Chapter 1363 Flowers

Chapter 1363 Flowers

Xiang Nan frowned and said, "He is in so much pain that even if he wants to speak, I'm afraid he won't be able to."

Guan Xiao said, "Don't worry, he won't die. He will tell you everything you want to know."

"You know, the outline of a human body is determined by the soul, and the soul has been determined since before a human was born."

"So we see humans in this shape. We see pigs and dogs in that shape, not chaotic growth, turning into monsters that don't look like anything else."

"The shape of this soul is a mysterious code hidden in the human body."

"What I'm doing now is disrupting the shape of his soul and making it possible for him to have everything."

After saying that, the screams in the pill furnace had already reached its limit, making Xiang Nan feel a little ear-piercing.

Only then did Guan Xiao open the top lid of the pill furnace. That blood monster that was neither human nor ghost suddenly jumped out from the top lid of the pill furnace.

However, before he could get too high, he was grabbed by Guan Xiao's ankle and fell to the ground.

"Now, let me show you what form humans can grow into." Guan Xiao said to Xiang Nan and licked her lips. "Even I am looking forward to it, because after everyone has been tortured in pain, the confusion generated is different."

"The result of their physical evolution is usually closely related to their chaotic consciousness."

Xiang Nan saw a light in Guan Xiao's eyes.

That kind of light was like an alchemist seeing the best ingredients, like an artificer seeing the metals of the Nether Realm, like a chef seeing the most delicious ingredients in the world, impatiently wanting to display his skills.

This kind of light made Xiang Nan shiver.

Whether it was killing or torturing others, they were all just methods, but in Guan Xiao's body, this method was a kind of enjoyment.

Just what kind of madman would treat torture as a hobby?

Guan Xiao cut an opening in the member's stomach and put in a strange black seed.

Then, her right hand pressed against the member's stomach, and a strange power seeped into the member's body.

Following that, the member suddenly rose into the air, and black vines crazily grew out of his body. These vines interweaved together and condensed into the shape of a strange black vine tree.

On the top of the tree, there was a strange black flower. The shape of this flower was actually ninety percent similar to the shape of a human brain.

Guan Xiao said, "From now on, this person has become an organ of this flower of life. In other words, no matter how we deal with him, as long as the flower does not die, he will not die."

Xiang Nan said, "Then the growth of your body that you mentioned just now …"

Guan Xiao said, "Don't worry, it will start soon."

"His soul is in chaos, his consciousness is in chaos. Right now, he simply cannot realize that he is a human."

"What is this?" Guan Xiao took out a pill bottle and showed it to Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan sniffed and said, "I know. Isn't this a Tier 5 Rejuvenation Pill?"

Guan Xiao nodded, "The Rejuvenation Pill can heal human wounds and heal them again, right?"

Xiang Nan nodded.

Guan Xiao said, "This is a recovery process, but why can the Rejuvenation Pill allow an injured person to recover to a complete body shape?"

"Because of the shape of the soul."

"When a person's soul is disrupted, the Rejuvenation Pill will not be able to determine his shape or how he will recover. Especially since this Flower of Life has become a part of his life."

"So, let's wait and see."

Guan Xiao stuffed the Rejuvenation Pill into the member's mouth.

Very quickly, the Tier 5 Rejuvenation Pill was effective.

First of all, the outer skin that the member had lost had miraculously recovered. A brand new outer skin had grown out, and it was like a newborn baby shopping and lubricating.

The member had a dazed look of happiness on his face. His consciousness was already blurry, but the pleasure brought about by the recovery of his body still gave him a sense of comfort when a man and a woman were having a good time.

However, everything had changed since he had recovered.

Normally, when the member's skin was fully recovered, it would be over, but in fact, it wasn't.

That member's body began to grow in a chaotic state!

Small fleshy processes grew from the surface of the member's body. These fleshy processes did not have any restrictions and continued to grow in different shapes.

Some were like octopus tentacles, some were like deer antlers, and some were more like fingers that had become very, very long.

These fleshy protrusions were extremely tender, and it felt as if they would explode if they were squeezed hard.

Guan Xiao took out a pair of shiny scissors. She walked forward and cut off a piece of meat on the member's body with a click.

At this moment, the members who were still full of Brother Pig's face suddenly started to howl.

His body was trembling in pain, but the black whip vines that pierced through his body were firmly imprisoning his body, making it impossible for him to break free from it.

The feeling that this scene brought to Xiang Nan was no longer shock, but disgust.

That Guan Xiao was like a responsible gardener, using large scissors to continuously trim the members.

However, the fleshy processes on the member's body grew one after another. After the roots were cut off, they would immediately continue to grow new ones.

Just like this, Guan Xiao kept cutting, cutting until the ground was covered with those strange flesh protrusions.

Half an hour later, Guan Xiao seemed to be tired of it. She put down the scissors and used her hand to forcefully pull the member's left arm.

That member's left arm was actually being pulled longer and longer!

The member's body was elongated, but the volume of his body did not change. The longer his arm was, the other parts would be pulled over along with it.

Xiang Nan even saw that the member's face had been pulled onto his arm along with the extension of his arm.

His mouth, eyes, and ears continued to pull towards his arm as he stretched. In the end, the pair of eyeballs of the member was already at the corner of his arm, and his entire face was "melting" on his arm. The effect was exceptionally bizarre.

Guan Xiao pulled her long arm and placed it on the large black lace above.

The big flower opened its mouth and began to chew on the arm. Its hands, wrists, elbows, eyes, ears, and mouth were all chewed and swallowed.

In a more peculiar scene, the flower and the member were mixed together. After the flower ate the member's body, new flesh and blood began to grow from the original member's position, turning into a new human.

This human was precisely that member.

Guan Xiao explained, "If a flower eats him, it is equivalent to eating himself. The shape of his soul determines that he will not mix with the flower. His body will continue to grow."

"This process of eating myself, if I don't stop, will continue forever and ever."

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