Chapter 1362 Pill Furnace

Chapter 1362 Pill Furnace

Guan Xiao saw Xiang Nan standing at the side watching and said, "You'd better find something else to do, don't look at what I'm going to do next."

Xiang Nan shook his head and said, "I must see it with my own eyes."

Guan Xiao said, "In that case, after you see my methods, you will have a bad impression of me again."

Xiang Nan said, "You don't need to worry about this. I have already risked everything to save Little Sparrow. I will kill people from the Nature Sect now, and I will also kill them in the future."

"There is no essential difference between what you do and what I do. However, your speed of killing them is much slower than mine."

Guan Xiao nodded, but said meaningfully, "There is no essential difference? Are you sure? I hope you will still think that way next time."

After saying that, Guan Xiao took out twelve silver needles and stabbed them into different parts of his body under the eyes of the members of the Nature Sect.

Among them, there was a thorn in each shoulder, a needle in each elbow, a needle in each wrist, a needle in each knee, a needle in each ankle, a needle in the back of the neck, and a needle in the space between the eyebrows.

"What are you doing now." Xiang Nan asked curiously.

Guan Xiao said, "Do you really want to know?"

Xiang Nan nodded.

Then Guan Xiao said, "Since you want to know, I can explain it to you."

"These twelve silver needles have already severed his control over his body, making it impossible for him to move at all."

Xiang Nanqi said, "Anesthesia Powder?"

Guan Xiao shook her head and said, "The anesthesia will make him lose his senses, but my silver needles only make his brain lose control of his body, but the pain can still be felt."

Afterwards, Guan Xiao took out a dagger, cut a small hole in the member's head, and put some small black insects into it.

Immediately after, he saw the member's blue veins bulge out in pain, his entire face turned purple red, and his entire body began to spasm.

The member's eyes were filled with endless fear and pain. However, he was no longer able to control his body. This kind of pain made it impossible for him to vent it through screams.

It was as if twelve silver needles had sealed that member's soul in a container. He could only feel, feel, but not react.

This is a very terrible situation.

"Are those insects biting him?" Xiang Nan asked.

Guan Xiao nodded. Then, she did not make any other unnecessary movements. She only carefully observed the changes in the eyes of the members of the Nature Sect.

After a while, Guan Xiao said to the member, "I can't help it anymore? Where is this going? I haven't even started yet. Those little bugs are just making preparations for what I'm going to do next."

Guan Xiao explained to Xiang Nan, "Those insects are already inside his body, but they didn't go deep. They are only swimming inside the surface of his skin and flesh, gnawing away at the adhesion between his skin and muscles."

"Why?" Xiang Nan asked.

Guan Xiao said, "Look, you will understand immediately."

Seeing that the situation was about to end, Guan Xiao walked forward and inserted both of her hands into the top of the member's head. The dagger cut through the rift and grabbed both ends with her hands.

Following that, his hands suddenly split apart, and a crisp chi sound could be heard.

The outer skin of that member was torn in half by Guan Xiao at a fast speed!

The human skin had already been separated from the main body. This one was torn off, but it only shed off all of the human skin.

At that moment, Xiang Nan had an illusion. Guan Xiao's behavior was like those tailors who measured the size of the cloth with rulers, sat down and marked it. Then, they tore the cloth in half.

Xiang Nan shook his head to keep himself awake. He looked again and saw that the member had already turned into a flesh and blood. The muscles and fat on his body were all exposed to the air.

Those insects bit neatly, not causing the muscles and tissues exposed by the member to appear in a fragmented state. Instead, they gave people a feeling that this person had never had a skin since he was born.

However, after the human skin of the member was torn off, he felt much more relaxed, because the little bug was also lying on the outer skin and did not continue to bite his body.

Guan Xiao took out a pill furnace. This pill furnace was very large, about ten meters tall and seven to eight meters in diameter.

Xiang Nan knew at a glance that this pill furnace should not be used to refine pills, because an alchemist did not need to use such a large pill furnace, especially since the pill furnace did not emit the fragrance of herbs, but rather the smell of blood.

Guan Xiao took out some more spirit herbs and crushed them into powder. Then, she drilled into the pill furnace and began to apply the medicinal powder on the inner wall. She continued to explain to Xiang Nan.

"You should already know that when a person suffers great trauma, it produces a self-protection mechanism, usually in the form of fainting or paralysis, thereby cutting off the perception of pain."

"These medicinal powders are my exclusive recipes. Some of them have eye-catching brain clearing effects, allowing him to stay awake all the time. The other part has healing effects, preventing him from dying quickly."

After finishing, Guan Xiao released a strand of Astral Qi flame and burned the pill furnace red.

Then, under the terrified gaze of that member, Guan Xiao patted his face and said, "I know you are also very curious, so you can experience it yourself next."

After saying that, Guan Xiao suddenly pulled out the twelve silver needles from the member's body, and as soon as he regained his mobility, he kicked him through the top cover of the pill furnace.

"Ah …"

A miserable scream resounded through the clouds as it rang out in the empty wilderness.

Inside the burning pill furnace, the members of the Nature Sect rolled, jumped, and screamed without a skin.

Xiang Nan could almost imagine what kind of terrifying scene this was.

"Boom!" Dong! Dong! Roland's voice.

If a person was placed barefoot on a burning iron plate, they would jump up and down in heat. Moreover, they would strip off all of their skin and put it into this 360-degree spherical pill furnace that was burning in all directions.

That member was in so much pain that he almost went mad. He kept knocking on the pill furnace inside. No matter which part of his body touched the inner wall of the pill furnace, it would be so hot that a white smoke would emit from his body.

This process lasted for about half an hour. Guan Xiao's left wrist twisted, and his entire palm was filled with white coldness.


With a palm strike, the pill furnace immediately cooled down, and the screams inside gradually faded away.

Without the heat of the pill furnace, the pain of the member quickly lessened. His entire body was clasped together in the pill furnace, trembling. Apart from fear, his eyes were filled with despair.

But then, the pill furnace became whiter and whiter, and a large amount of cold energy was poured into it, causing the member to shiver non-stop from the cold.

Guan Xiao nodded in satisfaction and said, "The second cycle has begun."

With that, she flipped her right hand and the surging Astral Qi flames burned. She quickly went to burn the ice-cold pill furnace again.

A few minutes later, the miserable screams from inside sounded again.

That member was like a headless fly, ramming everywhere, desperately trying to escape from this flaming hell.

However, this pill furnace was firmly sealed by Guan Xiao. No matter how hard he struggled, he would not be able to get out.

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