I Know The Secret To Surpass Level 100

Chapter 70 - Biankka's Snakes

A loud sound of bells from the towers boomed throughout the entire span of Alorde. The ground shook ruthlessly, making the people get out of their houses and establishments in panic.

"Strike Warning! A large army of Black Knights are incoming. All Adventurers on standby, please proceed to the North Gate immediately!"

"Strike Threat Level: Alpha."


"We just returned from evacuation!"

"Alorde isn't safe anymore!"

"What are the Adventurers doing?"

Elliot and his friends all gathered and geared up to prepare for the battle. They got out of the room and headed to the North Gate where most their guildmates where already at.

"I didn't expect for her to attack so soon," Lance said. The group met with Luck who was arguing with Midnight.

"This one's too big of an army to not involve those Adventurers inside the city," Luck said to Midnight. "Do you think we can handle this alone?"

"They already retired," Midnight argued. "According to the law, they're not permitted to join the Strike unless an establishment is destroyed–"

A large black flaming rock was catapulted and hit the North Tower. It obliterated the tower completely, the Strike Crystal shattering as the debris hit the nearby buildings that Luck snicker.

"There, a sh*t is destroyed," Luck pointed out that made Midnight roll his eyes. "The announcer should call everyone out now."

"The threat had damaged the city, all retired but able Adventurers, please proceed to the North Gate. Alorde needs you."

"I wanna meet that woman," Luck said as he looked at the bell tower that was far away. "So fast at her job."

Midnight flipped his hair and proceeded in front of the crowd. Once again, he signaled Patricia to cover the sun so he would be able to morph.

The small crowd cheered after seeing Midnight's form. Everyone knew it was a formidable skill and it gave them hope that they can get out of the strike alive.

"He's really weak when it's daytime," Lance said after Midnight morphed along with his brother, Sun.

"What do you mean?" Elliot asked. "Didn't he only need to cover the sun to unleash his full potential?"

"Even though the sun is covered, it is still daytime and therefore Midnight's true power would still be restrained," Lance said.

"So, you mean this isn't Midnight's full powers?" Connor was the one who asked this time.

Lance answered with a shrug and a unsheathing of his sword. "Let's just say this is a quarter below his strength."

The Adventurers prepared for the battle as the army got closer and closer. The retired Adventures had arrived and their numbers have grown. Elliot had already brandished his sword when he felt something small run around the crowd of Adventurers.

For a monent, he thought it was a dwarf Adventurer since it felt smaller than him. And since he had no memory of a dwarf Adventurer in Alorde, he crossed the thought out. He continued feeling the presence until he felt a tug on his scabbard.

"Mister, mister," Nataniel called.

Elliot's eyes widened as wide as saucers after seeing the little boy, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

The Adventurers all gasped after seeing Nataniel. There was only a few minutes until the army would reach Alorde and a child was still in the area. This was not good.

"I'm here to tell you something," Nataniel said.

"Tell me later, okay? For now, you need to leave," Elliot said, guiding Nataniel out of the group and walked inside the city. "Where is Xelon and Keurig anyway?"

"Mister, you need to listen," Nataniel said. "It's about the Eternal Chaos Sword!"

"What? Why?"

"There you are!" Xelon said and walked up to them. "Why did you escape?"

"Mister Elliot, don't let him take me!" Nataniel cried. "He killed Mister Keurig. Help me."

Elliot pulled Nataniel out of Xelon's grasped and pointed his sword at the man's neck. "Explain."

"W-What?" Xelon gasped. "Elliot, I helped you guys. Why would I betray you? Nataniel is just a kid. He lies from time to time."

Xelon tried to push the sword gently but Elliot wasn't having any of it. Axla had already betrayed them. When they thought she was the biggest enemy of Biankka, she turned out to be her biggest fanatic. Who knows if any more of them were actually her followers?

Axla would often scream Biankka's name from the dungeon of the guild where she was held captive. She would laugh hysterically as if she wasn't feeling any pain that she had delt just hours prior.

"No," Elliot said firmly. "Explain."

Xelon backed away, his arms raised. In a blink of an eye, his expression shifted from worried to happy. From a frown, his lips contorted into a devilish grin. "The Duchess will rule."

The ground opened up and Xelon sunk inside in an instant. Elliot tried to pierce the ground but Xelon wasn't there anymore. He had already escaped.


From afar, a dark purple and blue light dashed towards Elliot. The light was looked like it was flinching from time to time. And from where Elliot stood, it seemed like an attack that it made him raise his sword and pushed Nataniel behind him. The light got closer until he realizes that the voice was from someone he know.

"Elliot!" Glitch's face formed from the light. The light slowly transformed into the rest of his body. "I just saw Xelon and Keurig, both wounded. They're at the guild right now."

"What?" Elliot exclaimed in pure shock. "But I just saw Xelon here and–"

Elliot spun and glared at Nataniel. "Who are you?"

The child stared at Elliot, tilting his head on one side in confusion. "What?"

"Who. Are. You?" Elliot asked, emphasizing each word.

"I'm Nataniel," Nataniel replied. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. The Eternal Chaos Sword isn't mastered yet."

"What?" Ellior gasped. "Why are you only saying this now?"

"I tried to tell you earlier but you kept interrupting me," Nataniel huffed. "The legends said that to truly wield the sword, the Heir must bear the curse."

"The curse?"


Elliot snapped his head to the direction of the North Gate after hearing Ed scream. "Glitch, take Nataniel to safety."

"Okay," Glitch said. He grabbed Nataniel and transformed into the light again, dashing away.

Elliot hurried back to the gate and saw a dark purple Magic Circle under Ed.

Magic Circles were used by the people before the Adventurers to use magic back in the ancient times. The Magic Circle allowed the user to convert their mana into the magic or skill they would want to use.

It would take time and a lot of mana to use a Magic Circle since conjuring the circle alone would already use mana, to cast the skill was another thing. After the Adventurer System that allowed the user to directly convert their mana into magic, Magic Circles became volatile and lost.

For most the people around Ed, it was their first time to see a Magic Circle.

Ed was on his knees, as he held on to the sword and the Magic Circle around him lit up. "It hurts."

"Ed!" Elliot called but was unheard.

"Make the pain stop!" Ed cried. "It hurts!"

Out of nowhere, Biankka hovered in front of Ed. The snakes around her body were slithering at incredible speeds. They were fast as if they were wheels of a wagon that's being dragged by seven Glory Horses.

"You see, you can't use the sword. You're not worthy." Biankka slowly landed. When Elliot and Lance tried to run up to her, she screamed, creating a dome of a powerful shock that expanded. The dome blew everyone away, leaving her and Ed inside the circle.

"Just let me bear the pain and you should rest," Biankka said, leaning down. "Come on Haavok, rest."

"Why don't you rest first?" Elliot came up from behind her and stabbed her chest. "Resting in peace would be more preferable for us."

Biankka spat blood but chuckled. The snakes that was slithering on her body started attacking Elliot who pulled his sword out and blocked the snakes.

"What a pathetic little boy you are," Biankka turned, her snakes kept on attacking. "You will never save Haavok anymore. Once the sword poisons his mind, it will only be filled with chaos. He's not raised to train his mind against the sword."

"Crazy b*tch using music magic on me!" Luck lunged for Biankka, hacking his sword but was blocked by the snakes. The snakes caught Luck and pulled him towards Biankka. For some reason, Luck was smirking.

"Asshole," Frederick cursed. Luck winked at him and felt Biankka behind him. He had a thin layer of air magic surrounding his body, making the snakes unable to pierce his skin with their fangs.

"Damn woman, you really have big jugs."

"My snakes are big too," Biankka whispered. "Feel them."

"Yeah– wait," Luck stopped, feeling something behind him. It felt as though his world had stopped as he stood there, staring at the ground. "Why is one of your snake hard as stone?"

Biankka chuckled.. "That's my biggest snake of all."

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