but her determination burned brighter than ever.

Aria's heart pounded in her chest as she emerged from the water and rushed towards the bodies, desperate to gather any clues that could shed light on the mysterious events that had just unfolded. Her mind raced, piecing together the fragments of the puzzle. However, as she approached the lifeless body of the Orc, a sudden and unexpected occurrence disrupted her investigation.

A brilliant, eerie purple flame ignited around the Orc's corpse, engulfing it in its otherworldly glow. A sense of foreboding washed over Aria as she watched in awe and confusion. Before her very eyes, the flames consumed the Orc's remains until there was nothing left but fading embers. It was as if whatever secrets the Orc held had been eradicated, leaving behind only lingering questions.

Yet, Aria had little time to dwell on this peculiar turn of events. The tranquility of the rooftop garden was shattered by the piercing toll of alarm bells that resonated throughout the island. The island's security mechanism had detected the absence of Isiah's life force and swiftly activated the alarm, alerting the guards.

Clad in their formidable armor, the soldiers rushed into the garden with weapons drawn and fear etched on their faces. Their voices echoed with shock and disbelief as they beheld their lifeless lord, their shouts intertwining with each other in a chaotic chorus. Amidst the commotion, their attention turned to Aria, disguised as a maid.

"Stop! What have you done?!" one of the guards bellowed, his voice filled with accusation and anger.

Aria's muscles tensed, ready to defend herself against the impending onslaught. But just as she was about to engage in battle, a familiar voice echoed in her mind. It was the Dark Lord's voice, resonating with authority and wisdom.

"Don't fight them, Aria," the voice whispered. "Use your teleportation scroll to escape. Live to fulfill your mission."

Aria's eyes widened in surprise as the Dark Lord's words echoed in her thoughts. She knew she had to heed his guidance. With a swift and calculated movement, she reached into her hidden pouch and retrieved the teleportation scroll. She activated the scroll, and in a flash of mystical energy, she vanished from the garden, leaving the bewildered guards behind.

As she reappeared in a hidden location, Aria's mind raced with a mixture of relief and determination. The encounter with the Orc, the discovery of Isiah's lifeless body, and the Dark Lord's message all converged into a singular purpose: to uncover the truth, fulfill her mission, and ultimately, bring justice to those responsible.


Meanwhile, in the manor of Ingram, tension hung heavy in the air as Adelia adamantly refused to let Ingram take any part in Gaya's life. The room was filled with their icy silence, their gazes locked in a battle of wills. Adelia stood tall and unwavering, her determination shining through her eyes.

"I won't allow you to ruin her life any further," Adelia declared, her voice filled with a mixture of anger and resentment. "You abandoned her when she needed you the most. You have no right to be a part of her world now."

Ingram's face contorted with pain, his eyes pleading for understanding. "Adelia, I've made mistakes, I admit that. But I've changed. I've spent centuries trying to protect her from the darkness that lurks out there."

Adelia scoffed, her voice laced with bitterness. "Protect her? You, an elder vampire working for Dagon, the Ruler of Hell? You abandoned her when she was just a baby. Don't you dare claim to be her protector now."

Ingram's voice grew desperate, his words aching with remorse. "I did what I had to do to keep her safe. You have no idea the sacrifices I've made, the battles I've fought. One day, Adelia, I will make you see. I will make up for everything."

Before Adelia could retort, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught her attention. A powerful force was approaching, one that sent shivers down her spine. She recognized it immediately and knew what it meant. Azazel, the Dark Lord's demon butler, was drawing near.

Adelia's heart raced with both fear and relief. She wanted Azazel to arrive, not the Dark Lord himself. She knew Azazel had his own agenda, and she hoped he could be persuaded to capture Ingram without revealing his true allegiance to the Dark Lord. She couldn't risk the Dark Lord discovering Ingram's identity as an elder vampire and the knowledge that he had abandoned Gaya.

With an icy calmness, Adelia turned to Ingram, her eyes never wavering. "You will do nothing, Ingram," she stated coldly. "I am about to capture you and send you somewhere you won't be able to intervene in Gaya's life any longer. This is the consequence of your actions."

Ingram's face twisted with a mix of shock and anger, but Adelia paid him no heed. She had no love left for him, only anger and a desire to protect their daughter from his tainted influence. Her plan was set, and she awaited Azazel's arrival, knowing that he would ensure Ingram's capture.

Deep down, Adelia knew that Azazel's presence signaled danger, but she couldn't risk the greater threat that the Dark Lord posed. Her focus was on safeguarding Gaya's future, even if it meant sacrificing any lingering shards of affection she once held for the man before her.

Adelia's mind raced with conflicting emotions as she anxiously awaited Azazel's arrival. Her loyalty to the Dark Lord remained steadfast, and she knew that Gaya was a cherished being in his eyes. Adelia couldn't bear the thought of jeopardizing her daughter's position in the Dark Lord's realm, but she also didn't wish for Ingram's life to be extinguished by the Dark Lord's wrath.

Ingram's true identity as an elder vampire, working under Dagon, the Ruler of Hell, made him a dangerous and potent adversary. Adelia was well aware of his formidable power, one that surpassed her own. She knew that engaging in a direct confrontation with Ingram would be not only futile but also potentially lethal for her.

Azazel, on the other hand, was an entity she could manipulate to serve her purpose. As the Dark Lord's demon butler, Azazel held a certain level of allegiance to Adelia due to her high status within the Dark Army. She hoped that by summoning Azazel instead of the Dark Lord, she could maintain some semblance of control over the situation.

Adelia yearned for Azazel's arrival, for she knew that he possessed the strength and skill to subdue Ingram. His demonic abilities, coupled with his unwavering loyalty to the Dark Lord, would make him the perfect instrument to capture Ingram without resorting to fatal measures.

After dealing with Ingram, Adelia made the firm decision to unveil the hidden truths she had concealed from Gaya and the Dark Lord. Her loyalty to the Dark Lord compelled her to relinquish any lingering secrets, as she no longer wished to keep anything from him. Adelia was determined to come clean and lay bare the entirety of her knowledge, sparing no details, for she believed in unwavering transparency and honesty within their relationship.

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