I Love Destroying Worlds’ Plot

Chapter 621: 12.23 Unknown Star - Modern ABO World: While sleeping

Chapter 621: 12.23 Unknown Star – Modern ABO World: While sleeping

After dinner, Lou Wei and Yun Jie took their leave and went home. Ye Yuyan and Hei Yuhua see them off by the door. Afterward, the couple spends more time together as they watch a movie before heading to sleep once the clock reaches 11 in the evening. As soon as they closed their eyes, Ye Yuyan entered deep sleep to accept his memories. System Yue passed the reward to him as promised. 

While Ye Yuyan enters his slumber, System Yue passes the memory fragment from his original memories.

System Yue mumbles, [This part of memory should be enough.]

Suddenly, he received a telepathic message from his alter ego, System Yang.

[Yue’er, come out for a bit. There is someone who wishes to meet you.] said System Yang.

System Yue replied, [I will be there for a moment.]

In reality, Hei Yuhua had just woken up and sat up on his own bed. The only light inside the room is a small lamp shade beside the bed. When System Yue came over he saw System Yang in his avatar form like him. A small sun floating in front of Hei Yuhua is a temporary host. He materializes so the latter could see him with his naked eye. System Yue did so as well and appeared in his small moon form in front of Hei Yuhua.

System Yue spoke, [I’m here. What is wrong, A’Yang?]

A man with silver eyes and hair introduces himself, “Nice to meet you, System Yue. I am Hei Yuhua.”

[Pleasure is all mine. I am System Yue. Lord Ye Xiajie’s system.]

Hei Yuhua asked, “Lord Ye Xiajie? Is that the name of the God residing in Ye Yuyan’s body? What is his relationship with Lord Hei Anjing to me?”

System Yue glanced at System Yang and only answered honestly when he saw the latter slightly shook in agreement.

[Lord Hei is Milord’s wife. They have been a married couple for hundreds of years.]

Hei Yuhua asked, “There is also a male-to-male relationship in your world?”

System Yang answers, [Gods and Goddesses do not care about gender but more about compatibility instead. We live longer lives that could last an eternity. It is more important to know about feelings and how they could get along in the long run.]

“I see. That’s indeed important if you are gonna live that long. Anyway, pardon me for asking you to meet me, System Yue. The reason I ask for an audience with you is that I wanted to know what happened to Ye Yuyan before he regressed with me in this world.” said Hei Yuhua.

System Yue hesitated when he heard him asking this and peek at System Yang as if asking for advice.m of whether to answer honestly or not.

[This… I don’t know how I should tell you about it.] said, System Yue.

System Yang spoke, [It is okay to tell him. The truth.]

“Yes. Please tell me what happened to Ye Yuyan,” said Hei Yuhua.

System Yue was honestly reluctant but chose to tell him the truth.

[Okay. I will tell you. After you die, Ye Yuyan tries his best to capture the people from the Red Poppy Syndicate but he is a lone person. He didn’t even ask Lou Wei for help and tried to capture them all on his own. Which lead to early retirement as he got a bad injury in his knees when he was tortured the last time he got captured by the Syndicate.

The higher-ups of the Police Department were pressured by the Minister’s household when Ye Yuyan got injured badly during his last mission and in the end, the Head of State got involved and Prime Minister Ye was removed from his position. Worrying about his granddaughter the Prime Minister retired and went home to his home province to live a quiet and peaceful life in the countryside.

Ye Yuyan despite his injuries didn’t wish to leave the city as he wanted to avenge you no matter what. At the end, not only the Aster Division was replaced. Lou Wei and Yun Jie were assassinated by the Syndicate making Ye Yuyan’s situation worse. In the end, he couldn’t do anything after losing so much and drowned himself in his sorrow of losing not only you but also his comrades.

Ye Yuyan continues to linger at the pier where he had shot you in your heart and keeps hallucinating about your return but in reality, you, Lou Wei, and Yun Jie are all dead. When I offered him the opportunity to return to the past, Ye Yuyan agreed unconditionally. We are lacking time at that moment as the world is about to reverse its time.

I only have ample time to bring back his soul and memories with him. Since his body at that moment is already dying. He got hit by a car and was dying on the road. He continues to call for your name on the brink of his death. That’s all I know.]

System Yue storied Ye Yuyan’s last moments in their last life in as much detail as possible. Even Hei Yuhua didn’t expect all this to happen after his death. He had always thought that Ye Yuyan hated him with all his heart in their past life.

Hei Yuhua was overwhelmed with this truth he didn’t expect at all. At this moment, he didn’t know whether he should be happy or sad. They had multiple misunderstandings which were only resolved after his death. He didn’t even know that Ye Yuyan had loved him so much in the past.

“I… I’ve always thought… that he hates me so much that I couldn’t even tell him that the man in that hotel that night was me. That his daughter is my daughter as well or that… I treat him as my fated mate all along.” said Hei Yuhua. “Wait, isn’t he the protagonist gong why did he suddenly die?”

System Yang spoke, [He isn’t supposed to die that day. He was destined to save someone when he fainted and would be brought to the hospital where he would be visited every day by the Protagonist Shou and slowly forget about your death until they got together.]

[But we had reversed the time before that happened because, in the end, he chose to find you and be with you] said System Yue.

Hei Yuhua asked, “In the future, he would remember everything that had happened in his previous life would he?”

System Yue, [Yes, there might be times he would suddenly act strange towards you and you have to help him move forward. To him, he is the man who killed you and had always blamed himself for your death.]

“Don’t worry. I understand. Thank you, System Yang and System Yue.” said Hei Yuhua.

System Yang, [No need for thanks. It was our duty.]

[That’s right. Ah! Before I return, there is something you must know. The part of my memory I returned to Ye Yuyan tonight is the scene where he shot you that day on the pier. You should… no, it’s your choice what you should do next.] said System Yue.

The two systems disappeared in thin air. In reality, they had just materialized themselves before Hei Yuhua and left temporarily to meet Yun Ming and Warden Lou next door. The original Lou Wei lives on the same floor as Ye Yuyan but in a different unit. They wanted to know what happened after they had fallen into that distorted space portal.

Hei Yuhua, who was left behind, recalled the scene of that day. At the pier, where they were about to catch some people from the Red Poppy Syndicate, Hei Yuhua chose to stop them from riding the escape vehicle, a ship prepared by those lunatics. He knew the plan of those guys to die in the sea and this plan was used because they wanted to kill the next-in-line Prime Minister which is Ye Yuyan.

Hei Yuhua who is playing the role of double agent was tasked to get the whole team of Ye Yuyan to ride that ship to be able to implement their plan to kill Ye Yuyan. But in the end, he did what an agent wasn’t supposed to do. He destroyed the persona created and openly stopped Ye Yuyan and his team from riding on that ship by pretending to be someone from the Red Poppy Syndicate. It was because of this that Ye Yuyan had shot him down. This was his plan so he never blamed Ye Yuyan for it.

Hei Yuhua mumbles, “It was not even his fault. Why blame himself for it? You’re stupid, A’Yan~” he stood up carrying his pillow, and leave his room to go to Y e Yuyan’s room.

As soon as he entered Ye Yuyan’s room, he headed to the bed and looked at him. As expected, he is once again covered in sweat as he grinds his teeth in his sleep, obviously having another nightmare.

Ye Yuyan’s mumbling in his dream, “Ggh~… Arg~… No… Don’t do it… Let go… of the… gun… Stop…”

Hei Yuhua wipes his forehead with the sleeves of his pajamas.

“I should get something to wipe him down with…” whispered Hei Yuhua to himself.

He was about to turn around when suddenly someone grabbed his hand which he used to wipe Ye Yuyan’s forehead. He was pulled down on the bed and was hugged by the trembling Ye Yuyan that is still suffering from his dream. Hei Yuhua is now wrapped within the huge arms of Ye Yuyan. As he was caged within those arms unable to leave.

He tried waking up Ye Yuyan but it was no use, only then did Hei Yuhua recall that System Yue said that Ye Yuyan wouldn’t wake up until he had fully seen the contents of his dream as this was a fragment of his original memories.

Hei Yuhua sighed knowing that he couldn’t escape but within that embrace, he could feel the erratic heartbeat of Ye Yuyan, his cold sweat as well as the slight trembling of his body. He had also heard him mumbling broken words, there was a hint of pain and sadness within that voice.

Ye Yuyan’s mumbling, “No! No… This… Can’t be… I said… To stop… Why… Shoot him….. I s-stop… you… Don’t… hurt… Yu’er… I’m… s-sorry… I’m…”

Hei Yuhua couldn’t stop himself from hugging the person beside him, wrapping his hands around the man’s back and patting his back gently, comforting him in his own way.

“It’s not your fault. It would never be your fault. A’Yan, don’t blame yourself. Everything was my fault at that time. Please… stop blaming yourself, my dearest one.” whispered Hei Yuhua to Ye Yuyan.

He didn’t know if that person could hear him in his dream. He also doesn’t expect this man to know what he just said all he wanted to do is to slightly ease his pain and sadness. That scene in his dreams had been long gone, they could change their future for something better.

Hei Yuhua continued to whisper sweet nothings until he fell asleep within that embrace in the end. The strong scent of Sandalwood coming from Ye Yuyan relaxed him to the point of completely letting down his guard. Feeling safe within that warm embrace, Hei Yuhua welcomed the beckoning slumber and fell asleep.

On the other hand, Ye Yuyan had finally woken up from his nightmare. He gasped loudly as he looked around and saw the contents of the room and knew that he was at home. He tried to calm his fast-paced almost breathless breathing and covered his eyes with his right arm.

GASPED! Pants~

Ye Yuyan mumbled, “Another nightmare? No, that should be a part of my memories from my past life. It was supposed to happen in the future but… I have no intention of making it happen in the future at all. Definitely not!”

Only when Ye Yuyan completely calmed down did he notice that he was once again covered in sweat but when he tried to sit up he felt half of his body numb. When he looked down he saw Hei Yuhua hugging him in his sleep even using his left arm as a pillow and was wrapped around that slender waist of his. What made his heart delighted was that Hei Yuhua wrapped his left hand around his waist and his right hand grabbed his clothes, clearly not wanting him to leave.


Ye Yuyan didn’t know why Hei Yuhua was heard until he heard his murmurs in his sleep.

Hei Yuhua mumbles in his sleep while patting Ye Yuyan with his left hand. His hand that was supposed to be on the former’s back had fallen down to his waist when Ye Yuyan tried to sit up just now. Now that soft hand of Hei Yuhua was patting Ye Yuyan’s waist instead of his back while talking in his sleep.

“It is not your fault. Don’t blame yourself,” whispered Hei Yuhua.

Hei Yuhua continues to say these sentences like a broken record. It felt funny hearing it multiple times but it doesn’t sound like a joke in Ye Yuyan’s ears instead he felt saved by it. The words that came out of Hei Yuhua’s mouth were like salvation for his aching heart. The nightmare in his dream was real. It was a memory of a future in their past life. He knew he had harmed this person in his embrace at that moment of time but hearing his consoling voice still felt sacred in his ears. These were the words Ye Yuyan had been wanting to hear. He never wanted to hurt Hei Yuhua at all but in the end, he did.

Ye Yuyan’s mouth slightly opens and closes as if wanting to say something, one could see him trembling and his eyes red as he holds back his tears. He wanted to apologize but doing so would be of no help as that is something that had happened in their past and something he could no longer change. He once again laid down on the bed and pulled Hei Yuhua closely and tightly within his embrace. The scent of minty floral assaulted his nose instantly calming his mind.

Seeing Hei Yuhua’s unguarded sleeping figure in his embrace, Ye Yuyan felt delighted and soft in his heart. As if he found his lost treasure. The most precious existence in his life. Ye Yuyan lowered his head and left a chaste kiss on those cerise lips of his future mate. He also kissed his forehead with unknown gentleness that no one thought would be coming from him.

Ye Yuyan murmured as if vowing to Hei Yuhua, “In this lifetime, I would never allow you to get hurt even towards my own self.”

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