Hitman with a Badass System

Chapter 998 Seed Of Darkness

Back on Itonys, Michael and Gaya soared through the expansive blue sky, their wings carrying them gracefully above the lush and vibrant forest below. Despite the breathtaking scenery surrounding them, Michael remained lost in his own thoughts, his mind consumed by plans and strategies to confront the gods. Not a word escaped his lips as he delved deeper into his contemplations, focused on the daunting task that lay ahead.

After flying for nearly three hours, a majestic mountain came into view on the horizon. Its towering peaks seemed to kiss the heavens, casting shadows over the land below. As Michael and Gaya drew closer, they noticed the presence of an outpost nestled upon the mountain's rugged slopes. The Skyhall soldiers had established this formidable fortress, complete with towering structures, imposing metal gates, and vigilant soldiers clad in gleaming armor patrolling its premises.

As Michael and Gaya approached the outpost, the aftermath of its establishment became apparent. The once vibrant and flourishing forest surrounding the outpost had been mercilessly destroyed, reduced to a desolate expanse of ashen ground. The stark contrast between the lifeless, charred earth and the edge of the forest, still adorned with its array of colors, was a sobering sight.

Even from above, Michael and Gaya could feel the residual heat radiating from the scorched ground. The flames set by the Skyhall soldiers to clear the area and secure their outpost had left an indelible mark on the landscape. The scent of smoke lingered in the air, a reminder of the destruction that had taken place.

As Michael and Gaya hovered in the sky, Michael's piercing gaze fixated on the outpost sprawled before him. The outpost resembled a formidable fortress, strategically positioned at the base of the tall mountain. Its towering structures, constructed with sturdy stone and reinforced with metal, stood as a testament to the Skyhall soldiers' determination to maintain their hold on this territory.

From his vantage point, Michael discerned the complex layout of the outpost. The main entrance, guarded by a pair of massive metal gates, served as the primary access point. The gates were flanked by watchtowers, providing an elevated view of the surroundings. He noticed the patrolling soldiers, clad in gleaming metal armor, marching along designated routes, their disciplined footsteps echoing through the outpost.

The perimeter of the fortress was encircled by a tall stone wall, punctuated by arrow slits and battlements, offering the defenders a strategic advantage. Michael's keen eyes scanned the wall, searching for any weak points or vulnerabilities that could be exploited. He noted a section where the stones seemed weathered, a potential target for breaching the defenses.

Within the outpost, Michael estimated a considerable number of soldiers, their presence indicated by the bustling activity and occasional clanking of armor. The outpost was a well-guarded stronghold, a testament to the Skyhall soldiers' readiness to protect their position against any opposing force. ๐‘๐‘’๐˜ฅ๐‘›๐˜ฐ๐‘ฃ๐‘’๐‘™.๐˜ค๐‘œ๐˜ฎ

Michael mentally mapped out the outpost, committing its structure and layout to memory. He knew that any attempt to infiltrate and confront the Skyhall soldiers would require careful planning and precise execution.

"These idiots appear to be complacent and unaware, Michael. We have the advantage of surprise on our side. Let's storm the shit out this outpost," Gaya suggested, her anger still simmering from the recent wedding chaos caused by Rudra. The Skyhall soldiers seemed like the perfect outlet for her pent-up frustration. However, Michael opted for a more measured approach.

"Just give me a moment," Michael calmly replied, conjuring a pair of drones from his storage system with a swift motion of his hand. He commanded the drones to hover discreetly above the outpost, scanning the area for additional information beyond the soldiers' sight. He also wanted to eavesdrop on the conversations among the soldiers gathered around a campfire within the outpost.

While it would have been easy for Michael to obliterate the outpost simply, his primary objective was to acquire the seed of darknessโ€”an enigmatic object or source of energy whose nature remained unknown to him. He needed to gather as much information as possible about the outpost and the knowledge possessed by the Skyhall soldiers before launching an attack. As an experienced hitman, Michael understood the paramount importance of preparation and acquiring even the smallest morsel of information to ensure the success of his mission. With the drones buzzing and soaring through the sky, Michael and Gaya focused intently on their earpieces, listening to the audio transmitted from the drones.

As Michael and Gaya listened attentively to the transmitted audio from the drones, the soldiers' conversation around the campfire unfolded before them.

"I can't stand this world anymore. It's so boring," one soldier grumbled, a hint of nostalgia evident in his voice. "I miss the comforts of home, the warmth of a woman's touch."

Another soldier chimed in, "Ah, wood elven women, they have a certain charm about them, don't they? Those ethereal features and grace. I quite liked them."

A soldier scoffed, "You must be joking! Wood elven women are overrated. Give me a strong dwarven lass any day."

Amid their banter, another soldier interjected, "Enough with your romantic escapades. Have you heard anything about the equipment needed to break down that black door in the cave? The Skyhall is taking ages to send it."

"Who knows? They're probably too busy counting their riches," another soldier replied, frustration evident in his voice. "But seriously, what kind of metal is that door made of? I've never seen anything like it."

A gruff voice cut through the conversation, asserting, "Our job is to safeguard the cave, not question the orders. The Skyhall knows what they're doing."

"True," another soldier chimed in. "Those wood elves are no match for us anyway. Their primitive bows and arrows won't even scratch our armor. It's laughable, really."

Laughter erupted among the soldiers as they dismissed the threat posed by the wood elves. They reveled in their perceived superiority, oblivious to the impending storm that Michael and Gaya would unleash upon them.

As Michael listened to the soldiers' conversation, a realization dawned upon him. The black door they spoke of, with its mysterious composition and the Skyhall's delay in providing the necessary equipment to breach it, seemed to align with the possible location of the seed of darkness. A surge of excitement coursed through him, knowing that he was one step closer to achieving his goal.

Turning to Gaya, he spoke in hushed tones, "We have a valuable piece of information. That black door they mentioned might be guarding what i want. We need to be patient and strike under the cover of darkness when they least expect it."

Gaya nodded in agreement, understanding the strategic advantage of waiting for the right moment. Together, they planned to unleash their assault when the nightfall cloaked their movements and the soldiers would be caught off guard.

While Michael and Gaya formulated their plan, the drones continued their reconnaissance. As they scanned the surroundings, one drone came across a tent where several soldiers, not wearing their heavy armor, were busily preparing food for the upcoming dinner. Michael's lips curled into a devilish smile as he plotted a devious scheme.

"Look, Gaya," he whispered, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "We have an opportunity to give these soldiers a special treat,"

With calculated precision, Michael maneuvered the drone closer to the tent, capturing footage of the soldiers handling the ingredients and preparing the meals. His mind whirred with thoughts of infusing the food with a subtle poison, a method to weaken their ranks before their ultimate assault.

The information they gathered would serve a dual purpose: not only would it provide crucial intelligence about the outpost, but it would also facilitate Michael's plan to incapacitate the soldiers without expending unnecessary energy or risking their own safety.ฯฮฑะฟdฮฑs `n?ฮฝ?| ัom

The realization that Itonys lacked the arch energy or celestial energy he needed to fuel his cultivation power prompted Michael to conserve his limited resources, particularly his precious arch energy crystals. He knew that every decision had to be strategic, and his new plan offered a means to achieve their objectives with minimal confrontation.

Descending gracefully through the dense forest canopy, Michael landed gracefully on a sturdy branch of a towering tree, positioning himself and Gaya to observe the outpost from a vantage point. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned the drones back to his side, their mission of reconnaissance complete.

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"I can see what you are up to, but I still want to storm the outpost and kill them with my own hands,"

Gaya expressed her desire to storm the outpost and engage in direct combat, her fiery spirit eager for action. However, Michael remained resolute, his calm demeanor reflecting his calculated approach.

"The best fight is one we win without raising our fists," he responded, his voice steady and assured. He knew that leveraging their advantage and avoiding unnecessary conflict would maximize their chances of success.

As the drones returned, Michael deftly retrieved colorless vials from his system storage. Tapping the drones' undersides, he revealed a hidden compartment large enough to accommodate each vial. Placing the vials inside, he sealed the compartments with practiced ease.

With the vials securely in place, the two drones resumed their flight towards the outpost. However, Michael knew that getting close enough to poison the boiling porridge cauldron undetected would be a challenge. He needed a distraction, and fortunately, his wife possessed a talent for creating chaotic diversions.

"Honey, if you may," Michael playfully requested, fully aware that using the endearment would elicit a response from Gaya.

As expected, she rolled her eyes and playfully punched him on the shoulder. Even in the midst of their mission, Michael took joy in teasing her and making her angry.

"That sounds so cringe, I want to throw up," Gaya quipped, summoning her long bow into her hand with a swift motion. Nocking an explosive arrow onto her bowstring, she took aim at a tent situated a distance away from the food preparation area. Her intention was to create an explosion that would draw the attention of the soldiers, prompting them to rush outside to investigate.

With a steadying breath, Gaya focused her aim and released the arrow. The explosive projectile soared through the air, covering a distance of at least four hundred meters before finding its mark on the targeted tent. In an instant, the arrow detonated with a resounding blast, unleashing chaos within the outpost's confines.

The sudden explosion jolted the soldiers inside the food preparation tent, startling them from their tasks. They hurriedly abandoned their work, rushing outside to assess the situation. The commotion spread like wildfire, causing a ripple of shock and tension among the other soldiers stationed within the outpost.

"What the hell was that?!" exclaimed a burly soldier with a thick beard, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger.

"I don't know, but we need to find out!" responded a wiry soldier, gripping his spear tightly as he joined the others in investigating the source of the explosion.

As the soldiers anxiously dispersed, their attention fixated on the aftermath of the blast, Michael seized the opportunity. Swiftly maneuvering the drones, he expertly controlled their movements, guiding them toward the various food stations scattered around the outpost. With each drone equipped to spray the poison from the concealed vials, Michael directed them to contaminate every dish, including the large cauldron of porridge bubbling over an open flame.

"Let's make sure they all get a taste of our little surprise," Michael muttered, his voice filled with devious satisfaction.

The drones moved swiftly and efficiently, their poison-laden sprays coating the meals, unseen by the soldiers preoccupied with the explosion. Just as quickly as they had arrived, the drones retreated into the sky, disappearing from sight before anyone could spot them.

From their vantage point in the trees, Michael and Gaya observed the chaos unfolding within the outpost, the soldiers now oblivious to the impending threat lurking within their food. Michael's lips curled into a satisfied smirk, knowing that their plan was well underway.

"They won't even know what hit them," he whispered to Gaya, his voice laced with a mix of anticipation and triumph.


When the darkness covered the world and night fell, Michael and Gaya soared through the air toward the outpost. As they descended upon the scene, a horrifying sight greeted their eyes. The soldiers, once bustling with life, now lay sprawled across the ground, their bodies wracked with pain and suffering.

Some soldiers coughed violently, spewing blood from their mouths, while others remained motionless, their life forces extinguished. The once proud and formidable warriors now appeared frail and broken. Their faces contorted with agony, marked by veins pulsating an ominous shade of purple. The air itself seemed tainted, heavy with the metallic scent of blood and the haunting symphony of groans and retching.

The poison had taken its toll, its effects lingering long enough to ensure that each soldier had consumed the tainted food. It was a slow and agonizing demise, affording them no respite from their torment. Their groans echoed through the night, accompanied by the haunting symphony of coughs and the sickening splatter of blood.

Michael and Gaya observed the grim aftermath, their expressions a mix of morbid fascination and detachment. The scene before them was a testament to their meticulous planning, a reminder of the lengths they were willing to go to achieve their goal.

"They got what they deserve," Michael muttered, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of suffering.

As the night stretched on, the groans grew fainter, replaced by an eerie silence. The last vestiges of life slipped away, leaving only the stillness of death in its wake. The once bustling outpost now stood as a grim testament to their victory, a reminder of the power they wielded.

Michael's gaze shifted towards the gaping maw of a nearby cave, a foreboding darkness that beckoned to him. He could sense that within its depths lay the answers he soughtโ€”the black door and the seed of darkness. Determination burned within him as he took a step closer, ready to embark on the next phase of his perilous journey.

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