Chapter 1425 Sea

Chapter 1425 Sea

Worse still, Xiang Nan had attracted even more inexplicable anti-law creatures to chase after him.

At first, there was only a small spider chasing after him, but now, it was completely dark. He didn't know what was inside, but at first glance, it looked like a black colony of bees.

"Sneak into the void!"

Just as the group of creatures was about to touch Xiang Nan, he immediately disbanded his body.

It wasn't the right name to hide in the void. He was using the Void Stone as a medium to dissolve his body and disappear into the physical world, rather than fleeing into the void in the real sense.

Those creatures buzzed through Xiang Nan's location, but they were still moving forward.

By the time Xiang Nan came out, those creatures were already far away.

He was afraid that he would almost be killed by those things.

He lowered his head and looked at his beehive-like body. Afterwards, he shook his head in fear and began to use the Nine Purities Cosmos Technique to heal his injuries.

Actually, there was a better way to repair his body. It was to directly release the Laws of Flame and revive him. The speed of revival was much faster than the speed of recovery.

However, Xiang Nan was afraid that the power of the Laws would attract those things back.

"Try not to use sub-speed of light here." The serpent said, "If you hit an anti-law creature at the speed of sub-light, it won't be as simple as piercing through your body."

"Not only will your body collapse into powder, it will even be even finer than powder."

Whether it was shards or powder, these things were grand existences from the level of Laws. There were many layers of things smaller than powder.

According to Big Snake's thoughts, when Xiang Nan's body collapsed, it was possible for him to collapse into countless individual elementium bodies. These were called elementium particles.

How big is an element? No one had measured it, but Xiang Nan, who already grasped some concepts of Laws, could vaguely sense it.

On a metal as small as a needle's tip, there were several trillion Earth Elements, or even more.

The elemental particles were too small. Even the Laws of Flame couldn't burn Xiang Nan alive. The flame itself was made up of countless flame elemental particles. It simply couldn't burn the microscopic Xiang Nan particles.

"This place is indeed dangerous." Xiang Nan patted his chest in fear.

He was glad that he had so many means to save his life. Otherwise, he would have died hundreds of times by now.

"Look up, there's a tide! Go take a look." The big snake said.

Xiang Nan raised his head and looked up. He noticed that a black tide had appeared on the land above him.

The seawater was violently shaking, and under the sunlight of Xiang Nan, only a small area of silhouette could be seen.

This was a new sight that Xiang Nan had seen in the Nether Realm. Perhaps there were some metallic ores hidden inside.

Xiang Nan flew straight into the sky and landed on the "ground" in the sky.

He was ready to sink into the black sea to see if there were some rare ores buried deep beneath the seabed.

However, he realized that he was mistaken. He still used conventional logic to judge things in the Nether Realm.

But in reality, the so-called sea water was actually much stronger than the ground!

After Xiang Nan stood up, not only did he not sink, he was pierced through by a wave!

This wave was not a living creature, nor did it possess the power of anti-law, but it was too strong!

The surging waves were like a row of incomparably sharp and sturdy blades!

Xiang Nan discovered that he was simply unable to resist the waves! With a kick, his terrifying Yuan Qi bombarded the waves, shaking them in the slightest!

The waves still crushed down, instantly crushing Xiang Nan! Xiang Nan's flesh and blood was squeezed into strips through the cracks in the waves, squeezing out from the cracks.

Xiang Nan was crushed into countless tiny pieces of meat pie!

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and released a flame of Laws at the last one he was crushed.

The minced meat was ignited by the flames and reformed into Xiang Nan.

However, before Xiang Nan could stand firmly, the second wave had already hit him!

He only had time to release another flame of Laws before he was once again pounced down by the tide, crushed, and crushed into pieces of minced meat.

Xiang Nan was burned alive by the flames for the second time, and the third wave also flew over.

Xiang Nan hurriedly took off and escaped. The tip of the heavy wave scratched Xiang Nan's ankle, sending him flying in a spiral. His body spun and smashed into the surface of the sea, fiercely ejecting, as if he had smashed into an incomprehensibly dense metal floor.

Two waves engulfed Xiang Nan, turning him into smaller and more minced meat strips.

As the flames burned, Xiang Nan's body condensed on the surface of the sea. Before he could finish condensing, he had already begun to flee into the air.

The ball of flame transformed into a humanoid silhouette at a higher altitude and then transformed into Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan was stunned as he stared at the turbulent tide below.

"This … these are … Nether Iron!"

"What?" The serpent asked in shock.

Xiang Nan pointed at the ocean and shouted, "F*ck! These are liquid Nether Iron! All of them are Nether Iron! There are so many Nether Iron in a single ocean!"

After being crushed several times, Xiang Nan could feel the attributes of the ocean.

The Nether Metal didn't have a specific structure. When it was soft, it could be as soft as a drop of water, and when it was hard, it could attack everything.

For some unknown reason, the Nether Iron of the entire ocean had become like this.

What Xiang Nan didn't expect was that the Nether Iron that could be used to forge Dao Weapons in his own world would be so magnificently presented in front of him.

Moreover, there were so many of them that they could not be exhausted!

"I'm rich! I'm rich!" The big snake laughed wildly.

"But" Xiang Nan immediately calmed down and said, "How should I take it away?"

Nether Metal was psychic, and it was difficult to break through it with martial power. It required the use of spiritual power, that is, the power of the divine soul.

Xiang Nan attempted to use a divine soul to burn into a flame, then turn the divine soul flame into a long saber to cut the surging waves.

But failed.

Although this Nether Iron was liquid, it was still very different from the liquid that had been refined into molten iron in the pill furnace. Because the Nether Iron here was only liquid metal, but it was not soft, and it was extremely hard.

Xiang Nan had to use the divine soul flames to soften the liquid Nether Iron before he could take it out.

However, the waves were too fast. Before Xiang Nan could burn that part of the Nether Iron, the Nether Iron on the tip of the wave pounced onto the surface of the sea along with the tide.

Xiang Nan tried hundreds of times in a row, but he failed every time.

At this moment, Xiang Nan was so anxious that he broke out in cold sweat.

Seeing that so many Nether Iron could not be taken away, if he turned around and left now, he would definitely not be willing to do so.

The serpent said, "Use Nether Silver! Refine your Nether Silver into a small dagger and cut the waves!"

"Good idea!" Xiang Nan's eyes lit up, and he immediately put all the Nether Silver Slices into the smelting furnace.

After that, he burned the Divine Spirit Qi into flames and injected divine soul power into the flames, forming the Divine Spirit Flames of the Divine Spirit Qi

This Nether Silver was two levels higher than Nether Iron, and there was still a layer of Nether Steel in the middle.

It was extremely difficult to melt the Nether Silver. This was an incomparably long process.

However, Xiang Nan's Dipper Qi could not be replenished.

The trouble came again. Before he could refine the Nether Silver, his Astral Qi would be completely exhausted.

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