Chapter 1796 Haotian Military Might

Chapter 1796 Haotian Military Might

Five Continents Realm.

Heavens, a crack was torn open. The pitch-black crack stretched across the sky, like the endless abyss that led to eternity.

Dense rays of light rushed over from the crack.

On this day, the people of the Five Continents Realm looked up at the sky and saw that scene.

This was the second time this world had been invaded.

The first time was when the Bai Clan, as an alien world, ambushed the Five Continents Realm and quickly occupied it.

The second time was now.

But this time, it was even more desperate and helpless than the first time.

The Bai Clan snatched resources, but what they snatched was martial artists with martial arts talent. They did not and did not despise to attack ordinary civilians.

They only snatched away martial artists and refined Origin Pills.

However, the people who came this time were very different.

They rushed over like ancient locusts that had been frozen for millions of years and were buried beneath the surface of the earth. They finally saw the light of day again.

They came from different low-level planes, but now, they had weapons that could destroy high-level planes.

"Heavens, this is the second plane! The sky here is so high!"

"Hahahaha, this world is so big! It's boundless, hundreds of times bigger than our entire world!"

"Look, my God! Those buildings are so tall, they actually pierced through the clouds!"

"Damn it, the moths of this world, these prized bastards, are actually enjoying such a wonderful life!"

"It's not fair! This is too unfair! Damn it, why would I want to hide in that small world and live a filthy life like a bug, but the people here are dressed in fine clothes!"

They swept across the ground and charged into the cities.

They thought that they had encountered unfair treatment since they were born, and at this moment, it completely erupted.

It was like a group of laborers who had been suppressed for many years, but one day, they suddenly discovered that the old landlord who bullied them had been punished! They rushed into the evil landlord's house, beating, smashing, robbing, burning!

They tied the landlord and his family to Xing Zhu and burned them to death!

They laughed loudly at the screams of the people burned by the flames.

The commoners in the cities screamed as they fled everywhere. However, they had nowhere to run. They escaped from the evil people of the lower planes in the city, but another group of people flew over.

They fled back, but there were fierce tigers in front of them and hungry wolves behind them.

"Hahaha, the ladies in this world are too beautiful! Look at your butt!"

A martial artist hugged a woman who was crying and kicking. He took off her pants and slapped her butt.

The martial artists beside him were so excited that their eyes turned red.

"Damn it, it really is a place where water and soil feed one another. The women of our world are not as fair and beautiful!"

They completely lost their rationality and frantically intercepted women on the streets, tearing their clothes apart, violating them cruelly amidst the miserable screams.

They set fire to buildings one after another. They treated the people who looked very wealthy and dressed very beautifully as if they were evil exploiters and fiercely whipped them with whips.

An old man was whipped to the ground and rolled back and forth, crying and howling, his face full of flesh wounds.

"I … I have done good deeds all my life and saved countless people. You can't do this to me …"


With a whip, the old man's mouth split open, and the corners of his mouth split open until they reached the roots of his ears.

The low-level warrior with the whip gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, "Give it to me! Hmm! I asked you, did you give me your money?"

"What kind of lifetime of doing good is just giving money to a bunch of bastards like you who are already very wealthy! How dare you say that you are doing good by raising yourselves?"

The martial artist waved his hand and slapped the old man's head in half.

Above the burning city, a martial artist stood on the tower and shouted, "This bunch of sons of bitches think they are high-class beasts, shouldn't they be killed?"

Countless people shouted, "It's time to kill!"

The man on the tower held gold, silver, and jewelry in his hands and scolded, "Bastards! Let's see what kind of life they lead!"

"These damn moths! They live such a good life every day, yet they still dare to say that they are innocent!"

"Scram them!"

Countless people shouted loudly, "Scram them!"

Cruel looting and massacres spread from city to city, from continent to continent.

This is not war.

This was a so-called "resistance".

They screened out the beautiful women, stripped them naked, connected them with long ropes, and flew through the vast sky.

They were in high spirits on their way, so they removed a woman from the rope and attacked her in the air. After that, they cruelly cut her throat and abandoned her in the wilderness, leaving her to die on her own.

A woman resisted.

A martial artist slapped the woman's face fiercely. The veins on the martial artist's forehead bulged out and he shouted, "Fuck you! You smelly splashing!"

"D*mn, are you guys amazing? You guys must be fascinated by men from higher planes. You must be very f*cking cooperative, right?"

"What? I can't just touch you. Do I look down on a man from my lower plane?"

"You vanity-loving, snobbish bitches! I insist on playing with you today. Let's see if you can give me another one!"

In the extremely high sky, a sharp-eared woman floating above the clouds looked coldly at what was happening below.

She was laughing, laughing nonstop.

"These are humans, ha, ha, a bunch of lowly and dirty insects."

"Such a species is not worthy of sympathy. It truly deserves to die."

"Chi, even if my God Race doesn't take the initiative to kill them, they won't be able to play for long before they die from being played by their own people."

At this point, she spoke loudly, and that voice spread throughout the earth.

"Release your nature to the fullest. Don't be blinded by morality."

"God is standing behind you. This is God's will. Your actions are sacred and unquestionable."

Upon hearing these words, the martial artists of the lower planes became even crazier and more reckless.

"The heavens are opening their eyes!" A martial artist from a lower plane knelt on the ground and worshiped, shouting, "God gave us a fair chance to survive. God made us turn around and become masters. We humble humans from a lower plane also have our own dignity!"

When they invaded the airspace of a continent called the Southern Domain, the Blue Tide Continent.

He noticed that a battle was taking place in the sky right in front of him.

A large number of the frontline troops of the lower planes were stopped.

In the distance, there were a series of neat and solemn military teams. Each of the two-headed lions flew through the sky, sprinkling a large sea of flames.

All of the valiant and skilled cavalry clenched their spears tightly and charged into the invaders' ranks without hesitation, fighting and counterattacking!

A large golden flag waved in the air. On the flag were two bright red words.


A strong light soared into the sky. That light stood tall in the sky and transformed into a tough man wearing golden armor. This person was surprisingly the fourth prince of the Haotian Imperial Clan.

The black Haotian army arranged themselves in formation. Within the icy cold helmets, there were pairs of cold and sharp eyes.

The Fourth Prince of Haotian stepped into the sky, holding a golden spear in his hand, and shouted, "Haotian is here, Canglan is here! Canglan is dead, Haotian is dead!"

"Haotian army, swear to defend our homeland, swear to defend the people!"

Millions of soldiers roared in unison, "I swear to defend my homeland, I swear to defend the people!"

The fourth prince roared, "Haotian army, charge!"

The battle between the two worlds had erupted!

In the end, the invading low-level warriors were mixed, and the ones who were truly bestowed with divine talent were still very few.

In the first round of the collision between the two sides, the inferior plane martial artists were repelled!

The incomparably ferocious Haotian army was like a sharp knife that pierced through the ranks of miscellaneous martial artists. It was like chopping melons and vegetables to kill numerous invaders in the air!

Blood splattered across the sky, and shattered corpses scattered across the wilderness.

The fourth prince raised a banner in his hand and roared, "Scarlet Flame Formation, attack!"

The troops split up and a group of heavy cavalry advanced to the front. Their entire bodies and even their mounts were tightly wrapped in heavy armor.

"Whoosh! Drink!"

When the fourth prince gave the order, the heavy cavalry immediately let out a heaven-shaking roar and ferociously crashed into the crowd.

This group of heavy cavalry were all fire-attributed martial artists. They held fire-attributed heavy spears in their hands. Once they charged into the crowd, they would immediately burst into flames. The group of low-level martial artists that were burned cried out miserably. Each of them hugged their heads and carried their burning corpses as they flew about like headless flies in the air.

"Fast Saber Formation, attack!"

"Whoosh! Drink!"

A group of shadows suddenly flashed into the invaders' ranks at an extremely fast speed. These shadows held light sabers as thin as cicada wings in their hands. Saber shadows flickered, illuminating the night sky as they aimed at the enemy's vital points to unleash their sabers.

Intruders clutching their necks, blood splashing from their broken necks, fell from the sky.

"Bamboo Forest Formation, attack!"

"Whoosh! Drink!"

The soldiers with spears scattered as fast as they could, forming a dot-like formation as they advanced towards the enemy.

The spears were seven meters long, and their sharp spears pierced into the sky! The blood-spraying corpse hung on the barrel of the gun, like a red flag.

"Retreat! Retreat!" The intruders were all killed in one round, and they retreated in a sorry state.

"Quick, use your Yuan Qi and Astral Qi to hit them!"

As these scattered intruders fled, they frantically brandished their saber radiance and sword radiance towards the Haotian army.

The Haotian army was also a martial artist! Moreover, he was an elite chosen from the martial artists!

The fourth prince shouted, "Barrier formation, defend!"

"Whoosh! Drink!"

Tens of thousands of robust soldiers immediately moved to the front row. They were holding heavy oval shields that were ten meters long and five meters wide. One side of the shield had accumulated into a wall!

The chaotic saber light and sword light slashed into the shield wall one after another, producing a loud clanging sound.

The Fourth Prince looked at the intruder who had fled far away. His eyes flickered with a cold light as he shouted, "As long as I, the Fourth Prince of Haotian, live for a day, you will not be able to enter the Azure Water!"

"How dare you touch a finger of my subjects? I want you to die without loss! Body! Earth!"

After saying that, the Fourth Prince shouted, "Where is the Light Cavalry?"

"Yes!" Military might soared, and many light cavalry emerged from the crowd.

The fourth prince pointed his spear at the deserter and shouted, "Kill 100,000 li for me!"


The tidal wave of light cavalry immediately turned into a meteor shower that engulfed the night sky, heading in the direction of the escaping intruders.

A general cupped his fists and said, "Your Highness, the invaders have left countless corpses behind. What should we do?"

The fourth prince said sternly, "Burn!"

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