I Know The Secret To Surpass Level 100

Chapter 185 - Azure Phantom

[ Guide:

× Phantoms boost the caster's damage

× Guards boost the caster's party's strength

× Knights boost the caster's defense

× Mages boost the caster's skill effects

× Archers boost the caster's Rate ]

! The caster must complete all the Pieces to receive the boost of the Emblem.

! The boost can only be stacked fully once all the Emblems of all the Palaces are completed. If not completed, the boost will decrease by 10% each incomplete Emblem.

After all his excitement, the smile faded from Elliot's lips. He realized that he couldn't complete the Terran Royalty Series.

There were no beasts in the Azure Palace left. The infamous seige of the the palace left its lands barren of beasts.

The mages who summons the beasts and made sure they are enough numbers of beasts to protect their king, were all dead.

"How am I going to do this now?" Elliot groaned.

He laid back on the bed and rolled over it a couple of times. He was slowly getting frustrated by everything. Just when he thought he could get there, something like this happens.

If he could get the Guard Emblem boost, it'd make them stronger. And since they could take on Guards, then maybe he could stack the boost from the Emblem up.

The decrease is only 10% if they succeed considering that they'll only have the Azure Guard Emblem missing. A 50% boost in their strength would benefit them by a long shot.

50% is huge, but 60% would make another leap of faith for him.

Elliot ended up sighing, watching his window with nothing but disappointment lacing his room. As if it was a scent that seeped into everything inside.

"I'll just go to the other nearest Palace then," Elliot said to himself, rolling out of his bed and walking to his side table. He then opened his Ember Lamp and his map, searching the map for the nearest Palace they could go.

"Or we can ride Hope. We'll collect the Guards an I'll pull their Emblems out of their guts. I think I'll ask Isabelle for more of those potions" Elliot gasped at his own idea.

A grin was painted on his face and he was screaming at himself. "You're the smartest person in the planet, Elliot!"

His door was flung open, a disheveled Lance erupted from it, panting as he watched Elliot with on his face.

"Why in the hell did you scream, Elliot?" Lance asked, massaging his temples. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Lance!" Elliot cheered, running over to the taller boy. "I have a plan for us to get stronger."

"W-What?" Lance narrowed his eyes, his lips parting in shock. "You woke me up for this? You couldn't just wait until tomorrow, you could've screamed all your lungs out to the forest tomorrow."

"No, it can't wait," Elliot said. "But we need to go into each Palace. Since you said that the Azure Palace is good as dead, we can only increase up to 15% times four of our powers."

"15% times four?" Lance tilted his head on one side. "Isn't that 60%? Have you forgotten how to multiply, Elliot?"

"No, no," Elliot said. "My powers… err, t-they have their limits. I could only fully stack them when I complete something."

"You need to sleep," Lance deadpanned. "Go to bed and tell me everything tomorrow."

"But Lance–"

Lance crossed his arms, prompting Elliot to stop. The latter raised in hands in defeat and walked to his bed.

"You see this? I'm going to bed now. Good night, Lance," Elliot said and got into his bed. He covered himself with his blanket and forced his eyes to close, even when it was hard to do.

"Good night, Elliot," Lance shook his head and sighed, closing Elliot's door before he got out.

He walked back to his room but saw Frederick standing in front of his door. The man had a cigarette between his fingers, breathing the smoke out and turning to Lance.

"He got another one?" Frederick asked, smirking.

"Yeah," Lance replied. "He's growing at a faster pace than we anticipated. But that's good, right?"

"Yeah," Frederick said, whiffing his cigarette fully and burnin the butt into ashes. "The faster he grows, the better it is for us."

"Okay, then," Lance said. "That's good."

Frederick took a step forward, moving away from Lance's door. "Just be careful with his strength. You know he can't know about us."

"Yes," Lance nodded. "Of course."


As if a bucket of hot water was poured over him, Elliot sat up after a series of banging in his door.

"Now you decide to knock? As if you don't barge in here like maggots?" Elliot snickered, walking to the door and opening it. "What?"

"Elliot, there's something you need to see," Connor said. "Come on."

The blonde boy grabbed Elliot's wrist, dragging him out of his room and down to the guild house where a crowd was forming in the center.

"What's happening?" Elliot asked. "Connor, what is up with this crowd?"

"Just see," Connor smirked and pulled him deeper into the group of Adventurers. "Excuse me, coming through. Excuse me, we're coming through. Excuse– thanks."

Elliot's eyes widened, his jaw fell at the beast that laid dead on the table. Lance saw Elliot who had a surprised yet happy face put on.

"Elliot?" Lance called out. "Elliot?"

"Yes?" Elliot turned to him. "Lance this is awesome."

"What?" Lance's brows met, his eyes narrowing at Elliot's statement. "Elliot, why do you seem so excited with this?"

"But how?" Elliot asked the man who was beside the table. "I thought they were gone."

"That's what I thought too," the man, Jackson, said. "I was just going back from a quest, passing through the Palace when I saw this beast hovering over the fields."

"So, have they really returned?" Elliot asked, walking over the beast and scanned it.

Jackson nodded, "Yeah. We checked the Palace and even the Guards were there."

"The guards…" Elliot trailed off. "Thank you."

'Scan complete.'

'Corpse of << Azure Phantom >>.'

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