Chapter 1795 It Was Only Fate to Be in This Mountain

Chapter 1795 It Was Only Fate to Be in This Mountain

The next day, another batch of people came to listen to the Dao.

The new 800,000 people sat respectfully on the arena and listened to Master Wang's preaching.

Xiang Nan bent over and leaned on the balcony fence on the second floor with his elbows. While drinking tea, he looked at the group of madmen.

"Let me in! Please let me in, let me listen for another day."

Not far away, at the edge of the dojo, there was a fat middle-aged man crying as he rushed inside. He was firmly pressed to the ground by a group of security personnel.

The middle-aged man waved a card in his hand and cried, "I'm willing to spend money. I'm willing to pay one million. No, ten million! Please, let me listen to it for another day."

A security captain walked over and kicked the middle-aged man on the face. He kicked the middle-aged man so hard that his nose, mouth, and eyes were crooked, and two broken teeth with blood sprayed out of his mouth.

"How dare you! You even dare to barge into Master's dojo! Master Wang said yesterday that no one who heard the sermon yesterday can come back again!" The security captain said from above, "You are truly bold! You even dare to barge into Master's dojo! Master Wang said yesterday that no one who heard the sermon yesterday can come back again!"

"Take your stinking money and scram!"

The middle-aged man didn't seem to have a low status, at least he was a small official. However, in front of Master Wang, the officials of the secular world were not worth mentioning at all.

When a society is crazy enough, faith crushes power.

In the history of this small world, such a morbid scene had already happened more than once.

Xiang Nan liked to read books. He had read many historical documents in this world, and there was once such a record that made him feel that it was very absurd.

In modern history, when the prestige of a sect reached its peak, the leader of the sect had become the spokesperson of God. He was above all else and could not be climbed to a higher level.

In the country under his jurisdiction, the king of that country was even willing to kiss the sect leader's boots.

Xiang Nan looked at the tall buildings in the distance and said, "The civilization of this society is already highly developed. They even grasped the technology to ascend to heaven and enter the universe."

"But no matter how scientific and technological civilization develops, human nature remains unchanged."

After saying that, Xiang Nan shook his head and turned around to enter the room.

Every day since then, a brand new 800,000 people had come to hear the Dao.

About five days later, someone came back.

Someone really felt the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the speed of five days was indeed extraordinary even in Xiang Nan's eyes.

However, the person who came surprised Xiang Nan. It was actually that tall and slender woman.

She was received by Master Wang, and Master Wang also looked at her in surprise, "Did you really feel it? So fast?"

The tall woman said excitedly, "Really, Master, I really feel it!"

Master Wang took out the jade pendant and said, "Touch it."

The woman touched the jade pendant, and the jade pendant also shone!

This time, Master Wang's entire body became spirited. He stared at the shining jade pendant with wide eyes and said happily, "Heaven help me too!"

However, the light from the jade pendant was still too weak, so weak that it was almost impossible to detect it.

The woman had just sensed the Spiritual Qi and had yet to officially cultivate. Her Dao Heart was in the embryonic state of being nurtured and had yet to condense.

Master Wang excitedly took out a thin, two-page, lowest-level cultivation technique and handed it to the woman, "Take it and cultivate!"

"Remember, don't leave this place! Absolutely not! From now on, you will follow me!"

The woman nodded excitedly, "Certainly."

It was night.

The night breeze was cool. The woman sat on the empty arena, on the wooden platform on the water surface. Her eyes were slightly closed and she sat cross-legged.

Threads of thin Spiritual Qi were slowly descending on her body at an incomparably slow speed, and she had difficulty absorbing them.

The Spiritual Qi that landed on her body was too thin. It was only a single layer. However, even with such a small amount of Spiritual Qi, it was still a huge amount for a woman who had just entered the martial path. She had to slowly absorb it for a long time before she could completely absorb it.

Master Wang looked at this scene from afar, his eyes filled with excitement. He said to himself, "Great, I have gathered a pure Dao Heart for my God."

"When her Dao Heart condenses and takes shape, it will be the day I take her Dao Heart away!"

After Master Wang entered the room, Xiang Nan strolled to the dojo. He stood in front of the woman and looked at her calmly.

She wondered if she was as obsessed with martial arts as she was when she stepped into it.

"Let's go." Xiang Nan said indifferently.

When the woman opened her eyes and saw that it was Xiang Nan, she revealed a disgusted expression and said, "Why do you still want to settle the score with me? I know that I went a little too far last time, but I originally wanted to teach you a lesson. I didn't want it to be that serious."

Xiang Nan shook his head, "Let's go. Don't cultivate anymore. You'll die."

"Psychotic." The woman glared at Xiang Nan, closed her eyes, and continued to cultivate.

Xiang Nan sighed and turned to leave.

The woman sneered, "You clearly admire me, right? You still refuse to admit it, but you actually gave up so quickly."

"If you were truly afraid that I would die from cultivating, how could you not advise me so easily?"

Xiang Nan's back stopped and said, "If it were before, I would have saved you no matter what."

"But now, it won't."

The woman raised her eyebrows and said, "What a petty man. He still has a grudge against me."

Xiang Nan ignored her and muttered to himself, "You are just consciousness. You are just consciousness in a dream."

"It's just a dream, um … it's just a dream."

"If a person in my dream dies, will I feel sad for the person who died in my dream when I wake up?"

At this point, Xiang Nan smiled miserably and said, "All the efforts I've made in the past, it seems like it's just a joke now."

"And I am the fool who died for the character in his dream and still felt sad for him when he woke up."

"If you're not really alive, what's the point if you don't save me, die or live?"

Xiang Nan left with a smile on his face.

However, the woman behind him did not see that there were two lines of clear tears flowing down Xiang Nan's face.

His heart had already turned gray.

He had already looked down and seen through it.

In Xiang Nan's eyes, these trees, these mountains, and these people were only ink on the painting scroll.

They were symbols, symbols that were inanimate and meaningless.

This world is fake.

That day was fake, the earth was fake, and everything in the universe was fake.

Xiang Nan himself was also the dummy in the painting. He laughed in his heart, only laughing that he thought he was a living being.

There was a poem in this world that made Xiang Nan very enlightened.

Without knowing Lushan's true appearance, he was only destined to be in this mountain.

Xiang Nan looked at the sky and shed tears, but his heart was like the empty wilderness.

How long could he live, or how long could he exist?

If the owner of the diary woke up, then he, and all of this, would disappear, as if he had never appeared before. It was as if last night's dream had never appeared again after he woke up, and there were no traces left behind.

After the collapse of his world outlook, he would be the first person to collapse and lose the support of his inner strength.

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