Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 997 Making Gods

After Andohr's initial plan had failed due to the Pantheon's hasty decision-making and their limited knowledge of the God of Darkness's true threat, Andohr had to resort to his backup plan. It was understandable that the Pantheon underestimated the God of Darkness, as they had witnessed firsthand the devastation caused by Dagon, unlike the God of Darkness who had reset the universe before engaging in a full-scale war against the Pantheon. However, as the God of Time and Space, Andohr was well aware of the formidable power possessed by the God of Darkness.

Back in Salesi's castle, she entered a brightly illuminated hall, clutching two glass cubes in her hands. These cubes housed radiant orbs of light that emitted a pulsating, immense energy. Carrying the cubes, Salesi proceeded towards a set of glass tubes where Evan and Elara Valren lay submerged in a shimmering silver liquid. They were unconscious, connected to various small tubes that extended into their bodies. Outside the glass tubes, a control panel adorned with glowing runes had been constructed. A figure was busy adjusting the tubes and tinkering with the intricate mechanisms, gears, and bolts as Salesi approached Evan and Elara.

"How's the progress, Hammond?" Salesi inquired, her gaze fixed on the young man who had been working on the intricate mechanisms. Hammond stood up and turned around, his eyes immediately drawn to the two glass cubes in Salesi's hands. He instinctively reached out towards the pulsating energy, but Salesi swiftly intervened, preventing him from touching the glass cubes. Hammond snapped out of his daze, appearing stunned.

"They are indeed," Salesi confirmed, acknowledging Hammond's unspoken question. However, she restrained him from making contact with the cubes. Hammond seemed taken aback by the realization.

"They are prepared, my lady. I just need a few moments to calibrate the energy valves. But I must warn you again, I haven't tested this contraption, and I can't guarantee its functionality," Hammond cautioned. Among the various peculiar inventions he had crafted for Salesi, the energy transfer device was the most hazardous and volatile. It boasted an intricate array of runes and mechanisms, challenging even his brilliant mind to fully comprehend.

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"It will work, Hammond," Salesi asserted with unwavering confidence. The design of this contraption had been bestowed upon her by a god, and in her experience, the god had never faltered. However, Salesi opted to keep the existence of this deity concealed from her mortal followers.

Acknowledging Salesi's assurance, Hammond cautiously extended his trembling hands. Finally, Salesi handed him the glass cubes containing two graces—one for Evan and another for Elara. Since these graces did not originally belong to Evan and Elara, who were mere mortals, Salesi understood that time and the proper utilization of the contraption were essential for the graces to settle within their mortal vessels. With the Dark Lord banished from the mortal realm, Salesi knew she had all the time necessary to execute her plan. 𝒷ℯ𝒹𝓃𝓸𝓿ℯ𝓁.𝒸ℴ𝓶

Hammond carefully positioned the two glass cubes, each containing a grace, into the hollow spaces on the dashboard adjacent to the tubes where Elara and Evan were submerged. As he gently released his grip, a mesmerizing phenomenon unfolded before their eyes. The contraption, with its intricate mechanisms and glowing runes, seemed to come alive as it eagerly embraced the presence of the graces.

With a soft whir, the contraption activated, and the hollow spaces magnetically drew in the glass cubes. The valves on the contraption's surface lit up in a symphony of vibrant colors, resembling a celestial dance. Liquids of various hues and viscosities gracefully flowed through the interconnected tubes, converging into the heart of the contraption.

?α?dαsηθνε| Soon, a golden liquid, shimmering like liquid sunlight, coursed through the tubes attached to Evan and Elara, delicately entering their unconscious bodies. It was a sight of otherworldly beauty as the golden liquid traveled through the intricate network of tubes, following its predetermined path with precision. The flow of life-giving energy slowly awakened dormant parts of their beings, infusing them with the essence of the graces.

Hammond suppressed his fears and nodded in agreement. There was no turning back now. The fate of Evan, Elara, and their realm rested in the delicate balance of the contraption's intricate dance.

The contraption itself seemed alive with energy, flickering and humming in synchrony with the life force coursing through its veins. Sparks danced around the intricate machinery, casting an ethereal glow in the room. It was a testament to the raw power harnessed within the contraption, a fusion of mortal ingenuity and divine guidance.

Hammond, witnessing the extraordinary display before him, couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension. The sheer complexity and untested nature of the contraption raised concerns within him, questioning whether they should proceed. He hesitated, his gaze shifting between the flickering contraption and Salesi, who stood nearby.

"Perhaps we should reconsider, my lady," Hammond finally voiced his concerns, his voice tinged with worry. "This contraption is untested, and the risks—"

Salesi, however, exuded an unwavering calmness and confidence. She understood the magnitude of their endeavor and the consequences of failure. With a serene expression, she interrupted Hammond's doubts.

"Hammond, we have come too far to turn back now. Trust in the design bestowed upon us. The graces must find their rightful vessels, and this is our only chance to ensure the salvation of our realm," Salesi responded, her voice resolute and filled with conviction.

As Salesi observed the graceful integration of the graces into Evan and Elara, her mind drifted back to her humble origins in the realm of gods. In those days, the belief was that gods were born, not created. However, with the success of this contraption, she realized she held the power to transform any mortal into a god who would serve under her command. It was a moment of triumphant realization, making her feel like a true mastermind orchestrating the destiny of others.

Yet, she couldn't ignore the pressing need to protect this contraption from the clutches of the Dark Lord. If he were to discover its existence, there would be no limit to his ability to elevate his already powerful and devoted followers into gods. Salesi understood the urgency of safeguarding this knowledge and technology, vowing to do whatever it took to keep it hidden from the Dark Lord's reach.

However, Salesi and Andohr remained oblivious to the true depth of the previous Dark Lord's cunning and the intricate nature of his grand schemes. Little did they know that his plan to unleash the graces through Dagon's actions was just the beginning—a carefully calculated move designed to set in motion a series of events that would forever alter the course of their lives.ραпdαs `n?ν?| сom

As the graces were released, it seemed as if everything was going according to plan for those who opposed the Dark Lord. They believed it to be a stroke of fortune in their favor. However, unbeknownst to them, this was all part of the Dark Lord's masterplan, a carefully crafted web of manipulation that would lead to his ultimate triumph.

Now, a new player had emerged onto the stage—the current Michael. he possessed plans that surpassed even those of the previous Dark Lord. With unwavering determination, Michael set his sights on achieving unparalleled power, vying to become the most formidable god ever known. His ambitions soared higher than any before him, fueling his relentless pursuit of dominance.

Salesi and Andohr, engrossed in their own endeavors, were unaware of the intricate tapestry woven by the previous Dark Lord. Little did they suspect the magnitude of the challenges that lay ahead or the cunning brilliance of the mastermind orchestrating it all.

As the radiant golden grace gradually permeated the bodies of Evan and Elara, an intense tremor engulfed them within the glass tubes. Violent quivering shook their forms, causing an eruption of sparks from the contraption and flickering lights that danced around the room. Unforeseen gusts of wind materialized, creating a miniature storm that whipped through the hall. Hammond's voice rose in panic amidst the chaos.

"My Lady... this isn't going well... they might perish!" Hammond exclaimed, shielding his face from the fiery sparks with a trembling hand.

While Hammond recoiled from the powerful gusts, Salesi stood firm, unaffected by the forceful winds, her eyes fixed upon the grace's ethereal progression into Evan and Elara. Unlike Hammond, she sensed the immense power radiating from within them, a testament to the grace's successful integration.

"Hammond, we are not simply baking cookies," Salesi replied calmly, her voice cutting through the tempestuous air. "We are making gods. A slight tremor and tempestuous storm are to be anticipated in such extraordinary endeavors."

As the hall continued to tremble with increasing violence, a sudden darkness shrouded the space, enveloping it in an eerie stillness. Yet, amidst the obscurity, a soft golden glow emanated from the bodies of Elara and Evan. It gradually intensified, piercing through the darkness like a beacon of celestial light.

In that radiant illumination, their eyes slowly opened, revealing an otherworldly azure hue that seemed to emit its own luminosity. The harmonious resonance of a gentle hum reverberated from their bodies, resonating through the chamber. It was a sound that whispered of newfound power and divinity.

Then, as if guided by an invisible force, the glass tubes that had contained them shattered into countless shards. Elara and Evan, now transformed into gods, hovered effortlessly in the air, liberated from the confines of mortal restraints. With a serene and commanding presence, they advanced forward, their movements grace personified.

The hall, which had once trembled with chaos, now stood in awe of their ethereal forms. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the pantheon witnessed the birth of two new deities, their very existence altering the course of destiny.

A few moments later, the chandeliers flickered back to life, bathing the room in their warm glow. The hall gradually returned to its familiar state, but Hammond's eyes remained widened with astonishment. He didn't even notice the tiny cuts on his face, the remnants of the shattered glass tube that had grazed him. All of his attention was fixed on Evan and Elara, who had gently descended to the ground, their newfound power palpable in the air.

Salesi turned to them, her gaze filled with curiosity and satisfaction. "How do you two feel?" she asked, eager to hear their impressions.

Evan, still trying to make sense of the transformation he had undergone, voiced his confusion. "What is this power?" he inquired. His memories were hazy, recalling Salesi's promise of granting him new abilities and urging him to step into the tube filled with shimmering liquid. After entering the tube, darkness had swallowed him, and his consciousness faded away. Now, as he awakened, he felt a profound change coursing through his being—a power unlike anything he had ever experienced before.

While Evan sought answers from Salesi, Hammond discreetly observed their cultivation levels, hoping to gauge the extent of their newfound abilities. Yet, to his shock, the power radiating from them defied all comprehension. The energy that enveloped Evan and Elara surpassed any mortal cultivation he had ever witnessed. The graces infused within their bodies had shattered the limitations of mortal potential, propelling them into the realm of fledgling gods. Although they had yet to unlock the depths of their inner powers like the enigmatic Dark Lord, given time and Salesi's guidance, they possessed the potential to become the very gods that Salesi had envisioned.

"You both should rest now. You've been through a lot, and we have much to accomplish," Salesi advised, concern evident in her voice.

Although Salesi felt a surge of delight at gaining another advantage over the Dark Lord, she remained vigilant. She understood the gravity of the situation and refused to underestimate her formidable adversary. At any given moment, the Dark Lord could seize the opportunity to turn the tables on her. Salesi was well aware that underestimating him could lead to dire consequences, even risking her own life. Therefore, she was determined to stay cautious and prepared for any challenges that lay ahead.

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