Chapter 1424 Flee

Chapter 1424 Flee

Xiang Nan didn't dare to move. He didn't know what kind of characteristics the things in this world had.

How fast is this spider flying? How destructive was it? Xiang Nan knew nothing.

The spider didn't seem to have noticed Xiang Nan either. It just kept dropping down, but when one of its thin legs descended, it gently brushed against Xiang Nan's cheek.

It was such a slight touch that a sharp cut was made on Xiang Nan's face!

There was no obstruction! Xiang Nan's defensive strength and body strength completely returned to zero in front of the little spider!

The wound went down from the cheekbones to the chin. The deepest part of the cheekbones was cut open, and the shallowest part of the chin was cut open, only flesh and blood.

Xiang Nan still didn't move. He watched helplessly as the little spider landed on the ground and slowly crawled towards the "front".

At the wound on Xiang Nan's cut cheek, the force of his heart pushed out a string of blood droplets. Those blood droplets floated horizontally into the distance.

Xiang Nan thought, "If these creatures are all anti-law creatures, they will cancel out and annihilate each other when they encounter the law substance. Why is it that the spider can easily cut open my skin, but its legs are fine?"

The serpent said, "I think your Laws are much weaker than it, that's why this situation happened."

Xiang Nan was not the Laws themselves. His so-called Laws were actually the Dao Luck he controlled.

However, the little spider itself was an anti-law creature, and could be regarded as a Dao Fortune creature.

In this way, the difference between the two was too great.

"Do all the Nether Creatures here have no vision? Why can't they see me at all?" Xiang Nan asked another crucial question.

If that was the case, wouldn't he be able to move freely in and out of the Nether Realm? But if that was the case, then why would the other martial artists come here to search for treasures and talk about dying?

He felt that unless he took the initiative to attack them, they would not chase after him.

Not even the big snake could answer this question.

But then, Xiang Nan knew the answer.

Because that little spider had a target!

Just like the spiders of the human world hunting insects, it quietly fell from the leaves, and Xiang Nan was equivalent to that leaf.

It had no appetite for Xiang Nan, and it had a higher priority.

A big bug!

Xiang Nan lit up the front and discovered an incomparably large beetle. The beetle was the size of an ancient elephant, and its body was fifty meters long.

But the grape-sized spider was actually catching this giant Nether Beetle?

"How can it eat?" Xiang Nanqi asked. That spider was not as big as the fur on a beetle's tentacle, was it?

But then, Xiang Nan saw an unbelievable scene.

After the little spider landed on the back of the beetle, it was immediately annihilated!

The spider was like a drop of burning molten iron falling on the snow, instantly burning the shell on the back of the beetle.

Xiang Nan looked at the scene in surprise and was speechless.

The spider landed on the back of the beetle. The two creatures' anti-law powers annihilated each other. After the spider melted a small hole, the edge of the hole began to collapse.

The black vaporous shell collapsed into granules and rushed towards the spider like a small black hole absorbing water crazily in the river.

Following that, the small hole that had been melted collapsed bigger and bigger. Large amounts of vaporous beetle shells collapsed into granules and were constantly sucked away by the spider.

The beetle struggled to escape. As it escaped, it spat out a mass of black gas. The black gas circled around its back and attacked the spider.

However, the beetle's anti-law power was obviously weaker than the spider's. Its attacks had also become the food of the spider. When the black gas came into contact with the spider, a gap appeared and began to collapse in a diffuse manner!

In less than ten seconds, the entire beetle had collapsed onto a grape-sized spider!

The spider had absorbed the shell!

Xiang Nan stared at this scene in disbelief. Everything that happened in the world of anti-laws was so hard to understand.

"This is a low-grade law, helpless in front of a high-grade law." The big snake said.

Laws also had their own strengths and weaknesses. For example, Xiang Nan, who controlled the Laws of Flame, met an enemy who controlled the Laws of Flame. It was more powerful than whose Laws!

It was clear that the strength of this Nether Realm creature could not be used as a reference.

However, what frightened Xiang Nan even more was that after the spider "ate" the beetle, it actually floated towards him.

"Sh*t, this thing is coming to eat me!"

Xiang Nan shouted and turned around to run.

The spider floated at a fast speed, chasing after Xiang Nan relentlessly.

Xiang Nan, on the other hand, was desperate to escape. He didn't want to be eaten by the spider like that beetle, leaving nothing behind.

However, all creatures in the Nether Realm were of an anti-law attribute. Even a tiny speck of dust could cause a fatal blow to Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan lit up the road ahead and ran away recklessly. It was difficult for him to notice all the details in front of him.

The environment here was somewhat similar to the jungle of the human world. There were many strange vaporous plants growing there. Those things were said to be plants, but in reality, they did not know what they were.

Xiang Nan saw with his own eyes a plant suddenly stand up and flee into the distance. Its speed was even faster than Xiang Nan's.

In this strange jungle, there were many tiny creatures, such as insects and mosquitoes.

As Xiang Nan was running, he accidentally bumped into a bug smaller than Xiaomi.

The moment his head hit the bug floating in the air, the bug pierced through the space between Xiang Nan's eyebrows and through the back of his head.

Actually, the little bug only floated in the air without moving. It should be said that Xiang Nan had hit the little bug, but he had instead been pierced through his head.

Fortunately, Xiang Nan, who had eaten the Black Tortoise Pill, no longer had a death acupoint. Otherwise, this collision would have killed him.

However, there were still more insects floating in the jungle.

As Xiang Nan flew, he continuously collided with these things, and his body was constantly pierced through, and then pierced through again!

On his neck, face, shoulders, chest, arms, legs, there were small piercing wounds like needles everywhere.

On the other hand, Xiang Nan's heart had been pierced five times in less than two minutes.

These injuries were enough to cause an ordinary person to die immediately, but Xiang Nan was able to withstand them.

"I'm almost a beehive!" Xiang Nan cursed angrily. Turning around, he saw that the spider was still chasing him!

"Give it a taste of the flame saber!"

Xiang Nan turned around and saw a scarlet dragon saber light. The saber light condensed the Laws of Flame and accurately hit the little spider.

However, the moment the blade light touched the little spider, it quickly collapsed into specks of light. These specks of light were annihilated and collapsed into the little spider's body, becoming its food.

"I don't believe it!" Xiang Nan turned around again, and he was ruthless. He released a Phaseless Tribulation Finger at the little spider.

The black finger force hit the spider, but …


Xiang Nan cursed.

After the Phaseless Tribulation Finger hit the spider, not only did it fail to kill the spider, it instead caused the spider to swell from the size of a grape to the size of a walnut!

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