I Love Destroying Worlds’ Plot

Chapter 620: 12.22 Unknown Star - Modern ABO World: Ye Yuyan's POV

Chapter 620: 12.22 Unknown Star – Modern ABO World: Ye Yuyan’s POV

The perspective of Ye Yuyan.

A few hours ago after finishing their groceries we were about to go home. Ye Yuyan is used to hearing missions in his head and all he knows is that an unknown existence who called himself System Yue suddenly appeared in his head as soon as he woke up from the hotel.

That night Ye Yuyan thought he was hallucinating after suffering from a nightmare. But after questioning this existence that calls himself System Yue, he learned that memories he doesn’t expect to have were sealed in his head, and only by doing missions that he could unlock or peer through those memories he doesn’t remember having.

But System Yue said that these memories were what had happened in his past life and this life is now considered his second life. In the beginning, he doesn’t know what to believe in this nonsense. But somewhere in his mind was saying that everything of this is real and for a fact possible to happen in the future. Then he recalled that nightmare where his father was greatly disappointed in him, the existence of his daughter named Ye Huahua, and the tragic end of his future mate, Hei Yuhua, which seems to be caused by himself in some distant future.

In that nightmare, Ye Yuyan felt delighted at first, disbelief at second, and regret at last. The undeniable pain of seeing the person he loves bedridden in the ICU who could only live with numerous machines attached to his body trying to extend his life becomes his agony. Especially when he learned that the one who shot Hei Yuhua in the heart in that dream is unmistakably him. He couldn’t believe that he would do that to the person he had instinctively and wholeheartedly chosen as his mate.

But in the depths of his heart and soul, for some reason, he knew that all he was seeing was the truth. Something he couldn’t erase or renounce no matter what. As it was a fact that had already happened in his past life and something he couldn’t erase even if he exchanged his life for it. This is why he accepted the missions bestowed to him by System Yue, so little by little the details about the future he wanted to know would be recalled by him and change his future for the better.

That night at the hotel when Hei Yuhua and Ye Yuyan went to sleep. He just woke up from something he considered a nightmare and it wasn’t easy for him to go back to sleep but Ye Yuyan still lay down on the bed with Hei Yuhua allowing his future mate to fall asleep within his embrace. He closes his eyes waiting for himself to fall into slumber.

The scenery in his mind changes from the former nightmare a few moments ago. This time he woke up in an area with nothing but darkness and he couldn’t even comprehend where he was at this moment. Thinking that this is a continuation of his nightmare Ye Yuyan couldn’t help but frown and feel helpless. His dreams cannot be controlled by him after all.

Ye Yuyan mumbled, “Where is this place? There is only darkness in this area yet I can totally see only blackness and nothing at all. Not the feeling of losing my sight as a blind is supposed to be but instead clear darkness as I could see my own hands as if I am under the light.”

It was at this moment that System Yue in his little moon avatar form descended before Ye Yuyan whose memories are sealed. Except for some partial parts like their meeting, his existence, and two parts of his unlocked memories, Ye Yuyan couldn’t remember anything.

Ye Yuyan stares at the strange little moon that landed in front of him. He reached out an open palm where System Yue calmly laid down.

System Yue says, [You’re asleep again finally. Ye Yuyan as per the conditions you had appealed to our side. You are now my temporary host. I am System Yue, you can treat me as a guide in this second life of yours.]

Bewildered Ye Yuyan, “Second Life. Are you telling me that I have died once and you revive me? Stop talking nonsense. Is this that high-class technology sold on the darknet? Not bad. But it is illegal for you to trespass on my house. Come with me to the police district.”

When Ye Yuyan tried to touch the little moon and catch him, he didn’t expect that his fingers would pass through the little moon. System Yue floated in the air once again and this time bumped himself into Ye Yuyan’s forehead. Unexpectedly, he felt the pain of getting hit by a rock in the head. Once he felt pain in his head, Ye Yuyan realized that this was not the simple dream he thought it was.


“Ouch! That fucking hurts! How come you can hit me when I couldn’t even touch you!?” said Ye Yuyan while trying to touch System Yue but failed numerous times as his hand passed through his avatar.

System Yue spoke, [As long as I don’t want you to touch me, you cannot do so. But the pain should have woken you up. So just listen obediently. I already expected you would act this way sigh~. Listen. You have died in a future timeline but that future had disappeared as you return to the past which is the current one. Whether you believe me or not, this is the truth. That dream you considered a nightmare is a part of your memories I have returned to you. This is what the future you had told me to give you. That is the future of your first life or it can now be called past life as you no longer existed in that time.]

Upon hearing that the nightmare he had seen before is the future he came back from, Ye Yuyan’s expression turned ugly as his face paled in fear and denial. He doesn’t want to believe that he had killed Hei Yuhua with his own hands and that he made his daughter cry as well as made his father utterly disappointed in him.

System Yue chooses to turn a blind eye to his expression and continue the explanation about his mission and such.

[Your memories of that future were brought with you but the future you didn’t want you to remember everything all at the same time. He wants you to make your own memories with the person you love and doesn’t want you to be absorbed with revenge in this life. I and your future self made a promise. I will give you missions that would allow you to get your memories as rewards at the same time you can gather points which can be exchanged in the System Mall.]

[My System Mall sells materials, weapons of all kinds, and anything that doesn’t even exist in this world of yours. The points you will receive as rewards can be exchanged with it. I will stay by your side until all your memories are returned to you. So I wouldn’t be answering your current questions as your memories have all the answers you wanted to know.]

[Don’t worry the missions I would give you are all easy peasy daily tasks that can be completed by you as long as you wish to. So do you agree to do the missions?]

Ye Yuyan answered, “I agree. Is there something else my future self wants you to tell me?”

System Yue turned quiet for a moment and mumbled, [He really asked this question as what the future version of him had expected.]

[He said: Your top priority is to protect your future mate, Hei Yuhua. The second is to get back your memories and lastly, capture or put an end to the Red Poppy Syndicate. That’s all.]

[I will now give you your first and second mission.

First Mission: Bring your future mate, Hei Yuhua home with you.

Second Mission: Live a normal life with your mate for one year.

Daily rewards would be given upon mission progression.]

Ye Yuyan responded, “I will accept the missions.”

Back to the current timeline.

The next day after he brought back his wife home to his condo he received three missions.

[Mission #1: Cook lunch for your future mate, Hei Yuhua.

Mission #2: Go to the nearest Supermarket and buy some groceries together like a couple.

Mission #3: Cook dinner for your future mate, Hei Yuhua.



3/3 Missions: Memory Fragment and 600 NP (Nether System Points)

2/3 Missions: 300 NP (Nether System Points)

1/3 Missions: 50 NP


Mission Failure Penalty: Whole-body Muscle Pain for one night.]

Seeing the contents of the mission shown on the holographic screen that appeared in front of his eyes, Ye Yuyan commented.

“So there is also a penalty. This looks like a game.”

System Yue said, [It just looks like one but without completing these missions then you can say goodbye to your memories and the possibility of repeating the future might indeed happen.]

Ye Yuyan replied, “I know. I won’t let it happen no matter what.”

The scene of Hei Yuhua in the ICU is still very fresh in the mind of Ye Yuyan. Just recalling this part of his dream was enough for his heart and soul to ache and suffer such agony. The despair he felt at that moment seems to be engraved in his heart. Even without knowing the reason why just remembering that scene made him completely unable to forget the pain.

At this moment, Ye Yuyan is in the kitchen of his condominium cooking dinner with the help of his confidant, Lou Wei. As per the request of Hei Yuhua, they would be having pasta and wine for dinner. Ye Yuyan was busy making some side dishes and dessert while he left the stirring of the meat sauce to his subordinate.

Warden Lou played his role as Lou Wei as stable as Yun Ming. He acted like a righteous man under the banner of gossip.

Lou Wei spoke, “Captain, Sir Hei is indeed amazing. He wasn’t affected by your aura when you released your dominance as an alpha. He is worthy as your chosen mate.”

“Of course! My Yu’er is the best,” replied Ye Yuyan.

Lou Wei suddenly asked, “Captain, are you resigning as a prosecutor? You asked me to pass a letter of resignation but the higher-ups don’t accept it. They say you can rest for a year. As for your proposal about that, they say that by making contact with Aster, captain they will leave the task of making contact with them to you.”

“I got it. Keep in mind to remove all my tracks in this one year. You should work with that agent from before. You two had gotten closer unnoticeably.” said Ye Yuyan.

Lou Wei felt helpless when he heard his boss’s words.

“That captain… I just bumped into him multiple times while removing your traces. He seems to be removing the traces left behind by your future mate.” said Lou Wei.

Former prosecutor Ye Yuyan asked, “Do you know where he came from?”

“I’ve checked. They are both from Aster,” answered Lou Wei.

Ye Yuyan acted and was stunned to hear that Hei Yuhua and Yun Jie are from the Intelligence Division, Aster. If not because he saw himself walking in the Aster’s Building to meet his father and daughter, he would know that the leader of that division is Director Wei. His future mate’s boss.

“Prepare to make future contact. If you can’t directly approach him, ask the old man for help,” said Ye Yuyan.

When Lou Wei heard his captain mention the words old man, he knew that he was talking about that person. The biological father of his captain and the ringleader of the country second only to the Head of state. The Prime Minister.

Lou Wei asked, “Captain, are you serious?”

“We will return to our jobs after a year. Though we are literally on vacation, we need to make necessary preparations. While you are at it, ask him about all the information at hand about the Red Poppy Syndicate. Watch and record all their movements for this whole year. You can ask that Beta (Yun Jie) of yours for help.” said Ye Yuyan as he finished making dinner and asked him to serve it in the dining area.

“Serve it at the table. I will call on them to eat together.”

“Yes, Captain!” said Lou Wei.

Ye Yuyan just left the kitchen and heard an announcement in his head.


[Congratulations to the host for completing his daily missions. 3 of 3 missions are accomplished.

Please receive your rewards: Memory Fragment and 600 NP (Nether System Points).

The host would receive his memories in the form of dreams.

The next daily missions would be given tomorrow morning. Enjoy your night.]

System Yue’s voice resounds in his head. Ye Yuyan only paused for a moment before walking out of the kitchen completely to call Hei Yuhua and his brother, Yun Jie to eat. The four happily gathered at the table and ate the small feast made by Ye Yuyan and Lou Wei.

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