I Know The Secret To Surpass Level 100

Chapter 186 - How The Championship Works

The only thing that was on Elliot's mind after seeing the blue phantom laying dead on the guild's table was a chance.

A chance for them to win the Championship.

If his teammates could enjoy the 75% bonus strength, then a few levels higher, they'll be as strong as the top Adventurers. Elliot was skeptical about Ethan and George. Since they were 15 levels behind Hope, which is the person who has the lowest level in his current party, the strength gap was visible.

"Lance," Elliot called out to his friend who was on the other side of the table. He pulled him aside, dragging the taller boy away from the crowd and into a corner. "I have an idea."

"If this involves the Azure Palace, I'll tell you this, no," Lance said without waiting another word to escape Elliot's lips.

"I didn't even get to say anything," Elliot tried to reason but Lance wasn't having any of it.

"No, Elliot," Lance said. "If the news gets out the Royal Court will issue a ban on exploring the place. They will start an investigation about why this had happened. The Azure Palace was declared Cleared for almost two decades and a phenomenon like this will require them time to investigate before they can let outsiders in."

"You can't even get there now," Jackson said from nowhere. Elliot jolted in shock after hearing his voice, not expecting for someone to come close to them. "A lot of guilds have seen the other Azure Phantoms. News had already broke into the palace and they're sending troops to isolate the Azure Palace."

Elliot turned to Jackson and then back at Lance. The best thing to do right now was to do what they're advising. To not go.

He will encounter more problems in the future if he gets caught. And this might even jeopradize their slim chances of winning the Championship.

With a heavy sigh of defeat and disappointment, Elliot nodded. "Okay. But we still need to scour the other Palaces, Grass, Purple and Sun."

"Okay," Lance said. "Let's do that."

Elliot smiled in contentment. If they get 50% boost, that is still a game changer. He was about to walk back to his room to change when a thought came into his mind.

"Hey, Lance," Elliot called out. "What goes on in the Championship of the Greats? What events will be taking place and what do we do?"

Lance had a "Seriously? All this time, you didn't know?!" look in his face. The prince could only scoff and sigh, shaking his head as he explained everything to Elliot.

Once a year, the Adventurers, the most decorated people in the Kingdom with their superhuman powers and enhanced magic will participate in a competition to compete which guild reigns for the year.

Though, the final rankings will include the awards and the quests finished by the guilds by putting on points for each quest's difficulty, the Championship of the Greats determines 80% of the total points in the rankings.

The Championship will determine the top guild while the other 20% of the points, the quests and awards, will only sort the ranks of the other guilds. The points will sort which guild has the highest number of achievements and determines which rank they belong.

The winner will get the full 80 points and the second will only get 60. This was made so that the second would not surpass the first guild if, example they have more achievements. The value of the Championship would fail to impress the crowd if the winner of their competition would not be the top one guild.

For the Championship itself, it is divided into two divisions, Assembly and Selective. Assembly meaning that all the participants of the guild will require to take part and the other division is Selectives.

Both the divisions will have a series of events but the Selectives will only send their members which are named as Champions. The Champions are the ones who are participating in a Selective match, members which are picked by the guilds themselves.

Each year the Judges would also have different events for each Round.

Some Rounds will require one Champion, other rounds will require two or more. The number of Rounds also vary year after year and each Round will earn the guild points. The points will determine their ranking in the leaderboard and the guild with the highest points will automatically be the winner.

The Championship was very technical too. Not all Rounds have the same points. Some Rounds will require three Champions but would only earn the winning guild 100 points. Some rounds would require only one participant but would gain the winning guild 5,000 points.

But ultimately, everything will depend of the Judges, which are the King, the Holy Crow and the Raven Justice. They would determine what event a Round should have, how many points it earns the guilds, and how many Champions it requires.

Of course, analysts are hired to secure a safe play. After all, the League of Royals and Nobles are a participating guild.

"I see," Elliot said after Lance told him everything. "But there are hundreds of guilds. They keep measure of all of that?"

"That's where Elimination Rounds comes into play," Lance replied. "Elimination Rounds are the first 3 Rounds of the Championship. The first three rounds will determine which guild would have a spot on the final round."

Elliot nodded, slowly understanding the completion, "So, how will it go? The eliminations, I mean. Do they just scoop everything out or what?"

"The first Elimination Round will determine the guilds who made it to Top 75," Lance said. "The second Eliminations will identify the Top 25, and the third will identify the Top 10. The Top 10 Guilds are the ones who will participate in the Second Division, or the Selectives."

Elliot could only gulp. "C-Can we make it to that round?"

"Of course," Lance grinned but had a doubtful look in his face.

"I know that look," Elliot deadpanned. "That is why I have a plan. But first I have to go to Isabelle's shop. I need something from her."

"Can I come with?" Connor was running to them. "And also, you ungrateful idiot, Midnight is taking care of Dustin. He's too fond of the boy, seemingly acting like a mother of some sorts."

"He literally took Dustin from my room last night," Elliot said. "That Midnight. Anyway, let's go. Time is ticking."

Connor nodded and fixed his scabbard on his sword. "Okay, let's go. After you change, that is."

Elliot pouted and looked at himself, only in his pajamas and only wearing a pair of flip-flops.. He sighed and smacked Connor at the back of his head. "And who's fault do you think that was?"

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