Chapter 950 Dream Said,

Chapter 950 Dream Said,

Xiang Nan took out all the ingredients he had used, from the smelting furnace to the azure blue stone to the incomparably expensive profound crystal.

Mysterious crystals were far more valuable than celestial bluestones.

"The first step is to fuse your intent into the profound crystal." The woman said.

Although Xiang Nan had read a lot of books, his understanding of profound crystals was not as good as the woman in his dreams.

It was as if her world was a bit more "advanced" than Xiang Nan's. This profound crystal was extremely rare in the world of Xiang Nan. Even though Xiang Nan had seen the relevant records, the literature only mentioned the function of the profound crystal, but it didn't mention how to use it specifically.

In this world, the usage of profound crystals was only in the hands of a few powerful artificers.

However, profound crystals were not rare in the world of women, so she knew very well how to use this thing.

The woman guided Xiang Nan step by step and said, "Profound crystals can store the power of Laws, the power of'will 'and'dao'."

"And meaning is the incomplete embryonic form of the Dao. It is like a small sapling, but it can barely be injected into the profound crystal and play a part."

"Listen to me. Take the Profound Crystal in your hand to comprehend it and treat it as a part of your body."

"The human body is made up of elements, and the Laws control the elements to form everything in the world."

"Don't think of yourself as a human, but as an aggregate of elements. Think of the profound crystal as your third hand."

Xiang Nan grabbed the Profound Crystal in his hand and began to comprehend it seriously.

The stronger his martial arts talent was, the more sensitive he was to the various elements in this world. Xiang Nan's divine talent allowed him to sense the existence of the Profound Crystal in just a minute.

"Alright!" Xiang Nan's eyes lit up and he said, "I can feel the existence of the Profound Crystal. It really feels like it's part of my body."

The woman said, "How do you normally release your intent with your hands and body? Use the Profound Crystal as your body now. Use it to release your intent. It will not release your intent, but directly absorb it."

Xiang Nan nodded and immediately condensed the lightning intent onto the Profound Crystal.

Thus, the profound crystal began to emit light, and it became brighter and brighter.

However, the light from the profound crystal suddenly dimmed down and disappeared in the end.

"What?" "Is this normal?" Xiang Nanqi asked.

The woman frowned and said, "You shouldn't have done it. You did it without leakage. How could it be ineffective?"

"Try it again." Xiang Nan refused to give up and tried again.

However, the result was the same as last time. After the profound crystal shone, it quickly dimmed down.

The woman said, "It doesn't make sense. There's no reason to fail."

"Why?" Xiang Nan also asked curiously, "Could it be that my will is too weak?"

"No." The woman shook her head, "This has nothing to do with strength. No matter how weak your will is, it can only weaken the light of the profound crystal, not disappear."

"Let me think about it."

The woman pondered bitterly and muttered to herself, "This kind of thing is unprecedented. There is only one possibility to explain it, but this possibility is also extremely small. We can't …"

At this point, the woman's eyes suddenly lit up. She began to look at Xiang Nan curiously.

Xiang Nan touched his face and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

The woman looked at Xiang Nan in astonishment and did not answer his question. She muttered, "It shouldn't be, could it really be like this?"

"If you do, then what is it? Don't even know yourself?"

"But … ah! I know!"

The woman suddenly became excited. She grabbed Xiang Nan's shoulder and said, "You have comprehended the Dao!"

"Dao? Me?" Xiang Nan pointed at his nose and said, "Didn't only Good Fortune warriors have the chance to comprehend the existence of the Dao? As a Heaven Scryer warrior, I'm still far from being able to comprehend it."

"Furthermore, even if I have comprehended the Dao, what is my Dao? Why don't I know it myself?"

"This is it! This is it!" The woman excitedly pointed at the ground and said, "This is your Dao! Your Dao is the Dream Dao!"

"Dream!" Xiang Nan's mind buzzed as he cried out in shock, "What you said seems to be true! If I have comprehended the Dao of Dream, then this wonderful dream world can be explained."

"You bet it is!" The woman said excitedly, "Dao is something that only a martial artist can comprehend after reaching the Fortune Realm. However, this is not absolute."

"Because some people, after experiencing great ups and downs, great joy and great sorrow, or life and death tribulations, would occasionally summon a martial art technique and suddenly comprehend it thoroughly."

"There is a saying, 'Dao is heard in the morning, and you can die in the evening.' It means that things like the Dao are very irregular. Some people will never be able to comprehend it for the rest of their lives. Some people may suddenly realize it because of one thing."

"So it's like this." Xiang Nan suddenly realized, "I was on Beast Spirit Island. After dying with my corpse in my previous life, I suddenly possessed the ability to dream magically."

"According to your explanation, it makes sense."

The woman said, "Because you already have the existence of the Dao, it is suppressive, so the Profound Crystal can sense your Dao, so your will is no longer accepted by it."

Xiang Nan hurriedly said, "Then isn't it that I can't help the Jiang family forge Italian weapons?"

"It's different." The woman shook her head and said, "The weapon you forged for the Jiang Clan is an Italian weapon, not a profound weapon. That Italian weapon is not at the level of a weapon."

"An Italian weapon is a weapon that wraps its will around its blade and gives it the new ability to kill enemies. That's the same principle as applying poison to its blade. You can still forge an Italian weapon."

"Hurry up and give it a try. Inject your dream dao into the profound crystal."

Xiang Nan immediately changed his method. After he sensed the existence of the Profound Crystal, he injected his own Dream Dao into the Profound Crystal.

This Dream Dao was very different from any other Dao.

The other martial artists had comprehended the Dao and could release it anytime, anywhere, but Xiang Nan's Dao of Dream could only be controlled after he fell asleep.

At this moment, he was asleep. After he carefully comprehended it, he truly felt a strange feeling that existed in his body and mind.

Immediately after, the profound crystal began to shine! It was so bright that the entire Dream World was illuminated like day!

"I've never seen such a strong Dao in my entire life! It's truly unbelievable!" The woman cried out in shock.

Xiang Nanming realized that he had lived three lives, two lives as a person, and one as a tool spirit.

To him, this life was like a dream, real or fake, fake or fake.

He had died, he had lived, he had lived, he had died, and he was still alive.

This ignorant and blank journey of life was like a dream to Xiang Nan.

He carried the corpse of his previous life and died together. At the same time, he ended his previous life and his current life, but he came back to life.

This kind of ups and downs, this kind of life and death, allowed him to comprehend the Dao that had never appeared in this world, and it was also the only Dao.


Life is like a dream, dreams are like life.

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